The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set

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The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set Page 36

by Rosie Sams

  Alvin explained Bradford’s unfortunate circumstances to her. Melody took a sharp breath when Miranda unexpectedly burst out laughing.

  “Serves him right. Bradford is a cad and deserves what he got and more. I don’t know what I ever saw in that man.” If Miranda was at all upset over Bradford’s condition, she definitely wasn’t showing it.

  Al kept his face neutral and Melody wondered how he did it? Didn’t he see through this wicked woman? She knew that he had to, but that he was professional, and able to hide his thoughts. It was one thing she had never been good at.

  Alvin asked a few more questions.

  Melody had been patiently listening to the interrogation but she couldn’t keep quiet any longer. “It seems a little suspicious that you show up at the ball unexpectedly, and then Bradford is hurt, Miranda. You are here to confront a man that had just broken up with you… in favor of another woman.” She was sure she saw Miranda’s jaw tick and it felt good to take over. “Showing those pictures, those recent pictures must have really hurt. It must have been so upsetting to see him with a beautiful woman… just after Smedley broke off his relationship with you. You must have been awfully hurt and upset at his betrayal to follow him here and confront him? Did you follow him to Kerry’s and hurt him?”

  Miranda’s pleasant smile had turned into a sneer at Melody’s pointed questions. “Listen, you can believe whatever you want to believe but that doesn’t change the fact that the main suspect here is your friend. All the evidence points to her, especially since Bradford was found lying injured in her bedroom. She obviously couldn’t handle the fact that Bradford found me more appealing and found the time to sneak away from her to spend more time with me. Maybe you’d better spend less of your energy-wasting time with innocent people, and more time focusing on the main culprit.” Miranda was obviously angered by Melody’s comments, but she did have a point. Things were continuing to look bad for Kerry.

  Standing and walking towards the door, Miranda was obviously done answering questions for the day. “I’ll see you out now,” she said.

  Melody and Al stood up and followed her.

  “Thank you so much for your time and cooperation today, Miss St. George.” Alvin was trying his best to unruffle the feathers that Melody had done so much to ruffle up. “We may still have further questions for you as this case unravels, so until it’s solved and we have someone in custody, we ask that you stay in town. And if you think of anything that may be of importance, any information at all, I ask that you give me a call.” Smiling, Al handed over his business card.

  Miranda grabbed the card and shut the door behind them, almost hitting Melody in the behind.

  Back at the cruiser, Alvin looked at Melody. “So much for letting me do the questioning. Mel, I know that Kerry is your friend but are you sure that you’re not grasping at straws here? Miranda is right, everything seems to point to Kerry as the primary suspect. She has the motive, plus the entire attack happened right in her very own bedroom… and now she’s run away!”

  “Look, Al, I know Kerry and she isn’t the type of person who would do something like this. Kerry is a gentle and kind person who would never hurt a fly.” She spat her words out with frustration and anger. “I have to get to work.” And with that she turned on her heels and started off quickly in the direction of the bakery, her mind swirling with thoughts of Kerry and what more she could do to prove her innocence.

  “Wait, Melody! I’m sorry!” Alvin called out, realizing how his words must have stung but Melody was too far away to hear him.

  Chapter Eighty-Two

  Stopping at home to pick up Smudge, Melody decided that the day was perfect for a walk. The winter morning was crisp and cool. Having Smudge for company and taking the long way around town had done wonders to improve her mood and lighten her spirit. She had replayed Miranda’s words in her mind over and over and was also going over images of the crime scene. She was trying to piece everything together, but there still seemed to be some missing information. “It will all come to me,” she said to Smudge. “We will just keep at it, keep asking questions and eventually all of the pieces will click into place.”

  Smudge gave a yip of agreement.

  Opening the front door to the bakery, Melody’s senses were overwhelmed by the smell of baking dough. It was obvious that someone had already started putting together the day’s orders and was hard at work in the kitchen.

  Hearing the chimes on the door announcing someone’s arrival, Leslie poked her head out of the back. “Hey, Melody! I hope you don’t mind me getting here early. I thought I would get a head start on the day’s baking and keep Kerry company while I was at it.”

  “Of course not, Les! I appreciate the extra help. I’m sure that Kerry appreciates the company as well. How is she doing, anyway?” Melody’s heart was breaking for her friend and all that she had been through in the past twelve hours.

  “She is obviously upset and anxious to clear her name,” Leslie said, shaking her head. “I knew something terrible would happen when I found out she was getting mixed up with that man. He’s nothing but trouble and all of the rumors running around about him should have been enough to convince Kerry to keep away. Men like him are always the same. Now look at the mess she’s in, and it’s all Smedley’s fault.”

  “I better go check on her and see how she’s doing,” Melody brushed Leslie’s words aside, it was no use looking back now. What was done, was done and as they always say, hindsight is 20/20.

  Knocking gently on the back office door, Melody heard a quiet voice call for her to come in.

  Kerry was sitting at the desk, her head in her hands and a defeated look on her face.

  “Oh, Kerry, don’t look so down. We are going to get to the bottom of this.”

  Smudge ran into the room and sat in front of Kerry. Kerry smiled, picked her up and cuddled her close. The Frenchie gave her sweet kisses into her ear.

  Melody’s heart melted at the scene. It was just what Kerry needed. “There’s nothing to worry about. With myself, Smudge, and Alvin on the case, we will find the culprit soon enough!” She tried to keep her voice upbeat in an attempt to cheer her friend but it didn’t appear to be working as well as she’d hoped. Kerry was still hugging Smudge, but there was a tiredness and a world-weary look in her eye.

  “Alvin and I questioned Miranda St. George,” Melody said, staying positive. “It was the first thing this morning. Don’t worry, she is definitely a person of interest in this case. It doesn’t make sense that she would come all the way out here, from Boston, just to confront Bradford at the Winter Ball. There has to be more to her story. Unfortunately though, until we find out what that is, you’re not off the hook yet, Ker. I need you to help me out and tell me everything that happened last night, and don’t leave out any details.”

  “Oh, Melody, I’ve been through last night over and over in my head and nothing seems out of place. Of course, I was upset with Bradford and the discovery of his recent relationship with Miranda hurt. I left the ball angry and flustered. I was mad at Bradford but I was angrier at myself for not listening to you and Leslie and all of the rumors that were floating around about him. I felt stupid for being cheated on and taken advantage of. Trying to sort this all out in my mind, I took the long way home. I wanted to walk off my frustration and clear my head enough for me to think. When I reached my front porch, I heard someone call my name. I turned around and saw Bradford running down the street towards me. I was fumbling with my keys and was trying to get the door unlocked and get inside before he reached me. Honestly, I just didn’t want to deal with him anymore that night. I was done listening to his excuses.”

  Kerry took a breath and Melody nodded.

  “He was moving too quickly, though. I was hoping if I made it into the house and shut the door, that he would just go away and leave me alone. Unfortunately I found myself face-to-face with him as he tried to explain his relationship with Miranda. He claimed that he really had broken it off and al
though it was recent, it was completely over. At that point, my head was swirling and I had no idea what to believe or what to say to him. I told him that I was hurt and that I had really cared for him and then I just ran off. I know it was a stupid thing to do but my feet just started and I didn’t try to stop them. I left him standing on my front porch and took off down the street.” Kerry sighed and shook her head. “Oh, Mel, what am I going to do?”

  “I believe you, Kerry. Don’t worry. I’m going to find out exactly who did this to Bradford and clear your name once and for all.” Feeling confident, Melody turned to leave but was stopped in her tracks when she saw Alvin, looking none too pleased for the second time that day, blocking the doorway out of the office.

  Oh dear, she was in trouble now!

  Chapter Eighty-Three

  Smudge, who had been happily cuddling up to Kerry, resting from the past night’s adventures and the long walk this morning, leaped off Kerry’s knee and into Alvin’s arms. Her excitement at seeing him was evident, as she wiggled and squirmed in his arms, planting little bullie kisses on his neck and jaw. Alvin, however, was much less enthusiastic. Looking from one woman to the other, he put the pup down on the floor, obviously in no mood for the bulldog’s (or anyone else's) shenanigans.

  Smudge sat at his side looking up at him with big sad eyes.

  “You realize just how bad this looks for you, right, Kerry? Hiding out all night, not returning home, when a man has been attacked and beaten right in your own bedroom?” His tone was that of a father’s scolding a child.

  Kerry nodded her head, scared at the unexpected sight of the town’s sheriff, looming in the doorway.

  “Things would have looked much better and gone a whole lot smoother for you if you had come home last night, and explained your situation to the deputies. Hiding away and not coming home makes you look very suspicious. It makes it look as if you were about to run.”

  “Al, look, it was all my idea,” Melody broke in, trying to stand up for her friend and explain the situation. “I took Kerry back here last night and told her to hide out until we could gather more evidence and figure out what was going on. It’s my fault that she didn’t go home and talk to the police, I take full responsibility. I think we need to wait a bit longer until we can connect all the dots and clear Kerry’s name. Having her stay here will keep her safe and out of harm's way while we try to sort things out. Whoever did this to Bradford, may try to come after Kerry next.”

  Alvin shook his head and ignored Melody’s pleas. She could see he was hurt by the fact that she had lied to him and he had heard enough of her excuses. “Kerry, I’m sorry to have to do this, but you’re under arrest. I have no choice but to take you into custody. I promise that I will do everything in my power to make sure that the real criminal is found, but I’m going to have to do this by the books. Plus, you can rest assured that you will be much safer down at the police station than hiding out in the backroom of a bakery. No harm can come to you there, I promise.”

  “Sheriff, please!” Kerry pleaded as Alvin snapped the handcuffs over her wrists. “I swear, I’m innocent. I had nothing to do with Bradford’s beating. I would never hurt anyone, you have to believe me.” Her voice was sobbing now as she gave in.

  “I do believe you, Kerry, but this is the law and for now you will have to come down to the station with me for some questioning.”

  Giving a sideways glare at Melody, the sheriff led Kerry out of the bakery, placed her in the back of the police cruiser as gently as possible and headed off downtown to continue his investigation.

  Chapter Eighty-Four

  Melody was dismayed and frazzled. She didn’t like knowing that Alvin was upset with her. She also didn’t like the fact that her friend was in trouble and she was no closer to solving the crime that Kerry was being accused of. Heading out into the front shop of the bakery, Leslie came over and gave her a hug.

  “Oh, Mel. What’s going on here? Seeing Kerry being taken out of here in handcuffs was just terrible. Alvin surely can’t believe that she would commit such a horrible, violent crime!”

  “No, Les, I don’t think that he does… but he has to follow the law and so far, Kerry is the only real suspect. He’s a good sheriff though, and he has me as a partner, so don’t you worry. We will figure out a way to clear Kerry’s name and set her free as soon as possible!” Melody tried hard to make her voice sound more confident than she felt.

  Leaving Smudge in Leslie’s care, she headed off down to the station to see if there were any new developments in the case and to see if she could clear the air with Alvin.

  The Port Warren police station was a large, grey stone building. It was conveniently located in the center of town, right beside the courthouse. Alvin had worked there since his graduation from the Police Academy and had quickly worked his way up the ranks to become the town sheriff. He was a good sheriff, one of the best the town had seen and he was backed by a diligent and able police force, but when her friend’s freedom was on the line, this knowledge did nothing to ease the worry that Melody was feeling.

  Stepping inside she was greeted by one of Alvin’s assistants who led her into the back where Al was putting Kerry into one of the station’s holding cells. Hudson Lowe, the town deputy, was doing his best to console Kerry. It was obvious that she was visibly shaken. Offering a comforting smile to Kerry, Melody asked Alvin if she could have a few words with him alone.

  He led her down one of the station's empty corridors and turned to look at her, his face resembling the stone bricks of the station walls. His expression was hard. Hurt and anger seemed to seep out of every muscle. What had she done?

  “Listen, Al, I am so sorry for lying to you. I never meant to hurt you and I didn’t mean to keep the truth from you. I had to do what I thought was right for Kerry.” She sighed with genuine remorse and Alvin’s gaze softened slightly as he waited for her to continue. “I’ve got a pretty good track record… you have to admit it. I’ve got a sixth sense when it comes to the crimes of Port Warren and I feel as though I’m on the verge of a breakthrough with this one as well. I just need a bit more time, and a bit more trust.”

  Nodding his head, Alvin agreed. “You’ve done a great job, Mel. Without your help, many of this town’s crimes would have gone unsolved.” He sighed. “There’s no denying the fact that this is the first time you have lied to me, though, and you attempted to hide the only suspect we have so far in this case. You have also kept a lot of important information from me… come clean now, what else are you hiding?”

  Melody hung her head in shame. She felt terrible for lying and having Alvin question his trust for her. “I truly am sorry, Al, but it was the only move that I could see that would help Kerry at the time, and keep her safe. I was only thinking about her wellbeing.”

  “I know.” He shook his head. “It just really hurts that you didn’t feel you could trust me. I just don’t know how we move forward from this.”

  “I don’t know either,” Melody said solemnly. She swallowed the lump that felt like her heart in her throat. After all the time it had taken her to trust again. What if she had destroyed the best thing she had ever had? “I guess it’s going to be hard… if you don’t give me the benefit of one single doubt.”

  Alvin nodded. “I will try.”

  She turned around, hoping that she and Alvin would be able to work things through but vowing first and foremost, to do everything that she could to free Kerry and clear her name.

  Chapter Eighty-Five

  Determined to solve the case, to clear her friend's name, and to resolve her issues with Alvin, Melody set off from the police station and headed to the Port Warren Hospital to check in on Bradford. The hospital was just a few blocks away but it gave her some time to clear her mind as she walked. A lot had gone on in the past twenty-four hours and more than one life had been flipped upside down.

  Entering the large building, Melody became aware of the typical sterile smell that one would expect in a hospital. T
he main floor was bustling with doctors and nurses rushing here and there to tend to their patients. A few familiar faces smiled hello to the town's infamous pastry chef as she walked past.

  Pushing the button for the third floor, Melody rode the elevator up and asked the floor's nurses station for directions to Bradford's room. Upon entering she could hear the beeping and see the flashing lights from the equipment that was helping Bradford get well again. Leaning over his body, tending to his wounds was Doctor Mitchum.

  Melody softly cleared her throat, not wanting to startle the doctor who was working diligently.

  "Ah, Melody. It's nice to see you. Come in, come in, I'm just finishing up here."

  "How's he doing, Doctor?" Melody kept her voice to a whisper, not wanting to wake the obviously sleeping patient.

  "Well, he's had a good bump to the head but he'll be ok. Whoever did this to him used a lot of force. Luckily, they seem to have missed their mark. If they were looking to cause a great deal of harm then they were awfully careless in their attack. Instead of hitting Bradford square in the back of the head, which would have caused the most damage, they more or less just grazed the back of his head. They definitely hit him hard enough to hurt him but if they were more accurate, then poor Bradford here, wouldn’t have been so lucky. In fact, it sort of reminds me of my grandson at softball practice. That little guy can sure swing a bat but the most I've ever seen him hit is home plate! " The doctor chuckled, lost in his memories before being drawn back to the present by Melody's words.

  "That's good news, Doctor. I’m glad that It didn’t turn out worse than it was and I'm so happy that Bradford is going to be ok. Thank you for all of your help and your quick response last night."

  "If it weren't for you finding Mr. Smedley as quickly as you did, his outcome may not have been so good. His attacker must have swung down on him from behind, taking him by surprise; in fact, Bradford probably never saw the blow coming. And the funny thing about the trajectory of the impact is that it seems awkward, somehow jerky or hesitant. Not quite like anything I've ever seen before. Hmmm." The quirky doctor shrugged, said his goodbyes and left before Melody had the chance to question his last comment.


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