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From Origins

Page 9

by Mary Ting

  “He went to New Olympus. Aaron, Colin, and Sarah went back with him,” Noah explained. “I’m wondering if Ian’s mom is having a similar experience as Victor; and how about everyone else that we released?”

  “I don’t know, but I need Hades. Hephaestus will be coming for us with his army of vultures,” I reminded.

  “I can’t help your dad and help you with the portal.” Zara looked at me, tormented by her duties.

  I was just about to tell her I had another way in, when I saw a movement from my dad. As anticipation filled me, I kept still, hoping he would open his eyes or say something…anything.

  “Sky….” My dad called weakly.

  “Dad.” I dropped down to my knees and held his hand in mine.

  I was so overwhelmed with happiness to hear his voice that I couldn’t help the tears that formed in my eyes. There was so much I wanted to say. I wanted to thank him for always watching over me, and I wanted to apologize for the way I had behaved. I knew he would understand, but now, knowing he was drugged to kill me and everything he had been through, I felt awful. But knowing it wasn’t the time to pour out my feelings, I would wait for the appropriate moment.

  His eyes fluttered, trying to stay open. “What…happened? I told…you…to…run.” His words were barely audible and broken, but I could understand what he was trying to say.

  “You know I won’t listen, especially when we found each other again. I also had no choice. He has Mom.” I tried not to sound panicky, but I couldn’t help it. Everything was happening too fast. Though I didn’t want to worry my dad, he had the right to know, so he could understand the reasons for my actions.

  “What do you mean?” Dad groaned lightly.

  Even knowing how heartbroken he was going to be, and even knowing he shouldn’t be hearing such news in his condition, I told him anyway…everything, including going to the underworld.

  Dad shook his head and released a long sigh after hearing all I had to say.

  “I need to release Hades. I’ll be back.”

  “How?” Tara dunked the towel into the bucket, and then squeezed it to hand it to Zara. “I can try to open it without Zara.”

  “Actually, I don’t need to go in. Persephone is with him. She’s going to open the secret passage, the way she enters and exits. Then I’ll use my powers, allowing Hades to come out. I also don’t think it would be a good idea if all of us go. Hades might feel threatened.”

  “I won’t go, then,” Noah offered. “I should check up on Ian’s mother and see how everyone is holding up. They’re frightened, especially since Zara is out of New Olympus.”

  “I’m going with Sky,” Mason said.

  “So will I,” Everett seconded.

  “You mean, we could have entered without having to risk our lives with those hideous dog beasts?” Nick’s pitch rose with annoyance.

  Mason nudged him with a light punch.

  “I mean…that’s too bad.” Nick rolled his eyes. “I loved playing with the little puppies with three heads that wanted to chomp my head off and burn me alive. That was so much fun. Let’s not ever do that again.”

  “Don’t worry.” Everett wrapped his arm around Nick’s neck, tugging him toward the door. “We’ll play with humans turned monsters that want to rip our hearts out instead. You know, those beings called vultures? Now that should be real fun.”

  “You know what’s even better?” Nick twitched his brows with a smirk smeared across his face.

  “Ouch.” Everett jumped back several feet with lingering lightning bolts shimmering around his body. It was strong enough that he landed on his butt.

  “Now…that was fun,” Nick chuckled, holding a look of challenge in his expression.

  “You’re going to get it.” Everett stood up, looking dazed.

  Though our situation was no laughing matter, it felt good to release some tension with a good laugh. It was one of the reasons why I enjoyed Nick’s company. He was the one that took things lightly even in the toughest moments.

  “Hey, guys. Out.” Amanda opened the door. “Sky, we’ll wait for you out here.”

  After they left, I focused back on Dad.

  “Sky, please be careful.” Dad squeezed my hand, but it was faint. “I want to tell you not to release Hades, but I’m going to trust you instead. Go with your instincts.” Dad tilted his head back to look up to where Mason was standing above him. “Protect Sky as you always have.” Then his eyes closed and his grip on my hand fell.

  “Dad,” I whispered softy.

  “It’s okay, Sky.” Zara placed her hand on my arm for comfort. “He’s sleeping. I fed him herbs that will help him heal, but he needs to sleep. His blood is different from yours even though you come from him. He doesn’t heal as fast as you do.”

  “Okay.” With a nod, I stood up. “I’ll be back.”

  “Tara can go with you…just in case. She can direct you to the right place and help Hades with the stones.”

  “Thank you,” I said, then gazed at Mason. Mason always looked at me with love and support. He didn’t need to say a word. His look said it all…I will be there by your side.

  “We’ll be back,” I said to my dad, who was already asleep, while I smiled back at Mason with the same expression.

  Ever since we’d gone to the underworld and had to deal with one problem after another, Mason and I hadn’t had a chance to breathe. But it didn’t matter. I knew how much he loved me. I only hoped he knew that I loved him just as much, if not more. What I treasured was our stolen moments…his small gestures of love, whether it would be a wink, a feather light touch to my cheek, or a quick peck on my hand or face. Mason never failed to let me know that he was mine.

  “Are you sure this is the place?” Mason asked. “We’re right back at the same beach.”

  “Yes. I’ll call upon Persephone. She’ll be able to hear me.”

  “You have the three stones?” Mason asked, looking concerned.

  I pulled out the stones from my pocket. “I have the real ones. I hope this works, or Hades will die.”

  “I can’t believe I’m going meet Hades,” Amanda said eagerly.

  “I’m not sure how I feel,” Everett added, shoving his hands inside his front pockets.

  Nick clapped his hands together. “What are we waiting for? Let’s get this party started.”

  “Get ready,” Tara said, holding up her hands to the sky, and so did I.

  I knew it was working when the breeze started to pick up. A second ago, the sun was visible, but now it was covered beneath the rapidly moving, gray clouds. I covered my eyes when the howling wind picked up sand, thrashing it against my body. I had almost lost concentration, but quickly called upon the lightning. It struck into the water, causing water to move in a circular motion. It turned with the speed of the wind and fire, swirling in midair.

  “Persephone is opening the portal from the inside,” Tara said aloud. The sounds of thunder booming and the lightning flashing made it difficult to hear.

  “When Hades comes out, we need to back off and give him room,” Mason directed. “This is not going to be a pleasant sight.”

  “Just so long as he doesn’t bring his adorable puppies, I’m all good.” Nick raised the corners of his lips.

  Mason shook his head. “I might get you one for Christmas.”

  Nick did a double take and gave a huge grin. “Did you just crack a joke, stiff man?”

  “Stiff man?” Mason muttered. “I guess I’m calling you puppy lover.”

  “Look.” Amanda pointed, bringing everyone’s attention. “Looks like a body is coming out.”

  “Looks like two.” Everett dragged his feet back, keeping his eyes on the portal. “They’re coming.”

  Persephone came out first. Her dress and her hair tousled about by the strong wind. She was having a difficult time standing on the rocking water that was at her knee-level. As soon as Hades stepped out, the portal closed in an instant. As if nothing happened, the ocean and the sky wen
t back to normal.

  We all stared at Hades in awe while he dragged his feet through the sand and water. When he came to shore, he looked up to the sky, then dropped to his knees. I could have sworn I saw him kiss the water beneath him. He looked so happy and relieved, taking in the sun, taking in the water, but mostly, taking in his freedom.

  Ostensibly overcome with joy, Hades playfully kicked the water with laughter and even splashed some on Persephone…until he dropped to his knees again. This time, it was involuntary. Hades curled into a ball, screaming in pain. It was the most agonizing sound I’d ever heard. When he raised his head, I could see his flesh peeling away, layer by layer. He was being ripped to shreds.

  “The stones, Sky,” Persephone demanded in desperation.

  “Here.” I handed them to her. Her words broke me out of my startled state. It was a horrifying sight. Even his clothes were flaking away. All Hades could do was cry in pain, digging his body into the sand for relief, if he could find any. I wanted to help him, but there was nothing I could do.

  Persephone threw them in front of Hades. Just like before, the three stones magnetized together as one in midair. It spun around so fast that it looked like it was at a standstill. Colors of the rainbow exuded from it and it flowed into Hades. As if I had pressed a rewind button on my television screen, the layers of his skin went back to their original places, and piece by piece, he was put back together. When it was done, the stones fell to the ground. I picked them up and placed them back in my pocket.

  On bended knees, Hades sat up and growled so loud that I had to cover my ears. I assumed it was his way of venting all the emotions that had been bottled up for all those years and from the pain he had just endured.

  I jerked when he looked at me, then at everyone else. He was just as stunning and as masculine as I remembered him to be. Standing up, he trudged through water and twirled Persephone. “Thank you, my love.” He embraced her and then kissed her. After placing her down, he came to me.

  “Thank you, Skylar,” Hades said, out of breath. “I know it was a difficult decision for you, but you’ve made the right choice. I will help you, but I will need your help to free my brothers.”

  If there was any doubt, I knew now for sure; he had been honest with me all along. Now, I had to see if he would carry his words to action.

  “Don’t make me regret it.” I wanted him to know that I didn’t completely trust him, even though my gut feeling told me that I could.

  “First, tell me…who are all these people? And do I need to kill them?” Hades pierced his eyes on them with the look that could kill.

  “No, no.” I extended my hand out. “You remember Tara. She’s one of the Oracles.”

  Hades scowled at her, then relaxed his face. “Tara. We meet again.”

  “Hades,” Tara greeted him with respect and backed away.

  “This is Mason, Everett, Nick, and Amanda,” I continued with the introduction. “They are the descendants of gods. There are more, but you’ll meet them later.”

  “I see.” Hades examined everyone. Since I didn’t know what he was thinking, I was a little jittery. “They followed you to kill me, didn’t they?” Hades tone was domineering.

  My nerves shot with adrenalin, ready to take him down if he dared make a move. I could see light seeping through the spaces between Mason’s fists. He was definitely ready to take Hades on.

  “They didn’t know your motives.” Persephone linked her arms through Hades’s, a sure way of calming him down. “They didn’t know that you have changed your ways. They were only trying to save their own kind, as you would have.”

  Hades nodded. “Where do we go from here?”

  “We go get Zara,” Tara said.

  “But before we go, I think we need to stop by a clothing store and have you change,” I suggested, but it was polite way of commanding it. “Your white robe is beautiful, but you’ll look out of place.”

  “You expect me to wear what you’re wearing?” Hades looked at all of us in disgust. “It looks hideous.”

  I looked down at what I was wearing. My jeans were smudged with dirt and my lavender sweater was…well…very plain. “It’s not the attire I would wear to anywhere fancy, but it is our everyday normal attire. It’s simple, but this is our fashion. And you wouldn’t be wearing what I’m wearing. You’ll be wearing what he’s wearing.” I pointed to Mason.”

  “What’s the difference?” Hades gawked at Mason, then at me. “The colors are different and that’s all. And I am a god. I am not wearing servant’s clothing.”

  Hades was right. Mason and I both wore blue jeans, both our sweaters were plain as could be, though Mason’s was dark gray. But damn! Hades was still arrogant.

  “My love. If you want to help, you need to blend in with the humans.” Persephone tried to persuade him.

  “Gods only wear white robes with gold sashes. How will they know it’s me?”

  Persephone put her arms about his shoulders, fixing her eyes to his, trying to put some common sense into him. “You are dead to the world and to the descendants right now. It doesn’t matter. Right now, you need to concentrate, not on yourself, but on helping Skylar kill Hephaestus and free your brothers. Who cares what you wear?”

  Persephone’s tone and her words did the trick. Hades agreed with a nod, but I could tell he was not happy by the grunting noises that escaped his mouth.

  “Follow me,” I said, thinking how much time we’d wasted. Just as I turned to the direction we were headed, wind blasted by us. A portal had opened.

  I jumped in front of Hades because I had no idea what he would do. Having been alone for so long, he looked anxious and defensive. He flicked his hand and a cloud of smoke puffed out. He tried again…but nothing.

  “What happened to me?” He looked at Tara with anger. “Did you do something to me?”

  Tara backed away. “I didn’t do anything to you. Your body needs to adjust to the new environment.”

  Hades looked like he wanted to say something, but he stopped when Tim and Noah came through the portal. Without a reason, Hades grabbed Tim and Noah by their necks and lifted them up with one hand each. “Where did you come from? Speak to me or I’ll cut your heads off.”

  “Stop! Put them down,” I demanded. “They’re my friends. They’re descendants of Poseidon.”

  “Put them down!” Amanda echoed my words desperately, standing near Noah. Hades released them. “No wonder they’re ugly.”

  Tim scowled and cursed under his breath. “Who is he? Another one of your pets?” He directed that question to Tara.

  “Pet?” Hades was huffing mad. “You dare call me a pet?” He towered over Tim and Noah.

  I cleared my throat. “Noah, Tim. This is Hades.”

  “Holy shit,” Tim murmured, sizing Hades up.

  Noah lightly nudged Tim. “I told you we might run into them. Haven’t you been listening to anything I said?”

  Tim didn’t reply. He was too busy gawking.

  “No. It’s holy Hades. Watch your manners next time,” Hades hissed.

  “Okay.” Noah arched his brows. “I’m here because Hephaestus has gone nuts. He’s burning Kayla’s town.”

  “Kayla…Kayla?” Nick took a fistful of Noah’s shirt. “I told you to keep an eye on her. Didn’t you send your friends to watch after her?”

  Noah pushed Nick off him. “Watch it. What is it with the descendants of Zeus? You’re arrogant and angry. Kayla is at school. She’s fine. I came back to let you know. We should help the people in her home though. Hephaestus probably won’t stop until he finds Kayla and her mom.”

  I knew Nick would make sure he had Kayla covered, but it didn’t dawn on me that he might have forgotten about my aunt. Knowing Hephaestus was crazy, I should have thought about the possibility that he might go after every member of my family, not that I had many.

  “We need to go help them,” I said in panic, thinking about my aunt, Mona, and Jack.

  I turned back to Hades wh
en he grabbed my arm just before I could take a step. When I gave him a dirty look, he let go.

  “Wait. What about my brothers?” He seemed genuinely concerned.

  “They can wait. Right now, this is urgent.”

  “Wait,” Hades said to me. He started to caress Persephone’s cheek. “My love, go hide where no one can find you. This is too dangerous. Find me when this is all over.”

  “Please be careful. I’ll be waiting.” Persephone stroked his cheek. “There are many changes to the human world. Don’t be frightened of them. Let Skylar lead you.” She gave him a kiss, then just like that, she was gone.

  Teleporting was cool. I wished I could do that.

  “What kind of abomination is this?” Hades circled Mason’s tinted BMW.

  I had to laugh at the fact that many things would be new to him. Technology had advanced so much, just about everything would be new to him.

  “It’s called a car,” Mason answered. “It takes you to places.” After unlocking it, he opened the door for me. Mason was always the gentleman, no matter how urgent our situation was.

  “A car? It takes you to places? Why are there two? Why don’t you teleport?” Hades rambled with questions. “I guess you are not privileged to have such powers. The reason you are called a descendant and not a god.”

  “You can walk if you like, or sit on top of the car if you don’t want to get in.” Nick snickered. “I’d like to see that.”

  Amanda and Everett got in the other car with Noah and Tim. It was a good thing they had taken off first. Hades was slowing us down.

  “Get in, please,” I said, in my sweet tone.

  “I will not.” He crossed his arms.

  It was funny to see this muscular man argue with me like a child. Hades might have changed his ways, but he was still arrogant and stubborn.

  “If you can teleport from where you’re standing to the other side of the car, then you’ve won. You can just meet us there,” I challenged.

  Hades raised his brows. With a smirk on his face, he positioned his body for takeoff. Unfortunately, the only thing that happened was that he ended up inside the car. He was still adjusting to the new environment. I knew this would happen, which was the reason why I had the door open. I knew he would slip right in and not through space.


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