The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set

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The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set Page 76

by Rosie Sams

  “I wanted to punish them for betraying me. Murdering Rockford was the only way to hurt both. Just give me a pen and paper, I’ll write a full confession.”

  “You idiot! What did you do?” Thelma lunged at Wayne.

  Melody scooped up Smudge, just in the nick of time! Suddenly, officers filled the room. They grabbed Thelma and Wayne, separating them.

  “Wayne Arlen, you’re also under arrest for the murder of The Resplendent Rockford. We’ll get to the bottom of this down at the station.” Alvin signaled the officers to take them both away.

  “Who knew magic was this exhausting?” Melody asked after the room had emptied.

  Alvin nodded and looked at his watch. “I had better let the rest of the guests get home, so I don’t have a list of complaints in the morning. Then, I’ve got to wrap up with the coroner here. After that, I have to head to the station to figure out who’s really guilty - Bonnie or Clyde.” He leaned over, giving Melody a quick peck on the lips.

  “I’ll go talk to Claudia for a bit. She’s devastated. This is a terrible thing for her to live with.” It was her turn to lean over and kiss his lips.

  “I wonder if she’ll quit the business.”

  “That may make Sam happy.”

  Together, they left the dressing room and headed toward the theater.

  Melody found Claudia and Sam held up in his office. She knocked on the door, and Sam cracked it open. “Hi, Melody,” he said through the opening.

  “It’s ok, Sam. Alvin just made two arrests. You can let me in.”

  He opened the door. Claudia’s red-rimmed eyes were filled with tears, but they no longer streamed down her cheeks.

  Melody took a seat next to her. Smudge climbed into Claudia’s lap and snuggled her. Absently, Claudia stroked the little pup’s soft fur, which seemed to calm her a bit.

  “Did you say Alvin arrested someone? I hope it was that vile Thelma,” she said, her voice was hoarse.

  “Actually, he arrested Thelma and Wayne Arlen, but we’re not exactly sure if they both committed the crime together, or if Wayne is trying to cover for Thelma. Apparently, he’s in love with her. He was hurt when Thelma left him for Rockford.”

  “That poor man,” Sam said. “He lost his girl and his assistant?”

  Melody nodded. “And, his tricks. Thelma was the one that knew all Wayne’s secrets, and she shared them with Rockford.”

  “Wow! I knew she was no good!” Claudia said. “How could she betray the man she once loved? Wayne trusted her.”

  “I guess she loved Rockford more and was willing to give him everything for their success.” Then, Melody took Claudia’s hand in hers. “The important thing for you to know is that you didn’t kill Rockford. It was in no way your fault.”

  Sam nodded in agreement.

  Claudia smiled as she squeezed Melody’s hand. Smudge nuzzled the woman’s chin, too. “In my head, I know that, but I still feel terrible for Rockford. He didn’t deserve to die that way.”

  Melody and Sam nodded in agreement, as Smudge whined softly.

  “So, does this mean I can take her home? She’s had a pretty rough day,” Sam said.

  “I think so. Alvin is releasing the other guests so they can head home, too.”

  Sam sighed relieved by Melody’s words.

  “Claudia, why don’t you get your things together. I’m going to check in with Alvin. I want to give him the keys so they can lock up when they are done processing the scene, and then I’ll take you home, babe. I’ll draw you a nice warm bath and get you some food... how does that sound?”

  Claudia nodded, then for no reason at all, she hugged Smudge. Melody suspected she just needed to embrace the pup at that moment. Smudge had a calming way about her.

  When she was ready, she released the pup, and Melody took Smudge back to the theater, bidding Claudia goodnight. By the time they reached the theater, it was empty. Alvin had successfully gotten the other guests out of there. Only one person remained, Clive Strawbridge. He sat in the back row, looking at the stage while the crime scene team finished processing the scene.

  Melody took a seat behind him, as Smudge sniffed around the aisle and row much like she did when they were taking the tour. “How are you hanging in there? I know you really respected Rockford.”

  “The man was a... He was rude. He was nasty. The pay was terrible, but... he was talented, charismatic, and born to be a superstar. I was looking forward to seeing this through with him, and I was hoping he’d take me with him.”

  “What will you do now?” she asked.

  Smudge was sniffing closer to where they were sitting now. Melody kept an eye on her, figuring she was picking up random popcorn kernels or candy left behind from the audience.

  “I’m not so sure. It’s not like I can apply to work for Wayne either, can I?”

  Smudge sniffed around Clive’s leg then rubbed against it. He reached down and petted her, but then subtly pushed her away.

  “I hope you find a way to pick up the pieces. I’m sure something will come along. Come by the shop sometime, I’ll make you something special to cheer you up.”

  Clive fidgeted in his seat as Smudge rubbed against his leg a little harder. “She’s quite affectionate tonight, isn’t she?” He rose from his chair. “I better get going. There’s nothing left here for me to do, and I think I need to be alone.”

  As he started to leave, Smudge followed him. She nearly tripped him as she kept trying to get to his leg. Clive, who normally adored Smudge, swatted gently at her, “Quit it, Smudge.”

  Melody narrowed her eyes.

  Smudge gave his leg one last rub, knocking her bottom against his calf. As Clive lifted his leg to stop her, a screwdriver fell from his sock and bounced into the center aisle!

  Chapter One Hundred Ninety-Nine

  "You dumb dog!" Clive tried to reach for the screwdriver, but Melody was in prime position to dive for it just as it started to roll down the aisle. It took her a second to process what the object was, but the moment she realized it was a screwdriver, she remembered Alvin's words about the type of tool he suspected was used to alter Rockford's box.

  Scooping up the screwdriver by the blade, she held it out of Clive's reach. Smudge dove in front of her protectively. She growled at Clive, keeping him at bay. "Oh, Clive, no. Did you do this? Did you murder Rockford?" Melody asked, disappointedly.

  He extended his hand. "Melody, give me the screwdriver. It was Rockford's. I need it to break down the props once the investigation is over, and now, it has some sentimental value."

  Smudge jumped up and snapped at the air near his hand, warning him to pull it back.

  Melody's mind was rapidly connecting the dots.

  "I don't think that's all you used this screwdriver for. I think you wanted Rockford as a client, but I think you also had Thelma in your sights. I saw how you looked at her when she shoved you on the stage. I also saw the cookies in her dressing room. You weren't ordering cookies just for Rockford, you were ordering them for Thelma, too. That's why the cookies in her room were positioned in the shape of a heart. Rockford had already fired her. You arranged those cookies like that because you were in love with her, but she wanted nothing to do with you!"

  Clive stepped closer despite Smudge's threatening stance. He swiped his hand through the air, trying to reach the screwdriver. His face contorted with frustration. "Give me the screwdriver, Melody!"

  Smudge snapped at the air again, then barked repeatedly.

  Alvin appeared in the doorway to the theater, Clive's back was to him as he continued to press Melody. She and Smudge backed down the center aisle, but they didn't relent.

  "But, that's not all! When Rockford fired Thelma, you were afraid of losing her forever! She became more important than the opportunity to ride Rockford's coattails. So, having had enough of Rockford's degrading ways, you found the perfect opportunity to take him out, frame Claudia and maybe win Thelma's affection."

  "Do you know how crazy you sound ri
ght now? This whole story is in your head!" Clive said.

  "Crazy, huh? I know when you tampered with the box! You did it after the rehearsal when you had to sanitize everything! You were the only one in the theater after the rehearsals, it was the perfect opportunity!"

  Smudge dove at Clive's leg, attempting to snatch it between her teeth. As she did, Clive lifted his foot, seemingly ready to stomp on the little sleuth's canine head.

  "Damn, mutt! I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for her!"

  Melody gasped, but Smudge didn't wait to be kicked. Instead, the brave little dog bared her teeth and dove for his ankle. In a flash, she pulled the villain to the ground.

  Alvin, having heard the whole story, dove on top of Clive keeping him down. Hearing the commotion, Wilbur ran into the theater and helped take Clive into custody.

  Smudge and Melody had done it again! "That's my girl!" Melody ran and scooped her up as Clive struggled to get free from Wilbur. He was unsuccessful.

  Chapter Two Hundred

  The door to the pastry shop opened. Melody looked up, ready to serve a new customer. In the wake of The Resplendent Rockford’s murder, she looked forward to dealing with nothing but sweets. Much to her surprise, it was Wayne Arlen that had just entered the bakery.

  “Wayne! It’s good to see you, what can I get you?” she asked. Smudge came from around the counter and eyeballed him suspiciously. He spotted her right away and held up his hands, palms open as if to show Smudge he meant no harm.

  “I’m sorry to impose, Melody. I just wanted to thank you and Smudge for helping to clear my name, and Thelma’s.” He waved his hands quickly. Suddenly, a bouquet of flowers appeared. He handed them to Melody slowly, not wanting to make any quick moves under Smudge’s watchful eye.

  Melody took the flowers with an appreciative chuckle.

  “That’s very kind of you, Wayne. Thank you. I’m just glad the real murderer was brought to justice.”

  He then snapped his fingers, but when he opened his hand, there was a small red ball in his palm. He tossed it to Smudge, who playfully batted at it with her paws before scooping it up in her mouth and carrying it back around the counter to her mat.

  Melody laughed.

  “I think you just won her over. Sorry about that whole pant leg thing in the alley.”

  Wayne waved it off. “I didn’t exactly do anything to discourage that from happening.”

  “So, what are your plans now that you’re a free man?” She set the flowers on the counter by the register, then went to the display that housed the croissants. She plucked one from its tray and placed it on a small plate for Wayne, inviting him to try the peace offering. “Here, let’s break bread.” She smiled.

  He couldn’t resist, so he took the delicious treat with a thankful nod. “I’m not exactly sure. I still love Thelma, and she was my assistant first. I’d love to pick up the pieces and start over with her.”

  “Do you think you can forgive her even though she betrayed your trust? I mean, it’s one thing for a relationship to go south, but she did reveal your trade secrets to Rockford. Can you trust her with new ones?”

  “I’m not sure. I want to try, though. I am going to try.” He took a bite of the croissant and moaned. “Wow, this is delicious.”

  She prepared a cup of coffee for him and placed it on the counter.

  “Well, I, for one, am a big supporter of true love, so I wish you both luck, and I hope you two can make it work.” They chatted a bit more as Wayne finished his croissant and coffee, then he headed for the door. Just before he left, he paused and looked back at her.

  “No matter what happens, don’t be like me. Don’t let bitterness get in the way when someone you love wants to do better for themselves. I think if I hadn’t tried to hold Thelma back, if I’d supported her desire to advance herself in the business, I may still have had her love. That should have been enough. I should have done the right thing by her.” With that, he waved and left the shop.

  His words struck a chord with Melody. She looked around the shop that now looked exactly as she left it before she and Alvin went to Vegas. Leslie’s upgrades were missing, but not for much longer.

  When Leslie returned from a supply store about an hour later, she was shocked to see her signage back in place and cookies in the window next to the cupcakes.

  “What’s all this?” she asked as she looked around the shop.

  “I’ve been thinking. You’ve been a wonderful partner, and you have a lot of great ideas. I think it’s important that you have a say in the direction of the business, too, and I promise to be more open to your strategies.”

  “Really? I don’t see the Devil’s Food cupcake sign,” Leslie teased, but it was clear she was excited that Melody was allowing her to impact the business.

  “Yeah, that one needs a little more work.” Melody pulled Leslie, her business partner, but more importantly, her friend, into a tight hug.

  Chapter Two Hundred One

  “This way, girl.” Melody walked Smudge in front of the little theater. Promotional signs for The Resplendent Rockford still hung in the “Now Playing” frames on the outside facade. They had big overlays across them that read: SOLD OUT! Melody sighed deeply.

  “It’s a shame the magic show didn’t quite work out here in Port Warren, Smudge.”

  The little dog whined as she sniffed around the front of the theater.

  “I think Rockford could have been a huge success here, had he had the chance.” The door to the theater was open, so they went inside.

  Sam and his team were cleaning up. “Hi, Melody.” He greeted her then kneeled to scratch the top of Smudge’s head. “Hey there, superstar sleuth. She’s such a smart dog. You’re fortunate.”

  Smudge barked in agreement as she pushed her head into Sam’s hand, encouraging him to keep scratching.

  “She’s the smartest. I’d be lost without her.”

  “All of Port Warren would. She’s helped lock up a fair few bad guys. Good girl, Smudge. That’s quite an impressive record.”

  “So, what do you have planned next for the theater?”

  “Well, I’ve been talking with Wayne Arlen and Thelma Ford. They have a new type of magic act they want to introduce, more illusion, less murder. Maybe, we’ll give it another go.”

  “Wow! That would be wonderful! I hope they work it out. I’d be interested in seeing it.”

  “So would I!” Alvin said as he popped his head in the door. “There are my girls. Sam, always good to see you.”

  “Nice to see you, too, Sheriff. If you guys would excuse me, I must go meet Claudia. We’re looking at some apartments together.”

  “More good news!” Melody said. “Don’t let us keep you.” Together, they all walked out of the theater so Sam could lock up.

  Once alone, Alvin wrapped his arms around Melody’s waist. “You and Smudge did a great job on this one.” Smudge leaned against Alvin’s legs as she watched the traffic go by.

  “I admit that the little Frenchie always figures out the truth, but I do feel bad that your illusions were shattered.” She lifted her arms, draping them across his shoulders. She enjoyed being in Alvin’s arms more than anything in this world, even baking cupcakes.

  “Mel, I swear to you that you are the only magic I need in my life, you and Smudge.”

  “Aw, Pooh Bear. That’s so sweet of you.” She teased him, then kissed his lips quickly as he chuckled.

  “And, I’ll tell you something else.”

  “Ok, tell me.”

  “I want to marry you before the month is out if, of course, you still want to marry me. You know, me being a sheriff that needs his pastry chef fiancée and her brilliant, adorable dog to solve crimes.” He grinned wide because he wouldn’t have it any other way.

  “Well, Sheriff Hennessey, I swear to you, nothing would please me more than making sure you’re stuck with me - and Smudge, for the rest of your crime-fighting life.”

  Smudge danced around their l
egs happily as the pastry chef and the sheriff sealed their promises with a deep kiss.

  Wedding Dresses and Deadly Messes

  Bakers and Bulldog Mysteries


  Rosie Sams

  Chapter Two Hundred Two

  “Finally, a date! It’s going to be the wedding of the century!” Kerry Porter Smedley clapped her hands together wildly upon hearing Melody Marshall’s news. Her eyes scanned the back office of Decadently Delicious with laser focus. “Where is my trusty clipboard? I’ll make a list! We have so much to do and so little time.” Her hands shuffled papers frantically around the desk as she searched it. “Leslie, did you move it somewhere? How many times have I asked you not to move my stuff?”

  “How much coffee did she drink this morning?” Leslie Mathers asked quietly enough so that Kerry wouldn’t hear her. She ignored Kerry’s indirect accusation that she may have moved her clipboard. Together, Melody and her calmly watched from the doorway as “Hurricane Kerry” turned the office upside-down.

  Smudge, Melody’s lovable French Bulldog, was curled up on her comfy mat, watching Kerry’s every move, too. The silky blue-grey fur with the cute white smudge on her back always made Melody want to cuddle her. Smudge grunted indignantly, as her furry eyebrows shifted at the woman’s rapid, caffeine-fueled movements.

  “Well, by our standards, I’d say more than enough, but by Kerry’s standards, I’d say she hasn’t even got started yet.” Melody cleared her throat, attempting to gain Kerry’s attention. “Don’t mix up those orders. Your clipboard is…”

  But as Melody was about to reveal the clipboard’s location, which was in plain sight, Kerry threw her hands up in victory, having finally spotted it! Grabbing a pen, she immediately put it to paper. Her hand moved furiously from line to line as she called out each item. “Invitations, flowers, catering, music… three weeks is such a short time to plan the wedding of the century, but we can make it happen! Do you want a band or a DJ?” she asked.


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