Christmas Chocolates and Crimes

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Christmas Chocolates and Crimes Page 8

by Cindy Bell

  “My grandmother didn’t kill anyone!” Ally glared at her. “She would never harm anyone, especially not Martin who she considered to be her friend. There’s no way Jeff would betray her, and even if he did, she wouldn’t seek revenge for it. The fact that you’re here threatening her makes it pretty clear to me that you’re trying to hide your own guilt.”

  “Ha! You’d like that wouldn’t you?” She slapped her hand down on the counter. “Too bad I have an alibi, go ahead and ask your badge-wearing boyfriend about it. He’ll tell you that I’m off the suspect list. Oops, I guess he isn’t keeping you up to date, is he? Maybe he has more important things to focus on while he’s away? Charlotte is with a cheater, maybe you are, too!”

  Ally opened her mouth to say more, but Victoria turned on her heel and stalked out the door. She hurried behind the woman to lock the door and turn the sign to closed. The entire experience left her rattled. Was it possible that Jeff had been having an affair with Trudy? Was it possible that Victoria wasn’t the killer? She decided to call Luke, as Victoria had instructed. If he knew something about Victoria’s alibi, she wanted to know what it was. When she dialed his number she couldn’t help but wonder what he was doing at that moment. The classes would be over for the day. Was he out at the bar with other cops? Was he alone in his hotel room?

  “Hi, sweetheart.” His voice sounded tired, heavy with a mixture of emotions.

  “Hi, Luke. I’m sorry if I’m interrupting.”

  “No, I’m just sitting here waiting to hear about possible flights home. The weather is getting crazy. I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to make it.”

  “Oh.” She did her best not to sound disappointed.

  “I’m sorry, Ally, I’m still trying.”

  “It’s okay, I understand. Listen, I’m calling to see if you know anything about Victoria having an alibi for the night of Martin’s murder.” She finished up the closing procedures as she listened to Luke.

  “Uh, yeah, I was going to let you know about that. Victoria was visiting her sister the night that Martin was killed. The sister has backed up her alibi.”

  “But it’s her sister, she could be lying to protect her.” Ally frowned and finished putting away the last of the chocolates.

  “It’s possible, but they were able to confirm with the service station where she filled up her car. Her sister lives close to two hours away. She claims Victoria was there until early evening. However, it’s possible that Victoria drove back and made it just barely in time to kill Martin. The detective working the case feels it’s too much of a stretch to focus on. He’s also curious about the break-ins. He thinks it’s strange that only the kitchen was rummaged through. And well, he has his sights set on someone different. Victoria told the police that she is certain that Jeff was having an affair with Trudy. I wasn’t sure if I should tell you.” His voice grew thick. “I’m sorry, Ally.”

  “I don’t believe it.” Ally narrowed her eyes. “Jeff just doesn’t seem like he would do something like that. But I can tell you I’m going to find out.”

  “Ally, you need to be careful.”

  “I know. Thanks for the information, Luke.” She started to hang up the phone.

  “Ally, wait.”

  “Yes?” She tried to hold back her frustration.

  “I miss you, and I’ll see you soon.”

  “I miss you, too.” She sighed as she hung up. She’d almost ended the conversation without saying good-bye properly. That was harsh. But even though she understood why, she was still frustrated that he hadn’t come to her right away with the information about Victoria, and especially about Jeff. As she left the shop, she decided that she needed to find out the truth about Jeff right away.

  Chapter 10

  After speaking to Benjamin, Charlotte’s mind raced. Now that she knew Victoria was even more strongly connected to one of the victims of the break-ins she was tempted to believe that she had something to do with the murder. But could a battle over Christmas music really lead to killing? She doubted it. She hoped that she would find out something more at the gift making class. Maybe Mary would have more to say than Benjamin did, if she was there. When she stepped into the bustling class, she was a little intimidated. Normally it was a bit quieter, but tonight it seemed everyone in the room was caught up in a conversation. It was easy to assume why with the scandals that were racing through town. Now, not only was Martin dead, but someone was breaking into apartments, and supposedly Charlotte was a murder suspect.

  Charlotte hated the way that everyone stared at her when she walked in, but she pretended it didn’t bother her. It did. These were her friends, weren’t they? Didn’t they think it was crazy to even consider that she could kill someone? She forced down her emotions as she spotted the woman she’d come to see. Mary was seated towards the back of the class. She was the only one not engaged in a conversation. Instead, she gazed down at her phone. Maybe she was playing a game, or texting. Charlotte walked up beside her and gave her a light tap on the shoulder. The woman jumped at the sensation, and looked up with wide eyes.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, Mary.”

  “That’s okay, I’m just a little jumpy.”

  “I’m glad you came tonight. I wasn’t sure if you would.” Charlotte sat down beside her.

  “I just thought it would be good to be around friends.” She frowned as she tucked her phone away. “I’m still feeling a little nervous about going back to my apartment. I’ve been staying with my friend, Thea.”

  “I’m so sorry that you went through that. I’ve always felt so safe living here, it seems odd that all of these break-ins have started. I guess, it’s not too unusual around the holiday season, though. Maybe the burglars are looking for gifts or extra cash laying around.” She slid over in her chair to be closer to her. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be debating the whys and hows when all that matters is that something awful has happened.”

  “No, you’re right, at least if there was an explanation for it, I could process it better. But the fact that from what I can tell the intruder didn’t take anything, they just searched through my kitchen, is so very strange. Don’t you think?” She held her hands up in front of her. “What were they looking for? A pie?” She rolled her eyes.

  “Just your kitchen?” Charlotte’s mind began to race. Both of the break-ins only involved a search of the kitchen? What did that mean? Were they looking for food, or an appliance? “Yes, that’s very strange. What did the police have to say about all of it?”

  “The police.” She pursed her lips. “Not much, they just took the report and assured me they’d look into it. But I doubt they will. They have their hands full with the murder.” She tightened her lips as if the word repulsed her. Charlotte understood, as the mention of it unsettled her, too. “I know I should be calmer, after all nothing valuable was taken, and I wasn’t hurt, but it’s hard not to feel nervous. What if whoever it was comes back? What if they were just checking to see how easy it was to break in?” She shuddered at the thought. “I’m having an alarm system installed. I’ve never had one in my life, but now I can’t imagine going to sleep in that apartment without one.”

  “I’m glad you’re taking that step.” Charlotte nodded. “It can make such a big difference. I was wondering if you’ve seen Victoria here?” She asked casually as she looked around the room.

  “No, I haven’t seen her for a few days.” She shook her head.

  “Are you friendly with her?”

  “Not really, we used to be part of the same book club, though. But that was a long time ago.”

  “Oh okay, I wonder, have you had anything special delivered to your house? Or maybe someone who came to visit that doesn’t usually visit?” She met the woman’s eyes.

  “Uh, no. Not really. Andy and Diana dropped off one of her gifts, but that was it.” She shrugged. “The chocolates are delicious by the way.” She smiled. “I ate them all the first night, I’m such a pig.” She laughed.

p; “You’re not a pig. I’m glad you liked them. I eat quite a few myself.” Charlotte grinned. “I don’t think I know an Andy.”

  “Oh, he lives in Freely Lakes, too. The guy with very blond hair, he has a motorcycle that he rides everywhere.”

  “Oh yes.” Charlotte nodded. “The man that lives next to Bob.”

  “That’s him.” Mary nodded. “He and Diana are friends. I think he was just helping to tote her boxes around to deliver them.”

  Charlotte looked up and scanned the room. She didn’t see any sign of Diana. That surprised her. Before she could wonder too much about it, Beth walked to the front of the room. She looked distressed as she faced her students.

  “I’m sorry, everyone, but I am canceling the class. I just can’t continue. I’m very sorry.”

  An uproar began all around Charlotte. People asked about refunds, others asked about finishing their projects, but Beth turned and hurried out of the classroom without answering any of their questions.

  “Oh dear.” Mary frowned.

  Charlotte followed Beth out of the classroom. The woman practically ran down the hall and around the corner. Charlotte chased after her. When she finally caught up she spotted her as she ducked into a bathroom. She pushed the door open behind her.


  She could hear quiet crying in one of the stalls.

  “Beth, if there’s anything I can do please just tell me.”

  “There’s nothing, Charlotte, please just leave me alone.”

  “Beth.” She paused in front of the stall. “Maybe if you tell me what’s wrong, I can help.”

  “What’s wrong? What’s wrong is that everyone is looking at me! A reporter from Mainbry found out about my past with Martin, and published an article on the internet. I’m sure it’ll be in the papers by tomorrow morning. It’s all about how Martin took all of my money and how I’ve been holding a grudge. Now, I’m sure that everyone will think I killed Martin!”

  “Oh, Beth, I’m so sorry.” She narrowed her eyes as she thought about reporters. Some of them made up or embellished things for the sake of a story, but perhaps they had stumbled on to something. She was certainly eager to read the article.

  “Yes, he lost my entire investment, and there were many years that we wouldn’t say one word to each other. But life goes on, you know? I just accepted the loss and eventually moved forward. I would never kill anyone over it. But of course, I don’t have an alibi. I’m just waiting for the police to come and arrest me. Charlotte, you have no idea how nerve racking it is.”

  “Yes, I kind of do.” Charlotte sighed. “I’m a suspect, too, Beth. It’s not easy to face the judgment or the fear of being arrested, but the important thing is that you know you’re innocent. I still believe that innocent people are not arrested for crimes they didn’t commit.”

  “If only they could find Trudy. I’m sure she’s the one who did it. If the police could get their hands on her, this would all be resolved.”

  “What makes you think Trudy did it?” She leaned a little closer to the stall door.

  “Everyone knows she was having an affair. She probably killed Martin so that she could be with him.” She stopped short with a small gasp.

  “Him?” Charlotte’s heartbeat quickened. “Do you know who he is? Maybe he had something to do with this.”

  “I shouldn’t say. It’s just a rumor.”

  “Please, I’d like to know, Beth. I’m at risk here, too.” She pressed her hand against the stall door, and found that it swung open. Beth hovered near the back of the stall, her eyes filled with tears.

  “You really don’t know, do you?” She met Charlotte’s eyes.

  “Know what?” A shiver carried through her, as if she should know.

  “It’s Jeff.”

  “Jeff?” Her mouth grew dry. “That’s impossible.”

  “I’m sorry, Charlotte, sometimes people just aren’t who we think they are.”

  Charlotte stared at her for a moment. She knew there were hundreds of questions she should ask, but she couldn’t form a single word. Instead she turned and left the bathroom.

  It only took a few texts for Ally to get Jeff to meet her at his apartment. She didn’t want to call, because she was afraid he would hear the suspicion in her voice. On the drive to Freely Lakes she went through an assortment of emotions. Mostly, she was angry. Angry at the thought that Jeff could hurt her grandmother and angry that he might be allowing her to take the fall for him or Trudy. Maybe he was the one feeding information to the chief about her grandmother. The thought made her stomach lurch with disgust. She knew that Charlotte trusted him, and she usually had good instincts about people. The very thought of having to reveal the news to her grandmother filled her with dread. When she reached Freely Lakes, she looked at her watch. She was relieved to see that the gift making class was still on and her grandmother would still be there, so she would have a little time to speak to Jeff alone. She marched right up to his apartment and knocked loudly on his door. He opened it.

  “Ally, now what’s all of this about?” He frowned as he gestured for her to step in.

  “No thanks, out here is fine.” She crossed her arms as she stared at him. “It took me quite some time to be sure that you were good for Mee-Maw, Jeff, and honestly you fooled me. You really did. I thought you were always looking out for her best interests, and that you truly cared for her. But clearly that wasn’t true.” She narrowed her eyes.

  “What?” He leaned against the door frame and stared back at her. “What are you talking about, Ally?” He spoke so carefully that she guessed he was trying to hide some of his emotions.

  “I’m talking about your affair with Trudy. How come everyone in Blue River knows about it, except for me, and Mee-Maw?” She searched his eyes. A small part of her still hoped that he would tell her it wasn’t true, that she would be able to believe him, and spare her grandmother the pain that came along with such a betrayal.

  “An affair with Trudy?” His cheeks grew red. “Ally, you’ve got your information wrong.”

  “Does she?” Charlotte stepped up behind her.

  “Mee-Maw, I’m sorry—”

  “It’s all right, Ally.” She placed her hand on her granddaughter’s shoulder, then looked straight at Jeff. “It seems there are quite a few rumors buzzing around Blue River right now. One of them is that I’m a killer. That certainly isn’t true. So, let’s not assume that these rumors about Trudy and Jeff are true. Remember how upset you were with Nina for doubting me?” She glanced over at Ally.

  “Yes.” Ally bit into her bottom lip. She was amazed that her grandmother could be so calm in the face of such an accusation, and yet she had a point. Nina had assumed the suspicions about her grandmother were true, and it made Ally angry enough to want to fire her.

  “Jeff, in case you haven’t heard, apparently some people believe that you and Trudy were having an affair. Now, I know that you told me you and Trudy are friends. So, I’m not here to accuse you of anything. I appreciate your honesty. And your personal business is yours. But, you need to be aware that this rumor could lead to you being as much a suspect as I am. So, if there is any truth to it, I suggest you find a way to protect yourself.” She started to turn away.

  “Charlotte, wait!” He caught her hand and turned her back towards him. “You don’t believe any of this, do you?” His eyes drooped as he stared at her. “You don’t think I would do anything like this, do you?”

  “Kill Martin?” She smiled. “No, not for a second.”

  “That’s not what I meant.” He lowered his voice. “I would never cheat on you, Charlotte.”

  “Never mind that.” She waved her hand. “The important thing here is to figure out who killed Martin.”

  “Yes, that’s important, but so is your trust in me.” He continued to gaze into her eyes. “I didn’t, and will never, cheat on you.”

  “There’s nothing to cheat on. We’re friends, right?” She patted his hand, which still held he
rs. “Jeff, I know who you are. Nothing can change that.”

  Ally watched in amazement as she pulled him into a warm hug. “But be careful. Because I don’t think I could handle it if you ended up arrested for Martin’s murder.”

  “Trudy was teaching me how to knit.” His cheeks burned bright red. “All right? I wanted to make something special for my new granddaughter, and she suggested I knit her a blanket. I mentioned I didn’t know how to knit, and she offered to teach me. That was all. I was too embarrassed to tell you.”

  “Why would you be embarrassed about that?” Charlotte smiled.

  “Because, it’s not exactly a manly thing to do.”

  “Aw.” She patted his hand again and shook her head. “Jeff, you don’t need to hide things from me. But you also don’t have to tell me every aspect of your life. I trust you.”

  “Thank you, Charlotte.” He smiled. “You are an amazing woman.”

  “I don’t know about that, Jeff, but I do know that I’m lucky to have you. Keep your head down, and we’ll get through all of this.”

  “I should go.” Ally lowered her eyes. “I’m sorry, Jeff.”

  “Don’t be.” He smiled at her. “I’m glad you’re so quick to protect Charlotte.”

  “Thank you, Ally.” Charlotte kissed her cheek.

  As Ally left, she could still hear them talking. It impressed her that her grandmother was so certain of her trust for Jeff. Could she say the same for herself and Luke?

  As she walked down the hallway, she saw someone poke their head around the corner in front of her. It took her a second to realize who it was.


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