Gates of Hell

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Gates of Hell Page 7

by Zoey Woods

His erection bulged his pants as we continued kissing. I trailed my hands down his muscled chest, down his abs, to the waistband of his pants. I crushed my sex against his, the kitchen suddenly hot.

  “We’ve too many clothes,” I whispered against his neck in between kisses against his collarbone.

  When he stepped back and the cold air rushed between us, I shivered. Missing his touch already.

  He tugged down his pants and underwear, kicking them off while I jumped down from the counter and did the same with my remaining clothes. We stood for a moment just looking at each other.

  “Now I know Adonis must have been modeled after you.” All of his muscles were chiseled to perfection. There wasn’t a single blemish or pound of fat on his body. I crocked my finger at him.

  His cock stood out hard and long, making me hornier than I already was. He strutted toward me, grasping my thigh in one hand and hiking it around his waist as he lifted me back onto the edge of the counter.

  “I have a bedroom and a couch,” I said in a sultry pitch from a nervous flutter in my stomach.

  He slid his fingers down my sex and I shivered.

  “Sorry, can’t wait that long.” He kissed me softly and goosebumps danced across my flesh.

  His heated gaze raked over me, making me feel like he was touching every part of my body. My sex growing wetter and hotter as he stroked me. I thrust my hips forward, pressing the core of my heat onto his shaft. His tip slipped into me and desire throbbed through me, hard and fast.

  With a groan, he pushed in all the way. I gasped as my body stretched in the most delicious way, pulsing around his width and length.

  “You okay?” he said breathlessly.

  I ground myself onto his cock more. “This all you got?”

  He cupped my ass, plowing deeper into me, reaching the center of my being. I shuddered as pleasure rippled through me. To keep from falling off the counter, I clutched his shoulders, letting him lift my ass as he thrust harder and deeper.

  Tingles spread from my sex throughout my body. My climax growing. I was completely off the counter now with Elion holding me onto him with his hands under my ass. I lifted myself up and slammed down onto his cock. His eyes closed as his lust overtook him.

  Seeing how I was affecting him, ignited my own fire. Our bodies one and the slaps of our flesh coming together filling the kitchen.

  My climax roared inside me. I leaned back, allowing Elion to guide his cock deeper.

  “Fuck,” he ground out.

  “Never heard an angel cuss before,” I teased.

  He carried me into the living room, sitting me down on the couch. His brow furrowed as he drove into me.

  His fingers stroking my clit until I screamed his name. Each plow into my body sent me higher and higher. He thrust harder several more times as my orgasm shattered through me, breaking all tension and stress.

  Finished, he laid his forehead to mine, breathing rapidly. I shuddered beneath his weight.

  We laid on the couch, tangled in each other’s arms, catching our breath.

  And the realization that I’d given my heart to him made my throat tighten. Why did I think I could walk away from this? But it wasn’t fair to ask him to stay in Hell with me. As beautiful as parts of it were, there was death and evil here too. I was in way over my head.

  Chapter 18

  Lazily, I stretched, blinking slowly at the realization that Elion and I must have fallen asleep on the couch together after making love. A kink in my neck proved I was right. The lack of body warmth or weight of Elion had me sitting up.

  Light peaked through the thin windows on either side of the front door. There was a blanket draped over me that Elion must have covered my nakedness with. His thoughtfulness pushed away the niggling doubt that was pressing down on my chest.

  “Elion?” I wrapped the blanket around me and padded barefoot into the kitchen. Hoped I’d find him cooking us breakfast with some spicy, cheesy eggs. But the stove was spotless from us cleaning it last night.

  I told myself he’d gotten uncomfortable on the couch, and not wanting to wake me, had fallen back asleep on my bed. Before I opened my bedroom door, I knew deep down what I would find. My bed empty and unmade.

  “Son of a fucking bitch!” How had I let him get so close to me? Swept up in his charm and glory. I tore off the blanket and marched to my closet. The first pants I grabbed were my black leather ones. I didn’t even bother with underwear and yanked them up over my legs. Then I snatched a black tank top that had a built-in bra sewn inside it. I usually wore this to workout in but I didn’t care how I looked. I threw on some socks, then my black boots. My sword hilt completed my attire.

  A quiver of fear snaked down my spine at the thought of Elion reaching Lucifer. Who would survive? I didn’t want to choose between him and my brother, but I was so pissed off right now at Elion for fucking me then leaving that I debated holding him down while my brother punched him repeatedly.

  No. It was better if I fought Elion. Showed him that he couldn’t make a fool of me twice.

  I raced toward the gates, letting my anger fuel my steps. Two of the patrolmen gawked at me and I realized I hadn’t even combed my hair.

  “Are you all right?” Jeza asked, her eyes wide.

  Rebel snorted. “Looks like the queen of ice got some finally.”

  I gritted my teeth wanting to whip out my sword and place the sharp blade against her throat. Protocol said I should tell them about Elion. Warn the other demons and fallen angels to look out for him. Add extra protection around my brother. Doing so would admit my mistakes and right now my pride was too wounded to take on any more disgrace.

  “Have either of you seen anything strange at the gates today?”

  “Aside from you having sex hair?” Rebel grinned, her lips pulling tight over her vampire-like canines.

  Before I could slam her against the pillar, five demon-guards marched forward. I frowned, my insides twisting up in knots. They rarely left Lucifer’s palaces.

  Did they bring news about Elion harming my brother? Or had they left him vulnerable for the angel to attack?

  “What are you doing here? Why aren’t you at your post and guarding my brother?”

  Their black leather wings shook in excitement or irritation, I could never read their emotions as well as Lucifer.

  One of them with a jagged horn on one side that twisted at the top said, “Lucifer, Prince of Hell has summoned you, Rebecca. We are here to collect and deliver you to him.”

  Never before in all the thousands of years that I’d been here with my brother had ever sent demon-guards after me.

  Fucking wonderful.

  Chapter 19

  The demon-guards lead me into the throne room. Fighting them was pointless. Besides the quickest way to see my brother and ensure that he was okay was to go with them.

  When my brother leaned forward from his throne to listen to a ghoul complain about an Incubus teasing her with promises of ecstasy, I sighed in relief that Lucifer wasn’t hurt. But where was Elion then? Had he gone back to Heaven to plead my case that there was beauty in Hell? That my brother wouldn’t take righteous souls?

  I’m so busy with the questions racing through my mind that I don’t hear Lucifer’s response. But the ghoul bowed and the small group in the throne room clapped approvingly.

  Spotting me, Lucifer waved me over but his usual boyish grin was a scowl and my heart pulsed into my throat. Had he discovered Elion? Had he hurt or killed him?

  My footsteps were heavy as I approached his throne. “Prince of Darkness,” I bowed.

  “What is this rumor I’ve heard about an angel being here?” he asked.

  Sweat broke out across my forehead. Was he fishing for information or had he not run into Elion yet? Which meant the angel could be anywhere. Possibly waiting for a chance to attack my brother when he was alone.

  Before I could answer, he continued, narrowing his dark eyes. “And I’m told that you’ve been treating this angel like
an ally rather than an enemy.”

  “Everything I have ever done has been for your benefit. I pledged my life to protect you and I will do so until my dying breath.” I couldn’t tell him the truth about Elion, he would never believe me. Think I’d gone soft and was easily swayed by false charms. And I guess I had been since Elion had vanished. Something told me the angel was still here somewhere.

  “Rebecca, I have never doubted you before, but I know you are keeping something from me.”

  I stiffened. How much did he know?

  “If there is an angel here in Hell, I will find him and see justice is swift.”

  “Who said the angel was male?” Lucifer clutched the sides of his onyx throne. “So the rumors are true. Not only have you lied to me, but you’ve also sheltered a Heavenly angel in my realm.”

  “It’s not what you think.” I stepped forward to plead my case but the demon-guard snapped between me and my brother.

  “What else are you hiding from me?” His brow furrowed, but there was a hint of hurt lining his tone.

  “Look, let me find the angel and I’ll fix this. He doesn’t belong with us.” Especially after he played me.

  “I don’t believe you.” Lucifer leaned back. “From my sources, this angel was spotted yesterday with you and yet he still lives. The least you should’ve done was kill him or bring him to me like you did the other one. I’m disappointed in you.”

  His words cut me so deep that I winced. I’d always looked up to him, wanted to please him. “I will make this right, Lucifer.”

  “Is that all you have to say for your actions?” He rubbed his black goatee. “You still don’t admit the wrong you’ve done?”

  “Fine. I made a mistake.” I bit the inside of my cheek. “But let me prove myself. I will capture and bring the angel to you.” My chest constricted, but I told myself this was for the best. Elion had lead me on so he could get deeper into Hell to assassinate my brother. Whatever I’d felt for him or thought I had was false. Time I pushed aside my wonton emotions and went back to business.

  “There’s nothing else you want to tell me?”

  If he thought I was going to admit to having sex with an angel, he could shove brimstone up his ass.

  “Nope.” I fought the urge to cross my arms.


  “With pleasure, my lord.” Rezar rushed forward with five of his demon-guards.

  “What—wait!” I dodged one of the demons, but two more grabbed me. “You’re taking Rezar’s word over your own sister?”

  “Come now, princess.” Rezar sneered. “You and your angel lover had to know this was coming. That you can’t outwit the prince of darkness.”

  In Lucifer's throne room, it was against the law to draw a weapon. I’d hesitated too long, believing he would never imprison me. I thought I would be hurt by his actions but it only pissed me off.

  “All I’ve ever done is try and protect you,” I said. “Even despite your own vanity and pride.”

  The demon-guards dragged me from his throne.

  “Lucifer, you’re making a mistake.” I strained against the demon-guards’ hold and Rezar winked at me.

  “No, did you think I wouldn’t discover your secrets? About you and that filthy angel?” Lucifer stood, glaring after me. “Or that you made a pact with mother?”


  “I can smell her taint on you, binding you to whatever pledge you made with her. Take this traitor to the dungeon.”

  My mouth hung open. How did he know that? He’d have taken it as proof that I was conspiring against him. That coupled with the fact that it appeared like I’d let an angel assassin into Hell was going to get me executed.

  Chapter 20

  Inside the hot, dank prison cell, I paced. My insides churned and I wrapped my arms around my middle. None of this was supposed to happen. Everything would’ve been fine if Elion had just stayed with me. Listened. Accepted that my brother would never steal souls that didn’t belong here. I’d have known if that was the case. Felt their righteousness pulsing from one of the levels of Hell…wouldn’t I have?

  The walls closed in on me along with my questions.

  How could I have been so gullible to believe a Heavenly angel would be interested in me? Or in learning that Hell was just a place for our kind who wanted the freedom to pick whatever life we wanted. How our father had sentenced us here to punish the wicked and the guilty? That we had no other choice after half our supporters turned wing and left us during the great battle for the Heavenly throne?

  I plopped down on the dungeon’s stone floor. The pain of everything pressed in on me. I buried my face in my hands. This was primarily my fault. I’d let my heart dictate my actions and now I was paying the price. Worse. Elion could hurt my brother or vice versa. As much as I hated the angel right now, I didn’t want him dead.

  There had been mistakes—ones that I made that led me here. The idea that I wasn’t perfect sat like a thousand-pound elephant on my chest. If I hadn’t let Elion’s charm and fine body distract me, he’d be in this dungeon now. Lucifer would have found out the truth of why father had ordered his assassination. Together, we could’ve shown Elion that he was mistaken. Fuck! Seeing the truth might have tipped the angel to our side.

  All of this shit I was in now was my fault. Now I was locked in a dungeon without my boots or my sword. Unable to do anything about protecting my brother or untangling this mess I’d caused.

  An hour later, a knock sounded on the door and I leaped up, thinking that it was Lucifer.

  “Grub.” A demon opened the door and shoved a tray of rye bread and water into my hands.

  He scrambled out of the cell, but the hall past him was empty of any other guards.

  Of course. I set the tray down on the stone floor. Everyone must be concerned about the angel. Lucifer must have every available demon hunting for Elion. Which meant that the dungeons would be manned by a skeleton crew and my chance to escape. Possibly the only one I’d get.

  I squatted before the prison’s metal door. My magic would be hampered in this place. It would take time to work the lock. I blew out a breath and concentrated. Letting my magic trickle out of me and into the tumblers that held the door closed. “Conteram in cincinno.”

  Sweat trickled down my back as I worked. Each time doubt or worry about what was going on in the other parts of Hell with Lucifer and Elion crept forward, I shoved them back down. There would be plenty of time to torment myself later.

  The magic inside me twisted and bucked against the spells incorporated to keep magic users from escaping. I felt drained like someone was ripping out all my energy. My hands shook as I pressed them to the metal of the lock. Praying I had enough power to bust out of here. I had to get to my brother. I had to find Elion.

  In what felt like forever, the metal in the door pinged. I held my breath. Carefully, I eased the door open. The guard that had brought me the food flipped the page of some book. I needed to get to my sword hanging behind him on the stone wall.

  I crept forward, my gaze never leaving the back of his head. My heart pounded. If he caught me, he’d lock me up in solitary confinement which meant my magic wouldn’t stand a chance to help me escape. It was a cell specifically designed for demons, angels who were too powerful for a regular spell. I’d never get out.

  The demon yawned, stretching and I froze. He’d spot me if he turned at all.

  Without my weapon, I could hold him off for a bit, but he had the advantage of his poisoned claws. I’d rather not take any more chances. Elion or Lucifer could end up dead if I failed. Dread sliced through my insides.

  Go back to reading. I chanted silently in my mind. The demon scratched one of his horns, then turned the page. I let out a sigh of relief when he whipped his head around.

  Fuck! I dove for the sword.

  “Prisoner escaped!” he shouted.

  My hands grasped the weapon. At the same time, pain tore down my back from the demon’s claws. I screamed. My
back throbbed as I flung my arm out, catching him across his throat. He shrieked, falling down with black blood pouring from his wound.

  The sounds of hoofbeats pounded further inside the dungeons. Shit. I zigzagged around the demon and his blood. Even dead, the blood was poisonous too.

  I grabbed my boots from one of the shelves, but ran barefoot with them tucked under my arm. I couldn’t get trapped down here. Not injured and with sounded like at least half a dozen demons on their way. Thankfully most of the guards seemed to be somewhere else. Otherwise, there would be twenty guards posted nearby. I just hoped when I got to the upper level of Hell that I wouldn’t have a demon army ready to throw me back in prison before I could save Lucifer.

  Chapter 21

  I kept my sword ready as I ran through the dungeon toward the closest exit. My breaths turned to pants at the demon-guards’ footsteps hard and heavy behind me. I had to reach Lucifer and warn him about the angel. He didn’t know Elion was here to kill him or why. Knowing my brother, he probably thought the angel was here just as a spy or to check in on his ruling Hell.

  My lungs burned. I shoved open the exit door, turning to slam it shut in the few demon-guards who had caught up to me. A spell should hold them for a while.

  “Claude ostium faucibus null,” I said. My magic sputtering forward. Most of my power had been depleted trying to open my jail cell.

  I didn’t wait to see if my spell worked, I took off at a dead run, weaving my way through passageways and halls. I stopped to catch my breath and pull my boots on. Would Lucifer still be in his throne room or one of the other castles in Hell? There was no way to know for certain and we didn’t have cell phones down here.

  I dashed down the hallway. The heel of my boots clacked against the stone floor.

  The palace was quiet and still. Where was everyone?

  Since Lucifer held most of his parties in his throne room, I checked there first, but it was empty. Had Elion already gotten to my brother? My throat constricted.


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