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Endgame Page 5

by Cara E Holt

  “You can go you know. This whole knight in shining armour thing really isn’t you.”

  He shakes his head at me. “How would you know? You don’t know me.”

  I snigger. “I know enough.”

  He stands then and puts himself between my legs making me freeze in place. He places an arm either side of me on the bed.

  “You think you have me all figured out Manchester?” His expression has gone all serious and dark. I think I prefer sarcastic, smug Grayson. “You don’t know anything about me, but I get the feeling you want to.” Playful Grayson is suddenly back.

  I huff. “Trust me, I do not.”

  He leans in closer and I try to lean back without falling over. His head is inches from mine, his mouth so close. “You mean you haven’t thought about my lips on yours, or the way it would feel to have my hands on your bare skin.”

  “No.” I say shakily and look away at the door, willing the nurse to come back in and save me.

  “Rumour has it you have a tattoo.” He states, surprising me.

  “Dom has been talking to you about my tattoo?”

  He smirks. “Actually, the boys were talking about you at lunch trying to guess your bra size and Ben told everyone that Abi said you had a tattoo.”

  “Why the fuck were you guys discussing my bra size?! That is so not right.”

  He shrugs. “We’re guy’s.” As he says that he looks down at my chest. “So where is it? Please tell me it is on that fine ass and says something like bite me?”

  He really did just call my ass fine! That was two compliments in one conversation. I’m beginning to think the hit to my head is making me hear things.

  I purse my lips at him. “it isn’t on my arse. So what bra size did you go for?” I can’t resist asking, I’m just too damn curious.

  He chews on his lip giving me a smile. “I said you were a perfect D.”

  I gulp. “Ha, wrong Mr thinks he’s an expert.”

  “I’d be able to guess better if I could have a feel.” His tongue runs over his bottom lip totally distracting me from my witty come-back.

  “You try to cop a feel and I’ll give you a black eye to match mine.”

  He laughs out loud again. Then his face is back in mine. “One day sweet cheeks, you’ll be begging me to have a feel.”

  I scoff and put my hand on his face, pushing him away. The nurse comes breezing back in the room and Grayson moves to the other side of the room, arms folded, he leans against the wall watching me.

  “Okay, here we go.” She hands me some water and two painkillers and thanking her I take them. She then offers me a bag of ice to put on my face. I wince when I put it on my skin.

  “I need to fill in an accident form for you.” She turns and looks at Grayson. “Can you stay and watch her for me?”

  He gives her his smooth smile and a wink. “Sure thing, Miss White.”

  The nurse blushes at him thanking him and I roll my eyes again. He even flirts with the school nurse.

  I sit there, arms folded ignoring him as I hold the ice pack on my eye. Sighing he comes over and takes it off me. “It needs to be higher.” He explains as he gently puts it back over my eye and holds it there.

  “So, what is it like living with Dom?”

  “Okay so far. He has this annoying friend though who comes over a lot.”

  His mouth twitches in amusement. “They are a good family. Ollie’s a great kid.”

  I grin. “He really is. Although if he wakes me up again at seven to play nerf wars, I may change my mind.”

  I take a quick look at my watch. “Shit, my next class starts in five minutes. I can’t miss a class on my first day.”

  He shrugs his shoulders. “I wouldn’t worry about it. Miss White will clear it. What class is it?”

  “English language.”

  “Budding Journalist?”

  I shake my head. “Budding Editor.”

  The nurse comes back in breaking our conversation. “Okay, forms all done. I’ve emailed a copy to your school e-mail account and to your father.”

  “Thanks. Can I go to class now?”

  Miss White takes the ice off my face and takes a look. “How does the head feel?”

  “Better, now I’ve had painkillers.”

  “Okay.” She nods. “If you feel any dizziness or nausea then I want you to come straight back, okay?”

  “Promise.” I tell her smiling.

  “Okay then. Grayson can you accompany her to her next class just in case?”

  “No problem.” He tells her, he helps me stand off the bed and walks beside me an arm out, ready to grab me if I wobble. We head out into the corridor and sixth formers and pupils are milling about the place.

  “I need to go to my locker.” I announce and he simply nods and continues alongside me.

  We reach my locker and I pull out my I-pad and timetable and pop my phone back in there.

  “So what classroom is it?” He asks peering over my shoulder at my timetable. His breath tickles my ear, giving me goose bumps.

  “Like I’m going to trust your directions.” He chuckles, and I turn to face him. “I’m glad you found it amusing.”

  A couple of minutes later we reach my class. “Well my shift as your knight in shining armour is over. Enjoy class.” He tells me walking away backwards, giving me a mock bow.

  I give him an awkward wave and head into class. My mind is confused as hell. Grayson on his own is not what I expected.

  I wait at Dom’s car at the end of the day. Abigail gets there first and wait besides me leaning on the car.

  “Ooh what happened to your face, it’s all swollen?”

  “A rugby ball happened.” I explain, and she winces. “Hey, did you tell Ben I had a tattoo?”

  She blushes. “Yeah, was that not okay?”

  I shrug. “It’s just it’s a very personal tattoo. I don’t really want people at school asking me about it.”

  She nods. “I’m sorry I didn’t think. I won’t mention it to anyone else. I thought your dad was going to burst a blood vessel this morning over the tattoo.”

  I laugh. “Me too.”

  I spot Dom and Izzy walking our way and he releases the lock on the car, so we can get in.

  “So, how are you after your close encounter with a rugby ball?” Dom teases as he starts the engine.

  “Yeah go on get it over with and laugh.” I groan.

  “Well I heard that Grayson carried you off to the nurses’ office and stayed with you.” Izzy says grinning at me.

  “And?” I say nonchalantly.

  She holds her hands up in mock defence. “Nothing. Just Owen said he practically shoved him out of the way and took over looking after you.”

  I shrug and turn my gaze to the view out of the window. I catch Izzy giving Dom a look and he gives her a secret smile as he pulls off the car park.

  The next morning I groan when I look at my reflection in the mirror. My eye is a truly lovely shade of red and purple.

  “No amount of concealer is going to cover this bad boy.” I say out loud as I lean in closer to the mirror. I do try my best with the concealer and it goes some way to cover some of it. Giving up, I head downstairs to breakfast.

  “Wow.” Says Ollie has he looks at my face. “That is awesome!”

  I laugh only a six-year old boy would describe my eye as awesome. “Thanks kiddo, I’m glad you like it.”

  Dad looks up from his phone. “That is a first-class shiner.”

  I nod, returning his smile. “It goes with my rough northern image.”

  My Dad frowns at my response. “Is anyone giving you trouble?”

  “No Dad.” I give him a reassuring smile. “You know how it is. Kids like me stick out at a place like Harper Grange.”

  Dom enters the room yawning loudly and taking a seat opposite me.

  “Jesus. I know that rugby ball hit you hard, but that is nasty.” He winces as he takes in my eye.

  “I’ve plated up for you.�
�� Sophie announces, placing a plate full of bacon, eggs and sausages.

  My eyes bug-out at all the food on my plate. “Erm, thanks.”

  I lift my eyes to see Dom looking at my plate and giving his mum a confused look.

  “I’ll have what you don’t finish.”

  Where the guy puts it all I have no idea.

  We arrive at school and students double-take when they see my face. I keep my head down and let my hair fall over my face. We head to the sixth form common room. I have a free period first thing, so I plan on getting my Spanish homework boxed off. We separate as we enter, Dom and Izzy head off to the sit with the rugby lads and I head over to Lottie and the guys.

  “Woah.” Harvey says leaning forward to inspect my eye. “That must have hurt.”

  I nod biting my lip. “Yes, it hurt like a bitch.”

  They all chuckle in response. “Think anyone is going to talk about anything but my eye today?”

  “Not likely.” James grins from where he sits opposite with his arm draped around Hannah.

  I glance around the room and my eyes as they always seem to do, find him. He is sat on the arm of a tired looking sofa with a pretty blonde girl stood between his legs, one of his hands on her waist. The poor girl must be the latest victim. He leans into her ear and whispers something to her and as he does his eyes meet mine, giving me a cocky wink. I roll my eyes in response and look away.

  “So pretty girl.” Harvey says grinning as he plonks himself down next to me and places an arm around my shoulder. “You want to hang out with us guys tonight?”

  I return his grin. “That depends on what it is you are doing. If it’s skinny dipping or a strip club, I’m out.”

  “It’s student night at the Black Hole. Cheap drinks, good music.”

  Harvey leans in and squeezes my cheeks. “Stick with us Everly and you’ll have a great time.”

  I laugh. I like Harvey. The guy is good looking in a cute kind of way and he makes me laugh.

  Lottie is looking over my head with a curious look on her face, from where she is sat perched on the back of the sofa behind James and Hannah.

  “Why is Grayson St. Clair looking over here with that growly expression on his face?”

  I really want to turn around and look but I don’t want him to catch me looking, so I resist. “Isn’t that a look he wears permanently.” I comment with a shrug of my shoulders.

  Lottie looks at me like she is trying to figure something out.

  “What?” I ask her, and she looks away again over the top of my head, at I presume Grayson.

  She gives me nonchalant smile. “Nothing. Just playing around with a theory in my head about something.”

  The others head off to class and I stick my headphones in and get stuck into my Spanish homework. I head over to my first class early and I am the first to arrive. I take the same seat as yesterday, conscious that I don’t want to sit in anyone else’s seat. When Grayson walks in he doesn’t even look my way and takes his seat behind me.

  Half-way through class and there has been no tugging on my hair or whispered remarks in my ears.

  “Okay.” Miss Lowe states turning from the projector to face us. Her eyes fall on me. “Everly can you read from page 31 please.”

  I cough and sit up straighter feeling everyone’s eyes on me as I turn my book to the right page.

  “Uh Miss.” Grayson pipes up from behind me. “Maybe you should pick someone else. I mean can northerners even read and well, none of us can understand that accent.” His comment generates a number of sniggers and giggles from around the room.

  My face goes deep red and a clench my fists at my sides. Miss Lowe shakes her head and gives Grayson a warning glance.

  “Grayson. Play nice. I am sure Everly can read very eloquently.” She nods for me to start so ignoring the annoying fuck-face behind me I begin to read the passage. Throughout the rest of the class, I sit there and quietly seethe. Paybacks a bitch and one way or another I would make Grayson St. Clair regret trying to embarrass me in front of the whole class. I march to lunch in a furious mood and grab myself a salad and water before plonking myself down next to Lottie.

  I stab at my salad viciously with my fork, deep in thoughts of revenge.

  “You eat like a sparrow.” Harvey notes as he sits down beside me. I laugh at his observation, if only he knew how accurate he was. Me eating a salad, was a damn site more than I used to eat.

  Imogen groans as she looks at her tray. “Flip. I forgot to grab a bread roll.”

  “I’ll grab you one.” I tell her, already standing. “I need another drink anyhow.”

  I head over to the queue at the counter and smile to myself when I see who is front of me. Grayson is ordering his food. He doesn’t notice me, as he is busy checking his phone. I watch his tray be loaded with a plate of grilled chicken in a mushroom sauce. This is when I make my move, I move forward and fake a stumble, knocking into his back just as he is lifting his tray from the counter-top. I feel like it happens in slow motion. Grayson’s plate flips forward and the chicken and sauce slide down the front of his crisp-white shirt.

  “Fuck!” Grayson explains jumping back and examining his stained shirt. He turns around with a thunderous look on his face and his eyes fall on me.

  I hold my hand to my mouth, feigning innocence. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I stumbled.”

  His dark eyes drill into me and not leaving them he starts to undo his tie and then his shirt. He sticks his tie in his pocket and screws his shirt up in his hand. This gives me an up-close view of Grayson’s chiselled chest. He leans over into my ear then and I can feel the whole sixth form watching us.

  “If you wanted to see me shirtless Manchester, you only had to ask.” His words tickle my ear and make me shiver inside. “Good comeback sweet cheeks. It’s game on.” He turns his back on me then and leaves me stood there speechless. He orders fresh food and then he saunters off to his table. As he walks through the cafeteria girls give him admiring glances, drooling over his naked chest.

  I grab the bread roll and water and rush back to the table where my friends all sit there in silence staring at me.

  I drop down with a very satisfied grin on my face.

  “You did that on purpose you little minx.” Lottie states, her shrewd eyes missing nothing.

  “Who me?” I ask, pointing at myself. “Too right I did. That ass-hat made fun of my accent in front of the whole class this morning. He had it coming.”

  James tuts shaking his head but with a smile on his face. “You decided to go to war against Grayson St. Clair? You must have a death wish girl.”

  I shrug. “It’s not a war exactly, it’s ..”

  “Foreplay.” Lottie interjects, and I cough on my water, nearly choking. Harvey pats my back for me and looks at Lottie with a frown.

  “Ha, never. We hate each other.”

  Lottie shrugs. “Hate, lust, there’s a fine line.” She smiles at me. “I give it a month and you two will be at it like rabbits.”

  I frown at her. “Never. Going. To happen.”

  Lottie laughs flicking her dark hair out of her eyes. “We’ll see.”

  James leans in to her, his eyes full of interest. “Want to make a wager on it?”

  “James!” Hannah warns hitting him on the arm.

  “What?” He smiles. “Whatever is going on, it makes for great entertainment. This sixth form was so dull until you arrived.”

  I smile still feeling very pleased with myself. “Glad to be of service.”

  Chapter Six.

  After school that night I get my English homework done and then shower and start to get ready. Lottie’s Dad is giving us a lift to the club. I trawl through my wardrobe and don’t have a clue what to wear. I text Lottie and she assures me jeans and a nice top are fine. I eventually decide on my grey skinnies and a red gypsy bodysuit with long flared sleeves. I finish the look off with black heels and a black choker around my neck. I head downstairs and wait by the window to look out
for Lottie. I hear footsteps on the stairs and freeze in place when I see Dom and Grayson walking down both dressed smartly. I feel Grayson’s eyes take in my outfit and it leaves a frown on his face.

  “Where are you going?” He asks moodily, his dark eyebrows furrowed in a severe way.

  I cock a brow at him and turn back to the window. “Not that it’s any of your business posh, but I am going out with friends.”

  “The Black hole?” Dom asks as he grabs his car keys off the hook.

  I nod, distracted as my phone pings in my hand.

  I’m running late. Will meet you there. Ring Harvey he will collect you.

  Lottie. xx

  “Great.” I groan with a sigh. I don’t even have Harvey’s number.

  “What’s up?” Dom asks as he grabs his jacket and shrugs it on.

  “Lottie’s running late. She wants me to get Harvey to pick me up.”

  “Ride with us. We’re heading there now.” Dom offers smiling. I see Grayson frown beside him.

  “It’s okay honestly. I can ring Harvey.”

  “Just have a lift Manchester.” Grayson commands, his eyes not meeting mine.

  Dom looks at me waiting for an answer, his hand on the door handle.

  “Okay, thanks.” I tell him smiling.

  We head outside, and I walk behind them. Did I mention that Grayson has a great ass. I mean it’s pert. “For fucks sake.” I whisper to myself in frustration, only I clearly don’t say it quietly enough, as Grayson turns his head and gives me a quizzical look. I climb in the back of the car behind where Grayson sits.

  “You think Andrews will be there tonight?” Dom asks as we pull out on to the road.

  “I’m sure the cheeky fuck will show his face.” Grayson growls out and I can feel the hostility from my seat in the back.

  “Andrews?” I ask. “That another girl you bedded and dumped Posh?”

  Dom laughs, replying for him. “Andrews goes to a local state college and plays for a rival rugby team. He and Grayson have history.”

  I nod. “What’s the matter Grayson, did he turn you down?”

  He doesn’t turn and face me. “Real funny Manchester.”


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