Eyes Of Crimson : Vampire Paranormal Romance (Transfusion Saga Book 8)

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Eyes Of Crimson : Vampire Paranormal Romance (Transfusion Saga Book 8) Page 6

by Stephanie Hudson

  Unsurprisingly, this was something he didn’t listen to but instead only increased the sensation. Doing so until it had me gripping him harder, closing my eyes and crying out just as it was close enough to roll over and take me to a place I was desperately searching for. My legs spread wider in a silent invitation for him to take me there…to take me all the way…

  To take me to that sweet home of sexual oblivion.

  One he suddenly denied me.

  “You will not find release until I demand it of you!” Lucius ordered making me cry out,

  “NO!” I had been so close but damn it, he was right. As no matter how I tried to defy him, it was a fight I just couldn’t win, not when demons never played fair! Because as much as I had denied the possibility, I found a soft stroking at the edges of my mind that was snatching the sexual release away from me. Almost like my mind was a dark forest and there I was, in the centre of it all, on the floor naked, legs spread with my hand cupping my sex and my own fingers working me until I came. But then came the whispered voice echoing through the trees, the voice of Lucius pulling my own hand away from me and forcing my compliance. There was only his command that mattered. Only his voice to follow. And in that moment,

  I hated him for it!

  I cried out again in frustration and when I hit a clenched fist against his chest his demon actually chuckled. Then I felt him get close, as his talon stopped vibrating, and slowed to a gentle motion, one definitely more maddening and closer to making me lose my fucking mind.

  “I told you, Pet, I own every fucking inch of you…including this defiant, stubborn mortal mind of yours, one I will soon bring to heel!” At this he inched even closer, and proved the level of control he had on me once and for all in this Hellish realm he told me,

  “Now open your fucking eyes and see me, see your Master, girl!” he shouted making me flinch and then just as I was about to try and pull away, he pulled me closer, lowered his head enough to speak against my cheek, as he demanded more softly this time,

  “This is when you come for me, my good little Pet.” Then the back of his claw barely even touched me and that gentle whispered voice in the woods starting roaring for me to come. Not a second later and I found myself screaming out my release with only one name that felt worthy of the power behind my cries of pleasure,

  “LUCIUS!” My screaming of his name was answered with his hand tightening in my hair making the pain morph into an even deeper orgasm as he snarled demonically against my cheek,

  “You. Are. Mine!”

  Then he yanked hard on the leash so that this time it snapped from where it was linked to my collar and he released it to the floor with a tinkling sound of metal on glass. After this his words of ownership catapulted me into an even deeper abyss, whereas the only sound that followed me down was the deafening cries of my own pleasure echoing in my mind.

  It was a release that rolled straight on until the next, claiming me, body and mind one after the other, until I wasn’t sure it would ever end. I wasn’t even sure I would survive it for it was one so powerful, it felt as if it had the power to rip me apart! An endless pleasure that was tearing a piece of my soul from me and handing it over to the demonic hand of my Master like he demanded. It wasn’t a shock then as my legs buckled and I would have sunk to the floor, in what felt like a useless puddle of mortal mess, had it not been for his quick actions.

  I was soon swept up into his arms again, with my body still convulsing, doing so now within his tight hold on me. After this he didn’t say anything, but then again, he didn’t really need to, as I think it was obvious to both of us that he had made his point. In fact, if I hadn’t been too lost to the euphoric aftermath, then I would have mustered up the feeling of embarrassment and shame. But like I said, I was too busy lounging in the field of bliss for that to take effect yet. Besides, his reaction wasn’t really surprising, as even when Lucius was the man I knew him to be in my heart, then he was still controlling and dominant in the bedroom.

  So really, it was foolish of me to expect anything else of his demon. And thinking about it, then it wasn’t as though he had hurt me in any way, other than a nick to my skin and a pull of my hair. As nothing hurt now, other than the slight tenderness at my clit, something that was to be expected. Something that also made it difficult not to squirm in his hold.

  “Behave, little Pet,” Lucius warned, this time in a softer tone, one that I held on to. For in that moment of vulnerability and weakness I found myself treasuring it enough to hold on to him tighter. This was something I knew he noticed as he granted me a brief glance, but his thoughts remained his own as he didn’t comment. No, instead he continued to walk towards the end of the covered bridge, one I no longer feared now as I was safely in his arms.

  The arms of my Demon.

  But then something caught my eye as we made it past the halfway point, it looked like a sudden storm had gripped the Hellish landscape. I frowned as I stretched a little so that I could raise myself up enough to look behind him, something that was hopeless thanks to his huge wings in the way. Of course, he noticed this too, and turned briefly to look for himself at what had taken my attention. This new position allowed me the quick glimpse from where we had come from. Allowing me to see that it was as I first suspected, the storm was one we had seemingly stepped into, not one that was raging around the rest of the castle.

  “What is…” Lucius turned back to face the way we were headed and answered in a hard tone,

  “You will soon see.” Then he continued on, now with what seemed like greater purpose, cutting the space more quickly. Which meant that his long angry strides soon got us to the end and what faced us now wasn’t like any doorway I had ever seen before. And well, considering where I was, then this was hardly surprising.

  To be honest, I even found myself questioning if this was a door at all as there wasn’t actually any real entrance to speak of. No, instead, what there was looked more like at least forty souls all reaching for their chance to escape, one that had been made impossible when turned to stone. Eighty plus arms were all squeezed tight through a centre gap that was lost to stone flesh. Each arm was bent at the elbow and grasping for whatever the surface was beneath them, with their fingernails embedded there like they were trying to scratch their way free.

  In fact, I found the sight quite haunting and hoped that whatever was beyond this unusual door, was not symbolic for what faced me now. Lucius stopped and then set me down, doing so now more gently than he had the previous times. Then as he stepped away from me, it gave me time to cautiously look to the sides of the bridge.

  The storm outside raged with even more ferocity than when I first noticed it and taking a step closer, I peered back towards the other towers. As I expected, the air around them appeared clear, unlike the one we would soon enter, as it was the only tower consumed by a strange red storm. It was like a massive tornado, and at its core you could just make out the black sides of the tower through the breaks in the dark reddish cloud. Flashes of long, forked lightning blazed like fire, and deafening thunder quickly followed, sounds that split the sky with a booming roar that naturally made me jump.

  My small frightened sound must have caught Lucius’ attention as he glanced over his shoulder and ordered,

  “Come here, Pet.” Another bolt of fire was again chased by the thunder seconds later and it was enough to make me hurry back to his side. This was because I was also very aware I was still on the precarious looking bridge, and didn’t fancy being close to the sides when fate decided one of those lightning bolts was destined to try and crack glass.

  Once Lucius was obeyed, he lifted his right hand up at the same time the gauntlet started melting away to reveal a hand I knew intimately well underneath. He raised his hand to his mouth, released his fangs and bit down hard, cutting into his wrist. He then lowered it enough so that the blood pooled in his cupped fingers without spilling a drop, seeing as it was obvious that he needed it for this next part.

once he felt he had enough, he threw his arm out and let his blood travel through the air until it splattered against the stone hands. The second it made contact, the limbs all seemed to ripple as one, like they all belonged to the same tortured creature. Then slowly one at a time they started to retreat back through the gap and with each arm that disappeared, more and more of the door was revealed beneath. It was only when ten remained that these hands reached for the large wrought iron rings that could now be seen framing both sides of the double doors. As they started to pull back on the doors, they folded inwards and both the hands and the wooden panels started to sink into the centre, quickly disappearing from view.

  I frowned in question, one that was just on the tip of my tongue when suddenly the two door panels reappeared after seemingly being flipped around completely. A new set of double doors that were covered in a glossy red paint faced us now, and the crimson coating was one that dripped down from the top and had looked to have dried that way.

  Surely it couldn’t have been blood?

  I didn’t ask, and if he saw me shiver because of the thought of it, he didn’t comment. No, instead he motioned for me to precede him with a nod of his head. I came close to saying, ‘no, no, after you’ but decided against looking weak. After all, I’d had enough of showing him what little backbone I had down in Hell, so instead I did as I was silently told.

  But as I approached the doors, I couldn’t help but look up at the sheer size of them in a questioning way as I wondered if I even had enough strength in me to push them open. Especially seeing as they were the size you would have expected at the end of a drawbridge. However, I didn’t get the chance to ask as Lucius’ hands shot out and pushed from behind me, marching me forward at the same time. So, it wasn’t surprising that I found myself with no other option than to enter, not with the mountain of a demon at my back pressing against me like a moving wall.

  In fact, I was just about to stumble forward when I felt a hand grip my waist and hold me steady, telling me that he at least cared enough that he didn’t want to see me go flying on my face. Talk about clutching at straws in the hope department…geez, easily pleased or what, Fae!

  The space he walked me into was dark, and for my puny mortal sight, too weak to see where I was going. Something, I gathered Lucius knew too, as it was most likely the reason he still hadn’t taken his hand away from gripping my side. But then, I felt that hand shift to now put pressure on the small of my back, pushing me enough to step away from him.

  “Stay.” This one worded command came out in a hard, demanding tone and I shamefully felt the growl of this single word ripple to my sex. After this I felt his dominating presence leave me and was left standing in the dark feeling vulnerable, holding myself around my stomach, totally unsure of where Lucius had brought me. The sound of the storm still raged around us, and I couldn’t tell whether this was more of a comfort or not, as being stood here in total silence wasn’t something I would have liked to experience either.

  However, the storm cracked and thundered, along with the high-pitched whining sound as the wind whipped around the shard tower we stood in. But despite the power of the storm, I was also surprised when you could hear the slight sound of sparks crackling in the air around me, wondering what made them? I turned around, and even blind without the light, I tried to trace the sound and discover the origins. I turned again just in time to see as light erupted from behind what looked like a giant red crystal. It was one that stood vertical and tapered into jagged points like the castle itself. It looked as if it had been hacked off a larger piece and mounted into a wrought iron cage that sat on demonic metal feet.

  It was stunning, even if it did start to cast an eerie glow around the room, because it wasn’t the only one. No, this turned out to be the first of many, as seconds after this had been ignited, the next one to it followed. My eyes travelled their journey as one by one another crimson crystal would light up and cast out that same Hellish glow on the room. Although, if you could actually class it as a room, I wasn’t sure. In fact, it was very similar to the top of the tower that held the staircase. This was in the way that it looked like a colossal glass shard had been hollowed out, only this time, this one wasn’t white…it was all black.

  It made the walls look sinister and more like a glassy version of a person’s Void. Almost to the point that if you touched the walls you would be surprised when your hands felt a solid structure beneath your palms. Of course, you could just make out the storm passed the surface, something which helped create the illusion of movement, as if the walls weren’t actually there. As if I could just swipe my hand right through them and escape like a ghost passing through the walls.

  But then as I continued to follow the crystals igniting one by one as they lined the circular room, I ended up turning to take in the very last one behind me ending it on a scream. This was because Lucius was now stood behind me where I didn’t expect him to be. However, after my shock had calmed, I started to really take him in, and this was when my new reality started to sink in.

  Lucius had changed.

  His wings had gone, along with the horns that held them connected to his back. His demonic armour had also disappeared which now left him in simple black trousers and bare chested. The dark veins around his eyes and those that shadowed his features had disappeared leaving pale unmarred skin beneath. But as for his eyes, they still held the hints of crimson and were all that remained of his demon. And with this change, one I wasn’t expecting, he soon added words to aid in the shock of which side of him I was faced with now,

  “Hello, Princess,” he said and the second he did, my reaction couldn’t be helped as I felt my hand rear back, knowing nothing could stop it now. I let it fly through the air as my anger hit the pinnacle point of no return and connected with his handsome face. A face I knew far better now than the one before it.

  His face cracked to the side as the sound of my palm connected with his cheek and echoed louder than the storm.

  After this he slowly looked back at me, gifted me with a devilish grin and said only one thing,

  “I guess I deserved that.”


  Days ago. Back in the Temple of Souls…


  “I lost you once, don’t make me lose you again, Amelia, please don’t fucking do that to me.” I said this in what I knew was a pained way for my fight at getting Amelia to see reason was one I was losing by the fucking second! I hated that I was back here again with her. That it seemed like one emotional hurdle after a-fucking-nother to somersault over.

  I had barely even come to when I first heard the truth being spoken and it was one I had worked her entire lifetime at hiding. I thought back to the extremes I had taken just to keep my past actions from her and now knowing it had all been for nothing was a bitter sweetness I never expected to feel. For she had been shown it all, despite my pleas for her to save herself the pain.

  But then my utter shock came when seeing her reaction. For once she had been made a secret witness to it all, stepping back through the linked memories the Keepers had shown her, the outcome had been the very last reaction I ever expected. No, what I had expected had been her hatred, her heartbreak, and her declaration of never trusting me again. I had expected this to be the one final thing that made her run from me. To want to throw away everything we had been through for the belief that it had all been built on lies. After all, gaining her trust in me had been a personal battle of mine from the very beginning.

  However, in true Amelia fashion, she surprised me yet again and for once it wasn’t in a good way. Because none of what she had just discovered was what was making her leave this time and in truth, I actually wished it was. I wished it was because that would mean she wouldn’t have been running towards danger when leaving me and I had a better chance of winning her back along with her trust.

  But like I said, this wasn’t the case, for what I could see she was planning now was a battle I would lose the moment she stepp
ed into Hell and into a place no mortal could conquer. And despite my own anger towards her for what I knew would be a disastrous and potentially deadly decision made, I knew that it was one, at the very least, she struggled with. The way she sucked back a sob at the sound of my pleas told me this. But if it was begging she needed in order to prevent her making a foolish decision, then my pride could go and take a flying fuck, for I would do anything right in this moment to stop her. It was fucking suicide for Gods’ sake…didn’t she understand that!?

  However, I liked to think that my pained actions had a chance at getting through to her, as a glimmer of hope soared within me. This was especially so when she closed her eyes because I knew then that the guilt of her decisions weighed heavily on her heart. I simply prayed to the fucking Gods that it was to the point where she would rethink this madness. For I knew that when it came to Amelia, guilt would be my only weapon to use against her and if all I needed to do was add a little more, then call me a bastard and so be it. Because just so long as it was enough to stop her from being her usual reckless self then ego be damned, I would do it.

  I fucking begged!

  Oh, I knew why she thought she had no choice, being like her mother in that way. Always at the ready to save the fucking day! Something which usually meant setting off a chain of events that only ever had one of two outcomes…death or a survival labelled ‘dumb fucking luck!’

  But then that guilt was harder to deliver when she still refused to even look at me, meaning that I knew I was close to losing the fight. An instinct that was only proven right when she spoke and the moment she did, I found my own eyes closing due to the strength and heartache of her words,

  “I love you so much, Lucius, by the Gods, I do.” Fuck the Gods if she thought this was her goodbye! For they would have an avenging half angel, demon pounding at their door if Hell took her from me!

  I took a deep breath and with a strength I didn’t know had been buried there, one named patience, I told her in as calm a tone as was physically possible right now,


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