Gates of Hell

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Gates of Hell Page 2

by Zoey Woods

  “Yeah, none of these are fit to fight in.” I crossed my arms. “Too long or too tight or both.”

  “That’s the point.” She picked up a slinky black number and held it up to me. “Try this one.”

  “No thanks. Got anything with pants and a place to hold my sword?”

  “You’re not even trying, Rebecca.” She placed her hands on her hips. “It’s one party, it’s not going to kill you.”

  “You sure about that?” I asked. My brother lived for celebrations. If I caved too much, he’d have me attending all of them then our gates would be unprotected as no one here was as dedicated as me at securing them for the safety of not only Lucifer but everyone here.

  She scoffed. “Fine. Try the red dress then, it’s one of my favorites.”

  “Then why don’t you wear it?”

  “I’m already dressed besides, I wore that to the last party.” She pointed. “On with the dress.”

  I shimmied out of my pants then pulled my shirt over my head. When I picked up the slinky dress, there was so many straps I didn’t know how to untangle it. “How does this thing work?”

  “For the love of hell, let me help you.” She snatched the dress from me and in one move had it over my head, yanking it down. “Stick your arm through this strap. Okay, now the other.”

  The dress was tight against my torso and I felt like I was in a straitjacket.

  “Relax but don’t slouch.”

  “Are you sure this is on right? It feels backward or something.”

  “You leave me to the clothes and I’ll leave you to the fighting, deal?”

  “Whatever.” The sooner I got through this silly party the better.

  “Now let me curl your hair.” She waved a black and silver curling iron at me that resembled a medieval torture device.

  “Can’t I just wear my hair up?” I forced myself not to back away from the sizzling device.

  “Not in that dress.” She crooked her finger at me.

  An agonizing half hour later, my hair was done and Elva had added heat-proof mascara, blush, and lipstick to my face.

  “Now you’re ready.” She beamed. “Lucifer is going to be so proud.”

  I harrumphed. I’d rather he be enamored with my fighting skills than how dolled up I could be painted.

  Elva glided down the hallway to the party while I clopped in the heels like a newly hatched demon. The music throbbed against my temples. Demons and fallen angels gyrated to the music.

  “Rebecca!” Lucifer waved me over to his black throne. He waved a hand and a stool was brought in beside him. “Have a seat.”

  Would the dress rip if I did? Carefully, I poised on the edge because these damn stilettos were already killing my feet.

  “You look fabulous. Elva’s work?” he asked.

  “Yup.” Maybe now he would listen to me about the angel in the dungeon. I needed his approval to torture the being. It wouldn’t be the first time I’d done so but sometimes Lucifer insisted on interrogating the prisoners on his own. I think it gave him a high. But he’d been worried about something when he’d seen the angel.

  “Hey, beautiful.” A low-level demon bowed before me. “I’d love a dance with the princess of darkness.”

  “No thanks.” I gave him a smile. Time for a little payback on my creator. “But I know Elva loves dancing.”

  After giving me a forlorn look, the demon twisted down the line to her and they both moved to the dance floor.

  “Rebecca, I almost didn’t recognize you,” A devil and one of Lucifer’s bodyguards said. “Care for a drink?”

  What the hell was wrong with everyone tonight? I’d been at Lucifer’s shindigs before and no one had said more than two words to me unless it involved security. Had Elva bewitched the damn dress? I shot a glare at Elva who batted her eyes at me.

  Son of a bitch!

  “Sister stop glaring. You’re scaring away potential lovers,” Lucifer chided.

  “I’m not interested in lovers. I’m interested in keeping Hell safe—you safe.”

  A shadow crossed his dark eyes. “You’re so serious all the time. Should’ve known even throwing a party in your honor wouldn’t change you.”

  “Why am I the bad guy here?”

  “You need to loosen up and have fun. Live a little for once in your life.” He rose and sauntered onto the dance floor. A demon and a succubus were instantly glued to his side.

  Fury burned inside my chest. How dare he be so flippant with my duties. How many times had I saved his life only to get a pat on the head? I didn’t need this. The adoration of devils and demons, I just wanted my brother’s admittance that he was able to live without fear because of me.

  I pulled off my heels and left the throne room. After a quick change back into my comfortable clothes of lycra top and leather pants and boots, I hustled back to my post. I needed to check with the others there if anything unusual had happened since the angel arrived.

  As soon as I confirmed the gates were secure, I was heading to the dungeons to get some answers from that sneaky angel. And my brother could kiss my ass.

  Chapter 4

  “Any problems?” I asked Jeza and Rebel who stood guard before the gates.

  “No, been quiet,” Rebel responded pushing her white-blond hair over her shoulder. “What happened to your face?”

  Shit, I’d forgotten to wash off Elva’s makeup. “Nothing.” I nodded to the burning pillars that held up the black onyx every few feet. “Is that not as hot as usual? Feels off to me.”

  “Nah.” Jeza shrugged. “Seems the same to us or we’d have reported it.”

  “Keep an eye on it. If it drops more than two degrees, let me know immediately.”

  They bowed in unison and I trailed further up the gate to inspect the line. Magic and Hellfire kept the gate functioning and after the day I’d had, I didn’t want to take any chances.

  Let my brother have his laughs now. Soon enough if there was another breach, he’d be thanking me. I rolled my eyes. Lucifer could be such an ass. Why would I patrol and fight for this barrier if I didn’t love it? A lover would only get in the way. My job was my life and I liked things the way they were. The way they’d been since our fall.

  “Hey, mind if me and Rebel pop in at Lucifer’s party?” Jeza asked. “We heard Salome is doing her knife dance next.”

  Ugh. Did no one take our security seriously? “Fine. Go but be back in an hour.”

  I could patrol the gates by myself. Not like I hadn’t done it before. They waved goodbye and hurried toward the palace. I marched toward one of the pillars, testing its heat by pressing my fingers to the barrier. A jolt hit me and I stepped back nodding.

  “So I take it you are into kinky things?” a baritone male voice asked.

  Not waiting, I spun, drawing my sword in one swift movement.

  A fallen angel stood before me with is glorious white wings on display. I didn’t recognize him but then again I didn’t socialize much.

  “Who are you?”

  He nodded to the gate. “Stings, doesn’t it?”

  I kept my sword out, my magic radiating around me, and gave the stranger a once-over. His eyes were a deep blue and his hair was light brown with highlights of blond like he was a human surfer. But his skin was pale, like most angels, and he had a nice tight ass.

  “Like what you see?” He winked.

  For a second, I stammered. Then I took a step toward him, my sword between us. “I don’t recognize you. State your rank and name.”

  “All business. Rebecca, isn’t it?” He gave me a cocky smile that made my heart beat funny.

  “I know who I am, who are you?” I raised my sword to his throat. “Don’t make me ask again.”

  “Elion.” He didn’t even flinch when the tip of my sword pressed into his flesh, drawing a trickle of blood. “Mind putting your sword away or do you wish to witness my superb fighting skills.”

  “Really?” I arched an eyebrow. This guy sounded as cocky as my brother.
“I’ve had better opponents.”

  “Doubtful.” He grinned. “But then you’ve never had me.”

  I rolled my eyes and sheathed my sword. Whoever this angel was, he had to be fallen. No Heavenly being had pride like this guys. It was one of the attitudes that got my brother in trouble and kicked out the pearly gates way back when.

  “Why aren’t you at the party?” He cocked his head to the side, looking me up and down. “Or are you going after your shift? I’d love to escort you.”

  “Bet you would.” I really needed to wash this makeup off my face. It made me feel like everyone was staring at me like Elion here rather than seeing the real me.

  “Fighting has a lot in common with dancing, you know.” He closed his wings. His chest muscles tightening under his v-neck shirt. “We can dance until dawn then spar other places if you like.”

  For a moment, lustful images filled my brain. I shook my head. What was wrong with me? I’d never been attracted to a guy like this before. Without knowing anything about him. Was he using magic to try and trick me?

  I stared up into his crystal blue eyes and my heart skipped a beat.

  “What if I’m a terrible dancer?” I asked before I realized I’d said anything aloud.

  He leaned forward and I caught a whiff of vanilla and cinnamon. “I seriously doubt that.”

  Heat exploded in my chest all the way up to my face. Was I blushing? I’d never done that in my life. But all of the sudden it felt extremely hot in here. Something was off. This guy must have ordered an alluring spell from one of the demon-witches on the fourth level of Hell.

  Not uncommon. Or he could be a half-Incubus with a terrific magnetism.

  “Do the other demons and devils fall for your flattery,” I purred, trying to get a read on this guy without my libido getting tangled up in desire.

  He scratched his cheek. “Jealous? No need to be, I’d leave all others behind if you gave me a chance.”

  Okay, now I know the guy had to be lying. Promiscuity was as rampant around here as the imps that dashed to and fro across the fiery chasms. I placed my hand on the hilt of my sword and he tensed.

  “I see I’ve overstayed my welcome.” He gave me a short bow. “Forgive me, princess.”

  “Wha—no, I’m not a—” I stammered. True I was Lucifer’s sister but I’d never been called a princess before. That brought up images of damsels in distress and flowing gowns and crowns. Not my style.

  Before I could get my protest out completely, he took off down toward the party. All I could do was stare at his tight ass as he walked away until my senses returned.

  Yup, this angel or incubus whatever had done some enchantment on me and made me temporarily lose my mind. Why hadn’t I ensnared him in a net like I had done with the other angel who breached our walls? If I was mistaken and he was one of us, no harm. But if I was right and he’d come over like the other angel, then my brother was in danger.

  “Wait.” I chased after the angel. He couldn’t have gone far.

  Chapter 5

  I rounded the corner and it was vacant. Everyone was at Lucifer’s throne room celebrating but there was no sign of the angel. Where had he gone?

  My heart hammered in my chest. I can’t believe I’d gotten distracted by a gorgeous smile and a nice ass. And his scent…damn he must have incubus pheromones that he’d had heightened by a spell. That was the only explanation why my mind seemed to turn to mush around him.

  If he hurt my brother, I’d never forgive myself.

  I dashed ahead to the party. The music pounding as hard as my boots across the black floor. Just before I pushed open the dragon-carved doors, a flash to my right just like I’d seen when the other angel had broken through the gates.

  Son of a bitch!

  With a quick flick of my wrist, I let go of the handle leading to my brother and chased down the hallway. Where was the angel going? Had I been mistaken about my brother being in danger? A bit of the pressure against my breastbone eased.

  If Lucifer knew I was panicked over nothing, he’d tease me more so than he already did. Maybe he was right that I needed to loosen up. Start making time for a personal life and let someone special into my heart. Would it really be so bad to have a lover that wasn’t just a one-night stand? Someone I could confide in, laugh with, even spare with who wouldn’t be intimidated that I was Lucifer’s sister?

  I rounded the corner and spotted the angel leaning against a black pillar, facing away from me. Damn. He really did have a nice, firm ass. His dark jeans were filled out. Then he opened the door on the other side of the pillar—the stairwell. That lead to all the levels of Hell including the dungeon were the captured angel was.

  “Wait, Elion!” I shouted hurrying toward him.

  Pausing at the doorway, he grinned back at me. “Glad you enjoyed the view.”

  My face flames and I race to catch him but he disappeared behind the door before I can stop him from going into Hell’s portal. He could’ve gone anywhere.

  What if I was wrong about him and he was a spy? Sent here to free the other angel so they could go after my brother? My stomach knotted. My heart feeling like someone squeezed all the blood out of it. I threw open the door, heading for where I dreaded finding him.

  Please don’t let Elion be at the dungeons.

  Chapter 6

  Against my heart murmurings, I checked the hallway for the dungeons first. Fuck! There was Elion trailing toward the locked doors and to the angel I’d captured earlier. I should’ve known not to trust a handsome face and a nice ass.

  He must be wearing a disguise of a fallen angel and I’d fallen for it.

  I rushed him, tackling with an oomph from him. His wings beat at my face. I forced my arm around his neck, choking off his air. He bucked, then rolled over until I was pinned beneath his weight, he unhinged my arm from his neck.

  “Stop this, Rebecca. I don’t want to fight you.”

  I scrambled to my feet, fists raised. “Enough of your lies.”

  He moved so fast I couldn’t track him, swiping a kick that buckled my knee but I remained standing. He darted again and I slammed my palm to his throat. With a choking, cough, he stepped back and had the audacity to give me a sly grin. His sapphire eyes twinkling.

  “Not afraid to fight dirty, are you?” he rasped.

  “If the mood strikes me.” I tossed my dark braid over my shoulder. “I am a demon after all and Lucifer’s sister. I’ve got a reputation to live up to.”

  “No, you’re not a devil.”

  As he circled me and I kept my hands up. Part of me wanted to draw my sword and end this quickly but for what purpose? It wasn’t like I was going to rush off to the party. Besides, Elion might slip up why he and the other angel were here in the first place. If I knew what they had planned, it would help me keep my brother safe.

  “Try again but don’t teleport your moves.”

  “Oh, is that what I’m doing?” I was one of the elite guards protecting Hell and Lucifer and this sassy angel was giving me pointers? “Pretty sure I’ve been doing this longer than you’ve been alive.”

  “Never back down from a challenge, do you?”

  “Nope.” I dove forward, sweeping his leg.

  He crashed to the ground and I punched him in the face. Before I could hit him again, he grasped my fist in his hand. I raised my other hand but he snatched it. With both hands trapped in his, he smirked up at me. My breath caught and my heart pounded in my chest. Could he hear it?

  “Let me know when you’ve had enough.”

  Gnashing my teeth at him, I jerked, twisting away from him. My knee struck the obsidian floor and a sharp pain shot up my leg. I spun, kicking him in the gut as he raced toward me. I was breathing heavily while he appeared barely winded. What did dad give these guys in Heaven…magic steroids?

  He swung a right hook that I blocked with my forearm that stung like I’d slammed it with a hammer. Elion’s uppercut caught me off-guard and clipped my chin. I bit down on my
tongue. Blood filled my mouth.

  “You’re good, I’ll give you that but there’s no way you can win.”

  I spat out blood and smiled. “Pride is a sin, you know.”

  “So is lust,” he countered.

  Had he sensed my checking him out earlier? “Well, without many sins the world would be a very dull place where angels sang and played harps all day.”

  “Things have changed. More of us are warriors since your brother stirred up the Heavens.” He swung wide and I ducked, planting an elbow into his side.

  Damn, so I was right. This guy wasn’t a fallen angel at all. He grunted, moving back a few steps.

  “Why haven’t you drawn your sword?” he asked, panting.

  Good. Glad I wasn’t the only one getting winded here. “You first.” I beamed at him, not lowering my fists. “Unless you can’t take a female besting you in hand-to-hand combat.”

  His smirk made my heart flutter. Yup, this guy had to have put a spell on me to make me react to him like this.

  He rushed me and I braced for the impact, but just before he reached me, he slid past me. I countered, stepping to the side. But he flashed behind and grabbed me. His arm locked around my chest and another across my hips.

  Warm tingles spread through me from where my back was crushed up against his chest. The weight of his arms, holding me in place, made me super aware of his nearness.

  “Surrender.” His warm breath tickled my ear.

  I elbowed him in the ribs and he grunted but didn’t release me. My heel slammed into his shoe.

  “Fuck,” he yelled, his hand slipping just enough for me to spin out of his grasp.

  I followed my escape with a kick to his side. My breaths stung with each inhale. He clasped his ribs with one hand I couldn’t suppress my smugness. Angels acted all high and mighty but they were spoiled brats.

  My inhale brought a sharp pain to my side. When I placed my palm there to staunch the pain, I hissed as a stabbing feeling went through me. He’d bruised one of two of my ribs. Embarrassment flooded me that he’d gotten one up on me when I’d been practically swooning that he held me.


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