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Endgame Page 10

by Cara E Holt

  He throws his keys in a pot near the door and kicks his trainers off. “Come on.” I follow him down the hallway and down another corridor until we reach a room. The room is small and cosy but houses a large cinema type screen on the wall and a sofa that could be arguably be called a bed.

  “What do you want to watch?” He asks me as he throws himself down and grabs the remote.

  “We’re watching a film?” I ask, standing there like a flipping lemon.

  “I figured you wanted to stay out a bit longer and take your mind off things. Action, romance or comedy?”

  “Action. I can’t cope with laughter or hearts and flowers tonight.” I shyly crawl on to the sofa beside him.

  He nods. “Cruise, Stalone?”


  “Blade it is. Vampires huh?”

  I nod and smile as I sit down beside him. “Yeah anything supernatural is my thing.”

  He rests his hands behind his head as the films come on. It’s strange seeing him look so relaxed.

  “You’re staring Manchester.” He tells me grinning, but not taking his eyes off the screen.

  I chuckle and move my eyes back to the screen I rest my head on a pillow and relax. I am super aware of him beside me. He is so near me, but not near enough. My body craves his touch. He must be thinking the same because his hand lightly touches mine, almost testing if it is okay.

  He pat’s his chest getting my attention. “Come here.”

  I sit up and move closer to him. He wraps an arm around my waist and I rest my head on his chest. I’m not sure what this is that we are doing, but tonight, I’m not going to analyse it. This boy, despite his arrogance and ability to piss me off, gets me. I guess in many ways we are similar, we had been through the same heartache. I soon relax into him, the regularity of his heartbeat, grounding me.

  An hour into the film and my tummy rumbles loudly and he laughs. “You hungry?”

  I smile even though he can’t see it from where my head is resting on his chest. “A little.”

  He pats my waist. “Lift up. I’ll go grab us something.” I sit up and he swings of the sofa and disappears out the room.

  He returns five or so minutes later with a bowl of popcorn and a bowl of crisps balanced on top of the other. His other hand holds a plate with sandwiches on it.

  “I hope you like ham.”

  “Sure.” I tell him smiling appreciatively and taking the plate off him. He settles back down beside me and tucks into a sandwich. When we have finished he takes the plates and places them on a table over to the side. He sits back down beside me and places his hands on my waist and lifts me, so I am sat in-between his legs. I don’t protest, as honestly, I am too shocked to. I relax my back against his chest and he lets his hands rest on my stomach. His phone pings, and he grabs it and I can hear his fingers hitting the screen, typing out a text.

  “It’s Dom. He wants to know if you’re okay.”

  “That’s nice.” I reply.

  “He’s on his way round here with Izzy.”

  “Oh.” I reply. Is it wrong that I’m kind of enjoying us being alone together? relaxed, like this. Neither of us playing our hate game or hiding in cupboards for a quick make-out session.

  “I guess we don’t have much more alone time.” He states. I turn from where I am lay between his legs and rest my chin on his chest.

  “Thank you for tonight. You knew what I needed. Thank you for confiding in me.”

  He smiles, pushing my hair back off my face. “Anytime Manchester.”

  We fall silent, just looking at each other and I move up his body until my lips reach his and kiss him slowly and softly. He grips the back of my head in his hands and kisses me back with equal softness. I was getting used to this, maybe a little too much so.

  “They are here.” He says against my mouth. I look at him wondering how he knows and he points to a camera screen in the corner of the room near the ceiling that shows the front of the house and of Dom and Izzy climbing out of the car. He pulls me in for once last kiss and then I lift off him and sit back beside him, ensuring there is enough of a gap between us. I feel his frown upon me.


  He shakes his head and looks back at the screen. “Nothing.”

  The silence is broken by Dom and Izzy walking into the room. Izzy holds up a pizza box. “We come bearing pizza.”

  “It had better be Hawaiian.” Grayson tells her grinning.

  “Scoot over.” Izzy says as she sits down next to me and Dom flops down beside her. This pushes me and Grayson back closer together.

  Izzy pops the lid open and holds it open to us. Grayson leans over me to take a piece and I try to look relaxed.

  “Blade. Good film. Snipes was hot back in the day.”

  I laugh. “He sure was. It’s nearly finished.”

  Dom leans forward and looks at me. “You okay?”

  I give him a reassuring smile. “I will be. Thanks for caring.”

  He shrugs as if it is nothing. “You’re family Everly. We look out for each other. Just like my boy here is family.”

  We put on Will Smiths Legend after this one and work our way through the popcorn and crisps. Grayson is different in a small group setting like this. He seems much more relaxed and less self-assured.

  “You guys want to crash here tonight? Make a night of it?”

  Dom grins. “If we can raid your Dad’s drinks fridge sure.”

  Grayson laughs. “What do you say Manchester. You ready to let a little loose?”


  “Then let’s hit the party room.” He announces grinning. Dom hangs back.

  “I’ll phone home and let them know we are staying here. Your Dad’s really worried.”

  I nod hanging in the doorway. “Thanks, I’m not up for speaking about it anymore tonight.”

  I catch up with Izzy and Grayson before I get lost. “We should invite the gang over.” She suggests but Grayson closes her down.

  “Not tonight, let’s just keep it the four of us.”

  Izzy nods looking at me in understanding. We move into a room that looks like a gentleman’s club. There is a bar in the corner and what appears to be a dance floor in the middle. Grayson clicks a button and a large screen comes down. He pulls out two microphones and I freeze on the spot.

  “You’re kidding me, right?”

  Grayson and Izzy who have been happily chatting away turn to me and I point at the mic’s.

  “Please tell me we aren’t doing Karaoke?”

  Grayson grins twirling the mike. “Oh, but we are Manchester.”

  Izzy giggles at my unhappy face. “I think Everly may need some courage in the form of alcohol.”

  An hour later Izzy and I are stood on the small stage singing our hearts out to Rita Ora’s – Anywhere, while the boys sit on the sofa cheering us on. I have to admit, I’m having fun, not something I ever thought I would say about karaoke. The song ends, and I flop down beside Grayson as Dom jumps up on stage beside Izzy.

  “Some voice you got there Manchester.”

  I turn my face side on and examine his expression which shows no sign that he is taking the piss.

  “Yeah I know I’m tone deaf. I get that from my Mum. Neither of us could sing a note between us.”

  He laughs then and nudges me. “Yeah, I uh, wouldn’t try out for the voice anytime soon.”

  “Oh really?” I fold my arms and arch a brow at him. Grayson grins in response as he takes a sip of his beer. “I notice we haven’t heard you yet.”

  He shrugs. “Ah, I didn’t want to embarrass you with my epic singing abilities.”

  I laugh and turn my attention to Izzy and Dom who are singing to Summer Nights from Grease.

  They sing back to back to each other and act out all the actions to the words. They are hilarious, and I can’t help but smile watching them. I hear Grayson chuckling away at my side too.

  They finish and bow, and I jump to my feet, grabbing a mic of Izzy and hold it
out in front of Grayson.

  “Come on now Posh. Let’s see what you have got.”

  Grayson shakes his head smiling but stands and takes the mic from me. “I’ll sing if you sing with me.”

  I take the other mic off Dom and join him on the stage. Grayson fiddles with the tablet.

  “You might not know this one Manchester, but just follow the words.”

  We start singing and I stop dead when I hear Grayson’s voice. The guy can sing, I mean like really sing. I recover from my shock and follow the words, not recognising the song which is quite rocky. As we get to the chorus I laugh out loud as I realise, I do know the song. It’s a song from the nineties my mum loved and the main line of the chorus is ‘I hate everything about you.’ I sing along and Grayson grins widely at me, his eyes alive with amusement.

  We finish, and Dom grabs the mic off me and joins Grayson and the boys start their rendition of ‘Your sex is on fire.’ I try to keep my features blank as Grayson sings the words and keeps looking at me.

  “He’s different when you’re around.” Izzy states as she dances in her seat.

  “Which one?” I ask acting stupid.

  Izzy rolls her eyes and laughs. “Grayson, of course. I have never seen him this relaxed. Yeah he’s like this with me and Dom, but no one else.”

  I shrug and take a swig of my bottle. “I’m sure it’s just the alcohol.”

  She shakes her head. “No, it’s you. He watches you, you know. He thinks he’s doing it covertly, but I’ve seen it.”

  I let out a nervous laugh and turn my attention back to the boys. Dom jumps down off the stage and grab hold of Izzy’s hand grabbing her up to dance as he sings to her. I’m sat there laughing at them when Grayson saunters over to me singing and I shake my head telling him no, but he ignores me and tugs me up and then sings to the song to me and twirls me round. I think the alcohol and the safety of our environment are making me forget that we aren’t supposed to like each other. The song ends, and I collapse on the sofa laughing. Dom and Izzy are making out where they stand and Grayson hollers for them to get a room. Dom reacts by giving him the finger as he carries on kissing Izzy. Izzy whispers something in his ear and Dom nods.

  “Guys uh, we’re going to call it a night.”

  Grayson rolls his eyes and winks at me. “Yeah, yeah love birds get out of here.”

  Izzy blows me a kiss and tells me good night and giggling and kissing they make a quick exit.

  “Love, hey!” Grayson grins as he sits himself down beside me.

  “It’s cute. They are great together.”

  He nods taking a sip of his drink. “They are. How are you feeling now?”

  I smile. “I’m good. Thanks for tonight, it’s helped take my mind off things.”

  Grayson nods as he places his bottle down on the table beside him. He stands up and looks down at me. He holds out his hand.

  “You’re sleeping in my bed tonight.” It isn’t a question. My heart hammers in my chest as I reach my hand out and let him take it in his. Before I can predict what he is doing, he throws me over his shoulder so I am hanging upside down, my ass on his shoulders.

  “Argh, Grayson! Put me down.” I demand laughing.

  He slaps my ass. “Quiet Manchester.”

  I giggle and allow him to walk me through the house like this. He carries me effortlessly like this up the large staircase and kicks a door open with his foot and closes it behind him in the same way. He drops me down on the bed and then stands there for a couple of seconds looking at me. A look I cannot read on his face.

  “I hope you’re not tired Manchester, because we aren’t sleeping tonight.”

  Oh, holy hell. I blush and bite my lip. “I’m not tired.” I tell him, my voice barely a whisper.

  He stands there and lifts his top over his head and I just lie there and watch him entranced. He grins then and chucks his top at me and it hits me straight in the face. I laugh and throw it back at him and he catches it and throws it over his shoulder.

  “Take them off sweet cheeks.” He orders, his eyes never leaving mine, no humour there, just pure want. Sitting up I keep my eyes on him as I lift my top over my head and throw it on the floor.

  “And the rest.”

  I gulp feeling suddenly very self- conscious. Biting my lip, I clumsily unhook my bra and let it join my top on the floor. Grayson’s eyes roam over my naked chest and he licks at his lower lip.

  “Keep going.”

  I kneel up on the bed and unzip my jeans and then standing on the bed I pull them down over my hips and kick them off my legs. He points to my panties. “Off.”

  Oh my. His eyes are thick with lust as he watches me slide my panties down and smiling shyly I throw them at him. He catches them and bunching them in his hands holds them to his nose and inhales. I think I forget to breathe.

  “Come here.” He tells me beckoning me to where he still stands in his jeans at the foot of the bed. I fall back down to my knees and walk forward. When I reach the end of the bed I sit down, and he comes to stand between my legs. Not taking his eyes off me, he undoes his flies and pulls his jeans down. Holy smoke, he’s commando. His erection springs free and stares me in the face. For a second I sit there like a dumb ass and just admire his dick, and then my eyes meet his. His eyes tell me what he wants so I inch forward and place my hand at the base of his shaft and guide him into my mouth.

  “Fuck.” He hisses rocking on his heels, before steadying himself. I lick him and suck him and playfully graze his dick with my teeth. I can hear his breathing is fast and heavy and he grips the back of my head with his hand as he pumps himself in and out of my mouth. He pulls himself back away and pushes me gently back onto the bed.

  “I’m being selfish tonight. I need inside of you.” With one quick thrust he enters me, and I gasp and arch my back. A delicious smile on my face at the feel of him inside me, filling me up.

  “That’s a naughty smile Manchester.” He grins as he starts to move in and out of me.

  “Just shut up and fuck me Gray.” I tell him keeping my eyes closed and savouring every feeling.

  We lay on our backs, catching our breaths. Sex with Grayson is so fucking good. He rolls onto his side and leans on his hand looking at me.

  “It’s rude to stare.” I tell him smiling.

  “I can’t help it. You have an amazing body Ev, you know.” His hand trails along my stomach, making me shiver.

  His phone suddenly rings on his bedside table and I see the name Emily on the screen. Frowning he picks the phone up and kneels up on the bed.


  I lie there. I can’t hear what the voice at the other end of the phone is saying but it is definitely female.

  “Are you okay?” he asks, concern lines his forehead. He runs a hand through his hair and giving me a quick look stands up off the bed and walks over to the other side of his room. I’m not going to lie, I get a fantastic view of naked Grayson. He undoubtedly has a fine body. Then I remember he’s talking to a girl.

  “Yeah I can pick you up tomorrow. What time?” he looks back over at me and gives me an awkward smile. He ends the call and putting his phone down on the set of drawers walks back over to the bed. He climbs on and pulls me to him.

  “Hey.” He says as he kisses my nose.

  I don’t respond, and he leans back and looks at me. “You’re quiet.”

  “So, you’re picking Emily up tomorrow?”

  His lips twitch, threatening a smile. “I am.”

  I fold my arms. “I should have known better. I’m an idiot. Are you giving it to her as well as me?”

  He smiles, which just pisses me off. He rolls us so that I am lay underneath him and he settles between my legs and rest his elbows either side of my head to keep himself propped up above me.

  “You think I’m sleeping with Emily. Does it bother you that I may be with other girls?”

  I scoff. “I shouldn’t expect anything less when it comes to you.” I hold my chin high.
“It’s fine, it’s not like this will go on much longer, so.”

  He cocks a brow at me. “It won’t?”

  “Well, we all know the mighty Grayson never sleeps with a girl more than three times. So, I have one strike left.”

  He leans into kiss me, grinning and I turn my head to the side denying him.

  “You’re cute when you are jealous, you know that? But maybe you shouldn’t jump to conclusions Manchester. Emily is my sister. She is coming home for the weekend and wants me to pick her up.”

  “Oh.” I reply. I feel such an idiot. I also feel relief that he wasn’t in fact arranging to meet a girl straight after we had just had sex.

  “There’s only one girl I’m having sex with right now and that is you.” He leans in then and finds my lips and I allow him to kiss me.

  “Has she been away? Your sister.” I ask curious. He didn’t mention any siblings earlier.

  “She’s away at boarding school. She is fifteen.”

  I would soon be one of the many girls that Grayson had fucked and moved on from and I had no one to blame but myself. I knew what he was like and I let myself go there. He pulls me against him, his arm going over my waist. I lie there with a dumb smile on my face and close my eyes relaxing into his embrace.

  Chapter Eleven.

  I open my eyes as the blinds in Grayson’s room automatically open letting in the morning sun. Grayson stretches beside me and then I feel him nuzzle my neck.


  “Hi.” I reply shyly.

  He pulls me close against him. “This has to be hands down the best way to wake up.”

  I laugh. “Like you haven’t woke up with a girl in your bed many times before.”

  He tickles my side, making me giggle. “For your information, I never stay the night with a girl. I take what I need and then I leave or kick them out.”

  “And they say romance is dead.” I reply, this was news to me. He nibbles at my ear and then rains kisses on the back of my neck. I’d quite happily stay like this, but I’m also worried about Izzy and Dom waking up before us and finding us together in Grayson’s bed and well, I’m not ready for anyone to know about this yet. I’m not even sure myself what this is. As if Grayson can read my thoughts he sits up and sleepily runs a hand through his bed hair. Even first thing in a morning he managed to look effortlessly perfect. Fucking handsome bastard that he is.


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