Unwanted Inheritance

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Unwanted Inheritance Page 16

by K. Forest

  “Katarina wait!” I call out to her. “Don’t be mad. Let me explain.”

  She opens the door, letting it slam behind her. It kills me knowing that I hurt her even though it was unintentional. I start making my way inside, cursing my brother for once in his life being correct.

  She’s sitting on the couch with her back to me. “I can’t believe you didn’t give me heads up that you slept with her. God, I know you have more experience than me but to meet one of your former lovers so soon and so unexpectedly was a shock. I can’t compete or live up to all the women you’ve been with.”

  “Katarina, you never have to compete with anyone. You are it for me. From the moment I saw you on Obsidian, I knew you were the woman for me. The only woman I will ever want or need. You know I have never told anyone I love them before you.” I cautiously sit down next to her, reaching for her hand. She slowly rubs back at the contact. Looking at me, I see she’s no longer angry just uncertain.

  “You are business partners with her, and you had sex with her? Was she recent?” I nod a yes to all of her questions. She slumps back into the couch in frustration. “I never want to step foot on that property ever again or drink that whiskey, Santos,” she says adamantly. “I’m sorry given that that particular barn is the first project for your new firm. I hate the word magnificent.”

  I reach for her chin. “First of all, I’m a silent partner and only receive updates by email. We had relations for little more than a month at the beginning of summer. It was a summer fling, that’s it.”

  “Oh great, so it was a recent breakup!” She tugs her chin away.

  I scrub my face in frustration. “There was no breakup as there was nothing to break up about. It was a summer dalliance, that’s it. I love you. I’m sorry I didn’t warn you beforehand, but I didn’t know there would be a possibility meeting Lia.” Shaking my head, I come clean and admit to her, “Angelo warned me to tell you. I really didn’t think it was a big deal because of the way we feel about each other.”

  A jolt of shock and a bit of pain hits me. I look down, and her little hand has a grip on my upper thigh. “I love you too, Santos. But please, never keep things from me, or this will never last.”

  I touch her chin and turn her head, so she can see the sincerity in my eyes.

  “You are the most important human in my life. I will always be honest with you, Beauty.”

  Her hand slowly moves up until it cups my desire. “I’m taking a leap here, Santos. Please don’t hurt me by keeping things from me.” She says quietly.

  I pick her up and carry her towards the stairs, nuzzling my face into her neck. “Never again, Beauty. You are my future, I swear.”

  Chapter 16

  Waking up the next day, I glance over at Katarina, who is sleeping peacefully. Hopefully our first misunderstanding would be our last, and I am really grateful that make up sex lived up to its hype. Tonight, we will fly to Tuscany to begin our life together.

  Seeing her hair sprawled like spun gold over the pillow and our blanket down around her knees, I can’t stop ogling her tanned and very toned buttocks. Having pleasured her most of the night, I can’t believe I am rock hard for her yet again. My mouth travels behind my fingers, planting soft kisses down her spine. She starts making little noises as my tongue drew a lazy, wet trail toward her derriere.

  “Hmmm... Is it morning already? I’m still so tired. You wore me out last night.” She says as her body betrays her words, wiggling seductively.

  “Making love to you gives me energy. With my usual hectic schedule, I’ll need plenty of recharging from you.”

  “Mmmm, good to know.” She sleepily says.

  “I have a meeting, go back to sleep. We will leave around five for the airport. I love you.” I tell her, playfully tapping her butt.

  “Hmmm, I love you, too, Santos, but you need to finish what you started.” She reaches down to grab my rigid shaft.

  A couple of hours later, I meet the guys for a late breakfast at the hotel conference room. I wanted to meet in private for two reasons. First, to tell them that I would be gone for several days. My life is about to change, and it’s not just me who is going to need amped up security going into the future. I wasn’t prepared to elaborate any further just yet. The second is the fact that Father wants to meet with Angelo and me this afternoon. Since the blowout with him, we haven’t spoken. When my uncle returned, he didn’t say anything regarding that day. He just assured me that my father would be in touch soon and not to worry.

  “Hello, Mr. Santos. Everything is ready in the conference room. It’s set up buffet style. However, if you prefer anything else, please do not hesitate to ask.” Oskar is still on a learning curve, and while a bit nervous at times, he is showing an astonishing range of abilities regarding his new position. I believe he will be every bit as loyal and proficient as his uncle.

  “Thank you, Oskar, for setting up everything.”

  Angelo surprises me from time to time with his promptness. He’s the first to arrive at our breakfast meeting. He’s holding the package that I’ve been waiting for, placing it on the table in front of me.

  “You’re here early.” I say in surprise, reaching for the box.

  “I’m an early bird; plus, I wanted to see what’s in the box. Curious what inside could be making you more irritable than usual.” He says as he walks over to the delicious spread of food, starting to pick at it with his fingers.

  “I’m also eager to see what’s in the package and stop picking with your fingers. Do you have any manners at all?”

  “What? I washed my hands.” He says as he walks over and sits down next to me. “Come on, open it up already.”

  Shaking my head at him, I begin opening the package. He was always excited to open gifts or for me to open gifts when we were kids. Some things just seem never to change.

  I slowly open the lid of the ring box that was in the package. “Holy shit! Those’re grandmother’s rings.” Angelo spits out.

  The engagement ring is exactly how I remember it: a radiant cut, three and a half carat yellow diamond flanked by a carat on each side. Along with that is an emerald cut eternity wedding band. Both were exquisite antiques worn by my grandmother on my mother’s side.

  “You’re going to ask her to marry you this weekend?” Angelo asks in astonishment. “It’s a bit quick, don’t you think? I mean I like her and all and really think she’s the one for you, but it’s so quick. Where will you live? Are going to move out right away, or is she moving in?”

  Angelo is talking quickly because he knows that things are about to change. He’s afraid of being left behind. I see it in his eyes and hear it in his voice.

  I place my hand on his arm. “Hey, things are going to change a little but not between us. Angelo, you are stuck forever with me, literally. I wasn’t expecting to find her so quickly; it just happened that way. You were there.”

  “I know, I know. I was, and I’m happy for you, for you both. This ring is perfect for Katarina.”

  “Yeah, I like it and think she will love it.” She is sentimental and traditional in ways, so I know it’s perfect for her. I asked her father’s permission and then asked her mother for Katarina’s ring size. It was actually the right size—destiny some would believe.

  “No worries, brother. I think she would say yes even without a ring.”

  A few minutes later, Sam strolls in smiling.

  “Good morning, where is Mateo?” I ask.

  “He’s coming, had to make a quick stop at the restroom.”

  He proceeds to pile up his plate while Angelo does the same. A few minutes later, Mateo makes his appearance. Usually, Mateo is put together, but this morning he looks wrecked. He plops his body down in the chair, shoulders slumped in defeat.

  “What happened to you?” Angelo asks. “You look terrible.”

  “The gods are punishing me for all my past wrong doings.” He says dejectedly.

  “You look sick, are you? What the hell happened
to you? Is Josephine okay?” I ask in rapid fire.

  “I am sick and very, very hungover.” He answers, again very crestfallen.

  Sam throws a grape at him. “He’s not sick. Go on, tell them how you are being punished.” He says grinning. I’ve never seen Sam so happy or so talkative.

  “Josephine went and got herself pregnant.” He says, throwing his arms up in defeat. “Congratulations, buddy. That’s great news!” I say.

  “Unbelievable!” exclaims Angelo. “It’s more like I’m being punished. First, you get married, then Sonny is getting engaged, and now you and Josie are having a baby.” He pouts as he gets up and walks over to the buffet. “Liking a girl, I can’t have the topping of the sundae.” Angelo mumbles as he gets himself more food.

  We all look at his back, surprise registering on our faces. His back tenses, and then he turns around. “Sorry, Sonny. I let the big engagement surprise slip.” Now, all eyes are now on me.

  “You’re getting engaged?” Mateo asks with a surprised look on his harried face. Sam congratulates me while examining the ring.

  “Yes, I plan to ask her this weekend while in Tuscany. That’s why I wanted to meet to make sure all is clear there.”

  I look at Sam since Mateo still looks flustered and Angelo is still sulking while stuffing his face with food. “All arrangements are set and ready for your arrival. I’ve set it all up, and the surveillance team is in place. Just make sure you keep to the guidelines that I’ll send you later. Now that we know you are proposing, I’m guessing you will celebrate in the suite all weekend.” He sits back and sips his coffee.

  “That’s the plan, if she says yes.”

  “Oh, she will say yes.” Angelo interjects.

  This is the most bizarre breakfast meeting I’ve ever had. I look at my best friend, thinking of words of encouragement for him. I know he was dead set against having a baby given his line of work and his own lack of upbringing. But I also have no doubt that he would be an excellent father and Josephine an amazing mother. He should be happy that he found his mate and they are having a child together. I could think of many things that could be awful, but this is not one of them. Hell, if Katarina told me she was pregnant, I would be over the moon with joy.

  “Mateo, I know you both hadn’t planned on having children, but personally I think this is a miracle for you both. You’re making your own family tree, a legacy. We can discuss our work arrangement at a later time. For now, you really need to see this as a gift. Give yourself some time to wrap your head around the pregnancy. What about Josephine, how is she taking the news?”

  He drops his head down, then whips his head back up. “Ugh... I left the house and went on a bender and was happily drowning my sorrows until that bastard found me.” He looks over to Sam giving him a disgusted look.

  Sam, looking at his brother, gives him a gigantic smile, then suddenly with a straight face tells him, “You are lucky Josie is your wife and she understands you. Grow up, Mateo.” Sam looks him straight in the eye, any sign of the smile gone.

  “Argh! I know I should be happy; I’m just scared shitless! And I need to apologize to Josie.”

  Now, I’m smiling as I know that once Mateo sobers up and accepts that he and Josephine have made something beautiful together, he’ll be looking into his future with happiness rather than trepidation.

  “I read somewhere women expect a push present. Buy her something that will make her say wow!” All six eyes move to Angelo, who is looking down concentrating on his food and totally oblivious to us staring.

  With that being said, the door opens and in strolls my godfather. Thank god he came in when he did. This was just getting weirder by the minute.

  “Good morning, boys. How are all of you?” He strides with purpose towards the food display.

  “Mateo is going to be a father, and Sonny is getting engaged this weekend,” blurts out Angelo. Godfather slowly turns around, looking at Angelo in astonishment. Angelo sits back, looking at him with ‘a can you believe it?’ look. “I know, tongue tied, right?”

  My uncle sits down with his plate and looks at me first. I begin explaining to him about my upcoming weekend and how I’m planning on asking Katarina to marry me.

  I show him the ring, which he remembers well. He brought up writing a prenup, which I promptly told him I wasn’t going to do. “What is mine will become hers. She will be the lead asset to our horse breeding program.” After a pointless discussion that took up too much time, he ended up giving me his blessing.

  Then it is Mateo’s turn. Godfather asks him why he looks so bad when he should be beaming. My uncle was the father that both Mateo and Sam never had. It was always fascinating to see them interact on a personal level. It wasn’t always visible, as work always came first. As Mateo explains his concerns, we all wait for my uncle to blow up at him. Mateo’s whole body is tense waiting for my uncle’s response. Finally, GF gets up, laughing, and hugs Mateo while congratulating him. “I’m going to be a grandfather!” he exclaims. Then he proceeds to smack Mateo on the head telling him to be a man and clean up his act.

  I say my goodbyes to Mateo and assure Sam I will comply to all his rules over the weekend, then they leave the private suite as planned. That just left myself, Angelo, and my uncle waiting for my father to arrive.

  “I’m going to take a wiz before his holiness arrives.” Angelo says, getting up and walking out of the room letting the door slam behind him.

  “What’s going on with him? Everything go well in Switzerland? He seems a little off from his usual self.” My uncle asks me, voicing his concern.

  “I haven’t really had a chance to discuss his trip. Can’t imagine anything went wrong, or we would have heard from Bianca already. The conversation we had before you arrived revolved around my engagement and Mateo’s fatherhood announcement. It’s been a quiet morning. He’s probably still morose about Father’s reaction about him leaving the business.”

  “Your father is in a good space again. There should be no further altercations.” He says confidently, almost too confidently.

  I haven’t seen my father relaxed in years. “What changed? Where did you both go?” I look at him, searching for the truth.

  “Santos, sometimes brothers need each other and understand each other when no one else does.”

  What could I say to that statement? I agree and understood completely.

  “Father just arrived, better buckle your seatbelts,” says Angelo as he strides back in the room.

  “Angelo, enough! Lose the attitude pronto!” My uncle thunders, which is rare. “Boys, let your father do the talking. No responding, simple as that.”

  Minutes later, Germano walks in, followed by my father. “Mr. Ferrari, would you like your double espresso as usual?”

  “Yes, Germano. Thank you. The buffet looks delicious; new chef?” My father asks him. “No, sir. Same chef, he’s just trying some new recipes.”

  “Well, give him my praise, please.”

  “Will do, sir. I’ll be back in a few minutes with your espresso.” As Germano leaves, the temperature in the room changes from cordial to tense.

  Father slowly walks over to the buffet display and starts piling his plate.

  “Try the almond croissants, Anthony. They remind me of Nona’s.” Leave it to my uncle to break the silence with such casual words. Angelo looks at me, raising his eyebrows. I shake my head at him in warning that this is not a time to joke.

  “How are my boys this morning? Not as talkative as usual?” Father places his plate down with a little weary sigh as he sits.

  I sense conflicting emotions in his body language and almost feel sorry for him. He certainly wasn’t used to not being top dog, nor was he very good at making any kind of apologies. Yet I see in him a determination not to waiver in doing what was right for both family and business.

  As he grabs his napkin, placing it on his lap, he looks at us saying, “Well, I guess I will speak first to clear the air. I apologize to you both f
or my abrasive behavior the last time we met. Work has been a little hectic, and I took my aggression out on the wrong individuals.”

  I look over at Angelo, who is looking at Father like a deer in the headlights. Giving my uncle a quick glance, he gives me a reassuring look back. I turn back to my father, who is now looking down at his plate. It’s like he senses my gaze, and he looks up with his hooded brown eyes.

  With impeccable timing, Germano arrives with Father’s double espresso. “Let me know if you need anything at all, sir. I’ll check back in a little while.” As quickly as he arrived, he leaves.

  “So, you and your brother want to go into business with each other? I can understand that.” He looks over to my uncle and gives him a slight smile. My uncle returns with a mirrored smile and gives his shoulders a slight shrug. “Angelo, I will address you first. Son, you will work with Carmine in Europe whenever he needs you. Going forward, you will be completely out of the US business.” I observe them having a silent moment of understanding between themselves.

  Now, looking directly at me, Father further says, “Angelo will never completely be out of the business, he understands that. But it will be extremely limited going forward.” His gaze intensifies. “Santos, you will still not be privy to any information, understood? No questions asked, no answers given.” I look at my uncle who remains expressionless and then glance back at my father. “Understood?” I hear him ask with his usual authoritative presence back in place. No longer any questions or softening of words.

  In unison, Angie and I both agree, “Understood!”

  The conversation was now a closed door. I desperately want to ask about Casas and how he would be dealt with going forward. However, I realize this wasn’t the time for that conversation. For my father to apologize was already a monumental moment.


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