Collaring the Saber-Tooth

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Collaring the Saber-Tooth Page 15

by Trinity Blacio

  “Lacey, would you move everyone to the back of the dinner, while Maya feeds. We’ll meet you back there in a moment,” Warden waited for an answer as he strolled out of the room and down the hallway where the bathrooms were.

  Pushing open the men’s room door, he stepped into the room and the door locked behind him. She looked around the room and laughed. “I know this was not how Sammy had designed the men’s room.”

  On the far corner was a large sofa, the room was lit with tiny candles all over the place and rose petals were scattered along the floor. “Why would I bring you into a dingy bathroom when I can give you more? Now feed, my Little Cat.” As he sat down on the sofa, his clothes and her clothes disappeared.

  “Open your legs for me?” He positioned her on his lap where she straddled him. “When you feed you will always be naked for us.” Warden cupped her neck and lowered her head to his chest.

  There was no denying it. She loved what they did to her. The way they controlled every aspect of her body, had her squirming in Warden’s lap as she sank her teeth into his chest.

  He cupped one of her breasts and ran his thumb over her nipple, while his other hand slid down her stomach and cupped her mound. Three of his fingers slid into her pussy reminding her she was still stuffed with a butt plug in her ass.

  “You could remove it.” Her hand slid around his neck.

  “I could, but I won’t. You need to be stretched for tonight. Come for me, Maya.” He brushed her clit with his other thumb and she whimpered around his chest. The orgasm, a small one, left her begging for more. She started to lift her head, but his words stopped her.

  “If you stop feeding before you have had enough, I’m going to spank this ass and make you go without my cock. Now finish, so I can sink my member inside of you.” His hand left her breast and he smacked her ass reminding her who was in charge.

  Finishing her feeding, Maya closed the holes and kissed his chest as he lifted her up and slid into her wet folds. “Warden,” she mumbled as she let her head fall back.

  She held onto his shoulders and he pumped in and out of her. “So fucking beautiful,” he growled before he sucked her breasts into his mouth.

  One thing was for sure, even in human form they didn’t hide their size from entering her. His thick long cock buried inside he,r driving her closer and closer to that little death so often called when an orgasm spreads over your body.

  Warden sank his teeth into her breast at the same time her second orgasm settled over her and his seed poured into her body, warming her insides and setting off little tremors inside her.

  Slowly he lifted his head and kissed her breast. “Your daughter is coming.” He lifted her and dressed her an instant before Dee banged on the door.

  “Mom, we need you out here. Something is wrong with Eden.” Dee yelled and at once Maya was at the door and into the dinner, not bothering to wait for anyone.

  Eden was on the floor with Lacey and Abby on top of her holding her down. “Shit, she hasn’t had one of these in months.” Maya sat on the floor and grabbed hold of her head, holding it still.

  “Sammy I need…” Warden leaned down and placed his hand on Eden’s chest and at once her body stopped jerking around.

  “She’ll need to rest, but Eden will be fine. I’ve fixed the little problem in her head. It seems someone was playing with her head, literally.” Warden frowned and looked around at the women, then back at her.

  “As soon as everyone is settled, I’d like to check over your sisters just to make sure nothing else was done to them?” Warden asked her and the others.

  She smiled and reached over, cupping his cheek. “Thank you and I’m sure the girls would appreciate it too. We don’t need any surprises later on.”

  Lacey leaned over and tapped Warden on the shoulder. “Thank you and I want to say I’m sorry about the way I’ve acted towards all of you earlier. It won’t happen again.” She looked up at her.

  “You did well, Maya. Abby let’s get Eden over there on the bench.” Lacey was stepping away to pick up Eden when Warden scooped her up and placed her onto a small bed that appeared in the back of the room.

  “There is no sense in her being uncomfortable. We are all family here.” He spread a thick quilt over Eden’s body and stood looking around the room.

  There were all ten of her sisters, Sammy and his family, three other pack members and the three children, all of which she knew. Maya sat beside Eden and took the coffee Sammy’s wife offered her.

  “Thank you for not feeding off of Sammy earlier. I know I must seem awful weak in your eyes.” Lisa would barely look into her face.

  Sitting the coffee cup down, Maya took the lady’s hands in hers. “I would do nothing that would make you uncomfortable, Lisa, if I can help it. Thank you for all that you have done here.”

  The woman smiled. “I have done nothing compared to what you have done for all of us. You are always welcomed here you and your family.” She jumped and turned towards the kitchen when glass shattered. “My children.”

  Warden ran into the kitchen as she held onto, Lisa. “No, let the men handle this. You’ll just get in their way.” Maya held onto the weeping woman as the screams of some creature hurt everyone’s ears.

  “God, that noise and the smell are horrible. It’s worse than the crime scenes in Detroit.” Opal said Abby muttered next to her.

  That’s when she noticed Lacey, Erica, and Daphne stood in front of them, ready to attack. She smiled and looked at Lisa. “Don’t worry, I’m sure your kids are fine.”

  As soon as she said that two little girls were carried out of the kitchen in their father’s arms. Their little boy right by his side, his eyes big with fright, he ran to Lisa’s arms and held on tight.

  “Shhh, it’s okay. I’m so proud of you Trek. You protected your sisters just like a big brother would,” Sammy said behind him.

  “The mess is cleaned up in the kitchen and I’ve locked everything up so there won’t be any other accidents. I’m sorry about that Sam. I hadn’t even seen the kitchen or I would have covered those windows and door.” Warden held out his arms and she went in willingly.

  “There is nothing to apologize for. You saved our children. We are in your debt, sir. If you need anything, please ask us.” Sam reached out and shook his hand when Lisa took one of their daughters.

  “It shouldn’t be much longer. Akaos believes there are only two more around. They are hunting them now. Maya, Isaac contacted Akaos and they can’t find this Turtle. It’s like he has vanished. No one knows where he is.” Warden sat down at one of the chairs and pulled her onto his lap when Akaos and Tesuss came into the room followed by six other warriors she’d seen on their planet.

  All six of them scanned the room positioning themselves to guard them if need be. “We have slayed all those we have found, but I’m afraid the remaining two have buried themselves somewhere. Sammy, I would keep all the kids inside until we capture these things. You will smell them before you see them. You should be safe in cars and such, but I’d boarded up windows for now on all the bottom floors.”

  Sammy nodded. “I’ve relayed what you have said and it will be done. Again thank you for everything you have done. Franko and Drake will meet you at the house. Maya I’ll bring food for everyone as soon as I get my family settled.”

  She waved her hand at him. “Take your time. I know for a fact Dee has a stocked kitchen. We can cook up a storm if we need to.”

  Before she turned to Akaos, the expression on Sammy’s face told her something was wrong. “What? What’s wrong Sammy?”

  “This Turtle, he’s here and he’s taken Banela.”

  * * * *

  All Akaos wanted to do was get his meru to her home, but his one mistake kept throwing obstacles at him and his wife.

  Jumping out of Warden’s lap, she snarled. “I swear I’m going to roast me some pig. Lacey...”

  He didn’t let her finish. “No. All of you will go to the house with Tesuss and Warden. I�
�ll stay here and help Franco and Drake find their mate. I want all of you safe.”

  Tesuss placed his hand on his shoulder. “I am the best tracker, you go with our meru. When we find their mate and we’ll come straight to the house.”

  Akaos turned slowly. “Are you questioning me? Now is not the time, Tesuss.”

  Tesuss laughed. “No I’m not questioning you, but I believe our wife needs you now more than anything.”

  He looked over his shoulder at Maya. “What? All three of you need to help. I’m sure us little women can manage to get to my house from here all by ourselves. I mean, its’ not like I’ve protected anyone before,” she snarled the last part.

  Maya turned away from him, but not before he saw the hurt in her eyes. His Little Cat wasn’t so sure of herself after all.

  “Let’s go ladies. I’ll grab Eden. Abby you help Opal with the children. Try and keep them asleep for now. We’ll wake them up when we get to the house and the food is ready.” Maya issued orders and ignored everyone as she smiled down at Eden and brushed her hair out of her face.

  “Tesuss go and take two of the kith families with you. Don’t kill this Turtle person. I want him and we need to see what he knows. Warden, help the rest of the ladies into the cars, while I grab Eden and our woman.”

  “I had another attack, didn’t I?” Her voice was weak. “But I feel different.”

  “My mate healed you. I’ll explain later, but we need to get moving now. Let me help you to the car.” But before she could reach down, Akaos was there, scooping up Eden.

  “I’m happy to see you awake. You gave my mate a scare and I do not like that. Now, let’s get you into the car. Maya get your ass moving and Little Cat,” he stared down at her, “that is one punishment coming tonight.” He watched the play of emotions dance in her eyes and waited for her to say something. Akaos didn’t have long to wait.

  She sputtered and stomped her foot. “I did nothing wrong!” Maya spun and stormed out of the dinner.

  Eden laughed and looked at him. “I’ve never seen Maya like that.”

  He laughed. “I think she needs to be kept off balance, just a little.”

  After everyone was out of the dinner, Akaos placed Eden in the limo with them. His mother and fathers would meet them at the house choosing not to ride in the car.

  Dee cocked her head to the side and studied him when he sat opposite the females. “You’re not going to hit my mother. I don’t care how powerful you are, no one has the right to hit her,” she snarled next to Maya, who looked at her daughter in shock.

  “Easy baby, he’s not going to hit me.” She squirmed in her seat and placed her hand on her leg. “Do you really believe I’d be with a man who would hit me? You should know better than that.”

  “Dee, your mother is right. We would never hit her. All three of us love her and will protect her with our lives. Have you never had a spanking?” He asked sitting back as Eden and Dee turned and laughed at Maya.

  “That’s not funny, it can hurt too.” Maya growled and glared at him.

  “Two, you keep it up I’ll turn you over my knee right now. Apologize to your orak Maya,” Warden demanded. “You will show him the respect he has earned.”

  Both Eden and Dee sat back and didn’t say a word. He’d even been surprised by Warden’s outburst, but Maya had been getting away with far too much lately. It was time to pull the reins in a little.

  Tears filled Maya’s eyes and she looked down at her hands, before she crawled over to him and sat in his lap. She curled up as close as she could to him and laid her head on his chest. “I’m sorry. I told you I was going to have problems with this, but I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  The front of his shirt was starting to get wet with her tears, but he said nothing for a few minutes, just holding her, making her think about what she did. That was until he could sense her daughter’s anger, everyone could.

  “Dee, Eden our kind live a very dangerous life. We are like those of your ancient warriors, but more so. Those things that we hunted earlier, you would be like a hunted deer to them. They were nothing to us. There are few ways we can be destroyed, but our weakness is our meru or mate. Maya is now bonded to us by blood and spirit. If she were to die, we would also die. Without her, we are nothing. We would give up everything for her, but in return she must listen to us. There are no if’s, and’s or but’s. If her life is in danger, than so is ours. Every female needs to be taught how to respond to their men. We will control every aspect of her life.” He held up his hand to stop their arguments.

  “Wait let me finish. Maya can still do what she has always done, but when it comes to danger, sex, and feeding she will defer to us. We’re not going to stop her from having her family around, but we won’t allow you or her to put yourselves in harm’s way. As part of our family you are all under our protection and we take our responsibilities seriously.”

  Dee crossed her arms over her chest. “And pray tell what would you do if Eden or I did something that you put us in danger? Are you going to spank us?”

  Maya squirmed in his arms, but he held her tight. “Yes. I have no problem putting your butt over my lap and spanking any of you. Either does Warden, Tesuss or any of my men.” He leaned forward a little. “I might not have fathered you Dee, but you still carry my blood and you will respect me. Is that understood?”

  Her eyes got big and she looked at her mother, then at him, before she nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  “Eden?” He waited for only a moment when she jumped and nodded.

  “Yes,” she squeaked.

  “Good, now that is taken care of.” He scooted Maya away from his chest and frowned down at her.

  “Do you understand how serious we are now? Are you going to listen to me and quit giving me your sass?” His lip almost twitched when he watched her eyes shift to that of the cats.

  “Yes, Akaos, again I’m sorry for my disrespect,” her voice was a mere whisper.

  The car rolled to a stop and Warden opened the door, scanning their surroundings before allowing the woman out of the cars. “Go on, we will finish this later.”

  She placed her small hand into Warden’s and got out of the car. Dee followed her and he leaned over to scoop Eden up, but she now looked scared. “Eden, I would never hurt you. You are family now and I protect my family. Can you trust me?”

  Very slowly, she wrapped her arms around his neck. “You’ll take care of Maya? You won’t let them hurt her anymore?”

  He picked her up. “I promise you no one will hurt her again.”

  Eden looked up at him. “She cries at night.”

  He stopped and frowned. “What do you mean she cries at night? Who does Maya?”

  Maya peeked inside the car. “You two coming?”

  “We’re coming,” he said and stepped out of the limo with Eden in his arms.

  “Yes, she doesn’t think we hear her, but we do. Maybe you three can help her.” She smiled at Lacey who came up next to them.

  “You okay?” She squeezed her arm.

  “I’m fine, just real tired.” Eden leaned down, but not before peeking at him. “Did you know Maya’s men believe they have the right to spank us if we place ourselves in danger?’

  She lifted back up and tried to hold the laugh back as Lacey’s face turned a nice shade of pink. “He what?”

  “Lacey what’s wrong?” Maya moved to his side.

  “They think they can spank us? What the hell? You better speak with them, because if one of them ever comes at me, I’ll tear him apart.”

  “Why are you shouting, Lacey?” Anthony came up behind her and she stiffened.

  “It’s none of your business.” She snarled and took off into the house.

  “Well damn, that went well. Sorry Maya I was trying to joke around with her. I don’t know why she got so upset since she’s into that kind of scene anyway.” Eden snorted.

  “Eden, it’s different when you have your own master, but to have someone else can be a little emb
arrassing and well weird.” Maya patted her arm. “But don’t worry about it, Lacey will calm down. Now, Dee will show you where to put Eden. I’ll meet you in the main room in a few minutes.” Maya pulled on his shirt and stood on her toes, waiting for his kiss.

  “You have been spanked by someone else?” He kissed her lips.

  She shrugged and turned away. “I told you I’ve been to a few places. I might not have found the right master, but that does not mean I didn’t try a few things.” Before anyone could say anything to her, Maya shifted and took off running.

  “Warden followed her.” He turned and made his way into her home stopping in the main room, amazed.

  “It’s amazing, isn’t it?” Dee said, standing next to him. Everyone stared at the hand- painted wall. “Mom worked on that for over ten years. Every time she would remember something about her family, she would add it so she wouldn’t forget them.” Dee turned and looked up at him.

  “I’m not supposed to know this, but I found this cave on the property a few years ago and went inside to explore it. When I stepped in, I thought I lost everything I’d eaten. Where this is beautiful, the cave is mom’s nightmare. Everything she lived through that night is painted on those walls of the cave. That’s also where she keeps their things. I have a feeling that is where my mom went when she left here.”

  “Why would she do that to herself? It’s got to be like living that night over and over again,” Abby asked and frowned at Dee.

  “Every year on that date, for the past two hundred years someone has been sending her a piece of something from her past. A shirt that her mother wore, a blanket that was her brothers, they wouldn’t let her forget.” Tears slipped down her cheeks.

  “We’ll stop them Dee, I promise you.” He turned and moved out of the room, carrying Eden up the stairs and into her room.

  “That’s why she cries at night, they won’t let her forget, or heal.” Eden curled up on the bed and stared at him. “Make her forget, Akaos. Be her knight in shining armor. Of all of us who need it, it’s her.” She mumbled before falling asleep.


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