Our Bloodline

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Our Bloodline Page 7

by KC Kean

  His Cheshire cat grin tells me he knows he has my attention, that I’ll do just about anything to protect my sister.

  “She’s here, of course. Didn’t want to miss one of her big brothers finally making it through The Games now, did she?”

  This is why she hasn’t been answering my phone calls or texts. She knew I would be upset that they are here. She’s returning to the life I tried to protect her from, the one where he’s forcing us to participate in his Featherstone authorized clinical trials.

  Taking a deep breath, I try to control my anger. “For the second time tonight, Dad, Luna is my wife, and this is my family.” Gesturing to the guys beside me. “We will be entering The Games together so I’m staying here, but I want to see Niamh.” Parker’s hand squeezes my thigh harder, almost to the point of pain except I’m too on edge. My heart is racing, and I can feel my hands shaking as I hide them under the table.

  His mouth opens as he goes to argue, but Reggie Rivera speaks up. “Patrick, shut your fucking mouth before you make this any worse. Our bloodlines are connected now whether we like it or not.” He pauses, turning to Luna with a soft smile. “No offense against you, Luna. I’m ecstatic you are now officially a part of our family. It’s these dickheads who need to catch up.” He wags his finger at my father and Travis, before turning back to them. “We need to stand together if we want any chance of coming up against Totem, and this new fucking movement.”

  Nobody says a word as they digest what Reggie said. My father swipes a hand down his face in frustration but doesn’t argue. His age showing through the strain on his face. His blonde hair thinning on top, and his skin much paler than usual.

  “This damn movement,” Travis mutters. “I’ve been slowly watching numbers add to the group, all while Totem manages to stay in hiding.”

  “He’s gone global,” Maria huffs. “The rumors are spreading that he’s gotten himself an army of followers believing in his shit. Totem’s coming for Featherstone, it was inevitable. We must keep on our guard because somehow he always manages to be one step ahead.”

  “But ultimately, what does this new movement want?” Luna asks, glancing around the table. Her expression is neutral, but I know she’s as surprised as me that they’re openly discussing this in front of us.

  “They want to run Featherstone, overrule The Ring, and lead us down an even darker path,” Juliana answers, her icy cool demeanor unwavering. No one talks after that, each of us trying to imagine what that would look like.

  “Luna, why don’t you and Parker explain what happened yesterday? Catch us all up,” Juliana eventually continues, scanning the group.

  “How do we know one of them isn't involved with Totem?” Roman questions, glaring at Patrick and Travis sitting on the other side of the table.

  “Well, if they are, they’ll know what went down anyways,” Rafe growls, joining Roman in his stare down, and Luna shakes her head, exasperated.

  “To make a long story short, when we got to the tent we were ambushed and assaulted. Both Parker and I were hit in the back of the head, which knocked us out. We woke up in the SUV, and I could hear Veronica mentioning that someone intentionally gave Parker and me a sedative to keep us unconscious for the ride, but obviously it didn’t work.” She sits back in her chair, glancing at Parker before continuing. “Veronica was explaining to Totem that she was on her way with us. When she realized Parker and I were awake, she attacked me.”

  “Fucking bitch,” Juliana interrupts, but nobody complains, only nodding in agreement with her statement.

  “We fought until I managed to head butt her, and shot the guy strangling Parker.” Luna’s voice breaks at the end ever so slightly, and it hurts my heart, hearing the pain flutter in her throat.

  “Take your time, baby girl,” I whisper, stroking her shoulder and kissing her temple in comfort as if no one else is here. She smiles softly at me before straightening her back and continuing.

  “The driver slammed on the brakes, and I didn’t have enough time to hold on to anything so my head smashed against the window. By the time I was able to focus, the driver had a gun pointed at my head. I truly thought I was going to die in that moment.” She pauses, pain etched all over her face, as she loses the ability to mask her emotions. Clenching her fists, she blinks rapidly. “Until Parker pulled the trigger, saving my life.”

  Wow. They literally saved each other from death. My brain can’t function, knowing things could have ended much worse.

  “I’ll fucking kill everyone behind this that is currently still breathing,” Rafe fires, throwing his chair back as he stands.

  “In time, Rafe. Now, sit down,” Maria says sharply.

  “I’m done with waiting around, Maria. This new movement keeps fucking trying to kidnap my family. I refuse to just let it all pan out. This is my limit.” His knuckles are white as he clenches his fists at his side, as his chest rapidly rises with each breath he takes.

  Luna stands from her seat, rounding the table and wrapping her arms around his neck tight. He instantly pulls her towards his chest, clearly needing to feel her to calm down. I can hear her whisper in his ear, but I can’t tell what they’re saying. They eventually separate and retake their seats, Rafe slamming his chair back to its feet.

  Clearing his throat, Travis looks to Luna. “How do you know they were taking you to Totem?” The way he clenches his hands in front of him the only real tell that he seems nervous. Luna stares him down for a moment, likely deciding how much to tell him.

  She relents with a sigh. “Because I spoke to him.”

  You could hear a pin drop, it’s that silent.

  “What do you mean you spoke to him?” Rafe asks, his calm persona gone again.

  “As I mentioned, Veronica had been on the phone, she must have dropped it to come at me. After Parker and I killed the men and tied up Veronica, I found the phone, and he was still there.” She pauses, taking a moment to look around everyone, but it must be obvious that we all want to know what was said.

  “Princess, I’m gonna need you to tell me what was said in that conversation,” Roman says, trying to remain calm, but a slight pink flush is creeping up his neck. He can’t deal with all of this being out of his control. I see him, with his alpha tendencies, but he takes the weight of the world on his shoulders for us. Always has, it just got a whole lot heavier being at Featherstone and with Luna too.

  Looking into his eyes, she nods in agreement. Luna must be able to see his struggle too, and reaches her hand out to hold his, knowing he’ll need the support when she finishes her story. I can feel it in the pit of my stomach, whatever she’s going to say will change everything.

  “He said, ‘I love a little challenge, but you’re starting to annoy me. Your mother promised you to me when you were a baby. Now I’ve waited patiently, and your time is up. Do as I say, or it’ll only get worse’. When I said it would be a hard no from me, he ended the call with ‘just remember, I’m coming for you’.”

  Fuck. If we were unsure if Totem was involved to begin with, there’s no question now. Why does everyone want to take my baby girl from me? My hand instinctively searches for hers, lacing our fingers together.

  It takes me by surprise when my father talks again. “No one else falls at the hands of that man, we’re all in agreement there.” Who the fuck is this guy? He must see the question in my eyes and shakes his head at me. “Oscar, I only ever want what is best for you. I lost your brothers to The Games because of Totem, I refuse to lose anyone else. Everything I have done and continue to do, has always been to protect you,” he exclaims, but I just scoff.

  “Yeah. Forcing different drugs into my system is so protective, Dad. Thanks.”

  “What?” Luna shouts from beside me, frantically searching between us.

  “Oscar, those drugs were to try and make you unaffected by the weapons and gasses being made. I was trying to find a defense mechanism for you.” He throws his arms out wide in desperation, but it means nothing.

  My heart pounds, ready to explode in my chest. I can’t talk about this again, the memories of being strapped to the medical bed with constant wires linked up to my body never brings me comfort. IV drips, heart monitors, medical patches, and the constant feeling of blood being drawn from my body, overwhelms my senses.

  Closing my eyes, I try to shut them all out, but it’s no fucking use. Anger rises from the pit of my stomach, my mind lost to the prick of my skin, and the beeping of the machines. The feeling of being unable to breathe as different gasses were released into his science chamber, rendering me unconscious, feels all too real.

  My fist slams down on the table, the sound of something shattering as it falls from the table is the only sound I hear, but I’m too far gone to give a shit.

  “Fuck you!” I grind out, looking my father dead in the eye.

  I need to get the hell out of here. It’s all a mind fuck with my father, and the longer I stay around him, the worse it will get. It’s always been a proximity thing with him, the further away I am from my father, the better I feel.

  Kicking the chair behind me out of the way, I head for the door. Feeling someone's hand wrap around my arm has me reaching my breaking point. Not looking to see who it is, I rip my arm from their hold, charging out of the room.

  I need to be alone. I can’t control my rage when I’m like this. Stepping into the bedroom, I slam the door shut behind me. Trying to take deep breaths does nothing to calm the shake in my body.

  Raking my fingers through my hair, I pull at the ends, willing to do anything to ease this fucking tension and sadness that’s taken root within me. Fuck him and fuck this shit. I step into the en-suite still needing more distance between us.

  Bracing my hands on the vanity, I try to catch my breath, but my eyes catch my reflection in the mirror. My blonde hair is stuck out in every direction, my heated face is red from the anger I’m consumed with. My eyes are frantic, unable to focus fully on myself. I look like a wild beast and feel like a caged animal.

  My fist reels back on its own accord, smashing into the mirror before me. Pain shoots up my hand and into my arm, as the punch lands perfectly on my reflection. It calms the adrenaline coursing through my veins, but not enough to stop the frantic beating of my heart. My vision is coated in red as blood carelessly drips from the top of my cut hand, small glass shards sticking in my knuckles.

  “GET. OUT!” Luna screams, venom in her voice, but I can’t bring myself to see what's going on.

  “Please, son,” I can hear my father plead, but I could care less.

  “Oscar,” I hear Parker murmur from the door, but my eyes are locked on the damage I’ve done to my hand.

  “Roman, get him out of here before I kill him with my bare hands.” The calmness to her voice, only making her words more deadly. “Dad, I need you all to go to. Oscar needs us right now.”

  “Of course, darling. Orientation starts this afternoon at three p.m. I’ll get here fifteen minutes before, okay? I love you.” I hear him say as I hang my head and rest my hands on the top of the sink, watching the blood slowly go down the drain. Silence temporarily embraces me as the door shuts behind them.

  “Osc…” Parker starts again, but Kai barges in, interrupting him.

  “Shit, Oscar. What did you do?” He tries to step into the en suite, but I shake my head at him over my shoulder. Roman barges past Kai, his eyes scanning the scene before him.

  “I need some space right now, Roman.” I feel heat trailing up my neck as I try to breathe through the pounding in my chest.

  “Oscar?” Luna murmurs, her voice almost lulling me down from the fight or flight state I find myself in. I can’t bring myself to look at her, dropping my gaze back to the vanity, as I prop myself up against it, no longer caring about my bleeding hand. “Oscar, let me help you.”

  “Let us help you, Oscar,” Parker adds, stepping up beside me.

  This time when I feel a hand on my arm, I don’t feel the instant burn to pull away. Squeezing my eyes tightly shut, I can’t hold my vulnerability in any longer.

  “We’ve got you, Oscar,” Kai murmurs, coming to stand at my other side, and little by little, I feel my family piecing me back together. Finally finding the strength to look Luna in the eye, it blows me away when I only see the same love and care in her eyes, even when I’m in this unstable state-of-mind.

  Roman wastes no time turning the faucet on, my hand numb as he cleans the cuts. I register the sting, but I don’t wince with the pain. I’m at a loss for words as Luna wraps her hands around my waist from behind, resting her head against my back, comforting me in ways I haven’t experienced before. I never want to hurt her, or any of them.

  “You’d never hurt me, Oscar. Never.”

  I frown down at her hands, as though I’d be able to read them like her face. How the hell did she read my mind?

  “This dumbass doesn’t realize he’s talking out loud,” Roman says with a grin, and on instinct, I give him the finger, with my non-injured hand. Dick.

  The soft sound of Parker chuckling, fills my ears, making me feel a little more present.

  “Tell me something real, Oscar,” Luna murmurs against my back, and it warms my tainted soul.

  Thinking for a moment, the words come naturally, “You make me laugh louder, and smile brighter. That is why I love you.”

  Her hold on me gets tighter, as I begin to feel lighter at the truth in those words.

  Surrounded by my brothers, with the feel of my Luna against me, helps lower the fire burning through my veins. Always willing to care and protect each other. This is what family is, blood is just blood, thick and sticky. Whereas these people standing here with me, at one of my lowest moments, offer me much more than anyone else ever has.



  A knock sounds from the main door, and I’m already sick of it. We haven’t even been here twenty-four hours yet, and every time someone knocks on that door, nothing good comes from it.

  This morning it was the majority of The Ring in our room, and glancing at the clock, I know it’s Rafe because it’s time for orientation. I’d much rather stay here, in our little cocoon snuggled up with my Aceholes.

  From what it sounds like, orientation is just a formality and nothing will be going down tonight, so there is no need to change in preparation.

  After this morning, Oscar seems much more like my big mouth, his smile is back on his face, and the cheeky glint in his eyes is back in force. When he finally came back to us, we decided to make use of the entertainment system in the lounge. Kai wrapped Oscar’s hand, and luckily, the cuts on his knuckles aren’t too bad.

  Watching Oscar breakdown, showing his vulnerability, floored me, and the guys too. I hate feeling helpless, and the only time I do is when one of my men gets lost in their mind. Luckily, Parker seemed to know what to do. Choosing some superhero movie, one of Oscar’s favorites, we all relaxed into the giant sofa with all of the blankets, doing nothing except simply being together.

  I sit in the corner with my feet up on Roman’s lap and Oscar’s head in mine. I run my fingers through his blonde hair in hopes to give him comfort. Oscar’s legs are tangled with Kai’s, who is lying in the opposite direction, laptop in hand, silently working away as always and Parker is leaning against Roman on the other end of the couch.

  It was just what we needed. Oscar needed a relaxed atmosphere to bring himself back into the present, and it was necessary for the rest of us too, after recapping yesterday’s events.

  I killed my mother. I repeat the words over in my head, trying to feel anything, but yet again, I say those words with no remorse. I feel like Arya Stark ticking off every motherfucker that has crossed me.

  Patrick O’Shay has joined Rico, and Dietrichson, high up that list right now after what he did to Oscar. By a mere fraction my heart won out over my brain earlier, either care for my husband or seek revenge for him. If he hadn’t been so unresponsive, I’d have gone right for his father’s thr
oat, but Oscar needed more from me at that moment.

  Parker is at the end of the sofa, closest to the door, so he stands to open it while the rest of us untangle ourselves.

  I wanted to scream at Kai’s father earlier, demand for him to tell me where his sister is, but I know that’s not going to be how this works. Shaking my head, I stop my mind from wandering off again. I need to focus on one thing at a time, but there is just so much shit going on right now.

  Closing his laptop, Kai places it on the coffee table, stretching his arms above his head. His loose white top lifts slightly, giving me a peek of his abdomen, and I can’t help but lick my lips instinctively.

  “Kai, put it away man. You’re making our girl horny, and we have serious business to attend to,” Oscar says, grinning up at me. I glare down at him and look back to Kai, who has lifted the hem of his t-shirt over his head, giving me a full view of his abs.

  “Holy shit, yes please,” I blurt out, making Roman chuckle beside me as Parker opens the door. “Screw you, Aceholes.” I push Oscar’s head from my lap so I can stand.

  Rafe steps into the room offering a soft smile, calming me. I never realized how much his smile affects me, making me feel safe. He steps further into the room, looking past me to Oscar.

  “Are we all good now, Mr. Steele-O’Shay?” Rafe asks, with a wink at him and Oscar bounces up off the sofa.

  “Hell yeah I am, old man,” he says with a cheeky grin, but drops his usual façade as he rounds the sofa to stand in front of Rafe. “Thanks for asking. And I know I haven’t really said anything to you yet, but thank you for letting us marry your daughter.” In a flash, they’re fist-bumping and slapping each other on the back.

  What the fuck?

  “Give me a sec guys, I need to piss before we go down,” Oscar calls over his shoulder, before disappearing into the bedroom.

  I raise my eyebrow at Rafe, but he seems just as surprised as I do. Looking to Roman, he shakes his head slightly. Since when did Oscar sound so sincere to anyone but me? My heart flutters in my chest.


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