Sexy Dare

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Sexy Dare Page 7

by Phillips, Carly

  This weekend was Noah’s birthday party, and she’d been working hard all day on the treats and packaging she had planned for the event. The good news was that she had Kelsey back at work and she wasn’t handling the burden of everything on her own.

  The bad news was they were both tiptoeing around the sexual frustration that was building between them. Living together made for very close quarters. More than once, he’d walked out of his bedroom in his boxers, stumbling to the kitchen for a drink, forgetting he had company, and found her in the living room on her computer because she’d been unable to sleep.

  She, too, had thought she’d be alone and was dressed in a pair of short shorts and a flimsy camisole top, her abundant breasts falling out of the lace edging. He’d woken up at the sight, his dick getting hard in an instant. She’d been flustered and apologized, rushing back to her room, but not before he caught the way her gaze fell to the bulge in his underwear and a beautiful, sexy flush stained her cheeks.

  Jason had never hesitated to take what was offered, but that was the issue here. He wasn’t sure how much Faith was offering. She was under a ridiculous amount of stress, and he didn’t want to take advantage of her vulnerable situation. On the other hand, he recognized the signals that told him she was interested in him and he damned well wanted her. He’d gone so far as to take a cold shower before heading back to bed after their run-ins because he desired her that much. The question was, how much more could either of them take before they broke and ended up in bed?

  He watched her from a chair that must have his ass imprint on it by now, as she put away the candy on the shelves, humming as she worked, breasts bouncing in the confines of her tee shirt, and he groaned.

  Finally, after she’d locked up for the day, they were in his car on the way home. He’d been about to ask her what she wanted for dinner when his phone rang. He hit send and said hello.

  Landon’s voice sounded over the intercom in the vehicle. “When are we going to see your ugly face?” his friend asked.

  Jason chuckled, glancing at Faith’s amused expression. “Sorry, man. I’ve been tied up. I explained it to you already.”

  “Well, get untied and get your ass down to the club. We’re overdue for a group meeting. You’re the one who wanted to expand, and we’re the ones making it happen.”

  Jason winced because they were right. “I’ll be there tonight,” he promised, disconnecting the call.

  Faith turned toward him, and though he kept his eyes on the road, he felt her narrowed stare.

  “Your partners are annoyed. Do they know why you haven’t been to work? And why didn’t I even think about the fact that you had somewhere to be at night?” She groaned. “You were so busy during the day I forgot you ran a nightclub in the evening.” She twisted her hands together, working herself up with a heap of self-blame and recrimination.

  He placed a calming touch on her thigh, immediately aware of the soft heat of her body, and the desire he’d been fighting off and keeping at bay made itself known.

  “I make my own choices,” he said in a gruff voice. “And I wanted to be with you. Now I can drop you off at the apartment before heading to the club. I know with Christopher, my night doorman, on duty you’ll be safe. I’ve just always felt better being there myself. Especially after your apartment was broken into.”

  She shook her head. “I’ll come with you. It’s the least I can do. You don’t need to make another stop just for me. Besides, it’ll be fun to see you in your element.”

  She grinned at him and he laughed. “Fine, but don’t take anything the guys say to heart. Tanner, especially, can be an ass.” Because he’d never gotten over Landon’s loss. None of them had but they each dealt in their own way.

  “I can deal with it.”

  He knew she could. She’d been holding up like a champ so far. She’d even dealt well with the robbery, although the loss of the necklace put a dent in her armor. Jason had called Jack Renault, and the PI was looking for the jewelry based on Faith’s description and an old photograph where the piece was shown from a distance on her mother’s neck. Lord knew there were a lot of pawnshops in New York City for him to scour, and the process would take time.

  They walked into the club well past suppertime, when people came for after-dinner drinks and the Friday night crowd had started picking up. He gestured for Faith to head upstairs ahead of him, following close behind, and they entered the main office area to find Tanner and Landon dressed for a night on the floor.

  “Well, well, well. Look who’s here,” Tanner said.

  “Thanks for coming. We know you have other things on your mind right now,” Landon said, his gaze falling to Faith.

  “I suppose introductions are in order. Faith Lancaster, these are my best friends and partners, Landon Bennett and Tanner Grayson.” Jason gestured between them.

  “Nice to meet you,” she said.

  “At least now I understand Jason’s reasons for being tied up elsewhere,” Tanner said, laughing.

  Jason shot his friend an annoyed glare.

  “It’s nice to meet you, too, Faith.” Landon had always had better manners than Tanner, who was only a charmer when he wanted to be one.

  “Jase, we need to talk,” Tanner said bluntly, his stare on Faith.

  Jason rolled his eyes at the man’s rude behavior.

  “I can go downstairs,” she offered, eyeing the crowded bar area with little to no enthusiasm.

  “Sweetness, how about I set you up in my office for a few minutes?” Jason asked, offering her a more palatable option. She didn’t need to be surrounded by strangers at the moment, and his asshole friend should know better.

  “Sure. That’d be great.” Her shoulders relaxed and she was clearly relieved.

  He placed a hand on her back and led her to his private office. “Make yourself comfortable. I won’t be long. These guys … they just need a group hug sometimes.” Chuckling, he winked at her. “And Tanner’s bark is worse than his bite. Honestly.” He leaned in and brushed a kiss on her cheek, her sweet scent and warmth calling to him. “I’ll be back.

  He strode back into the room and glared at Tanner. “Do you have to be an asshole?”

  “Sorry,” he muttered. “I just thought it’d been awhile since the three of us had gotten together. I didn’t expect you to show up with her.”

  “She’s in danger. Her drug addict brother broke into her apartment last week. I told you this. Come on.” He placed a hand on Tanner’s back. The man held on to the three of them like a lifeline, and Jason should have realized he needed to come down here long before now.

  Tanner narrowed his gaze. “Who is she to you, Jase?”

  He ran a hand through his hair and met his friend’s gaze. “I wish to God I knew. I don’t believe in love at first sight, but I haven’t slept with her and she already means something to me. And trust me, I tried like hell to keep an emotional distance. You know me. You know I keep people out and why. We all do.”

  Landon strode over and placed a hand on his shoulder. “If she’s important to you, then we all step up to help. Right, Tanner?”

  The other man grumbled but nodded. He was always the last to come around when it came to outsiders in their small circle. Which was weird, since Landon had lost his twin, but Tanner’s life hadn’t been an easy one in all ways.

  “I appreciate it. Now as for the club, how are the improvements coming?” Jason walked over to the glass window that overlooked the downstairs bar area, which had grown even more crowded since he’d arrived.

  Bartenders were serving drinks, people mingling and dancing, as if they didn’t have a care in the world. All in all, a perfect Friday night at Club TEN29.

  “We’re coming along at a faster pace than expected. Audio guys had an opening in their schedule, so they’ve upgraded the speakers and sound system. They’ve been able to work during the day since we open at night. No issues.” Landon strode over to the bar. “Soda water?” he asked, glancing from Jason to Ta

  “Not for me.”

  “Me, neither.” Tanner shook his head. “Security’s also been upgraded. You need to switch the app on your phone and you’ll be able to see the new cameras and the areas we can watch.”

  “So now it comes down to acts, scheduling, and launch dates,” Landon said.

  Jason frowned. He wasn’t ready to make decisions on who he wanted to open the new direction of their club, especially when it came to using Charlotte, his ex. “Let me talk to Grey,” he said. Avery’s husband was a safer bet and as big a draw.

  “I have a list but it’d mean reaching out to managers, so see what you can get from your brother-in-law.”

  “Are you staying for the night?” Tanner asked.

  “I’d like to see how Faith is feeling before I decide … if you don’t mind.” He glanced at his partners.

  “So that’s how it is already?” Tanner snickered and Landon shot him a dirty look.

  “It’s fine. We can handle a regular night here.”

  His friends were solid, Jason thought. Even Tanner, despite his tendency to dig at a person’s weakness.

  “I’ll hang for another few minutes. If you think of anything else you want to discuss, let me know.” Faith was safe in his office.

  But he needed to find her brother and get back to his life before he was so wrapped up in hers he lost track of what was important to him.

  * * *

  Faith sat at Jason’s desk, waiting for him to return. She’d looked through her phone, checked her apps, which were minimal because she’d deleted all her personal social media accounts when she left Iowa, and now she had nothing else to do but look around at the man’s office space. The room was similar to the larger area where the other two men had been waiting for them. Sleek chrome borders accentuated glass desks along with black and chrome chairs. Modern area rugs lay over natural wood floors that had a deliberately stripped, gritty look.

  Although she never intended to pry, her gaze fell to the pictures along the far edge of the desk. There was an obvious family shot of Jason in the middle of a group of men and women, many of whom had similar features and who had to be his siblings. There was a wedding photograph of an older couple she presumed were his parents and a picture of a much younger Jason, Tanner, and Landon and another man identical to Landon in front of a statue. His twin she’d seen on the website, to whose memory the club had been dedicated.

  She felt for all three of the men. With her mother’s passing, she understood loss, and theirs had happened way too young. It didn’t escape her notice that Jason never discussed that part of his past with her. Never mentioned Levi or the fact that they’d named the club after him. She wished he’d unburden himself. He’d already done so much for her, and she just knew if he talked about the pain he kept so close to his heart and carefully walled off, it might help.

  As she frowned, her gaze traveled to the last picture. A photograph of an attractive woman with blonde hair with a little boy in her arms. Faith had no idea who the female was, and an unexpected knot of jealousy formed in her stomach. It was silly. She trusted that Jason wasn’t married. He obviously lived alone, and he’d made his views on relationships crystal clear. There was no doubt he possessed an inherent protective streak from which she was currently benefitting despite him keeping most people at a distance. And yet there was this woman and child he’d never mentioned.

  She rubbed her hands against her denim-clad thighs, growing antsy sitting here with nothing to do while Jason met with his partners, but she owed him at least this and much more. So she leaned back in the chair and relaxed herself, accepting she might be here awhile.

  She began to doze off when the sound of the door opening startled her awake. She jumped in her seat, her heart doing a rapid pounding of fear inside her chest.

  “It’s okay, it’s just me,” Jason said, stepping into the room and closing the door behind him.

  Her mouth tasted dry, like cotton. Although she was used to it, waking often in the middle of the night in such a state, she was surprised she’d fallen asleep and dreamed here.

  “I guess I had a nightmare about Colton and then the creaking of the door and the noise downstairs scared me. You just took me by surprise,” she said, catching her breath, as she rose from her seat.

  “I think that answers my question,” he said cryptically from the doorway.

  He was a welcome sight, handsome and sexy, in his dark jeans and black shirt.

  “What question?” she asked, confused.

  “I was going to ask if you wanted to eat something here and hang out downstairs at the club for a while, but I don’t think the crowd and the noise is a good idea. We’ll order something in back at my apartment.” He strode up to her, joining her behind the desk.

  “But your partners–” She shook her head. She didn’t want the men to resent her more than they already did. Or at least, more than Tanner seemed to.

  “Shh.” Jason touched a finger to her mouth, then removed it, leaned in, and replaced it with his mouth, gliding his lips over hers.

  She blinked in surprise, then leaned into the kiss, softening against him. He licked the seam of her lips and she parted, letting him in. At the touch of his tongue to hers, she forgot everything but the warmth and feel of him, the butterflies in her stomach, and the excitement suddenly racing through her veins. Desire replaced her earlier fear and she lost herself in his thorough, devouring kiss.

  He raised a hand to her hair, tangling his palm in her ponytail, using the pull to tug her head to the side so he could deepen their connection. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d had a long, leisurely, arousing kiss that seemingly had no end. She let everything go but the pure enjoyment of being so close to this man she’d wanted for so long.

  The long nights of sleeping in a room near his, wondering if he slid naked beneath the sheets, of running into him in the family room in his boxer briefs, his state of arousal upon looking at her clear, finally caught up with her. She braced her hands on his cheeks and kissed him for all she was worth, dropping her walls and her guard for this one moment in time. When he finally released her kiss-swollen lips, she was dazed.

  “Good,” he said in a desire-laden voice. “You’re relaxed now.”

  She narrowed her gaze. “Is that why you kissed me? Because I was worked up and frightened?”

  His eyes darkened. “I kissed you because I’ve been wanting to do that for days. But the end result? Yeah, that’s what I was aiming for. Ready to go home?” He slid his fingers into hers and she curled her fingers around his bigger hand.


  “Then let’s go.”

  She glanced away from his potent stare, her gaze coming to rest on the bulge in his pants. The erection he couldn’t hide.

  She slid her tongue over her lips, well aware of the pulsing deep inside her core.

  “Don’t look at me like that or I’ll take you right here in my office. With my partners next door,” he said in a gruff voice that wreaked havoc on her senses.

  And she knew she was so aroused, she just might let him. So she grabbed her purse and rushed out the door.

  * * *

  After arriving back at the apartment, they ordered in Italian food, ate, discussed his issues at the club, and never mentioned the kiss. It didn’t matter that Jason’s lips on hers was at the forefront of Faith’s mind, or that she wanted to take things further; he was back to being the perfect gentleman. It was as if he’d used the kiss to jerk her back to reality and ground her in sensations other than fear, but he wasn’t going to act on the arousal he’d inspired now.

  Unsure of what to do, she was taken off guard when he said he’d clean up and instructed her to turn in and get a good night’s sleep. Since he seemed to need the time alone, she nodded and strode out, struggling with her conflicting desires. The need to keep a distance from Jason so it was easy to walk away when this was over and the yearning she felt for Jason Dare.

  She washed
up and undressed, changing into a pair of her soft shorts and camisole. She crawled into bed, hating to admit that Jason had been right and she was exhausted…

  Faith awoke to hands around her neck, her brother’s face in front of hers, his breath fetid. “You know what I want, Faith.”

  She coughed but the sound strangled in her throat. How did he expect her to answer him if he was choking her to death? “Colton.”

  “The money. It’s half mine and I want it.”

  She shook her head. Mom left it to me, she thought, knowing better than to waste her breath. Precious air she wasn’t getting. “Can’t breathe.” Spots danced in front of her eyes, fear spiraling inside her.

  He loosened his grip enough for her to draw in a painful breath. “Get me my money. I’ll be back, and next time I expect you to give me what’s mine.”

  Faith woke up choking, unable to breathe until she realized it had just been a dream. A real dream, but a nightmare that wasn’t happening now. She was safe. She blew out a breath and lifted her hair off her neck. It wasn’t the first time she had this nightmare and it wouldn’t be the last. Most nights she went into the living area and worked on her business plans, knowing sleep would be impossible after the nightmare, but tonight there was another option on her mind.

  She needed comfort and she wanted a pair of strong arms around her to reassure her everything would be okay. Jason’s arms. More than solace, though, she desired him more than any man she’d ever met. And he’d admitted to wanting her.

  She understood he had demons and past hurt and pain he hadn’t yet come to terms with. He didn’t want a relationship, didn’t want the happily ever after she dreamed of having one day when she was free of Colton. She didn’t want to be alone forever, even if she didn’t allow herself to think of having friends and people in her life again now.


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