A Bride for Wyatt (The Proxy Christmas Series)

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A Bride for Wyatt (The Proxy Christmas Series) Page 8

by Barbara Goss

  Grace stood to fill the teapot.

  “Why, Grace, you’re looking a lot like a mother these days.”

  Grace smiled and rubbed her tummy. “I vow, this child won’t stop kicking. He’s bound to be an active fellow.”

  “Do you think it’s a boy, then?”

  “Well, Clay’s father claims that since I don’t have heartburn and because of all the activity, this little one is a boy.”

  Vera smiled. “How wonderful. Will he arrive in March or April?”

  “That’s just it—Doc Hall said either the last week of March or the first week of April.”

  “Are you feeling well?”

  “I feel terrific. I’ve never been happier.” Grace poured them some more tea. “After our tea, I’ll show you all the baby clothes I’ve made.”

  “I’ll start knitting him sweaters and caps.”

  “Thank you, Vera.” Grace stirred her tea. “Is that a wedding ring on your finger?”

  Vera blushed and whispered, “We became truly married in Missouri, and I don’t mean just the church service.”

  “It’s about time. It’s a gorgeous ring.” Grace peered into Vera’s eyes. “Are you happy?”

  “Grace, I’ve never been happier. I could never have imagined what love would feel like. It’s the most sensational feeling. I have the best husband in the world.”

  “I think I’ll save all the baby clothes so we can share them.”

  Both women smiled.

  New Year’s Eve meant an evening church service and dinner at Grace and Clay’s. At midnight, the couples exchanged kisses and well-wishes before Wyatt and Vera headed for home.

  In the quiet of their bedroom, the fire blazing, Vera yawned and said, “What do you think the new year will bring?”

  “We’ll need to find a new farm hand.”

  “What? Has Jack quit?”

  “Yes, he got a job at the livery.”

  “He did? I knew you’d sent him there. How wonderful. It’s a coincidence that Cramer hired him just after you suggested he go there when Grace mentioned how he never hires anyone on.”

  Wyatt chuckled. “I gave Jack a bit of help, but don’t you dare tell him.”

  Vera snuggled up to her husband and whispered, “What did you do?”

  “Remember that pig that was born a few months before you arrived?”

  “Yes. I named her Peggy.”

  “She’s now Cramer’s little Peggy.”

  “You gave him a pig for hiring Jack?”

  “Sort of. You see, he wasn’t too eager to hire someone on, but he hates to admit he can’t do certain things anymore. I sang Jack’s praises, and I had him almost convinced, but Peggy did the trick.”

  “I’m glad. There was no way I could roast her after having her for a pet.”

  Wyatt kissed her forehead. “Well, don’t get too attached to Peggy’s mother and father because I want a pork roast for Easter.”

  When Wyatt stopped in at the livery to see how Jack was doing, Hank Cramer waved him into his office. The room was in the back and private. After sitting down, Wyatt worried that Hank wasn’t pleased with Jack or Peggy the Pig.

  “I’d give you that pig back if I hadn’t already started to roast her,” he said. “I have family coming in tomorrow from Kansas City, and the pig is perfect for our dinner.”

  “I’m glad I could help. How’s Jack doing?”

  “That’s the reason I wish I could give the pig back. Jack is the best livery person I’ve ever had. Did you notice how spotless the stables are?” When Wyatt shrugged, he continued, “He’s here at five in the morning, and he doesn’t stop working until nine at night. The customers like him, too. I can’t thank you enough. I’ve had my share of people asking me to hire friends and nine times out of ten they weren’t worth a grain of salt. Now, I have the time to prepare for my daughter’s visit. She’s bringing her six children with her.”

  Wyatt smiled in relief. “Do you mind me asking you a personal question, Hank?”

  Hank shook his head.

  “How old are you?”


  “I think it’s about time you went into semi-retirement. Let Jack do most of the work so you can relax and enjoy life.”

  “I always wished I had a son. If I did, I’d imagine he’d be just like Jack.”

  Wyatt stood. “Enjoy the pig—we have quite a few of them and my wife made the mistake of making a pet out of that one. Then, she couldn’t bring herself to eat her.”

  Hank laughed. “My wife would have done the same.”

  As Wyatt walked out of the office, Hank yelled, “Check out the stables.”

  The cleanliness of the place impressed Wyatt. It even smelled good. He approached Jack, who was sweeping out a stall. “So, how do you like the job?”

  “It’s all right. Convenient, too. I live right across the way, and I can walk to work. Thank you for suggesting I apply here. Hank’s paying me a fair wage, and he seems to like my work.”

  “Good. Don’t forget Vera and I. Come to dinner on Sunday, if you can.”

  “Oh, I’ll be there. I wouldn’t miss a dinner cooked by Vera.” He winked. “She and Thea sure can cook. Tell Vera I sent my first letter to Thea this morning.”

  “I will.” Wyatt waved. “See you Sunday after church.”


  Christmas Eve, One Year Later

  “Wyatt Stone, don’t touch me!” Vera yelled.

  Wyatt jumped back from the bed. “You don’t mean that.”

  Vera let out a howl so loud Wyatt thought the windows rattled. “Please, let me help.”

  “Go away!”

  “Let me rub your back or something.”

  Vera screamed and panted. “It’s just annoying to be touched right now.”

  “But this is our baby. I want to share your pain ... or at least help you with it.”

  Vera screamed and lifted her body into the air for several seconds. “From now on, I’m sleeping in the spare room.”

  Despite her ranting, Wyatt knew she didn’t mean a word of what she was saying. She was just in pain.

  “Can I get you anything?” he asked.

  “Get that doctor back in here. Tell him to do something. It’s been hours. How long does birthing take?”

  Vera had always been such a strong woman that seeing her like that was painful for Wyatt. He left the room to call in Doc Hall. The doctor was rocking Grace’s baby while talking to her.

  “She looks like you,” Doc said. “What did you name her?”

  “Victoria. After my husband’s mother.”

  “Doc,” Wyatt cut in. “Vera wants you to come right away.”

  The doctor handed the baby back to Grace. “I’ll check on her.”

  “Is Victoria asleep?” Wyatt asked Grace.

  “Yes. Can I put her in your nursery? I want to help Vera if I can.”

  “I’ll take her.” Wyatt took Victoria from Grace. “Vera won’t let me touch her or do a thing to ease her discomfort, so the least I can do is care for my beautiful niece.”

  After tucking Victoria into the cradle he’d made for their baby, he went back to see how Vera was faring.

  Perspiration poured down Vera’s face. The doctor was telling her to breathe and push.

  Grace held a cool cloth to her forehead and murmured words of encouragement her. “If you’re at the pushing stage, it won’t be long, Vera. Stay with it.”

  Vera put her hand out to Wyatt. “Where were you? I need you.”

  Totally confused, Wyatt took her hand and squeezed it. “I’m here, sweetheart.”

  “It’s almost time. I can feel it.”

  Just as the grandfather clock in the hall chimed midnight, the doctor pulled out Vera and Wyatt’s child.

  “It’s Christmas,” Wyatt said as the doctor handed the baby to Grace while he tended to Vera.

  Wyatt turned his head away from what the doctor was doing. He felt himself about to faint, but the sound of his child cryin
g brought him back to reality. “Is it a boy or a girl?”

  “It’s a boy!” Grace said. “A strong and good-sized one, too.”

  “Let me see him,” Vera cried, holding out her arms.

  Grace gently wrapped the baby in flannel and handed him to Vera.

  Vera kissed the baby’s forehead. “Hello, Nicholas.”

  Wyatt leaned over and kissed the baby and then his wife. “I thought we were going to name the baby Alexander for a boy and Alexandria for a girl.”

  “Oh, but he was born at the start of Christmas Day, so his name must be Nicholas.”

  Vera rubbed the baby’s cheek. “He stopped crying. He’s looking at me. Do you think he knows I’m his mother?”

  Wyatt smiled. “I’m sure he does.”

  The doctor covered Vera up. “You did good, Vera. Everything looks fine. I want you to stay in bed for three or four days. Grace has agreed to help out here. She said you did the same for her last April.”

  Vera smiled up at Grace. “Yes, she’s become a true sister to me.”

  Wyatt explained to the doctor, “We’re thankful for Grace. Vera’s family planned to visit us for Christmas this year, but she wasn’t in any shape to fuss over a house full. We’ve changed their visit to Easter.”

  “Oh, I can’t wait for the children to see Nicholas.” Vera handed their son to Wyatt. “Is Victoria in the cradle?”

  “Yes, but the wicker clothes basket will be perfect for Nicholas for now,” he told her.

  The doctor left, and Grace went to bed. Wyatt brought the wicker basket into the bedroom and set it near the bed. He undressed and slipped into bed beside his wife.

  “Are you awake?”

  “I’m exhausted but still too excited to sleep.”

  Wyatt put his arm around her and pulled her close. “You did a great job. I’m proud of you.”

  “I’m sorry I yelled at you. The pain was so intense, I couldn’t stand being touched.”

  “Are you comfortable with me sleeping beside you? I can sleep in the other room until you've healed.”

  “No, I want my whole family in the same room.” Vera snuggled up to Wyatt. “So, we have a son!”

  “He’s beautiful.”

  “Last Christmas I thought I couldn’t possibly be any happier, but I was wrong. I’m beyond happy. I love you so much, Wyatt. Nicholas is half of you and half of me—isn’t that remarkable? God sure works wonders.”

  “Is this a good time to tell you more good news?”

  “What could be better?”

  “Grace just told me my father has a gift for you for giving him his first grandson.”

  “How did he know it would be a grandson?”

  “Because you couldn’t stand the sight of green peas,” he said.

  Vera laughed. “Go on.”

  “Clay’s house is the original farmhouse. It’s old, but it is still in decent shape. Grace and Clay want to build a home back by the north woods. Father planned to rent the place out to strangers but knowing how much you miss your family, he will let them live there rent free.”

  All Wyatt heard was a gasp. “Are you all right?”

  “There’s only so much good news a person can take in one day. That will be wonderful.”

  Wyatt heard her voice crack, and he pulled her to him, feeling the tears on her face. He kissed them. “Those had better be tears of joy, my love. Oh, and by the way, Merry Christmas.”


  What will happen with Thea and Jack? I’m writing that book now. But my next release will be A Bride for Adam which releases on January 8th.

  After Seth’s death Greta finds out she is with child. Seth’s parents pressure their other son, Adam, into a proxy marriage in order to keep the child in the family.

  Adam loves the sea and fails to arrive in Texas to meet his proxy bride. His father is forced to send the maritime police after him.

  Will Adam and Greta stick with the marriage? Will they fall in love? Or will Greta continue to obtain an annulment?

  This story will take you for a ride on the vast seas with Adam and Greta on the clipper ship, Eve, and back to Texas again where an adventurous kidnapping reveals true feelings.

  Looking for your next read? Check these out.

  1. Forbidden Legacy

  2. Captured Heart

  3. Stolen Heritage

  4. Dangerous Illusions

  5. Silent Love

  6. The Final Vow

  7. The Kissing Bridge

  8. Drawn from Darkness

  9. Temptation by Moonlight

  10. The Romantic Ruse

  11. Shadow of Shame

  12. Shadow of Deceit

  13. Shadow of Regret

  14. Shadow of Hope

  15. Shadow of Love

  16. Shadow of Faith

  17. Shadow of Second Chances

  18. Sunshine in the Rain and 19. Yesterday’s Rain (Two book in one)

  20. Mail Order Mishap Book 1

  21. Mail Order Vixen Book 2

  22. Mail Order Ruse Book 3

  23. Mail Order Calamity Book 4

  24 Mail Order Compromise Book 5

  25. The Guilty Proposal

  26. The Reckless Proposal

  27. The Shotgun Proposal

  28. The Housekeeper’s Proposal

  29. Dan McCall’s Bride

  30. Looking for Love

  31. Delightfully Deluded

  32. Ricochet Romance - 2 books in one

  33. Wanted: Horse Breeder - Silverpines Series

  34. Wanted: A Trusting Heart – Silverpines Series

  35. Rescued in El Paso

  36. A Bride for Nathan (Proxy Brides Series)

  37. The Trapper

  38. A Bride for Travis (Proxy Brides Series)

  39. Hope (Prairie Rose Series)

  40. The Secret Diary (Lockets and Lace Series)

  41. A Bride for Logan (Proxy Brides Series)

  42. The Marshal’s Mission

  43. A Bride for Wyatt (Proxy Brides Series, Christmas Edition)

  44. A Bride for Adam (Proxy Brides Series) Coming in January.

  Are you partial to Historical Westerns? Join my group: Sweet Wild West Reads:

  Barbara Goss, Author

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