And nothing can withstand thy voice, but listen to thy will.
The mountains shal remoue wher their foundation lay,
Likewise the floods, the craggy rocks like wax shal melt away:
But they that feare the Lord, and in him put their trust,
Those will he loue, and stil impute amongst the good and iust.
But woe be those that seeke his chosen flocks decay!
The Lord God wil reuenge their wrongs at the last iudgement day;
For he such quenchlesse fire and gnawing wormes shal send
Into their flesh, as shal consume them world without an end.
In the xxiii. Chap, of Ecclesiasticus.
LORD of my life, my guide and gouernour,
Father, of thee this one thing I require;
Thou wilt not leaue me to the wicked power,
Which seeke my fall, and stil my death desire.
Oh, who is he that shall instruct my thought,
And so with wisdom shall inspire my heart,
In ignorance that nothing may he wrought
By me with them whose sinne shall not depart?
Least that mine errors growe and multiplie,
And to destruction through my sinnes I fall,
My foes reioice at my aduersitie,
Who in thy mercie haue no hope at all.
My Lord and God, from whom my life I tooke,
Vnto the wicked leaue me not a pray;
A haughty mind, a proud disdainfull looke,
From me thy seruant take thou cleane away.
Vaine hope likewise, with vile concupiscence,
Lord, of thy mercie take thou cleane from me;
Retaine thou him in true obedience,
Who with desire daily serueth thee.
Let not desire to please the greedy mawe,
Or appetite of any fleshly lust,
Thy seruant from his louing Lord withdraw,
But giue thou me a mind both good and iust.
In the ix. Chap, of the Book of Wisdome.
OH God of our forefathers all, of mercie thou the Lord,
Which heauen and earth and all thinges els createdst with thy word,
And by thy wisdome madest man like to thy selfe alone,
And gauest him ouer thy workes the chiefe dominion,
That he shoud rule vpon the earth with equity and right,
And that his iudgments should be pure and vpright in thy sight! —
Giue me that wisdome which about thy sacred throne doth stay,
And from amongst thine own elect, Lord, put me not away;
For I thy seruant am, and of thy handmaid borne,
A sillie soule, whose life, alas! is short and all forlorne,
And do not vnderstand at all what ought to be my guide,
I mean thy statutes and thy lawes, least that I slip aside;
For though a man in worldly things for wisdome be esteem’d,
Yet if thy wisdom want in him, his is but folly deem’d.
Thou chosest me to be a king, to sit on royall throne,
To iudge the folk which thou of right dost challenge for thy own:
Thou hast commanded me to build a temple on thy hill,
And altar in the self same place where thou thy selfe doost dwel,
Euen like vnto thy tabernacle in each kind of respect,
A thing most holy, which at first thy selfe thou didst erect.
Thy wisdome being stil with thee which vnderstands thy trade,
When as thou framedst first the world, and her foundation laid,
Which knew the thing that most of all was pleasant in thy sight,
Thy wil and thy commandements wherein thou takst delight;
Send her down from that heauenly seat wheras she doth abide,
That she may shew to me thy will, and be my onely guide;
For she dooth know and vnderstand, yea, al things doth foresee,
And by her works and mighty power I shall preserued bee:
Then shal my works accepted be and liked in thy sight,
When I vpon my fathers throne shall iudge thy folke aright.
Who knoweth the counsell of the Lord, his deep and secret skil,
Or who may search into his works, or know his holy will?
For why, the thoughts of mortal men are nothing els but care,
Their forecasts and deuises all, things most vncertaine are.
The bodie is vnto the soule a waight and burthen great,
The earthly house depresseth down the mind with cares repleat:
The things which here on earth remain we hardly can discern,
To find their secret vse and trade with labor great we learne;
For who doth search, or seek to know with traueill and with care,
The secrets of the mightie Lord, which hie in heauen are?
Who can thy counsels vnderstand, except thou doo impart
Thy wisdome, and thy holy spirit doost send into his heart?
For so the waies of mortal men reformed are, and taught
The things that most delighteth thee, which wisdom forth haue brought.
In the last Chap, of Ecclesiasticus.
I WILL confesse thy name, O Lord,
And giue thee praise with one accord!
My God, my King, and Sauiour,
Vnto thy name be thankes and power!
I haue bene succoured by thee,
And thou hast still preserued me,
And from destruction kept me long,
And from report of slaunderous tongue;
From lips stil exercisde with lies,
And from my cruell enemies,
Thou me in mercie doost deliuer;
Thy blessed name be praisde for euer!
From monsters that would me deuoure,
From cruell tyrants and their power;
In all affliction, paine, and griefe,
Thou succourest me with some reliefe;
From the cruell burning flame,
Poore I inclosde within the same,
From the deepe infernall pit,
From venom’d tongues that poison spit;
From speeches that of malice spring,
From accusation to the king,
From all reproch and infamy,
From slander and like villanie.
My soule, to death praise thou the Lord,
And laud his name with one accord;
For death was readie thee to take,
And thou neare the infernall lake.
They compassed me round about,
But there was none to helpe me out;
I look’d when succour would appeare,
But there was none that would come neare.
Vpon thy mercies then I thought,
And on the wonders thou hast wrought,
How from destruction thou doost saue
Such as in thee affiance haue:
In praier then I did perseuer,
That thou from death wouldst me deliuer;
Vnto the Lord I crie and call,
That he would rid me out of thrall.
Therefore I still will praise thy name,
And euer thanke thee for the same;
My praiers shall of thee be heard,
And neuer from thy eares debard:
Thou sau’st me from destruction,
And other mischiefs more than one;
Therefore wil I praise thee, O Lord,
And in my songs thy name record!
In the xiiii. Chap, of Hester.
O MIGHTY Lord, thou art our God! to thee for aid I crie,
To help a woman desolate, sith danger now is nie.
Euen from my youth I oft haue hard my predecessors tel,
That from amongst the nations all thou chosest Israeli,
chosest those our fathers were from theirs that went before,
To be thine owne, and hast perform’d thy promise euermore.
Now, Lord, we haue committed sin most grieuous in thine eies;
Wherfore thou hast deliuered vs vnto our enemies;
Because that to their heathen gods with worship we haue gone,
Knowing that thou art God the Lord, the righteous Lord alone.
Yet not content nor satisfied with these our captiues bands,
But with their idols they themselues haue ioin’d and shaken hands,
Quite to abolish and subuert what thou appointed hast,
And this thine owne inheritance euen vtterly to waste,
To shut and stop the mouthes of those that yeeld thee thanks and praise,
Thy glorious temples to defile, thine altars vp to raise,
And to induce the heathen folke to laud their idols might,
To magnifie a fleshly king, a man, a mortall wight.
Then let not such the scepter sway whose glorie is of nought,
Least they deride vs when that we to miserie are brought,
And those deuises they haue wrought t’ intangle vs withall,
May turne vnto their owne decay, and on their heads may fall.
Remember, Lord, and shew thy selfe to vs in time of need,
And strengthen me, thou King of kings, and Lord of power indeed;
Instruct my tongue with eloquence, my speaches to impart
Before the lions face, and by thy wisdome turne his heart
To hate our deadly enemie, so wholly bent to ill, —
Destroy him and al such as doo consent vnto his will;
But let thy hand deliuer vs, and help and succour me,
Sith I am now left comfortlesse, and haue no help but thee.
Thou know’st right well all things, O Lord! and this thou knowest then,
I hate the glory and the pompe of wicked sinful men,
And vtterly detest the bed of any heathen wight,
Vncircumcised, most vnpure, and odious in thy sight:
Thou knowest my necessitie, and that with hate I beare
This token of preheminence which on my head I weare,
And as a filthy menstruous cloath I take thereof such shame,
As, being by my selfe alone, I neuer weare the same;
And that at Hamans table yet thy handmaid hath not fed,
Nor tooke delight in princes feast, nor drank wine offered;
And neuer ioi’d in any thing, since first I hether came,
Vntil this day, but in the Lord, thou God of Abraham!
Oh thou, the high and mightie God, heare thou the voice and crie
Of them, whose hope, whose trust, and stay only on thee doth lie!
And now in need deliuer vs out of their cruell hand,
And from the dread and feare, O Lord, wherin we dayly stand!
In the xiii. Chap, of Hester
OH Lord, my Lord, that art the Bang of might,
Within whose power all thinges their being haue!
Who may withstand that liueth in thy sight,
If thou thy chosen Israeli wilt saue?
For thou hast made the earth and heauen aboue,
And al things els that in the same do mooue.
Thou madest all things, and they are all thine own,
And there is none that may resist thy will:
Thou know’st all things, and this of thee is knowne,
I did not erst for malice nor for ill,
Presumption nor vaine glorie els at all,
Come nor bow downe vnto proud Hamans call.
I could haue bin content for Israels sake
To kisse the soles euen of his verie feet,
But that I would not mans vaine honor take
Before Gods glorie, being so vnmeet,
And would not worship none, O Lord, but thee!
And not of pride, as thou thy selfe doost see.
Therefore, oh Lord, my God and heauenly Bang,
Haue mercie on the people thou hast bought!
For they imagine and deuise the thing
How to destroy and bring vs vnto nought,
Thine heritance, which thou so long hast fed,
And out so far from Egypt land hast led.
Oh, heare my praier, and mercie doe extend
Ypon thy portion of inheritance!
For sorrowe now some ioy and solace send,
That we may liue thy glorie to aduance;
And suffer not their mouthes shut vp, oh Lord,
Which stil thy name with praises doo record!
The xxxvi. Chap, of Ecclesiasticus.
HAUE mercie on vs, blessed Lord,
Which madest all thinges with thy word;
Behold vs, Sauiour, from aboue,
Illuminate vs with thy loue:
And let the wicked dread thy name,
Which neuer sought vnto the same,
And knowe that thou art God alone,
And like in woonders to be none.
Oh Lord, lift vp thy mightie hand!
The world thy power shall vnderstand:
As by vs thou art sanctified,
By them so be thou magnified;
That they may learne thy power to knowe,
As we that be thy seruantes doo:
Thou art the liuing Lord alone,
And other goddes besides thee none.
Renew the signes, Lord, thou hast showne,
And let thy woonderous woorks be knowne;
Declare the strength of thy right hand,
Let them thy power vnderstand:
Arise to iudgment in thine yre,
Poure out thy wrath as hot as fire;
Destroy the cruell aduersarie,
To spoile our foes, Lord, doo not tarie:
Shorten thou these wicked daies;
Thinke on thine oath at all assaies;
Let thy woonders, Lord, appeare,
And be thou praised farre and neare:
In burning fire, Lord, let them die
Which doe escape and seek to flie;
And let them perish with annoy
Which seeke thy people to destroy:
Cleaue thou the heads of mighty kings,
Our enemies in godly things;
And let the world behold and see
That we are chosen vnto thee:
Lord, gather Iacob vnto thee,
That they thy might and power may see,
That they thy wondrous works may show,
And to be thine themselues may know.
Vnto thy folke impute no blame
Which euer cald vpon thy name;
To Israel, Lord, be thou milde,
Thy only heir, thy first borne child;
Vnto Ierusalem shew pitie,
Thy sanctuarie and thy citie;
Blesse Sion where thy prophets liue,
Thy glorie to thy people giue:
And be thou witnesse vnto those
Which haue bene thine still to dispose,
And raise them vp, oh Lord, on hie,
Which in thy name doo prophesie!
Reward them, Lord, that waite for thee,
That they thy prophets trueth may see;
Heare thou thy seruants praier, oh Lord,
As thou to Aaron gauest thy word!
Guide vs in way of righteousnesse:
The earth thy glorie shall expresse;
And to the world it shall be knowne,
Thou art eternall and alone.
Tobias, Chap xiii.
Bless’d be that King which euermore shal raign,
So euer may his kingdome blessed be!
Which punisheth and pittieth againe,
Which sends to hell and likewise setteth free;
Before whose presence may no creature stand,
Nor any thing auoid his heauie hand.
Ye children of his chosen Israeli,
Before the Gentles stil confesse his name,
With whom he hath appointed you to dwell,
Euen there, I say, extol and laude his fame:
He is a Lord and God most gracious,
And still hath bene a father vnto vs.
He wil scourge vs for our iniquitie;
Yet mercie will he take on vs againe,
And from those nations gathered shall we be,
With whom as strangers now we do remaine,
Yf in your harts he shal repentance find,
And turne to him with zeale and willing mind.
When as your dealings shall be found vpright,
Then wil he turn his face from you no more,
Nor thenceforth hide his presence from your sight,
But lend his mercie then, laid vp in store;
Therefore confesse his name, and praises sing
To that most great and highest heauenly King.
I will confesse him in captiuitie,
And to a wicked people shewe his might:
Oh, turne to him, vile sinners that you be,
And doo the thing is vpright in his sight!
Who’s there can tell if he will mercie showe,
Or take compassion on you, yea or noe?
I will extoll and laude thy name alwaies,
My soule, the praise of heauens King expresse;
All tongues on earth shall spread abroad his praise,
All nations shew foorth his righteousnesse;
Ierusalem, thou shalt be scourged then,
But he wil spare the sonnes of righteous men.
Faile not to giue the Lord his praises due,
And still extoll that euerlasting King;
And help to build his tabernacle newe,
In which his saints shall euer sit and sing,
In which the captiues shall haue end of griefe,
In which the poore shall euer find reliefe.
Many shall come from countries far and neare,
And shall great giftes vnto his presence bring;
Many before his presence shall appeare,
And shal reioice in this great heauenly King:
Cursed be those which hate thy blessed name,
But bless’d be those which loue and like the same.
Triumph with ioy, ye that be good and iust;
Though scattered now, yet shall you gathered be;
Then in the Lord fix all your hope and trust,
And rest in peace till you these blessings see:
Blessed be those which haue bin touch’d with griefe,
When they haue seen thee scourg’d and want reliefe.
Collected Works of Michael Drayton Page 6