Playing the Game

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Playing the Game Page 19

by L. M. Reid

  “Not over a woman like Layla. But you? I’m pining. Hard.”

  “You’re not going to like what I have to say,” she tells me. The funny thing is, I don’t care what her reason is. The only reason I need to know is, so I know how to fix it, or dispel it, or whatever it is that I need to do. Whatever it takes to get her back.

  “There really isn’t much about you that I don’t like.”

  “We’ll see about that,” she says.

  Chapter 35


  When I walked out of the gallery, my intention was to head to a bar, to a restaurant, anywhere but where we ended up. A hotel. Not just any hotel, but the hotel. The place that started all of this. The bar, which just like that night, is mostly quiet.

  There is one significant difference this time though.

  We don’t hate each other. In fact, I think we both love each other.

  I down the drink in front of me needing the courage it will bring. When I set the glass on the table, his hand reaches for mine.

  “What is it, baby? What happened?” The deep, but soft timber of his voice lulls me into a sense of security. One that will most likely be pulled out from under me the minute I tell him the truth.

  “It’s Shane.” There is hurt in his eyes. “No, it’s not what you think. I didn’t leave you for him. Hell, I am pretty sure I stopped caring about him the minute you found me in this bar.” I glance down at where his fingers meet my skin. That wasn’t the best start to this conversation. I wasn’t prepared though. Walking into that gallery tonight, the last thing I expected was Hunter, let alone being back here with him.

  “Then what is it?” The gentle sound carries undertones of a frustration that he is more than entitled too.

  “You were right, he’s the reason I had to leave Columbia. Him and the scandal I was involved in.” I can practically see the gears in his head turning. What kind of scandal? What could she have done? Yet, I don’t think what I am about to tell him is anywhere in the realm of what he’s expecting. “He was my professor, and we were… we were dating, Hunter.”

  The slightest of weights lifts from my chest. The secret that had been gnawing at me is about to be exposed. While I should want to keep it hidden, want to make sure that he doesn’t hate me, the relief I feel from that small admission feels so good that it urges me to continue.

  “He was my, very married, professor.”

  Hunter shakes his head in what I can only imagine is disbelief. “No. You wouldn’t do that.”

  “I did. I was with him and…”

  “You knew he was married and you still…”

  “I had no idea he was married. Not until she showed up in class and slapped me across the face.”

  Hunter’s head turns to the side, his eyes imploring me, trying to figure out the story that I’ve only given him in pieces so far.

  “Let me start over. Shane was my professor. He was helping me with a project and we uh… well, you get the idea. The relationship continued after the project was over. His wife somehow found out about us and stormed into class and slapped me. I deserved every bit of her anger. Intentional or not, I was the other woman, I wrecked her marriage.”

  “But you didn’t know,” Hunter says as if that tiny little snippet of information somehow makes it all okay.

  “Anyway, rumors started flying, everyone was talking. The school started looking into my grades, assuming that I had slept my way to my 4.0 GPA. While they couldn’t prove anything, the suspicion was still there. That’s when the school decided it would be best if I left.”

  “And this professor of yours?”

  “He’s still there. As far as I know at least.”

  “Jesus, Quinn,” Hunter says as he runs his hand through his hair. “I’m sorry. That’s… awful.”

  “Thank you. But as you can see, I’m fine. In large part, thanks to you.”

  “Why didn’t you just tell me? I told you, baby, nothing about your past is going to change how I feel about you.”

  “I was scared. Afraid you would think that I was just like Layla, and that when you realized it, you would hate me. But that’s not why I left. I left for you Hunter. Not because of you.”

  “You’re talking in circles. Just… tell me already.”

  I look into his eyes one last time. Because as soon as I tell him this, if he doesn’t send me away on his own, then I need to walk away. I refuse to hurt him anymore than I have and me and my reputation, my mistakes, my screwed-up life could only do that – hurt him.

  “I left because if that information were to be leaked, if someone found out about my past, my childhood, the incident with Shane, or one of my countless other screw ups it could ruin things up for you. You could lose endorsements. Your charity would suffer. I can’t do that. I can’t risk that. You’ve worked so damn hard to build this life for yourself, I refuse to be the one to make it come crumbling down.”

  “How in the hell would anyone find out? And even if they did… I don’t care. I don’t care what anyone thinks. We’ll figure out a way to make it work.”

  “Layla knows. She knows everything and…”

  Hunter’s hand hits the bar with a thud. His face that was calm only moments ago is a bright shade of anger driven red. I stare at him half expecting smoke to billow from his ears.

  “I appreciate the concern, Quinn, but you shouldn’t be taking advice from Layla. As it turns out her whole relationship with Maddox was bullshit. Nothing more than a means to get him to sign with her at the sports new agency she joined. Seems once he was officially signed, she was going to try to get back together with me. But you got in the way.”

  “I know what she did was unethical, but…”

  “Her reputation would be ruined. She would never work as a sports agent again,” he says. “Trust me. We do not have anything to worry about from her.”

  “It’s not worth the risk.”

  “Like hell it isn’t,” he argues.

  The anger subsides, his focus returning to me. The tips of his fingers gently swiping away the tears that began to fall.

  “Did you not hear me when I told you that I love you? Do you not understand what those words mean? What they mean to me?” He pulls me to him and takes my face in his hands. He forces me to look into his eyes and see what it is he’s feeling since I won’t believe his words. “I love you, Quinn. Every piece of you. Every secret. Every fault. I love that you make me laugh. I love that you drive me crazy. I love that you fight with me because even when we’re fighting it means you’re still there. That’s what I care about. If my endorsers want to drop me, fine. If the charity goes under, I’ll figure something out. If I get kicked off the damn team – I don’t care. Because none of it, not a single damn thing, matters if I’m not going to have you next to me.”

  “How can you say that?” I sob. “We were together a week, Hunter. How can you be so sure that I’m worth throwing everything away for?”

  “It’s been more than a week, Quinn. It’s been fifteen years. We just needed that extra little push to see it. Don’t you get it? That’s what that week was – our push.”

  I rise from my seat, stepping between his legs. “I’m afraid if we do this, if you lose everything, you’ll resent me.”

  “I could never resent you. And at the risk of sounding like I’m negating your feelings here; you’re making a bigger deal out of this then necessary. Layla played you. She played on your fears. Fear that I would hate you, fear that you’re not good enough. None of which is true.”

  His hands grip my hips tugging me flush against him.

  “I… I love you Hunter. I never want….”

  His lips press against mine, the tender kiss escalating quickly. Weeks apart driving our need for each other. When he pulls back, I realize he’s right. Because in that one kiss I felt more alive than I have in weeks. I’m filled with hope and happiness. How in the hell did I let that woman get in my head? How did I let her nearly destroy the only thing that has ever truly m
ade me happy?

  “I don’t deserve you,” I tell him. “But I sure as hell am willing to prove myself every damn day. I love you, Hunter. I don’t want to be without you anymore.”



  The sky is blue, sun is shining, and Hunter is on the field. I swear, I never thought life could be like this. Happy, fulfilling – good. But it is. And it’s all because of number 92.

  The game is nearing its end. The Red Devils are up by seven and if they win this, they’re on to the Superbowl. I cheer loudly as the play begins and jump out of my seat.

  “Go, Hunter.” I scream out the words as Avery cheers for Mason next to me. It’s been our ritual throughout the season.

  The play ends and my eyes drift to the clock. Thirty seconds left. I cross my fingers, my toes, everything but my legs. My mind drifts momentarily to how Hunter’s strong hands spread them this morning. How his head sank between them. Yeah, he definitely wouldn’t want me crossing those.

  This is it. A tackle. A block. A clock down to zero and the Red Devil’s seal their spot in the Superbowl! Avery and I hug each other as we jump up and down with joy. While the rest of the crowd remains in their spots, Avery and I begin to sneak off. We don’t have to watch the happenings on the field. We get to enjoy the real celebration.

  As we pass by the concession stand, I stop in my tracks at the sound of my name and the even more familiar voice that’s saying it. I can’t believe my ears. When I turn, my gaze falling on the one man I thought I would never lay eyes on again, I smile. Not because it’s him, not because I remotely care anymore, but rather, because I don’t.

  Shane Powell doesn’t mean a thing to me. He wasn’t good or kind. He was an asshole.

  Hunter was right. If I quit dating assholes, I might realize what the difference was. And then, he showed me.

  “Shane.” I say his name. My voice is completely void of emotion. In fact, I’m not even sure why I am standing here. I should be headed to Hunter, the only man that matters. I wonder momentarily, what Hunter would say. Would he tell me turn and walk away? Or would he tell me to take control, to show this insignificant piece of shit exactly what he means to me.

  “I can’t believe it’s you. How have you been?” His eyes light up, his smile broader than I have ever seen it.

  “I’m amazing,” I tell him. “School is going great, I have an internship with Mike Flannigan, and…” I pause to admire the look of shock and jealousy that rises out of what I’m telling him. Take that jackass. “I have an amazing boyfriend who is waiting on me.”

  “Are you as happy with him as you were with me?” Shane says taking a step closer.

  “Happier. A real happiness. Not the fake bullshit that you lured me into.”


  “Don’t Quinn me. What you did, Shane, to me and to your wife, was wrong. Wrong on so many damn levels.”

  “It’s not what it looked like. Amber…”

  “How is Amber by the way?” I ask.

  “I don’t know. She left me.”

  The amount of satisfaction I get from that feels wrong. I shouldn’t be pleased that his wife left him, that his world crumbled. But the satisfaction I feel isn’t in regard to him, it’s for Amber. Good for her for leaving. Good for her for taking charge of her life and not putting up with a cheating asshole of a husband.

  “You know, Shane, I really think this whole situation worked out for the best.”

  I begin to walk away but he grabs my arm.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” I tell him.

  “Why is that?”

  “Because her boyfriend really doesn’t like when other men have their hands on her.” The deep voice coming from behind Shane startles both of us. He should be on the field, not standing here.

  Yet, here he is. Sweaty and dirty and sexy as hell.

  “You can either let her go,” Hunter says. “Or I can make you let her go. The choice is yours.”

  Shane lets go of my arm, his hand dropping to his side. “I didn’t… I wasn’t…”

  “I don’t care what you were or weren’t doing. All I care about is that you stay the hell away from her. Understood?”

  Shane nods.

  “Good. You should probably get going.” A crowd begins to form around us. Not because they care about me or Shane or our drama. But because every single one of them adores the man in the shoulder pads and football jersey. Almost as much as I do.

  “Like I said. Happier.” Those are the last words I say to Shane before walking straight into Hunter’s arms. “I am so proud of you, baby.”

  He scoops me into his arms bringing me eye level with him. “I love you, Quinn.”

  Seeing Shane again. Being in this moment with Hunter. Nothing in the world has ever seemed so clear.

  This is where I am supposed to be.

  If this is where every damn thing that I have ever had to endure in my life led me, I would do it again in a heartbeat.

  There is no place like Hunter’s arms.




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