Another Time 2

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Another Time 2 Page 3

by Emrys Apollo

  The bassist dropped to his knees in front of Daryl's bed. “I would never hurt you. I care...I love you too much to do that. I just...I was scared that I would never see you again.”

  Tears gathered in Daryl's eyes. “Me too. I didn't think I'd ever find you in my dreams. You kept being just out of reach for me.”

  Moses reached up to take Daryl's hands into his own. He brought them up to his lips and kissed the palms.

  Daryl's eyes closed, allowing himself to feel Moses' touch. Pouting lips kissed along his knuckles and nuzzled his fingers to the side of the bassist's face.

  Moses' eyes slipped shut, lips tracing over the top of Daryl's hands. “I missed you.”

  Daryl arched under Moses' touch, a moan escaping his lips. “Missed you too.”

  The bassist got up from his knees and sat next to Daryl on the bed. He waited until Daryl's eyes opened before leaning over to kiss him.

  Daryl's hands twisted in his own lap, emotions conflicted on how to react.

  Moses kissed him slowly, brushing his lips against Daryl's. His hands resisted the urge to pull the violinist into his arms, afraid that he would scare him again. He couldn't stop the moan from escaping his lips, Daryl's arms reaching up to wrap around.

  They lost themselves in the long awaited kiss, unaware of what was happening across the room.


  Leroy screamed and shuffled back against the wall. “What?”

  Neal rolled his eyes at the cellist. “You idiot, it's just the Callum clone. He's harmless. Hell, we wouldn't even be here if he hadn't helped us out.”

  The Callum clone clicked out a message and reached out to touch Neal.

  The bassist sighed and frowned. “I wish you were the real Callum. I really need him right now.”

  A slimy limb brushed against Neal's face, trying in vain to caress the pain away.

  The Daryl clone frowned across the room and cocked his head to the side. He clicked out a message and the creature turned around.

  Neal watched them, as he had before with another Daryl. He kicked himself for never figuring out what the hell they were saying.

  “No, you aren't. Who are you?”

  Neal looked up at the Daryl clone. “What are you talking about? Who isn't?”

  The Daryl clone walked closer to them. “He's not who he says he is. That one was killed a while back. Who are you really?”

  The Callum clone slithered away shaking his head, protesting in their language over and over.

  He gasped. “Wait, you're not one of us. You have, you have a halo around you. What are you?”

  The creature moved further back, waving his arms to stay away.

  The Daryl clone stopped moving. “Wait, I know who you are. But...but how is this possible? It should have affected you like it did Neal.”

  It clicked out a message and shook its head.

  “You need to turn back. It could be permanent. I know you don't want that.”

  Neal looked between the two and shook his head. “What the hell is going on? I don't understand any of this.”

  The Daryl clone smiled at him. “I don't either, but I think I know where Callum is.”

  Neal gaped at him. “You do? Where? Tell me where he is!”

  The Daryl clone slithered over to the Callum clone. “Where he's always been.” He reached down and flicked the transformer. “Right in front of you.”


  Neal's eyes went wide, the slimy creature flickered into Callum's form and collapsed to the ground. It took him a minute to realize what just happened before scrambling over to the flautist's unconscious body.

  “My god, what the hell, Callum?”

  The bassist scooped Callum up into his arms, trying to shake him awake.

  “Careful Neal, you might hurt him. I don't know if he'll ever wake up. I think that's why he was so scared.”

  Leroy's jaw slackened. “That’s how you knew. You said your kind didn't have emotions, but he did.”

  The Daryl clone nodded. “Indeed. He was touching Neal which we would never do. Touching another is a human trait, not one of ours.”

  Neal shook his head. “I don't understand. Why won't he wake up?”

  The Daryl clone snorted. “Don't you remember on the bus? You were weak after trying our transformer for only five minutes. He's been wearing that for a day or more. It's not meant to be used with human DNA. Who knows what kind of damage it did to his body?”

  “But damn it Callum! You knew it would do this to your body!”

  Leroy put a hand on Neal's shoulder. “Neal, that isn't helping. We need to get him back home, have some doctors check him out.”

  Neal snorted. “And how are we supposed to do that?

  The Daryl clone sighed. “He's right. I don't know how to get you off the ship. I had thought of using the transformers briefly but we can't because of Callum. It could kill all of you...and I don't want that. I've grown fond of you all.”

  Leroy gave him a pained look. “But we have to do something. We can't just sit here waiting for others to find us. Hell, I'm surprised they haven't yet.”

  “Actually, it looks like Callum managed to jammed the lab door shut. It was open when you came through, but now it's not.”

  Leroy waved his hand. “Still, that doesn't guarantee that we won't be found. If Daryl is as special as you say he is, they're not going to forget about him for very long.

  A bed squeak filled the room and two sets of eyes looked across the room.

  The Daryl clone cocked his head to the side. “What are they doing over there?”

  Leroy chuckled. “Exploring each other. I assume Daryl's finally gotten over his fear of Moses.”

  “But that fast? Shouldn't it take longer?”

  Leroy shook his head. “Daryl is unique in a way. He bounces back from most things.”

  “Wow. I wish I could be like that. I'm still haunted by Moses' actions on that night.”

  Leroy shrugged. “I'm sure Daryl is still going to see them in his dreams, but his love for Moses is harder to break. You'd basically have to remove his heart to stop him from caring about our shy bassist.”

  Neal snorted. “When did you get so smart to Daryl's feelings?”

  Leroy chuckled at him. “Years around you, I guess. You and I have known him the longest out of anyone. Besides what else am I supposed to watch?”

  The bassist rolled his eyes and glanced back down at Callum. He sighed and brushed a lock of hair out of the flautist's closed eyes. “Please wake up, Callum. I need you right now.”

  Leroy touched Neal's shoulder. “He will, I know it.”

  Tears formed in Neal's eyes. “He better.”


  A creature slithered into the hallway over to Daryl. “Sir, they are not in the cells.”

  Daryl's eyes bugged out. “What! What do you mean they're not there? Who the hell was watching them?”

  “No one, sir. We assumed they would not be able to escape.”

  “I can't believe this! How can we lose two humans on a ship full of us?”

  The creature shook his head. “I am unsure, sir. We will find them.”

  “You better find them! Or I will be very angry.”

  The creature nodded and slithered away to gather the security force.

  Daryl paced up and down the hall, trying to figure out where they could possibly go. He stopped and rolled his eyes.

  “You two would be stupid enough to go find Daryl, wouldn't you? Either way, it will be the last thing you'll ever do.”


  The Daryl clone sighed and stared down at Neal holding Callum. “We need to think of something. They will find us if we stay here.”

  Leroy nodded. “Yes we do, but how? Does this thing have other ships?”

  “Yes, a few transport ships. I assume that's how you were brought here.”

  Leroy shrugged. “I don't remember at all. The last thing I can remember is being outside of Moses' hospital room.”

nbsp; Neal snorted. “So that wasn't a trick of light, you really did disappear from view just like that.”

  Leroy's eyebrow rose. “I did? How long ago was that?”

  Neal sighed. “Two weeks. I don't even know how long we've been on this ship? Days? Months?”

  The Daryl clone chuckled at him. “It's only been two of your Earth days. Time passes faster on here but it stays the same on your planet.”

  “Wow, it feels like way longer.”


  Moses let Daryl top him on the medical bed, taking care to not startle the already fragile-minded violinist. His eyes took in Daryl's fluffy bedhead hair, fingers trailing down Moses' chest, lips coming down to capture Moses' mouth.

  Hands moved on their own, barely touching Daryl's sides, aching to grab a hold of Daryl's body and pull him closer.

  Daryl moaned into the kiss, hands running down Moses' chest faster and faster.

  Moses' body moved on its own, pushing up to touch his lover.

  Daryl broke the kiss and looked down, fear and confusion in his eyes.

  Moses stammered. “I'm sorry...I'm so used to feeling you closer than this.”

  Daryl climbed off the bassist, sitting back down on the bed, eyes staring at the ground before him.

  Moses sighed and sat beside him. “I guess it's going to take time. It's alright, I can wait as long as it takes.”

  Daryl bit his lip. “What if it takes forever?”

  Moses smiled and brushed a lock of hair out of Daryl's eyes. “Then I'll wait forever.”

  The violinist nodded and laid his head on Moses' shoulder.


  Leroy glanced over at Daryl and Moses and sighed. “Well, that was too good to be true.”

  Neal frowned. “What is?”

  “Daryl and Moses back together. I assume Daryl got spooked by Moses since they're sitting next to each other again.”

  Leroy turned to the Daryl clone. “What did they show him?”

  The Daryl clone shrugged. “Could be anything. They were trying to break down his resistance and would use anything they knew about him to do it. I assume they did the same with you?”

  The cellist shuddered. “Yes, they did. At first it was my family being hurt and I couldn't do anything about it. Then it was Daryl being killed over and over.”

  Neal shook his head. “I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. I can only imagine what's going on in Callum's head. Yes, he's not hooked up to a machine but I can't help thinking that device did something to him.”

  The Daryl clone nodded. “Yes, it probably did. He was wearing it for a while and I don't know what it would do to him for that long. I hope he wakes up, for your sake.”

  A loud crash echoed through the empty room, the front doors vibrated from the intense weight against them.

  Leroy jumped to his feet. “They've found us. What do we do now?”

  Neal stared down at Callum and stroked his head. “Damned if I know.”


  Daryl jumped at the loud noise and climbed off the bed to huddle against the wall. “No, I don't want to be put under, please...”

  Moses walked over to Daryl slowly. “I won't let them do anything to you, Daryl. They'll have to kill me first.”

  The violinist stared at him. “Really?”

  “Of course. You're my lover, I would do anything for you. And I'll be damned if they're going to touch you again.”

  Daryl blushed and shuffled his feet. “Thanks.”

  Moses stood beside him. “Are you alright enough to walk? We need to get you out of here before they break in.”

  Daryl nodded. “Yes, I think so.”

  Moses smiled and reached out his hand for Daryl to grab. He held his breath and waited for Daryl to react.

  Daryl looked down at it and bit his lip. He pushed his hand over to Moses', hovering it over and then interlocking it with the bassist's.

  Moses leaned in to whisper into Daryl's ear. “It will be alright, I promise.”

  The banging on the top doors got louder, prompting Moses to look over at the other three. “Come on, it's time to get the hell out of here.”


  Moses and Daryl ran over to the others and snorted. “What are you still sitting around for? They're going to break down the door any moment now!”

  Leroy rolled his eyes at Moses. “What do you think I've been trying to do? Neal doesn't have a clue and neither does clone Daryl.”

  Moses glanced down at Neal. “Neal? Come on, we need to get out of here!”

  Neal stared down at Callum and pulled him into his arms.

  “Damn it Neal, I'm not letting you get us killed!”

  Moses grabbed Neal by the shoulder and punched him straight in the face.

  Leroy and Daryl stared on horrified, while the Daryl clone backed away from the enraged bassist.

  Neal scrambled to his feet, Callum falling out of his arms to the ground. “What the hell, Moses? Come over here and try that again!”

  Moses grinned at him. “It's about time. Now let's get out of here. Clone Daryl, does this room have any other exits?”

  Neal stared at Moses dumbfounded. Leroy chuckled and patted him on the shoulder. “Nice to have you back, Neal.”

  The Daryl clone took a deep breath. “I don't think so. This is a laboratory, it wouldn't need multiple exits.”

  Daryl frowned. “Yes but, how did they get these beds in here? They didn't take them down the steps, did they?”

  The clone cocked his head to the side. “I didn't think about that. Hmmm, let me see.”

  He hurried over to look at the back walls, while the others trailed behind.

  Fingers touched the walls, a frown covering his face. “I was so sure there was something here. Maybe...oh, I'm an idiot!”

  Moses was about to ask why when the Daryl clone changed back into his black alien shape. The digits of the creature swirled on the wall to trigger a wide opening, large enough for a medical bed.

  Neal shifted Callum over his back. “Where does it lead?”

  The clone shrugged. “I have no idea. I'm not allowed in this part of the ship.”

  A loud crash filled the cavernous room, echoing off the walls all at once. Black creatures slid down the steps toward them.

  Moses grabbed Daryl and ran through the opening. “Let's go! We'll figure that stuff out later!”


  Daryl looked up from the screen and scowled at the creature approaching. “Have you found them yet?”

  The creature nodded. “Yes sir, we have. Or rather, we had.”

  Daryl's eyebrow rose. “Had? What is that supposed to mean?”

  “Well, we cornered them into a laboratory area in Section S, but they managed to operate one of the panels to open the hidden passageway.”

  Daryl pounded his fist on the table, jiggling the screen. “How, pray tell, did they do that? They're humans!”

  “It seemed odd sir, but I believe they have been getting help from one of our kind. That one might have triggered the wall.”

  Daryl sighed. “Of course they did. Do we know who triggered it?”

  The creature nodded and handed Daryl a disc. “This is the information we pulled from the panel.”

  Daryl slipped it into his workstation and accessed the drive. “Ah 22532, you're the traitor in our midst. You will be punished for your actions. Wasn't this a clone like me?”

  “Yes sir, he is another Daryl clone. The first one, in fact. He was ordered to submit for cleansing but he never showed up. We believe he still has a transformer on him as well.”

  Daryl snorted. “Of course he is. No matter, we'll deal with him once we get the rest.”

  “Sir, there is one more thing. The section they were in housed the real Daryl. And now he is missing as well.”

  Daryl stared at him. “Are you joking? We've lost the original too? What are you doing on this ship, anyway? Standing around picking your noses? I want this ship searched from top to bottom, is that u

  The creature nodded. “Yes sir, right away.”

  Daryl pounded his fist on the table some more when the creature left the room. “Now you're starting to really piss me off!”


  The group of men felt along the darkened corridor.

  Moses' arm wrapped protectively around Daryl's body, keeping him close by so he wouldn't lose him. Daryl tensed when he first touched him, but then relaxed with a sigh against Moses' body.

  Neal grunted and shifted Callum's body for the fifth time. “You really need to lose more weight. Then again, I'm not usually carrying you, am I?”

  Leroy chuckled behind him. “Be sure to tell Callum that when he wakes up.”

  Neal snorted. “Yes, that will go over real well. No thanks, I'd rather him not be pissed at me.”

  The Daryl clone stopped short. “Quiet! I hear something in the distance.”

  Neal stuck his tongue at Leroy and carted Callum over to where the Daryl clone stood.

  Leroy rolled his eyes and stood beside Daryl and Moses.

  Neal watched the Daryl clone for a few minutes. “So, what's happening?”

  The clone shook his head. “I'm not sure. I can't tell if we're about to approach a cargo hold or an open area full of people. I hear random voices but nothing else.”

  “Well, you're the only one in this group that can blend in with the others on this ship. Do you want to scout it out for us?”

  The clone shrugged. “I suppose I could. But remember, they're looking for me too. Even in my alien form, they can spot me.”

  Neal stared at him. “Really? I can't tell the difference at all. You all look like big, black slimy things, no offense.”

  “Well, we are those things, but our sight is more evolved than that. We can see things about us that you can't.”

  “Ah, that makes sense. I mean, I wouldn't ask you to do this if we could do it ourselves. If we're like this, they'll spot us right away.”

  The clone nodded. “Yes, that's very true. I'll go check it out.”

  Neal gripped the Daryl clone on the shoulder. “Good luck.”


  He swallowed the lump in his throat and approached the opening, ears listening for anything that would give his position away. He resisted the urge to look behind him at them, to come crawling back afraid for his life.


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