you learned his tears were
not from deficiency.
But rather all the joy
and life you breathe into him.
- tears don’t always mean sadness
I saw his vision when
it was scribbled
on white boards
in the basement.
I believed in him
when everyone else
worried about his
radical risks to
follow his dreams.
I loved him whether we
were sipping
fine wine
or drinking
cheap beer.
I craved his ingenious
and endless affection.
- it’s easy to believe in someone
who believes just as much in you
You are more than just
one voice in seven billion.
You are the world.
The world is in you.
Now is as good a time as ever
to speak up.
- it only takes one
Even on the cloudiest of days,
the sun is always there.
Though it’s not in sight,
the true absence of it would be known.
- you are with me in spirit
The people telling you
all the things you are doing wrong,
or could be doing better
have their own set of problems
they are avoiding.
The life you live is not the life they live
and there is nothing wrong with that.
- no one is picture perfect
I know there can be a world
where schools aren’t target practice,
night clubs don’t turn into crime scenes,
landmarks aren’t bombed.
I know there can be a world
where the color of your skin
doesn’t determine whether you
may live or die
at the hands of those who
are supposed to protect all.
I know there can be a world
where my children
read about the devastations
in history books
but never experience them
repeating themselves.
- I know this world can be saved one day
You have to sip me like
not chug me like water.
- you will get drunk off my words
The last thing I want to do
is spend time whispering about a girl
who probably left the house today worrying
that how she looks would be talked about.
Six outfit changes,
only to put on the usual attire.
Hair curled into ringlets,
only to be defeated by fear of attention,
so she places a bun on top her head.
Her mind is hidden behind all the
physical traits you pick apart.
Her character can’t be exposed if you
tear her down before she even opens
her mouth.
Think before you giggle about how she looks.
Maybe this was the first time she had
the courage to go out in a week.
- xoxo I’m not a gossip girl
My body is art.
Some see beauty
where other’s see flaws.
- too bad I don’t care about your critique
Even though your dreams seem
beyond the horizon,
you can reach them.
It may take as long as walking
20 miles in the desert,
or it may come as quick as
driving down the street.
- ask, believe, receive
Navigating her was like trying to
walk through the woods at midnight.
You risk the trek,
betting on
her voice to guide you safely
through the grounds.
- she is a force of nature
You can walk across a
stage and get handed a
diploma to reward you
for all the time you spent
You can throw your
cap in the air and
cheers to an
unknown future.
You can go home,
apply for 9-to-5 jobs
to match your degree
and cross your fingers
for the phone call you need.
You can also skip
the college phase.
Live out of a tiny house,
sell your art online,
use coffee shop Wi-Fi.
- you can do what you want because it’s
your own damn life
I have thighs that jiggle a little
when I run.
So what?
I like it that way.
Sometimes I eat ice cream
straight from the tub.
So what?
I like it that way.
I have small lines of growth
spread out across my hips.
So what?
I like it that way.
- from a girl with body confidence
People see luck
where hard work
really took place.
Dreams that took
a decade to create.
- nothing big just started yesterday
You are working hard
at a dream,
only to be pushed to the ground
time after time.
Remember, what you are doing
is world changing
and anything that big
needs a leader who can stay standing
in the biggest storms.
- fall seven times, get up eight
I want to die saying
I saw the world,
learned from the world,
tasted the world.
I don’t need a six-figure salary
to experience the adventures.
I need an A-plus attitude
and a mind filled with belief.
- manifest your want into have
What makes you more than a daydream?
Share with me your
and passions.
What do you love about yourself?
What brings you happiness?
Most importantly,
what are you are going to do to make
your dreams become your reality?
Thank you to all of those who purchased,
loved, and shared, my first two books
Bright Minds Empty Souls and
Uncaged Wallflower.
I am happy to have inspired so many
of you to live a more positive and
blissful life.
Every message, comment, or picture I see
of you all sharing my words warms my heart.
To my love, my family, and my best friends,
I am so grateful for your support and encouraging words.
Also a very special thanks to all of my
writer friends for always helping and
supporting me!
To anyone who stumbles across this book,
I thank you.
Soak up every word, write in the margins, highlight the lines you love, share your
thoughts and feelings of your favorite poem with me.
Most importantly, learn from this book that you are always more.
About The Author
Instagram/Twitter: @JennaeCecelia
Jennae Cecelia is the self-published and
best selling author o
f the poetry
books, Bright Minds Empty Souls and
Uncaged Wallflower.
She has developed a strong passion for
writing uplifting poetry that encourages
her readers to reach their full potential.
I Am More Than a Daydream is the next
book in the positive poetry series of the
JC Collection.
I Am More Than a Daydream Page 2