Incredible Us

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by Deanndra Hall

  Incredible Us

  Me, You, and Us Series: Book 3


  Deanndra Hall

  Incredible Us

  Me, You, and Us Series: Book 3

  Celtic Muse Publishing, LLC

  P.O. Box 3722

  Paducah, KY 42002-3722

  Copyright © 2015 Deanndra Hall

  Kindle Edition

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

  This book is a work of fiction.

  Names of characters, places, and events are the construction of the author, except those locations that are well-known and of general knowledge, and all are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is coincidental, and great care was taken to design places, locations, or businesses that fit into the regional landscape without actual identification; as such, resemblance to actual places, locations, or businesses is coincidental. Any mention of a branded item, artistic work, or well-known business establishment, is used for authenticity in the work of fiction and was chosen by the author because of personal preference, its high quality, or the authenticity it lends to the work of fiction; the author has received no remuneration, either monetary or in-kind, for use of said product names, artistic work, or business establishments, and mention is not intended as advertising, nor does it constitute an endorsement. The author is solely responsible for content.

  Formatting by BB eBooks

  Editing by Heidi Ryan

  Cover design by Novel Graphic Designs, used by permission of the artist


  Material in this work of fiction is of a graphic sexual nature and is not intended for audiences under 18 years of age.


  To Lindsey Armstrong:

  You never fail to cheer me up when I need it most.

  Thanks for being a friend, a reader, a promoter,

  and just an all-around great person.

  A word from the author . . .

  This book was never supposed to happen.

  I didn’t intend for this to be a series, and when it became one, I knew Dave would have a book. I didn’t know what would happen to him, but I was sure it would be spectacular. I never would’ve guessed that it would be such a bumpy ride, but it was and it is. And even though bumpy and spectacular describe this book, so does precious. I grew to love Dave even more than before as I wrote this book, and I admired Olivia as she grew into the woman she was meant to be.

  So here’s the final installment in this series. And thanks to Sir, who’s kept me going all along. I couldn’t do this without you, baby.

  Love and happy reading,


  You can find me here:

  Substance B

  [email protected]


  P.O. Box 3722, Paducah, KY 42002-3722

  More titles from this author:

  Love Under Construction Series

  The Groundbreaking (Prequel)

  The Groundbreaking is a preview of the main characters contained in all of the Love Under Construction Series books. Not intended as a work of erotic fiction, it is simply a way for the reader to get to know and love each character by discovering their backgrounds.

  Laying a Foundation (Book 1) COMBO VOLUME includes The Groundbreaking (Prequel)

  Sometimes death robs us of the life we thought we’d have; sometimes a relationship that just won’t die can be almost as bad. And sometimes the universe aligns to take care of everything. When you’ve spent years alone, regardless the circumstances, getting back out there can be hard. But when you’ve finally opened up to love and it looks like you might lose it all, can love be enough to see you through?

  Tearing Down Walls (Book 2)

  Secrets – they can do more damage than the truth. Secrets have kept two people from realizing their full potential, but even worse, have kept them from forming lasting relationships and finding the love and acceptance they both desperately need. Can they finally let go of those secrets in time to find love – and maybe even to stay alive?

  Renovating a Heart (Book 3)

  Can a person’s past really be so bad that they can never recover from it? Sometimes it seems that way. One man hides the truth of a horrific loss in his teen years; one woman hides the truth of a broken, scarred life that took a wrong turn in her teens. Can they be honest with each other, or even with themselves, about their feelings? And will they be able to go that distance before one of them is lost forever?

  Planning an Addition (Book 4)

  When you think you’re set for life and that life gets yanked out from under you, starting over is hard. One woman who’s starting over finds herself in love with two men who’ve started over too, and she’s forced to choose. Or is she? And when one of them is threatened by their past, everyone has choices to make. Can they make the right ones in time to save a life?

  The Harper’s Cove Series

  Beginning with the flagship volume, Karen and Brett at 326 Harper’s Cove, find out exactly what the neighbors of Harper’s Cove are up to when they go inside and close their doors. According the Gloria, the drunken busy-body of the cove, they’re all up to something perverse, and she’s determined to find out their secrets. As she sneaks, peeks, pokes, and prods, her long-suffering husband, Russell, begs her to leave all of their nice neighbors alone. But could Gloria be right?

  The Harper’s Cove series books are fast, fun, nasty little reads priced just right to provide a quick, naughty romp. See if each of the couples of Harper’s Cove shock you just enough to find out what the neighbors at the next address will do!

  Karen and Brett at 326 Harper’s Cove (Book 1)

  Gloria wants more than anything to be invited to one of Karen and Brett Reynolds’ parties, and she’s very vocal about it. Karen and Brett, however, know full well that if Gloria were ever invited to one of their parties, she would be in a hurry to leave, and in an even bigger hurry to let everyone know they’re the scourge of the neighborhood. Every Saturday night, Karen and Brett keep their secrets – all twelve of them.

  Becca and Greg at 314 Harper’s Cove (Book 2)

  Even though they’re quiet and stay to themselves, Becca and Greg Henderson seem pretty nice and average. They don’t go out much or have many people over, except for that one couple who are probably relatives. But when that half-sister of Becca’s moves in, it all seems a little fishy; she gets around pretty well for a person recovering from cancer. And where was Becca going all decked out in that weird outfit? The Henderson are tight-lipped, but Gloria hopes she can eventually get to the bottom of things. If she does, she’ll get the biggest surprise of her life.

  Donna and Connor at 228 Harper’s Cove (Book 3)

  Those nice people at 228, the Millicans? They’re religious counselors, trying to help lovely couples who are having marital problems. Problem is, they’re not counseling; training, maybe, but not counseling. But no matter what Donna says, Gloria still thinks the truck that delivered large crates to the Millicans’ house in the wee hours of the morning two weeks after they’d moved in was pretty suspicious. Donna says it was exercise equipment that the moving company had lost, but Gloria’s not so sure. Could it be that they’re not as they appear?

  Savannah and Martin at 219 Harper’s Cove (Book 4)

  Savannah and Martin McIntosh are new to the neighborhood, but that doesn’t stop Gloria from trying her best to
find out what they do on the second and fourth Friday nights of the month. Savannah insists they play cards, but Gloria’s pretty sure it’s more than that, considering the men she sees leaving the house in the wee hours of Saturday morning. But when she decides to get a little “up close and personal,” she may get more than she bargained for.

  And we’re just getting started!

  The Me, You, and Us Series

  Adventurous Me (Book 1)

  Boring, tiresome, predictable . . . all words Trish Stinson’s soon-to-be ex-husband uses as excuses for why he’s leaving after almost 30 years of marriage. But Trish’s efforts to find adventure and prove him wrong land her in the lap of a man who leads her to an adventure she could’ve never predicted. And when that adventure throws her into a situation with a man who can’t stand her, she’s forced to decide between honor and her life.

  Unforgettable You (Book 2)

  Reeling from a relationship that didn’t happen, Steffen Cothran stumbles upon a woman who may be the answer to his prayers, but Sheila Brewster has problems he couldn’t have anticipated. They work hard to forge a relationship, only to have it destroyed by someone from Steffen’s past – the one person he’d forgotten about. As Sheila, hurt and angry, walks out of his life, Steffen eventually gives up on love until that fateful night when curiosity takes him somewhere he never thought he’d be to see something he never dreamed he’d see.

  The Celtic Fan (independent novel)

  Journalist Steve Riley sets out to do the seemingly impossible: Find Nick Roberts, author of the bestselling book The Celtic Fan. When his traveling buddies lose interest, Steve continues on to a stolen address and finds someone who couldn’t possibly be Roberts. As time goes by, Steve has to decide if he wants to break the story of a lifetime and break someone’s heart, or give in to the feelings that promise him the love of a lifetime. Set in the beautiful Smoky Mountains of North Carolina, The Celtic Fan is both Steve’s journey and excerpts from the original book written by Roberts about a young, wounded, WWII veteran and the forbidden love he finds.

  My Last Dom (independent novel)

  Kimberly Hendricks doesn’t want a man. She wants pain. But the Dominant who’s intent on stealing her heart has other plans. Jasper “Jaz” Givens manages to reach into Kimmie’s darkness and take away her pain. And when Kimmie discovers what she thinks is a horrific plot against her, the ghosts of her past take over. Problem is, by the time she chases them away, it might be too late.

  Support your Indie authors!

  Independent (Indie) authors are not a new phenomenon, but they are a hard-working one. As Indie authors, we write our books, have trouble finding anyone to beta read them for us, seldom have money to hire an editor, struggle with our cover art, find it nearly impossible to get a reviewer to even glance at our books, and do all of our own publicity, promotion, and marketing. This is not something that we do until we find someone to offer us a contract – this is a conscious decision we’ve made to do for ourselves that which we’d have to do regardless (especially promotion, which publishers rarely do anyway). We do it so big publishing doesn’t take our money and give us nothing in return. We do it because we do not want to give up rights to something on which we’ve worked so hard. And we do it because we want to offer you a convenient, quality product for an excellent price.

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  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  A Word from the Author

  More Titles from this Author

  Support Your Indie Authors

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  About the author

  Connect with Deanndra on Substance B

  Chapter One

  “Damn it!” It’s the third time this month that a bulb’s been out over one of the performance alcoves. Replacing them is a pain in the ass. It entails dragging out the ladder, climbing as high as I can, praying I don’t fall because this ladder really isn’t tall enough to use for the job, then putting the thing away, only to have to do it again in a week or so. I suppose I could leave them until two or three were out, then replace them all at the same time, but I just can’t. I have too much pride in the club’s appearance.

  This place is my second home. Ever since Brian stepped away from it, I’ve had free rein over everything that takes place here. He trusts me to run it for him, and I do a good job. Bliss is the nicest club of its kind within a two hundred mile radius, and business is good.

  Actually, my house is more like my second home. I’m never there and when I am, I’m either asleep or trying to be. Sometimes I do a little laundry, but most of the time I’m here at the club. After all, we’ve got a washer and dryer here, so it’s easier to just do my own while I’m here. Besides, I’m comfortable here. The club members are more like family to me, and I enjoy spending time around them.

  It’s a Tuesday night and it’s pretty quiet. I look up to see Steffen and Sheila Cothran coming through the door. She plops a box down in front of me and grins. “What?”

  “I baked this for you.” She opens the box with a flourish and pulls out the most lopsided cake I’ve ever seen in my life. “Well? What do you think?”

  I’m just about to laugh when I catch glimpse of Steffen’s face and realize that would be a huge mistake. “I think I want a bite right now!”

  “Liar.” She starts to laugh. “I’m not sure what happened, but I tried the batter, so I’m assuming the cake itself is pretty good. Well, look at this!” Sheila’s still laughing when she turns toward the door. Steffen and I both do the same to see my son and his wife, Clint and Trish Winstead, walking in.

  “Hey, old man!” Clint hugs me, and I hug him back. I don’t care what his birth certificate says – he’s my son.

  “Good lord! What’s the occasion? Why are all four of you here?”

  They stare at me like I’ve lost my mind. Finally, Clint says, “Dad? It’s your birthday.”

  I start to blurt out, No, it’s not, when I catch a glimpse of the calendar and, by damn, it is my birthday. Who knew? Um, apparently all of them. “Well, would you look at that! Everybody remembered my birthday except me!”

  “How old are you? Ninety-two?” Steffen laughs.

  “No. Sixty-five, thank you,” I snarl back.

  “Yeah, but that body is still forty. You need to find its owner and get yours back. It’s unnatural,” Clint snickers.

  “Hey, it’s pretty damn good, as I recall,” Trish grins and winks at me.

  “I’ll agree with that!” Sheila adds.

fen’s the one snarling this time when he says, “I don’t like this. I feel like I’m getting ganged up on by the ‘I’ve slept with Dave Adams’ club over here.”

  The girls are standing to either side of me, and I put an arm around each. “So, the guys here want to celebrate my birthday. Would you two like to celebrate it together? With me? The three of us?”

  Sheila looks at Trish in shock. “Well, I’ve never had sex with another woman, but if I were going to, it would be with you.”

  “Same here.”

  “Whoa, wait!” Clint looks more than a little shocked, and Steffen’s starting to tense, I can tell. “We didn’t bring our wives in here as your birthday gifts!”

  Steffen echoes Clint with, “Yeah. I don’t mind sharing when it’s appropriate, but . . .”

  “What’s appropriate, Steffen?” Sheila asks in her usual confrontational tone. Now Trish has stopped and she’s waiting and staring too.

  “Well, I dunno, but I don’t think . . .”

  “You know, I think it’s time we did a little exploration, don’t you?” Trish grins.

  Sheila hops down off the bar stool. “Let’s do that!” She takes Trish by the hand and kisses her, and I feel myself get hard almost instantly. Doesn’t help that Clint and Steffen are practically drooling. When the ladies’ lips part, they both take me by the hand and pull me down the hall to one of the private rooms. As we leave the big common room, I hear one of the guys whisper, “Fuck. I really, really want to watch that.”


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