The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set

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The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set Page 48

by Rosie Sams

  “I think the news about your return is drawing even bigger crowds,” Kerry said with a grin.

  As Melody handed out her first muffin of the morning, an excited customer grasped Melody’s hand.

  “Everyone, our very own Melody Marshall, is engaged! Tell her congratulations!”

  Excited chatter and shouts of well wishes filled Decadently Delicious. Melody accepted all the compliments about her ring and shared that she and Alvin had not set the date yet.

  “I’ll let you all know when we know,” Melody said.

  Melody was delighted that her joyful news had made her customers so happy. At that moment, she felt that she was not only back in Port Warren’s good graces, but that she had become the town’s favorite daughter. Life could not get any better.

  Chapter One Hundred Twenty-One

  Alvin pulled into Melody’s driveway a few nights later. He was dressed in a suit and tie, almost as if he was ready to elope at any moment. He turned around to rearrange his overnight bag. It was a short walk up the driveway, and Smudge whined excitedly. She ran up and down the sofa, jumping over Melody with each lap.

  “Smudge, ow!” Melody said as the Frenchie dug her nails in as she turned around fast in her excitement.

  Smudge burrowed her wide head under Melody’s arm and licked her face. Melody couldn’t stay mad and scratched her treasured four-legged friend. It was going to be her first night away from Smudge. Melody briefly thought about sneaking her into her overnight bag. She decided against it, especially with Leslie being so excited about their sleepover. Melody put Smudge’s leash on and walked her to the front door. Alvin greeted them both with plenty of hugs and kisses.

  “Save some for when we actually leave her with Leslie,” Melody said.

  “I’m just excited to see my two favorite girls. Let me see your dress.”

  Melody had bought a new dress for the occasion. She had chosen a long-sleeved white dress that went below her knees. Alvin smiled in appreciation and twirled her in the driveway. If someone had not known who they were, they would have looked like a bride and groom readying for their honeymoon.

  They got into the car and made the short trip to Leslie’s.

  “Smudge! I’m so excited to have you for the night!” Leslie exclaimed.

  Leslie greeted Alvin and Melody and took the leash. She brought an excited Smudge inside, where two newly purchased toys waited for her.

  “You bought her toys? You didn’t have to do that,” Melody said.

  Leslie smiled and ushered the newly engaged couple outside. Melody handed her Smudge’s bag filled with measured out dog food and a sweater in case it got cold.

  “I’ll miss you,” Alvin said and laughed as he waved goodbye to Smudge, who was already enamored with her new toys.

  Alvin walked to Melody’s side and opened the car door for her. The happy couple chatted excitedly about the night ahead. Melody had downloaded the inn’s menu and excitedly read Alvin their options. It was such a treat to have authentic Italian cuisine in Port Warren. The town had been founded steeped in classic American culinary traditions. Food rarely deviated from the staples of meat and potatoes. To have a chef that trained in Italy was such an experience, and the whole town was eager to sample the menu.

  Alvin decided on the chicken parmesan, and Melody decided to wait to see which dish Kerry would be ordering before selecting her dinner. As they made their way to their destination, the streetlights got fewer, and the stars shone brighter. Although they had just got back from out of town, Melody felt thrilled to be in another part of Port Warren. Bronwyn’s Country Inn was located in an apple orchard and seemingly under a million stars. When Alvin and Melody pulled up to the entrance for the valet to take their car, they both admired the stars as they breathed in the country air.

  “This would make a wonderful place to say I do,” Alvin said as he twirled his intended for the second time that night.

  Melody laughed in agreement. Kerry waved to her from inside the dining area. Melody grabbed Alvin’s hand to lead the way to their table. As soon as they stepped inside, Ruth Bronwyn greeted them warmly.

  “Port Warren’s star baker, we are so thrilled to have you this evening. A little bird told me your good news. We would love for you to consider allowing me and my staff to host your wedding and reception. We have been voted the top bridal destination three years in a row by the Port Warren Tribune.”

  Melody thanked Ruth for having them and was impressed with how meticulously Ruth was dressed. Her bun was perfectly slicked back, and her head-to-toe black outfit was both the height of sophistication and yet not overdone. Not a single one of Ruth’s movements was wasted. Melody sensed that while her undivided attention was placed upon her, Ruth knew what was going on in every aspect of her business and every corner of her vast property.

  Ruth grabbed menus and personally walked them to their table, where Kerry and Bradford were awaiting their presence.

  “I heard stories that Ruth is only nice to the customers,” Alvin whispered to Melody softly enough that Ruth would not hear them. “Her staff complains about her all the time.”

  “I know. I couldn’t treat Kerry and Leslie that way, not that I’d want to. Your staff has to enjoy coming to work and should see your success as theirs. That is the only way to run a business.”

  “Well, not every boss is as sweet as you,” Alvin said as they were a few inches from the table.

  “Good evening, my name is Hillary Taylor. I will be your server this evening. It is so nice to have you join the Smedley table. This is my first week, so I apologize in advance for any inconvenience.”

  Alvin and Melody snuck a quick kiss and smiled. The happy couple exchanged greetings with the other happy couple. Hillary’s clumsy movements contrasted with Ruth’s exact ones. The couples gave their orders. Hillary returned 15 minutes later and placed the wrong appetizers in front of them. Alvin rearranged them as soon as Hillary left to avoid hurting her feelings. They took bites of their bruschetta, scamorza, fritto misto, and antipasto. Hillary thankfully got the first course right. With her nerves frazzled, Hillary checked on the table a bit too frequently. Otherwise, she was doing well until she dropped a plate bearing a knife when clearing the table.

  “This is not acceptable, Hillary,” Ruth said through clenched teeth. Turning to them, she shook her head and clenched her teeth. “I apologize to everyone at the table for this incompetence. Your meal is on me for the mess that Hillary has made.”

  “That’s not necessary, Ruth. We all know how hard the first few days of a new job can be. Everything else has been great. We’re happy to pay,” Melody said.

  “I insist,” Ruth said, her eyes blazing. “Hillary, please join me in the back. Now!”

  “Well, that was not pleasant. Kerry, would you come with me to the ladies’ room? I need to powder my nose. Please excuse us, gentlemen,” Melody said with a bit of fluster in her tone.

  Bronwyn’s Country Inn had a packed house that night. The elite of Port Warren, including politicians, business owners, and socialites, sat next to couples on their first formal dates, those celebrating life’s treasured milestones and citizens who were curious about Chef Coleman’s dishes. Alvin and Bradford discussed the latest in sports as Melody and Kerry walked to the bathroom, stopping to greet their regulars and friends they had not seen for a few weeks. As they finally made their way through the crowded dining room, Kerry tugged on Melody’s arm and motioned to a sweaty man in a small office hunched over a set of ledgers. He was muttering to himself as he furiously crunched numbers with a large calculator. He paused only long enough to chug coffee from a large thermos. But the way his hands were shaking, he seemed to be in desperate need of sleep.

  “I’m sure glad I don’t have his job. I guess the stories about Ruth being a taskmaster are true,” Melody said.

  When Melody and Kerry returned to the table, a server who was not Hillary was refilling their water.

  “Hello, I’m Shawn Murphy. I will
be your server for the rest of your meal. I have to say your apple cider doughnuts are my absolute favorite, Miss Marshall.”

  “Where do you fit those doughnuts, Shawn Murphy?” Kerry asked. “You look like a basketball player.”

  “I’m a hockey man. Those doughnuts are the best right after practice.”

  After spending the first part of their dinner holding their breath with Hillary, the table was impressed with Shawn’s ease at clearing dishes and getting the rest of their orders right and without another dropped plate. Once they all finished the last bite of dessert, Kerry announced that she wanted Shawn to be the server at her wedding reception.

  “Guys, would you all go with me to speak with Ruth about using Shawn?” Kerry asked the table.

  “I hear Ruth’s voice coming from the kitchen. Let’s take a walk until she is back out on the floor,” Melody said.

  “I also want to get a jumpstart on the wedding menu. Maybe we can speak to the head of the kitchen staff or Chef Coleman while we wait on Ruth. It can’t hurt.”

  Kerry and Melody were about to reach the kitchen when they both stopped abruptly at the window. Before them, Ruth grabbed the grater from Chef Coleman Urquhart. From the veins in her neck and flushed face, Melody and Kerry could tell she had been yelling at him for quite some time.

  “Coleman, I told you to stop using pistachios as a dessert topper. Not all the guests like the texture or taste. I know you are getting a big head from all the attention you are getting. That is not important, you still work for me, and my way. My guests need to have their palates catered to, not your inflated ego.”

  “We need to expand their palates. When I studied under Chef Mastizo in Italy, even the coffee was topped with pistachios.”

  “This is my business. I told you to stop! Nuts are dangerous, who knows which customer could have an allergy. You will keep serving pistachio over my dead body,” Ruth hissed.

  Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Two

  Ruth turned her head to her guests as they entered the kitchen, her lips quickly curled into a smile.

  “Was the meal to your liking? I deeply apologize for Miss Hillary. Good help is hard to find.”

  “It was, and Hillary was not a problem,” Kerry answered.

  “On your special day, my staff will proudly provide a super experience. Miss Porter and Mr. Smedley, please allow me to introduce you to Terrance DeWitt, my coordinator. Let’s take a short trip to his office. I believe he is still looking over the books. However, if he did things right the first time, he wouldn’t have to stay so late.”

  Ruth led the married couple to DeWitt’s office. Alvin and Melody were left alone with a clearly annoyed Chef.

  “We loved the meal,” they announced in nervous unison.

  “Thank you for your appreciation. It is nice to have someone say good job every once in a while. I do so much for this place. I could have gone anywhere I wanted. I chose Ruth because she said I could design the entire menu and specials. Now, she believes she discovered me, and I am forever indebted to her and this unsophisticated place. I will do what I think is best for my diners.”

  The chef began furiously chopping vegetables.

  “We’ll leave you to your work,” Alvin said, having stepped away from the blurred blade. “Thank you again for a great meal. Every bite was delicious.”

  Melody grabbed her fiancé’s hand for a moment to let him know she wanted to stay a moment longer. With a smile, she turned to the chef. “I’ve been there before, with a boss who doesn’t understand the hours and skill it takes for just the perfect bite. It isn’t only about the customers; we are being trusted to carry on traditions for the present and for the future. I know what you are feeling.”

  “I am an artist. I trained in Italy. My diners seem to be quite happy with their feasts.” Coleman sneered.

  Alvin pulled on Melody’s arm. She understood that it was time to leave and let the clearly frustrated man work. They slowly backed out and found Kerry and Bradford in the small office near the restroom. The sweaty man they saw earlier was introduced by Ruth as Terrance DeWitt. He was still crunching numbers and chugging coffee from what had to be a near-empty thermos.

  “So, we can only book that date if you do it right now. June wedding spots do not last long in Port Warren, or anywhere else in the world,” Ruth said, clearly eager to get their business.

  “Now, Miss Porter, I think a scaled-down reception would fit nicely into your budget rather than the larger one. Weddings can have unexpected costs that add up. It is better to be prudent,” Terrance said.

  Ruth’s nostrils flared in annoyance. “Let me show you to your rooms so you can get a heavenly night’s sleep. We can resume our conversation in the morning when everyone has a clear head.”

  As soon as Ruth excused herself in front of their doors to tend to her other guests, Melody turned to Kerry with concern.

  “It isn’t too late to back out if you are having second thoughts. We can find another location,” she said.

  “I appreciate the concern… but I really want my wedding to be here. I want everything set in stone tomorrow morning. The people may not be perfect, but the location is. I couldn’t think of a better place for my special day.”

  The couples exchanged their goodnights. It had been a long evening. While the food was spectacular, watching Ruth berate her staff did not sit well with Melody. Still, she wanted to have a nice night with Alvin and enjoy their time together.

  “I’m not that tired. Do you want to go for a walk around the grounds?” Alvin asked his bride-to-be.

  “I would actually love that.”

  Alvin had learned that the best way for Melody to get something off her mind was to take a walk. He knew the unpleasant scenes of Ruth yelling at Hillary and Coleman, topped with Ruth’s annoyance at Terrance, were weighing on her mind. One of the things that Alvin loved about Melody was the way she treated her employees, not only fairly but like family.

  In their room, they quickly changed into jeans and light jackets to explore the grounds.

  “So, do you think Ruth can be nice enough on our wedding day?” Alvin asked.

  “I don’t know. Let’s think of other places.”

  A line of boots of differing sizes was placed on the inn’s back porch for guests to use on their strolls. Alvin helped Melody into hers. They walked arm in arm under the bright stars. The soil under their feet was still damp from the morning’s rain. Port Warren was famous for soil that could grow just about anything and did. They passed the vegetable garden that supplied the kitchen for their delicious salad earlier. Melody was tempted to steal a tomato but decided she had already had an unpleasant brush with the law. Seeming to read her mind, Alvin raised a finger at her and shook it. They both laughed and continued walking.

  “I wonder what it will be like to get married, not here but just in general,” Melody said.

  “You aren’t getting cold feet, are you?”

  “Of course not. I just wonder what it is going to be like. A happy family of three – me, you, and Smudge. Some people say nothing changes. Others say everything changes. I’m just curious.”

  “Let’s start by picking a location. We can figure the rest out. We will have our whole lives to do it. Now, we have crossed this place off the list. What else do we have that’s local?”

  They briefly toyed with the idea of having the ceremony and reception in the bakery but decided there would not be enough room. Another option they quickly dismissed was the town square; it would be too public. They discussed the local church, and a converted barn one of Alvin’s friends wanted to turn into a wedding venue.

  “I only know one person who got married in a barn. It didn’t turn out so well,” Melody said.

  Although they hadn’t set a budget yet, they briefly discussed having a destination wedding. Alvin wanted Florida and Melody liked the idea of New Hampshire. They debated the benefits of each state.

  “I’m so thirsty,” Melody said. “Is there a fountain
around here?”

  Alvin pointed his phone’s flashlight to the corner of the property. Instead of a fountain, he saw two eyes. His years of being on the force helped him discern that it was a woman in distress, not a lurking beast. Then they heard sobbing.

  “Are you okay out there? My name is Sheriff Alvin Hennessy. I can help if you let me.”

  Melody ran to the girl, fearing the worst. She was relieved to see it was Hillary still in her work uniform. Melody put her arms around the weeping girl and held her until the worst of her full body sobs seemed to be over.

  Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Three

  Melody stood in the corner of the field, holding on to the still upset girl. Alvin momentarily left them alone to find some water bottles in the cooler of the stables.

  Hillary explained she had been so distraught that she wanted to be as far away from the inn as possible without actually leaving it. Hillary told her that she had been fired once the sobs had quieted. Melody wanted to ask why she was still there but decided against asking her since the girl had been crying for at least a good two hours. Melody took the water bottle from Alvin and got Hillary to take a few sips. Slowly, she regained her composure.

  “I’m so sorry. I don’t want to ruin your evening, again,” Hillary said as evenly as possible.

  “You didn’t ruin anything, except your eye makeup.”

  Melody motioned for Alvin’s handkerchief and dabbed at Hillary’s tears. The girl’s face was bright red, and her voice was hoarse with so much emotion. Once there was a long break in the sobs, Melody asked what had made her so upset.

  All at once, Hillary opened up and unloaded about the poor treatment Ruth had given her during her short employment at the inn.

  “She fired me for a few mistakes. I was barely on the floor for a week. During my training, she had been so nice to me. She was just trying to lure me into her web of deceit. Part of me is glad to leave. I can walk away from this job, but not from Ruth. That woman has ruined my life in more ways than by just firing me.”


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