Heart of the Storm

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Heart of the Storm Page 21

by Nicole Stiling

  No such luck.

  “What are you doing here?” He froze midway through putting his shoes into his backpack.

  “Well, your dad and I had a disagreement, and we thought it would be best if we spent the night apart. Your mom was kind enough to let me stay here. There aren’t any hotels in the area with rooms available, at least for a few days,” Sienna said, unable to meet Declan’s eyes. He seemed so angry and on edge, and that wasn’t the boy Sienna knew. He’d always been so easygoing and affable, even when his teenage moodiness had kicked in. It broke her heart to think she’d been one of the biggest contributors to his unhappiness.

  “Because the pool house and your room weren’t far enough apart?” He shoved the shoes into his bag. “Not sure why you needed to sleep in my mother’s room. I wasn’t here, my room was free.”

  “Dec, no one said that I slept in your mother’s room. I was in there—”

  Declan shook his head. “Don’t. I’m not stupid, Sienna.”

  Juliet walked out of the kitchen and stood next to Sienna. “I’m not really a fan of your tone right now, Declan. We can have a conversation, but please be respectful.”

  “I’m not really a fan of you lying to me, and I’m not really a fan of Sienna being a cheater.”

  “Okay, that’s enough,” Juliet said.

  Sienna had never heard her speak to Declan so sternly before. “No, Juliet, it’s fine. He’s upset with me and he has every right to be,” Sienna said, taking a step toward Declan.

  “That doesn’t give him the right to be rude to you.”

  Declan just stood there with his lips pursed, seemingly itching for a fight. Based on Juliet’s demeanor, Sienna thought it was smart he didn’t attempt a snappy comeback.

  “Declan, could you sit down for a second?” Sienna asked.

  “I’d rather stand.”

  Sienna watched as Juliet narrowed her eyes at him, apparently a look he was familiar with. He threw himself down on the loveseat with an exaggerated sigh.

  “You know that your dad and I aren’t together anymore, right?”

  “I guess.”

  “I’m not sure how much he’s told you, but you have a right to know that we’re getting divorced. We had an argument about the divorce paperwork, and he asked me to find my own place. He wasn’t wrong for asking that of me. I was reluctant to leave the house because it’s been my home for so long, and because you’re there. But I should have moved out a while ago. It would have been a cleaner break and it wouldn’t have led to so much confusion and unnecessary heartache.” Sienna sat next to him on the couch, but Declan made a show of sliding over a few inches.

  A lump formed in Sienna’s throat. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. She’d wanted an amicable split so she could remain a part of Declan’s life, and maybe even someday in the future, Will’s. All her ideations about staying a family in one form or another were imploding rapidly.

  “Right. So, you’re a cheater, and Dad’s a liar, and Mom’s a liar, and everyone in this family sucks.”

  Juliet started to intervene, but Sienna held her hand up.

  “No, Declan. It’s not as cut-and-dry as you’re making it seem. There are many things at play here, and it takes time and patience and a lot of sadness and anger before coming to the realization that things aren’t going to work. I know you don’t want to hear it, but that’s between your dad and me. We should have been better at communicating with you, and for that, I’m truly sorry. I never wanted you to be blindsided through any of this.”

  Declan seemed to relax for a moment, then put his walls right back up. “And you thought hooking up with my mother would soften the blow?”

  Juliet walked over to the couch and sat on the coffee table, directly across from Declan. Her eyes were glassy. “This was certainly not how I planned on telling you. But…you were right about what you saw the other night. I have feelings for Sienna. Neither of us meant for it to happen, and we sure as hell tried to make it go away. But we couldn’t.”

  Declan stared at them both incredulously. “Wait, you’re serious? This can’t be real life right now. You two really are hooking up?” He looked from Sienna to Juliet, his eyes wide with what appeared to be confusion.

  “No, we’re not ‘hooking up,’” Juliet said with a frown. “That’s not what this is about.”

  “Is that why you’re divorcing Dad?” Declan turned toward Sienna. “Because you want to be with my mom?”

  “No, of course not. When your father and I made the decision to separate, it had nothing to do with anyone but ourselves. I didn’t even really know your mother at that time. Just here and there through you and your dad, but not in any meaningful way. We’re divorcing because we’re unhappy with each other, and that’s the only reason. I promise you,” Sienna said.

  “Sienna and I have grown closer over the last few months. Ever since we took you to your baseball camp over the summer. We had this kind of…connection, and it just got stronger from that point on. Would you have a problem with it if Sienna and I started seeing each other?” Juliet asked.

  Sienna felt like she couldn’t breathe as the direct question floated between them.

  “Yeah, I would have a problem with that. This is really, really weird. In case you didn’t know that. You two were barely friends, and all of a sudden, you’re dating? I don’t even know how to deal with this. Seriously, I don’t.” His mask of anger had morphed into one of bewilderment.

  “Well, you don’t need to right now. We’re here to talk about it, if you want. I know this is a lot to absorb, and we weren’t planning on telling you until we’d sorted through some things ourselves. But this was not the plan,” Sienna said.

  Declan looked hurt. “So, you were just going to keep it from me then? Like everything else?”

  “No, Declan. We just wanted to be more delicate with the delivery, and it’s still really new to us, too,” Sienna said.

  “I know this is weird, Dec. But nothing is going to change. Sienna and I have been hanging out, and you knew that. Your dad and Sienna were separated before this, and the only difference now is that she’s going to move out of the house. These things would have happened regardless, honey,” Juliet told him. “Whatever happens between Sienna and I…well, we’ll talk to you about it as things change.”

  “This is insane,” Declan said, shaking his head. “What am I supposed to tell my friends? That my mother is hooking up with my stepmother? It’s like some screwed up soap opera that makes no sense.”

  “I wouldn’t tell them anything at this point,” Sienna said. “Let’s figure things out between us before we bring anyone else into the loop. This is new, and like we said, we haven’t even really figured it out ourselves yet. And I don’t want your dad to find out like that.”

  “Well, you better figure out how you’re going to tell him. Like today. Because if you don’t, I will.” His jaw clenched as he stared at the coffee table, tears in his eyes.

  “You don’t need to threaten us, Declan,” Juliet said, her voice taking on the stern lilt that she’d had earlier in the conversation. “We’ll deal with this in our own way, the right way.”

  “Whatever. I have to get to school.” He stood up and grabbed his backpack off the chair while shaking his head.

  “I’ll drive you,” Juliet offered.

  “No, thanks, I’ll walk.”

  “I’ll drive you,” Juliet said again. It wasn’t a suggestion.

  Declan shrugged and stormed out of the house. Sienna heard Juliet’s SUV door slam shut, so he had obviously taken the hint.

  Juliet covered her face with her hands. “What a mess. Thanks for being so patient with him.”

  Sienna rubbed her back softly. Nothing like being thrust into a situation while completely unready for it. “I’m not upset with him. He’s lashing out, which is totally normal. I’ll find a motel with a room available. If I have to drive a ways, then so be it. Not sure that me staying here while this is happening is the best idea.
It will just make him angrier.”

  Juliet nodded, though it did seem reluctant. “Yeah, that makes sense. I’ll help you. But we do have to figure out the Will thing. He can’t hear it from Declan,” Juliet said.

  “I know.” Sienna checked her phone, which chirped from the kitchen table. “I have to go over to Gretchen’s. Do you want me to call Will and set up a time for us to talk, or just wait?” The thought of talking to Will made her want to throw up. Their last encounter had been acrimonious at best. Telling him she was seeing the mother of his child probably wouldn’t go over well.

  “No, don’t call him. I’ll go over there later on today. This one is on me.”

  “It doesn’t have to be,” Sienna said.

  Juliet nodded. “I know. But I feel like it’s something I should do. He’s my friend, we have so much history. If he’s going to feel betrayed by anyone, it’ll be me. I know we’re being forced into opening up about this before we’re ready and I don’t want you to think there’s any pressure.”

  Sienna smiled a little and pulled Juliet into a tight hug. “The only pressure I feel is your body against mine. And I like it.”

  The horn blasted from Juliet’s SUV. She dropped her head and gave Sienna a quick kiss on the lips. “Call me if anything happens.”

  Sienna watched her rush out the door, wondering what kind of whirlwind she’d been swept into. Twenty-four hours earlier, they’d agreed that it was best to distance themselves from each other, and now Declan knew, and they were determining the best way to tell Will about their relationship, which they’d only decided to have last night. Sienna could still feel the tingle of Juliet’s fingers on her from earlier that morning, so she wasn’t able to muster up too much anxiety about it all. That would come later.

  Chapter Thirty-two

  “Good morning,” Juliet said as she burst through the doors of the police station. Celeste was sitting at her desk, and so were Officers Leland and Deagle. Her smile faded a bit as she noticed they were all staring at her. “Everything going okay so far today?” she asked.

  Leland spoke up first. “Yes, Lieutenant. Just working on a break-in that happened at Dr. Prichard’s office last night. The thieves took some of their computer equipment.”

  “That’s unusual. Let me know what you find out.”

  “I’m heading over to Main for traffic duty. The electric company is working on a busted streetlight,” Deagle said, adjusting his hat.

  “And I’m going to pick up a dozen doughnuts. Can I speak to you in your office for a second?” Celeste asked. She followed Juliet into her office. “What is wrong with you?”

  Juliet turned to her, completely confused. “What are you talking about?”

  “You came in practically singing. And the big smile was a nice touch. Did you see Kellie last night?” Celeste narrowed her eyes.

  She hadn’t thought about Kellie in ages, and that most definitely wasn’t who she was with last night. “No, don’t be weird,” Juliet said, busying herself with her stapler.

  “You’re all flushed and glowy. Who was it?”

  Juliet pointed to her door. “Okay, you need to get out and go back to work. Get me a Boston cream.”

  Celeste gasped. “Oh. My. God. You didn’t.”

  “Didn’t what?”

  “You slept with Sienna.” Celeste nearly shouted.

  “Shh!” Juliet yelled and shut her door. “What is wrong with you? Do you want me to lose all sense of authority?”

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. How did it happen? Does Will know? Are you freaking out? Was it good?” Celeste sat on the edge of the chair across from Juliet’s desk.

  “Yes, I’m freaking out. Will doesn’t know, but he will soon, because Declan knows. He walked into the house and he’d pretty much already worked it out anyway. And it happened because I’m pretty sure I’m in love with her and everything else is going to shit. And yes, it was fucking amazing. Does that clear things up for you?”

  “Wait. You’re in love with her? Is she even divorced from Will yet? Is Declan pissed off at you?” Celeste couldn’t seem to get the questions out fast enough.

  “Not legally divorced yet. That can take up to ninety days. But the paperwork has been filed, as far as I know. Yes, Declan is pissed off at all of us. Will’s been downplaying the whole thing, making it seem like he and Sienna were just going through a tough time and would eventually work it out. It really wasn’t fair to Dec,” Juliet said.

  “Poor kid. Do you want me to talk to him?” Celeste asked.

  Juliet shrugged. “I don’t know that it would do much good. He feels like all of the adults in his life are liars and not telling him anything.”

  “Exactly. I’m his pal. He has no reason to be angry at me, so maybe it would help.”

  “True. If he’ll let you in, go for it. Just make sure he knows we all love him and even though everything is fucked up right now, we’re still a family and we always will be. In one form or another.” Juliet sighed and straightened the picture of baby Declan she’d had on every desk she’d sat at for the last fifteen years.

  “So, you’re going to do this? Like, actually be in a relationship with Sienna? Not just screwing around?” Celeste seemed perplexed.

  “Yeah, I think so. It’s definitely not just screwing around for me. I haven’t felt this way about anyone in a very, very long time. I’m scared shitless, if you want to know the truth. She does things to me that I thought were a thing of the past. You know, all the butterflies in the stomach, feeling like I might have a heart attack, fantasizing about her all the time. All of it.” Juliet exhaled loudly. “I just wish it wasn’t so controversial. You know?”

  “I do. Have you come to terms with the idea that Will might not accept this…ever? Even if things go south with you and Sienna, he may still feel so hurt and betrayed that he might not want you in his life anymore. I mean, not in any meaningful way, anyway. Not like it is now,” Celeste said.

  Even the idea of it hurt. Juliet had thought about what seeing Sienna would do to her relationship with Will in the short term. But since realizing the depth of her desire to be with Sienna, she hadn’t let herself do a deep dive on what their future relationship could look like. Celeste was right. Will would probably never forgive her. Even though things hadn’t worked out between him and Sienna, the fact remained that she was his wife. Some lines weren’t meant to be crossed.

  “I know,” Juliet said softly. “I just feel like if I don’t give what I feel for Sienna a real shot, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. I don’t want to have a ‘one who got away.’ I know how selfish this all sounds, trust me, I do. I’m hurting my son, and I’m hurting my friend. And he’s more than just a friend, you know that. He’s my kid’s dad. We’ve been through a lot of shit together over the years. Does that mean I just let her go? Tell her I’m sorry, but she’s not worth it to me? Do I really have to choose my son and friend over the possibility of a great relationship?”

  Celeste looked down at the ground, silent for a moment. “I don’t think that’s the right answer, either. I wish I could be more helpful. I’ve been with Brooke so long, I forget what it’s like to be in the early stages. Not that I’m complaining. But if I was in your situation twelve years ago, when Brooke and I met, and I was facing the same challenges you’re facing now…I wouldn’t have been able to walk away from her. For what it’s worth.” Celeste gave Juliet a fleeting smile.

  “Thank you. That actually does help.” Juliet walked around the desk and gave Celeste’s shoulder a tight squeeze. “I don’t look forward to that conversation though, I can tell you that.”

  Celeste nodded and stood up. “I don’t envy you, my friend. The heart wants what it wants.”

  “Hey,” Juliet called, as Celeste made her way back out to her desk. “Don’t forget my Boston cream.”

  The phone on her desk lit up that she had a call parked on line two. She tried to get into the right headspace and reminded herself she had an actual job.

  “Mitchell,” she answered.

  “Good morning, Lieutenant. Dr. Marron.”

  “Thank you for calling, Doctor. How did the interview with Tara Wolfe go?” Juliet asked.

  “I have a detailed file I’ll be sending over later today, but in the meantime, she invalidated her confession. She said that the whole idea of a ‘relationship’ between her and the victim was blown out of proportion, and that she knew it was something that wasn’t based in reality. That night caused her such angst that she apparently blocked out certain events from the evening. She also said that she confessed because she felt as though you had pressured her into doing so.”

  “What?” Juliet said angrily. “That’s not what happened at all.”

  “I’m sure it isn’t,” Dr. Marron said. “But until more evidence surfaces, one way or another, we have nothing to hold her on. She was free to go.”

  “Do you think she’s guilty?” Juliet asked, drumming her fingers on the desk.

  “I can’t say for certain. She changed her story rather quickly, but that might have been because the significance of the situation brought her back to reality. She was convincing in her statement, but she was also calculated. I’m sorry I can’t give you a more definitive assessment.”

  “Okay,” Juliet said. “Thank you for taking the time to call me. We’ll do a little more digging on her to see what we can come up with.”

  Juliet hung up the phone and tapped the eraser of her pencil compulsively. Tara had made it seem like Juliet was the one pushing for false arrest in order to make the case go away, which she obviously hadn’t done. Her euphoria over the night with Sienna fizzled into her usual, as of late, state of frustration.

  * * *

  Charlie Goodman’s garage was still dark when Juliet and Celeste pulled up out front. It was nearly three o’clock in the afternoon, so there was no reason the shop should have been closed. Juliet tried to look through the glass cutouts in the entrance door, but the film of dirt and grease made it hard to see anything clearly.


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