Wicked Beat

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Wicked Beat Page 13

by Olivia Cunning

Page 13

  Author: Olivia Cunning

  He covered her lips with his fingertips. “You’re not making me do anything. I want to touch you. ”

  “But what do you get out of it?”

  “I get to be with you. That’s all I want. ”

  Her heart melted. She didn’t know he had a sweet side. She added it to the growing list of things she adored about him.

  He grinned crookedly. “Plus, I already got one fantastic blow job and only have to wait two days for another. ”

  She chuckled. Didn’t take long for him to cover up that sweet side. “I feel like I’m manipulating you, Eric. ”

  “If that’s what you want to call it, fine with me. Please continue to manipulate me. I get off on it. ”

  She hugged him and rubbed her nose against his collarbone. “If you ever want out of this bargain, promise you’ll tell me. ”

  “I promise. You’ll do the same for me?”

  She nodded.

  “Good. Now stop worrying about this and tell me what you want me to do. ”

  “I already told you. Kiss me. ”


  She nodded.

  “Do you mind if I tell you how beautiful you are the entire time?”

  “I think I can live with that. ”

  He kissed her lips, delighting them with a gentle suction. “These are the most succulent lips I’ve ever tasted,” he whispered. He stroked her hair with both hands as he kissed her again. “And they feel even better wrapped around my cock. ” He dipped his tongue between them.

  She laughed. “You’re like Mr. Romance and Mr. Porn Star wrapped in one. ”

  “Sorry. I have this bad habit of saying everything that pops into my head. I know it’s a total turnoff. I’ll try harder to stay quiet. ”

  “Actually, I kinda like it. ”

  He quirked an eyebrow at her. “You do?”

  She nodded.

  “You’re weird. ”

  “You’re weird too,” she said defensively.

  “I guess that means we’re perfect for each other. ” He stared into her eyes, challenging her to deny it.

  “I guess so,” she said.

  He smiled. She could feel his heart thudding against her chest. “Where was I?” He trailed kisses over her cheek. “This is the cutest face I’ve ever laid eyes on. ” He kissed her eyelids. “These are the prettiest blue eyes. ” His fingers, tangled in her hair, kneaded her scalp. “The silkiest hair with the most awesome color that matches mine. ”

  She giggled. He slid down to kiss her neck. He suckled gently and explored the tender flesh there until she gasped in delight when he found that most sensitive spot below her ear. She moaned when his suction intensified, and his tongue lavished that spot until her nipples tightened unbearably and a flood of heat rushed between her thighs.

  “Eric. ”

  “I love it when you say my name. ” He breathed into her ear. “It’s so sexy. ” His lips returned to her sweet spot to work her into a frenzy.

  “Eric,” she gasped again. “Oh please. Suck my tits. ” His entire body shuddered and he lifted his head.

  “Fuck, woman, don’t say things like that. ” He shifted his hips and she felt the head of his cock against her throbbing pussy.

  She tensed. “No. Don’t. ”

  “I won’t put it in,” he promised. “Not until you ask me to. You can trust me, Rebekah. ”

  She nodded, her stomach in knots, but she did trust him. Even though all he had to do was thrust forward and he’d be buried inside her, she trusted that he wouldn’t do it. Her pussy clenched at the thought of him inside her. It wanted to be filled with him, but emotionally, she wasn’t ready yet.

  He eased down, his cock head losing contact with her wet and swollen flesh. She was seconds from asking him to do it. To just put it in and get it over with. His hands moved from her hair to her breasts. He cupped them and stared at them, as if in awe.

  “You have such perfect breasts, Rebekah. I love how your pretty, pink nipples get hard when I look at them. ” They were straining for his attention even now. He lowered his head and drew the flat of his tongue over one nipple and then the other. He then blew a cool breath over their wet surfaces and she shuddered.

  “Suck them, Eric,” she whispered. “Please. ”

  He huffed several excited breaths and then lowered his head to suck one eager nipple into his hot mouth. She cried out and grabbed his hair. Her back arched, and she held him to her breast, mewing in delight as the pleasurable sensations of his hard suction swirled from her breast to her belly to her throbbing pussy and clit. “Oh yes. Like that,” she panted. He sucked until she was sure she couldn’t take any more pleasure, and then he switched to her other breast. She cried out and panted his name. “Eric. Eric. ”

  He yanked his mouth away. “Ah shit, I’m about to come again,” he groaned, his eyes squeezed tightly shut.

  “Come on my tits. I want you to. ”

  He moved so fast, he left her disoriented. He straddled her rib cage and slid his hard cock up her chest. He pressed her breasts together, so that they surrounded his cock, and began to thrust. Rebekah’s eyes opened wide. She’d never had a man fuck her tits before. She wasn’t sure how to respond. His cock head looked incredibly inviting as it disappeared and reappeared from the top of her cleavage. She bent her neck and extended her tongue to lick it. Eric groaned. Fucked her faster. His excitement fueled hers. She clung to his ass, suddenly wanting him to pump like that into her pussy. She flicked her tongue over his cock whenever it came within reach. He cried out and drew back. His hand released her breasts and grabbed his cock to spurt that first pulse of cum over one breast and a second pulse over the other.

  His free hand moved to the headboard to steady himself as his body quaked with release.

  “Ah, Reb,” he gasped brokenly. “You are too good to me. ”

  “That was fuckin’ hot,” she said. “I need to come. I’m so turned on right now. ”

  He climbed off her belly and laid down beside her. He rested his head on her shoulder, still breathing hard from his exertions. His hand moved between her thighs and slid over her wet folds before finding her clit. He rubbed her slowly with firm pressure at first. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the sensation. Nothing else. Just the pleasure throbbing through her clit. His fingers moved faster. Faster. Her pleasure built and built. When it burst, she cried out and shuddered in ecstasy. He rubbed her hard and fast the entire time she came, prolonging her pleasure. Her pussy clenched in delighted spasms, but felt so hopelessly empty. She slid two fingers inside to alleviate its ache. Eric lifted his head unexpectedly and moved to investigate.

  “That is so beautiful,” he whispered. “You have no idea how much I want to slide my cock inside there. ”

  She slid her fingers in and out of her slick passage, and Eric shuddered. His motions on her clit intensified again.

  “Come for me again,” he urged. It took her awhile, but his relentless rub on her clit and her own thrusting fingers brought her to orgasm again.

  “Damn, I’m so hard again,” he muttered. “Woman, you’re driving me crazy. ”

  He fell onto his back and took his cock in both hands, stroking its length slowly. Rebekah had never had such gratifying sex in her life, and technically they hadn’t even had sex. She lifted her body from the bed and kissed a trail down his hard chest and washboard belly. The man didn’t have an ounce of fat on him. She supposed all that drumming kept him in good shape. He sucked a breath through his teeth when she planted a kiss just beneath his navel. When she moved between his legs, he released his cock and lay there in trembling anticipation.

  “You don’t think I’m going to suck your cock, do you?” she teased.


  “You wouldn’t want me to go against our deal, would you?”

  He grinned down at her. “Actually, yeah, I would. �

  “Keep stroking it,” she said.

  He started to rub himself again. She lowered her head to suck on the loose skin covering his balls.

  “Ahhh,” he cried out in protest and moved away.

  “You don’t like that?” she asked.

  “Fuck yeah, I like that,” he said.

  “Then hold still. ” She loved his exaggerated response as she sucked and licked his sac. He was jacking off so hard that he was sure to spurt again in seconds. She drew one nut carefully into her mouth and sucked gently. He stroked himself faster, groaning in torment. She repeated the treatment on his other nut. It took him quite awhile to come, even though he obviously enjoyed every minute. When he finally erupted, she pulled back to watch him spurt over his belly. Even after he was completely spent, he continued to groan and tremble in delight. When she moved to collect his cum with her tongue, he released his cock and stroked her hair.

  “Oh, baby, that felt so good. ”

  “Then why did it take you so long to come that time?” she asked, finding his delightful juices in the middle of his belly and lapping them up.

  He hesitated, pausing in reflection of what had just happened. “I don’t know. ”

  She thought maybe she did. Helping him with his problem was going to be a hell of a lot easier than she’d first anticipated. And as much as she wanted him inside her already, hers might be just as easy a fix.

  Chapter 9

  The next afternoon, the band caught up with the equipment truck and the other tour bus at the venue. The crew had arrived several hours earlier and were already setting up the stage. Rebekah picked up Dave’s notebook and headed off the bus to help with assembly.

  “You’d better get busy on those drums,” one of the roadies said to her. “You’re late. ”

  “Late?” She followed the man up the ramp onto the truck.

  “Yeah, late,” he said. “Dave doesn’t put the stage and lighting together, but he does set up the drum kit to get the mics right and that takes quite awhile. You’d better get busy. ”

  Rebekah didn’t know how to set up a drum kit. She had Dave’s instructions on how to set up mics in strategic locations around a drum kit, but she had no idea how to assemble Eric’s instrument. “I’m not sure if I’m the right person for the job. And I didn’t catch your name. ” Rebekah judged the man to be in his mid-forties. A bit soft in the middle, he had a receding hairline and a few flecks of gray in his otherwise dark hair. He had a mean look about him, but probably because he was scowling at her.

  “Marcus,” he said.

  Rebekah smiled brightly. “Oh, you’re the other soundboard operator, right? Dave told me all about you. He said I could count on you if I needed help. I’m Rebekah. ” She extended a hand in his direction, but he ignored it.

  Marcus snorted and pushed an equipment case toward the ramp. “We don’t have time for a chat. Get busy, girl. ”


  Rebekah would have loved to help, but she honestly had no idea where to begin. “Just tell me what to do, and I’ll get to work. ”

  “I’m just the monitor engineer, boss. You’re in charge. Figure it out yourself. ” His nose crinkled in displeasure, he pushed the case down the ramp, leaving Rebekah to stand bewildered in the back of the truck.

  She had never expected this to be easy, but she had no idea that she’d be in charge of setting up the drum kit. She thought about calling Dave and asking him for advice, but decided against it. She needed to take responsibility and do her job. It was the job she wanted, after all. She set Dave’s notebook on top of an amplifier and reached for the nearest equipment case. Putting her weight behind it, it creaked forward an inch after much exertion and grunting. The roadie with the blond mohawk, Jake, entered the truck. He chuckled at her.

  “You know, the wheels actually roll if you unlock them. ” He bent over and flipped the locks on the wheels.

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