Collaring the Saber-Tooth

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Collaring the Saber-Tooth Page 9

by Trinity Blacio

  “How will I be able to tell it’s you if we run into this Randolph? I mean, I can smell and tell you are min kammerat, but in the middle of something tense, I don’t want to make a mistake. I couldn’t live with myself if I hurt you.”

  The door to the limo opened and Anthony held out his hand for Akaos’s mother. “We’ll give you a few minutes,” Anthony winked at her and closed the door, but not before he heard Akaos’s and Warden growl.

  “That man pushes too far,” Warden snapped and rubbed her legs.

  Akaos wrapped his hand in her hair and tugged her head back, exposing her neck. “There are four stages to our bonding. We have already done the first blood exchange, but there are three more. With each one they become more intense. Our first exchange has allowed you to access my mind. Warden has taken your blood, but you will need to finish your bond with him now. Plus, you are weak after what just happened.” Warden took her out of Akaos’ arms and opened his shirt. “Drink, Little Cat.”

  Akaos watched as she sank her fangs into Warden’s chest as he continued on. “Our second exchange will complete what your body had begun before we even met. Your body will recognize ours anywhere, but it will also start to prepare you for the third exchange.” He leaned down and bit down on her ear.

  She closed the holes and kissed Warden’s chest. “Two questions. What do you mean when you say my body will complete the process and what is the third exchange?” She slid her hands into Warden’s shirt and slipped them around his neck.

  Warden kissed the top of her head as Akaos reached around her and cupped her breasts, whispering in her ear. “Even before we met, didn’t you know something was happening to you when you heard of me? Or saw my image? And when we first were physically close? This is what is called, the Sephiroth. If our bonded-meru is within certain proximity, her body will automatically respond to us. Your body will react with even the mention of our names. As my mother has told you, we are an all-male society. On our home planet, no female would survive by herself.” He held up his hand before she protested.

  “No, it has nothing to do with you being female. It’s a genetic aspect. Any female who entered into our realm without the protective shield we provide with our bonding would…,well let’s just say she’d be turned into what you humans call a zombie-like state. The only thing that can help these women is our bite, but even that only lasts for a short period.

  The third exchange is a more sexual bonding. As I explained about our planet’s atmosphere, our bond will prevent such a reaction, but it will also increase our sexual bond tenfold.”

  “You’re kidding, right? Akaos, my body already craves yours. How the hell am I going to survive if this thing between us heats up even more?” She tried to rise, but they held her in place.

  “You’ll survive. Tomorrow the second exchange will take place, but for now our mind connection will help.” He squeezed her breast at the same time he kissed her. His lips were full and firm and his tongue was strong as it slipped inside her mouth. Nothing had prepared her for the total domination. Her body seemed to turn to Jell-O under his touch. She couldn’t move and didn’t want to.

  Underneath her, Warden’s cock was hard and thick as he held her. His nibbling on the side of her neck along with Akaos’ touch had her moaning.

  Someone banged on the door and Maya jumped, breaking the hold they put on her. “He’d be dead if he wasn’t a friend,” Akaos said against her neck.

  “And you were saying it’s only going to get more intense?” her voiced squeaked as she reached for the door handle, but not before she eyed him. “We will be staying here on Earth, right?”

  His hand covered hers and he opened the door. “We will be going back and forth.” He stepped out into the early morning air and held out his hand.

  Her hand appeared to be dainty in his larger one. She took a deep breath and centered herself before she exited the car. Once outside, her family waited for her.. Lacey leaned against the limo, her arms crossed. “It’s about time.”

  Before Maya could move, Akaos slipped his arm around her and drew her to his side. Warden looked at Lacey before he took her hand, and she shrugged.

  “Sorry we took so long, but we were discussing a few issues that required our attention. Please let’s go.”

  “So they are speaking for you now?” Lacey snorted and glared at Akaos, then at Warden. “Are you going to leave us? We have a right to know.”

  Untangling herself from her men, Maya stepped up to her and held out her hand. “Come on, let’s go to the plane and we’ll talk.”

  She leaned forward into Lacey’s ear. “You are my best friend, my sister at heart and I will always be there for you, but never disrespect my mates again. I wouldn’t do it to you and I expect the same courtesy.” She yanked Lacey up the plane steps behind her.

  Her friend was furious at her rebuff in front of the others, but Maya didn’t care. Things were about to get real heated in a few minutes. She yanked Lacey in front of her and snarled, drawing the attention of the rest of the girls.

  Behind them, Maya noticed over thirty large males turn to focus on her and her sisters. Both Warden and Akaos stood behind her, but never touched her. Allowing her to focus on what needed to be done, she swallowed and took a deep breath.

  “Listen up everyone.” She waited as her family moved around her in a semi-circle. All eyes were on her when she began.

  “I have given each of you all that I can. You are family to me and always will be. You will always have a home and food, but I do deserve some respect. I’m sorry if finding my mates — yes I said mates, there are three — is a problem for you, but I won’t give them up,” she sighed.

  “I know there will be some changes and I’m sorry you’re scared, but we all know we can’t hide in the sand. We will go on searching for others of our kind and hunting those that would destroy us. We will continue to protect our home and each other, but now we’ll just have more help. On occasion, I might be gone….” She held up her hand when the girls snarled.

  “I can’t ask my men to give up everything. I didn’t ask it of you and I wouldn’t of them, but there will be times I must accompany them. When that happens I’m hoping you will pull together. If there is an emergency, I will make sure Lacey always knows my whereabouts.” She eyeballed Lacey, who nodded.

  “I’m sorry, and you’re right.” Lacey stepped up and hugged her.

  “I’m happy for you. Just be careful.” She released her and joined the other girls as they took their seats talking. For some strange reason tears filled her eyes and her heart actually hurt.

  She spun away from everyone and made her way towards the back of the plane. Maya glided down the narrow path towards her private room, ignoring all those around her.

  Her life was changing fast and the thought of losing everything she’d worked hard for made it hard to breath. She threw open the door to her private room and tried to escape for a few moments, but they were there, behind her.

  The door shut and the lock clicked behind her, but she didn’t turn around going right to her rocker. Before Maya could even sit, Akaos scooped her up into his arms and sat down on the bed with her in his lap. “Akaos….”

  She looked up into Warden’s eyes as he sat down next to them. He lifted her feet up into his lap, taking off each shoe and rubbing her feet.

  “Shh…rest. We understand how hard that was for you, but we’re both proud of you. I promise we’ll make sure all of your sisters are protected.” He rubbed her back as the tears rolled down her cheeks and she clung to his shirt.

  She lifted her eyes to his. “I made a promise to Lacey. When I found her, I promised she would always have me in her life, that I wouldn’t leave her, and I need to keep that promise. She might act all tough, but the things they did to her.” Maya rested her head onto his chest. “We have to protect them.”

  * * * *

  Inside a slow melting of the ice around Akaos’ three hearts was taking place. He held on to their woman tig
hter and lay back against the headboard of the bed. Warden stretched out next to him, rubbing Maya’s feet and legs.

  When she’d squirmed out of his arms earlier that evening, everything inside him wanted to protest. He’d wanted to yank her back into his protective shield, but after living in this realm for the past two hundred Earth years, he knew patience was what was needed here.

  He kissed the top of her head and closed his eyes. Akaos kept a close eye on everything his warrior woman did as soon as they boarded the plane. She gathered her sisters into a group ignoring his family, Warden and him, as she began her chat.

  His brothers all watched, but he could see the shit grins on their faces, but that changed as soon as Maya spoke of him. Not only did she announce their joining, she defended him and included them, all three of them in their family.

  “Warden have you had any contact with Tesuss in the past two hours? He won’t answer me. He’s broken our link for some reason.”

  Next to him, Warden shook his head. “No, I’ve tried. He has done this three times before and when I asked him about it, he refused to answer me. Said something about a job, but wouldn’t go further into it.”

  Maya murmured something in her sleep, drawing their attention. At once both of them started to caress her and whisper to her. Akaos smiled as she tried to get closer to him. Yes, his family was impressed with her. Already his brothers were ready to help Maya in the hunt for other female cats, to protect the one species,of female on Earth with whom they could bond with their males.

  “Tesuss has a lot to answer for and I personally will make sure he apologizes to Maya for not being here with us. He should have been beside us when she introduced us to her family.”

  Closing his eyes once more, Akaos relaxed. Word traveled fast among their kind. Many already offered their assistance in searching for other female cat shifters, but it was well known that only a certain number of Cometedge could be allowed on any realm. With their transcendental powers, the only world that could physically yield to them without exposing their identity in numbers was their own. For this reason alone, only two hundred warriors were allowed to cross over into one realm at a time. Very rarely did true-blood Cometedge overstep this limitation.

  He took a deep breath imprinting her smell in his brain forever. His family had already decided to rest on the plane even after landing. His kind didn’t need to rest like humans did. An hour or two was all they required and that was only when they were hunting. Otherwise they could go days without it, but they all knew the women needed their sleep.

  Frowning, he opened his eyes and looked at the bundle in his arms. Her daughter, Dee did have him worried. She had arranged for transportation for them this evening, but would she accept them? He also wondered how was she might be affected by their blood.

  From what he could tell, Maya possessed only a few of their abilities. However, with their blood running through her now, she would slowly become more adept and be able to travel to the other realms with him, if needed.

  “Anguar, we need to speak,” his father sent to him.

  “Come, but please be quiet. We want Maya to rest. She’s been through a lot in the last six hours.” They waited for his father to appear in the room.

  A fine mist formed next to the bed and his father’s human physical form took shape.

  “She is much like your mother was when I first found her. It will take time to train her to our ways.” A chair appeared behind his father and he sat in front of them.

  He wasn’t surprised to see his mother shimmer in his father’s lap. She smiled and curled up close to his father.

  “I’m well aware it will take time. I take it our dads will be here soon? The Doyen?” Maya rubbed her nose on his chest and stiffened in his arms.

  “Relax, it’s just my parents. We are talking. Sleep, you’ll need it,” he spoke into her ear, kissing her check.

  She once more rested her head against his chest, her muscles relaxed, but he knew she watched and listened to everything. He sighed and looked at his father, who laughed.

  “So like your mother and yes your dads will be here soon.” His father stared down at his mom.

  His mother hit his father’s chest. “Stop talking like I’m not here.”

  With one affectionate slap to her ass, his mother shut up after his father covered her mouth with his in a kiss.

  He snorted and slid his hand under Maya’s shirt. Her skin was soft and warm. Akaos reached her breast and cupped it.

  She tried to pull away, but he held tight. “Stay still. You need to get used to our touch.”

  “But not in front of your parents,” she hissed and tried to move again.

  He pinched her nipple. “In our world there are no clothes on our women. So I suggest you relax now or I will strip you here and now.”

  All movement stopped, but he heard the little intake of her breath. “You wouldn’t?”

  “Yes, we would.” She curled up around him not saying a word, while he explored her breasts and waited for his father to continue.

  “Anyway the Doyen have heard from the Tetraheros. We have been granted access to the shifters. When we are settled at this new place the first sector will arrive to help with our problem and to search for more females. There is one thing that needs to be addressed.” His father looked at his female and back to him.

  “The Doyen does not like your Locas Anthony getting close to this female, Lacey. They want her free for our men.”

  Once more, Maya stiffened and she turned her gaze on his father, then on him. “I don’t know what you are talking about, but my sisters are not, and I repeat not, going to be paraded in front of your men. If Anthony and Lacey have something going on, it’s between them and no one else. She has agreed not to interfere in our relationship and we will do the same for her.” She scooted back and looked up at him

  “What, or who are the Doyen or the Tetraheros? The image in your head does not make sense to me.”

  He stared at her until she rolled her eyes and rested against his chest again. Once more his hand slid under her shirt and rested on her breast.

  “I have to agree with Maya on this one, father. No one has the right to tell anyone who they can be with. If by chance there is one of us that are her bonded, then he’ll have to share with Anthony. We still don’t know what is going on with them. I will not interfere.” He kissed the top of Maya’s head.

  “Doyen’s are the elder Cometedge, Maya. They were the first ones created by the Tetraheros long ago. So long ago, no one knows for sure when our race was created. Some of our kind and other species believe that the Tetraheros are what you called Gods here on Earth. We’ve never seen them, but some of our elders have talked or communicated to them through their minds. From what I’ve been told, it’s not like real talking just a feeling on what they want done.” He looked at his father.

  “Do I have that right?” He reached down and adjusted his cock. He hated these human clothes. They were so restrictive to him.

  His father snorted and adjusted his mother on his lap. “You are right about these human clothes, but yes that is the jist of what the elders are.”

  Jericho looked at Maya. “Long ago the Tetraheros knew they needed someone to guard the different portals between the worlds. These men would have to have gifts that surpassed others in order to protect these doors. So they created us.” He kissed the top of his wife’s head.

  “We are a combination of many species put together, but in doing this the Tetraheros created an all-male dominating race. When we have offspring only males are born to our women. We must seek females from other worlds to mate with and carry our children. Your species, the cat shifters, can be breed with our men. That is one of the reasons I left, to speak to the Doyens and inform them of this development.”

  Sora, Akaos’ mother, sat forward and smiled at Maya. “Many of their kind are killed while protecting the doors. They might be powerful, but they can still be murdered. There were only a few thousand
left when the Tetraheros explained to the elders what type of female they would need to bond with. Do you feel it? The need?”

  She turned in his arms, her back up against his chest and cocked her head to the side. “You mean the need to submit to them?” she asked, looking at Akaos, then at Warden

  His mother whispered. “That and much more.”

  Chapter Nine

  Maya tried to ignore Akaos’ hands on her breasts. Even though she turned to listen to his parents, her mate was not about to let go of her. Instead he increased the pressure on her boobs until she relaxed.

  Warden continued with his gentle caresses up and down her legs. She reached out and traced her finger down his cheek.

  He smiled and kissed her fingers, before she again turned her attention to Akaos parents.

  His mother leaned back onto her husband’s chest and smiled. “Where I come from the woman are the warriors. Our men will fight beside us, but we dominate and rule. When Jericho and his brothers came to our world, it was very uncomfortable to say the least. In one hand, I was use to taking care of myself. Doing what I had to protect my children. You see I’d given birth to two daughters before my mate claimed me. On my world, there is no marriage or bonding, sex is just sex. When Jericho came sniffing around, talk about conflict.”

  She looked up at Akaos and he smiled. “Don’t worry, we’ll get through this together. I know it will take time. We have waited this long. What does a few days matter?”

  Turning her gaze back on to Caurla, she sighed. “I don’t mind giving up the control in a sexual manner, but the control in everything I do? I don’t know if I’ll be able to do that.” Her cheeks heated and she looked down at her hands.

  “Maya, our men are very aggressive, but also very sexual. When my son was informing you about their home, that the women go unclothed, he wasn’t kidding. In some way our being naked helps the unattached males. Oh, they can’t and don’t touch you, unless that is what you are into, but knowing we are there unprotected helps keep them centered on what they were created for. If there is danger and my son was not there, the other men would protect you with their lives. Their planet is a very dangerous place. Our homes are down in the middle of the planet. Only the men venture onto the surface because of the hideous creatures there. Not only would they capture us, but they would use our bodies as well. I’m afraid your natural form wouldn’t be able to take these things. They would rip you apart as they would me.”


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