Playing the Game

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Playing the Game Page 14

by L. M. Reid

  “Oh God,” she groans. “At least tell me this… was he nice or naughty? Because I picture him being nice and taking his time and…”

  “And you would be wrong.” Partially at least.

  “You are getting me all riled up over here with no one to take care of it.”

  “I’m sure your vibrator will do just fine,” I say with a laugh. “Just please don’t picture him while you’re doing it.”

  “Why? Are you guys like a couple now?” When I don’t answer, her squealing resumes again.

  “Will you stop doing that, please?” I laugh.

  “You like him, you really, really like him.”

  “I wouldn’t go that far,” I lie as I desperately try to contain my excitement and not squeal in delight like she is.

  “Ahh. You do. This is so amazing.”

  I plop down on the bed. “What’s not to like? He’s perfect. Exactly what every girl’s dreams are made of.”


  “Not a but so much as a… he’s not what girls like me end up with.”

  I can practically see Claire roll her eyes at me. She hates when I say things like that. Her voice is loaded with frustration when she speaks. “I am so sick of you saying that. You’re an amazing person, Quinn. You’ve overcome so much, and you have such a big heart. You just have to quit putting up these walls to keep people out. Let him in, let him see the real you. Not the girl who argues her way through relationships because she doesn’t think she deserves anyone except assholes like Shane.”

  “He wasn’t that bad,” I say trying to defend myself. But who am I kidding?

  “A yeast infection isn’t that bad. He was awful,” Claire replies. “Not only was he was married and screwing you. God only knows how many other students he’s done it too.”

  Admittedly, the thought has crossed my mind. And grossed me out. He was the professor. He was seducing students. Yet, I’m the one that had to leave school. While he is still there probably doing the same thing to others that he did to me.

  “Promise me one thing, Q.”

  “And that would be?”

  “Don’t push him away. Give it a real shot. You deserve that much.”

  The door to the hotel suite opens and Hunter stands in it with a bouquet of flowers in one hand and breakfast in the other. I shake my head, the smile on my lips automatic. “I don’t think I could if I tried. I have to go; I’ll see you in a few days.”

  “Details. I want details when you get back. Positions, size…” I disconnect the call that we were having on speaker phone.

  “Hi,” I say softly. I’m only slightly embarrassed by the fact that he caught me. And only because I know he’s going to tease me about it.

  We may have found a much better footing, but let’s be honest some things aren’t going to change. And I’m okay with that. I like that. I like us just the way we are. It’s partially why taking this next step with him scares me. Because if we’ve finally found this common ground, what happens if the earth starts to quake and through no intentional fault of our own we come apart? How do we exist then?

  “Should I be worried about what you told her?” he asks.

  “I don’t kiss and tell.”

  “That’s too bad, it’s always nice to get rave reviews.”

  “Is that what you think I would give you? Five stars?”

  There’s a shake of his head. “Seven out of five… minimum.”

  My gaze falls to the flowers he’s still holding. “Are those for me?”

  “These?” he asks, holding them up. “Nah, I got them for Mason. They’re his favorite.”

  “You forget that I’ve seen you two together. I know that’s a good possibility.”

  “I am pretty sure I proved last night where my desires lie.” He hands me the bouquet. “If you need me to, I’m more than willing to prove it again and again. Whatever it takes. I’m willing to make the sacrifice for us.”

  “Sacrifice huh?”

  “Definitely a worthy one.”

  I bring the bouquet to my nose and inhale the sweet scent. “They’re beautiful.”

  “You’re beautiful,” he says as he presses his lips to my cheek.

  Why he thinks a kiss like that is going to satisfy me, I have no idea. Not when he knew exactly what to do to satisfy my body. Unless of course he’s trying to torture me. Which, after last night, I wouldn’t put past him.

  I set the bouquet on the bed and step up onto my tip toes. My lips begging for his. “Kiss me.”

  “I would but…”

  “But?” I laugh. “Is the honeymoon already over?”

  “Actually, it’s just beginning. That’s why I can’t kiss you. Because if I do, I’ll never stop. And I have other plans for you tonight.”

  “So much for you being fun,” I tease. His hands rest at my waist and just the feel of our bodies together has every single nerve ending in my body quivering with anticipation. I crave his kiss, need his touch. As if it’s not bad enough that we have to follow this itinerary, now he’s going to torture me denying me a kiss?

  “This better be good,” I tell him.

  “Oh, it is.”

  There isn’t a doubt in my mind that whatever he has in store form me will be better than good. Amazing even.

  When his lips press to my forehead in a sweet kiss, I swoon. Without having to really do anything at all he’s infiltrating my mind and my heart.


  After breakfast, Hunter excused himself to take care of something. He refused to say what, or how long it would take, he just…disappeared. He returned several hours later and informed me that I had thirty minutes to get ready for our date. That’s it. No indication of what it is or where we’re going.

  “Do I look okay?” I ask, doing a little twirl in front of him.

  “You look perfect. You always do.” My cheeks flush, my temperature rising as I thank my lucky starts Layla is such a complete idiot. Because just as sure as I am that I don’t deserve this man, I am equally as sure that Maddox doesn’t hold a candle to what she’s let go.

  As we make our way to our destination, wherever that may be, I keep catching him looking at me. It’s not overt, but I see it. His eyes drift toward me every couple of moments and he gets this smile on his face as if he can’t believe this is real. It’s immediately followed by a squeeze of his hand. I’m not sure if he realizes what he’s doing or that he’s being so obvious about it, but I don’t call him out when normally I would. Instead, I take pride and enjoyment in the stolen glances and the way he looks at me. There’s this little twinkle if excitement in his eyes and I almost feel like a prize he’s won when really it should be the other way around.

  I’m the lucky one. I’m the one who’s gaining everything in this situation.

  “Where are we going?” I ask.

  We’ve been walking forever and I’m starting to think he has me going in circles. If I didn’t know better, I would swear we passed that tree before.

  “It’s a surprise.”


  “You’re going to love it, I promise,” he says.

  “How much longer until we get to this surprise?”

  “It’s right behind you.”

  What? How can that be? We just came from behind me. I turn to look and there, the cabana that we had just walked past, the one I didn’t pay attention to because I was busy arguing with him, is lit with candles and flowers.

  I gasp as the sight, my hand covering my mouth as it falls open in shock. “You did this for me?”

  “I did,” he says softly. “It’s ours. All night. And, all day tomorrow. Just the two of us and the beach. How does that sound?”

  “What about the itinerary? Hudson and Hayley will…”

  “Hudson is already aware and Hayley… she’ll just have to get over it.” Hunter’s hand caresses my cheek. “I just want to be alone with you.”

  No words have ever sounded better in my whole life. “It sounds like heaven.”
/>   Chapter 25


  Another gorgeous morning. And the best part of it is, this time when I wake up, I’m not alone. The gorgeous woman from last night, she’s still in my arms.

  For two people who did not get along less than a week ago, we sure as hell have seem to overcome our issues. We spent the whole night talking and laughing. We set the heavy stuff to the side and just enjoyed each other’s company.

  We talked about music, movies, we even played a drinking games – which she won.

  It was an amazing night. Then when we were ready to pass out, we headed back to our room and made love.

  Now, in the light of day, I snuggle into her a little more my fingers dancing over her skin trying to rouse her.

  “Are you serious?” she giggles in a sleep drunk voice. “It’s only been two hours since the last time you woke me up for sex.”

  “Are you complaining?” I ask her has I run my fingers down the curve of her back.

  “Can we at least get some food first? I’m starving. You’re burning up all my energy.”

  “It’s just morning wood this time, I swear,” I chuckle. “We have breakfast reservations in ten.”

  Her body rolls to face mine, her breasts pressing against my chest and making me rethink our reservation and consider some room service instead. We only have a couple days left before we head back to reality. A reality that I hope looks much different than it did before we arrived in paradise.

  Like now as I look at her across the breakfast table. She worries her bottom lip between her teeth as she looks over the menu. She’s still the same woman that I’ve always known but we’re different. We understand each other now, know each other. And we both like what we see. What we’ve always seen but were just too damn stubborn to acknowledge. At least I know that’s what it was on my part. I had been so focused on how I thought things should be, how they should look, that I overlooked the fact that some of the best things in life are a little wild and even a little different.

  Layla was my standard – my norm. But now, I feel like I’m seeing a whole different side of the things, discovering new pieces of me. Or, maybe not new, but buried?

  “Quit staring,” she says.


  “You’re an idiot,” she laughs.

  Then there’s that. The arguments that we used to have now turned into a playful banter. And it makes me wonder if there was some sort of hidden desire there all this time. Then I wonder when in the hell I started sounding like such a chick.

  "You’re one to talk.” I look up to see Layla standing there.

  Christ, why won’t the woman go away?

  “What do you want now?” I ask, my tone filled with irritation that I hope to hell she hears.

  “We need to talk,” Layla asserts.

  I look over at Quinn and smile. “I’m a little busy.”

  “Yes, I’m sure she keeps you busy, but I doubt satisfied.”

  Fucking hell this woman is really pulling out the daggers today. I sit back in my chair, my arms folded across my chest and a smirk plastered on my face. “Do I not look satisfied?”

  “You cannot be serious with this. She has blue fucking hair,” Layla shouts. The restaurant is filled with the breakfast crowd and at the high-pitched sound of her voice, all eyes are on us.

  “They’re streaks,” Quinn argues.

  “You’re ridiculous,” she shouts. “The idea of the two of you is just absurd.”

  “Lower your voice,” I instruct her.

  “Not until…”

  I stand, grab Layla by the arm and lead her away. I won’t let her cause a further scene. I sure as hell won’t let her speak to Quinn like that.

  “What the hell is your problem?” I ask Layla. My voice is quiet, but harsh.

  “I’m not the one with a problem. You are. You are making a huge mistake with Quinn,” she says.

  “That’s rich coming from you. The way I see it Layla, I made a mistake with you… not Quinn.”

  “Look at her,” she says glancing to where Quinn is sitting. Where I should be sitting with her. I look at her sitting there looking confused, hurt, and uncomfortable. I watch as she fiddles with the napkin until the waitress brings her drink, which she downs immediately. I watch how I’ve affected her, how she knows she affects me. I watch her struggle with what this means. And I’m right there with her.

  The only thing I seem to be missing is what it is Layla wants me to see. Because all I see is Quinn, beautiful, sexy, unique, and a perfect fit in my arms. I see a strong woman who hides her vulnerability behind a mask of anger because she thinks of it more as a weakness rather than realizing how much stronger it makes her. I see a woman that I’ve misjudged most of my life – a woman I want to get to know better.

  “I’m looking, Layla. I’ve been looking for months and all I see is…”

  “Blue hair? Slutty clothes? An attitude and a reputation that will chase away every team, every endorsement? Because when I look at her, that’s what I see. Trouble, Hunter.”

  Quinn is definitely trouble. With a capital T. She’s also the exact kind of trouble I find myself wanting to drown in.

  “You don’t know anything about her,” I assert.

  “No one else will either. All they will know is what they see. And they will all see the same thing I do – a cheap slut.”

  “Then you’re blind. Besides, you forgot one important detail.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I don’t give a damn what you think. I don’t give a damn what anyone thinks. I am with Quinn. I want to be with Quinn. Nothing you do or say is going to change that.”

  “At least you’re not disputing the fact that she’s nothing more than a…”

  “If I were you, I would stop right there. I gave you a pass once. I won’t do it again.”

  “You’re making a mistake.”

  At just the right moment, Maddox walks up. “Nope. I already did that. Now I’m fixing it.” For the first time since everything happened, I size up the guy that has essentially turned into my replacement. The star baseball player who thinks that his shit doesn’t stink. The kind of guy who thought it was okay to fuck some girl in another guy’s bed. “Enjoy your trip.”

  “Hunter,” she calls after me, but I ignore not only her words but the woman who is saying them.

  I slide back into my seat at the table moments after our food arrives. “Looks like I’m just in time.”

  “Mm-hmm.” Quinn’s looking down at her plate, picking at the food.

  “I’m sorry about that. Hopefully, she won’t be bothering us anymore.”

  “At least it looks like our plan worked. She’s jealous as hell.”

  “I never wanted to make her jealous.”

  “Isn’t that the whole reason we started this thing in the first place?” Quinn asks before taking a bite of her pancakes.

  I’m not really sure what I wanted to do, or why I thought having a date here with me would make it easier. But making Layla jealous wasn’t even a thought. Why make a woman I no longer want, jealous? It’s not as though I want to get back with her. I would be perfectly happy if I never had to see her again. That was the problem. That’s what started all of this. The fact that I had to see her. With him.

  “I guess more than anything I wanted a distraction. Something, someone to keep me from having to focus on Layla and her new boyfriend. But I don’t care about that anymore. Because my distraction turned out to be a lot more than I bargained for.”

  “Did she now?” she asks leaning across the table.

  “She did. She’s exactly what I’ve been missing in my life.”

  “You shouldn’t say things like that.”

  “Oh? Why is that?”

  “Because she might start to believe you.”

  “Then I guess I better say them more.”

  Quinn and I lock eyes and the whole world slips away.

  “I don’t know if I can handle this.” My head turns at t
he sound of Mason’s voice. “You two getting along is creepy enough. Holding hands and staring at each other all dreamy like?” He sticks his finger down his throat making a gagging sound.

  “You’re an asshole, you know that?” I say with a shake of my head.

  “So, what’s on the agenda for today, kids?” Mason asks ignoring my question.

  Quinn groans at the mention of the word agenda as she pulls out the sheet of paper with our itinerary on it. Just as quickly her frown turns into a smile. “A glass-bottom boat tour. That doesn’t sound too bad, actually.”

  “Stuck on a boat with Layla for three hours? In what universe does that sound remotely good?” Mason chimes in. I have to admit, the man has a point.

  The last thing I need is her saying or doing something to Quinn. Not after all the progress that we’ve made. I want Quinn to have time to adjust. To feel secure with the idea of us. I saw the flashes of concern in her eyes earlier when Layla approached. The hurt in them when Layla insulted her.

  “We’re not going,” I remind her. “We’re going to spend the day in the cabana.”

  “This actually looks really interesting,” Quinn says. “Despite Layla.”

  I can almost see the wheels in her head spinning, the artist in her shining through.

  “Then, we’ll do it,” I say.

  “Are you sure?” she asks.

  “Whatever my baby wants, my baby gets,” I say. Mason cringes and makes faces.

  As we head out of the restaurant Quinn is walking slightly ahead of us. “By the way, you’ll be running interference today,” I inform him.

  “You think so,” he chuckles.

  “Quinn and I are uh, we’re together. And the last thing I need is Layla doing something to fuck it up.”

  Mason nods, a smile on his face. “Thank fuck for that. Now I can quit worrying about her and these assholes and focus on…”

  “Avery?” I supply the name of his other best friend. While I already know it’s going to earn me a fresh slice of hell from him, I also know I’m right. He’s just too blind to see it.

  “You and Quinn need to get lives man. Avery and I are friends. Repeat after me. Ffff – friends.”


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