The Ideal

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by L. P. Maxa


  Recent high school graduate, Savannah Nightingale loves her best friend Nate Deacon, but he's an emotional drain.

  Dark, angry, and volatile, keeping him in line over the last twelve years has taken its toll. He's doesn't get along with people, and she's the only person he interacts with on the regular.

  She's the only one who can pull him back from the edge before he snaps.

  His older brother Jeremy is the complete opposite. Happy, fun-loving, and laidback, when he's home from college for the summer, he starts hanging out with Savy. Jeremy wants to free her from Nate's dark hold, and wants to help her have some long overdue fun...then finds himself surprisingly in love.

  When Nate reacts badly, turns out, Jeremy will do anything for the girl he loves.


  RiffRaff Records










  The Devil’s Share

  Play Nice

  Play Dirty

  Play Fair

  Play Softly

  Play Hard

  Play For Keeps

  St. Leasing

  Mouth Watering

  Breath Taking

  Jaw Dropping

  Heart Stopping

  Soul Crushing

  Other Novels

  Happy Place

  Stumbled into Love


  The Forever Weekend


  L.P. Maxa

  PUBLISHER’S NOTE: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, business establishments or persons, living or dead, is coincidental. Boroughs Publishing Group does not have any control over and does not assume responsibility for author or third-party websites, blogs or critiques or their content.


  Copyright © 2020 L.P. Maxa

  All rights reserved. Unless specifically noted, no part of this publication may be reproduced, scanned, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of Boroughs Publishing Group. The scanning, uploading and distribution of this book via the Internet or by any other means without the permission of Boroughs Publishing Group is illegal and punishable by law. Participation in the piracy of copyrighted materials violates the author’s rights.

  ISBN: 978-1-953810-20-5

  E-book formatting by Maureen Cutajar

  To anyone, everyone, who has ever gotten lost in love


  I started writing this book years ago, and it was a story I’d work on when I had the time, or when I needed a break from current projects. These characters were born in the real world, morphed and reworked in my mind, but without my editor, I wouldn't have put them out there for the world to meet. So this time, my first thank you is to Michelle. Thanks for believing in me, no matter what.

  Thank you to my husband, who had two kiddos to watch this time around while I locked myself away to write. We adopted a beautiful baby girl, and we are so in love with our new family of four.

  Thank you to all my readers for supporting me while I was on maternity leave, for being happy for me, and for coming with me on this journey. I will never take for granted how blessed I am to have all my dreams come true.


  Trigger Warning For People With Sensitivities To Certain Topics

  While there are no explicit scenes depicting rape, there is one scene where it’s attempted.



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  Sneak Peek: The Forever Weekend

  About the Author


  “She had not known the weight until she felt the freedom.”

  ~Nathanial Hawthorne


  I grabbed Nathan’s hands, desperately trying to pry them from around my throat. I could feel myself start to lose consciousness: the edges of my vison beginning to blur. I kicked and bucked, doing everything I could to get him off me. As I stared into his eyes—deep brown eyes that had once been so familiar and had now gone black—I knew Savy’s secret was out.

  The secret she and I had kept between us.

  It had only ever been me for her.

  Chapter One


  I leaned back in my mesh lounge chair, closed my eyes and listened to the sound of Savy’s laughter. I could picture her clear as day in my mind. Her head thrown back, and her beautiful slender neck washed in sunlight. I smiled when I heard my brother chuckle at whatever she was saying.

  Savy was pretty much the only person who could make my brother happy. Make him let loose and have fun. Nathan was two years younger than me, and he and I were as different as night and day. We were raised in a cheerful home with loving, attentive parents. Where I aimed to please, treasured life, and went with the flow, Nathan bucked every request, directive, or order given to him. Since he was a baby, he was stubborn and dark. We were the perfect example of nature versus nurture. A psychologist’s wet dream.

  Our dad had always been able to keep Nathan in line. Keep him from throwing epic fits and hurting innocent people in the process. But Dad had been gone for eight years now. A simple mistake had taken him from us too soon. His sudden death had us all reeling.

  Nathan without my father was a loaded gun begging to be picked up and played with. The responsibility of being Nathan’s keeper should’ve fallen to my mom, or even to me. But it’d gone to the girl next door, Savannah Nightingale. She was light to Nathan’s dark. She brought him back into the land of the living time and time again. She kept him human.

  When Nathan was thirteen one of the neighborhood kids had accused him of cheating at some game they were playing. Nathan had tackled him and put him in a head lock.

  Nathan was stronger than me when he was angry, like the Hulk, and I hadn’t been able to pull him off. I panicked, worried Nathan would kill the poor kid and then he’d spend the rest of his life in prison. I should’ve gone to find a grown up, a cop, anyone other than our tiny wisp of a neighbor, but I’d run to her, out of breath and red-faced, begging her to help bring Nathan back from the edge of homicide.

  She raced across the street with me, screamed Nathan’s name and he’d paused mid-punch. She put her hand on his shoulder and he let t
he kid fall to the pavement. She grabbed his hand and he’d followed her back to our house. I didn’t know how she did it. I didn’t know if she held magic or if Nathan simply loved her that much. Either way, Savy was his salvation.

  Which meant I needed to stop picturing her beautiful neck, and I needed to stop getting hard at the sound of her laughter.

  When we were younger, she was nothing more than a neighbor kid who came to play with my brother—the only neighbor kid that came to play with my brother. Her role suited me fine. I was busy after our dad died. I threw myself into every after-school activity possible. I wanted the Deacon brothers to be remembered for something good, something other than a dead father, and an emotionally unstable son.

  Then, the older Savy got, the more I noticed her in ways that were more than friendly. I’d kept my budding crush at bay for years. I’d told myself over and over she was a kid, and that she was my brother’s best friend.

  Hell, more than that, she was his whole world in every way, except they weren’t together. Not like I wanted to be with her. Nathan needed her to navigate life.

  Which meant she wasn’t for me.

  “Hey, college boy. You going to come swim with us or what?”

  I opened one eye to see Savy grinning at me from our pool. The sun was bright and warm, no doubt the water would feel amazing. I wanted nothing more to join them. I’d only been home for a few days, but I couldn’t help but notice Savannah had grown up since I’d been away at school.

  She’d grown into her long legs, and she filled out her stark white swimsuit top spectacularly. She was eighteen now, and I swear she got sexier every time I saw her. I’d finished my sophomore year at a college two states away. Nathan and Savy graduated high school mere days ago.

  “Shouldn’t you two be out at a graduation party or something?”

  Savy threw her head back and laughed. Yep, it was even more tempting than the image I’d had in my head only minutes before. “Right. Like I’d ever get this one to go to an actual party. Come on, it’s Saturday, come play with us.”

  Her words went straight to my dick like a zap of unwanted electricity.

  Savy was Nathan’s girl. Not romantically. I’ve never once seen them approach anything close to sexual intimacy. But he loved her. She was so off limits it wasn’t even funny. If my brother lost Savy, it’d destroy him. If he lost her to me, it’d destroy us all.

  “All right, all right.” I got up and dove into the pool. When I surfaced I felt Nathan’s gaze on me, watching, scrutinizing, always studying. Did he see the lust in my eyes I tried so carefully to hide? “So, bro, did you pick a school yet?” Nathan was crazy smart. He could pretty much go anywhere he wanted on a full academic scholarship. If he wasn’t so damned dark and unfriendly, he would’ve been homecoming king and student council president.

  Like me.

  He cocked his head to the side and stepped closer to Savy, making waves bank against my chest. “Sav is going to Emerson, so I think I might go with her.”

  Savy groaned and splashed water in his direction. “You are so frustrating. You want to go to Yale. We both know that. You’re brilliant. Emerson is a small liberal arts school. There’s no reason for you to go there.” She turned to me, hands on her slender hips, water sliding down her cleavage I wanted to lick away. “Right Jeremy?” Was that pleading I saw in her eyes? She seemed to be communicating more than a simple conversation. “Tell him he needs to go to Yale.”

  I didn’t like coming between Savy and Nathan, no one did. It never ended well. But I was finding it near impossible to deny her anything, even when I knew better. Especially since it appeared she wanted me to help her out.

  “Yale is a really great school Nathan. Do you know how many kids dream of going there? It’s not that far away. You’ll still get to see Savy all the time.” I kept my attention on him, watching every nuance in his facial expression to make sure I hadn’t pissed him off by taking her side. Not that Nathan had ever or would ever hurt me, but he’d give me the cold shoulder, a full-blown silent treatment like no one’s business.

  Out of the corner of my eye I saw Savy glance back and forth between us, and then roll her eyes when she saw Nathan’s smile disappear. She swam over to him and punched him teasingly on the arm. “Jer is right, Nate. We’ll still see each other. You know Yale is the best choice for you.”

  Her gaze found mine, and what I saw made my chest tighten. Desperation and fear. It’d been only a flash, a quick glimpse that disappeared in an instant. Then her smile slipped firmly back into place as she ruffled Nathan’s hair. “Hey. Who knows what life holds for you? Maybe, since you won’t have me around all the time cramping your style, you’ll find a girlfriend.” There was humor in her tone, she was being self-deprecating to soothe him. No way could she believe she was “cramping” his style.

  We both knew that Nathan didn’t want anyone else.

  I laughed too, following her lead, trying to take the edge off what she’d said. Trying to lessen the sting I’m sure he felt. Trying like hell to forget the terrified look I’d seen flash in her eyes.

  “Yeah Nathan, a smart chick with those hot black framed glasses. I’m sure girls at Yale find geniuses like you irresistible.” Not that girls here didn’t. I’d seen them checking him out. I’d seen the yearning written all over their faces. He was dark, brooding, and he rarely spoke to anyone other than Savy. The other girls were all curious. They wanted to be the one to crack his shell. To break him. Little did they know that he’d been born broken.

  Nathan grabbed Savy’s arm, lightly, like she was made of glass. He pulled her to his side, hugging her to his chest. He at me looked over her head as he spoke, “I don’t need anyone else, Sav. You don’t cramp my style.”

  Sad, but true. For Nathan. But, it seemed, not for Savy. He sure as shit cramped hers.

  Savy had never even been on a date, not that I’d noticed or heard about. She was gorgeous, smart, and sweet. Tons of guys had been interested over the years, but Nathan’s quick temper and violent streak had kept everyone away.

  I’d never thought to help her out, to try to get Nathan to loosen the reins. Honestly, I didn’t want her dating anyone else either. She was too good for all those douche bags at our school. But now I couldn’t stop staring at her round little ass or the way her bikini top looked much tighter than last summer. Her long blonde hair floated around her in the water, like she was a sexy mermaid.

  For the first time, I began to wonder what Savy wanted. I wondered if she wanted to date, and if there’d ever been anyone she was interested in. More than anything, I wondered why I’d never really thought much about her wants and needs before this moment.

  “All right, Nate. You’ve got to get ready for work.” Savy patted Nathan on the chest and then swam away. “I promised my dad I would go through some boxes in the attic to see if there was anything I wanted up there. He’s on another one of his organizational purges.”

  Nathan sighed, paddling after her. “Sav, I told you to wait. I’ll help you do that tomorrow. You don’t need to be in that attic alone, lifting all those boxes.” Nathan had always been this way where Savy’s safety was concerned, ever since we were little kids. All the parents thought it was endearing. Now it sounded kind of suffocating.

  When I’d begun to crush on her over the last year, I fantasized about sneaking her out of the house after everyone was asleep. I’d take her to the lake, turn the stereo up loud and put every vice known to man in front of her and let her go crazy. If only for one night.

  I’d kiss her under the stars, until we were both breathless and the windows in my car were fogged up. It was lame as far as fantasies went, but Savy seemed almost too pure to think about doing anything more.

  She waved away his concern and then floated on her back next to the pool steps. “Ah, remember, I told you, I already put it off too long. What do you think are in those boxes? Bricks and snakes? I’ll be fine.”

  “I can help you.” The words tumbled out of
my mouth before my brain checked in.

  I’d never hung out with Savy without Nathan around, but since I’d been home, I was desperate to be alone with her. I wanted to know her. The real Savannah. The one that existed without Nathan.

  I wanted to know if that quick flash of desperation had been my imagination. I looked over at my baby brother and saw his jaw was clenched and his eyes were flat and cold. Hell, the temperature in the pool had dropped a few degrees. Obviously, he didn’t love the idea,

  Sighing and rolling my eyes, I acted like I was doing him a favor. “I mean, if you’re so worried about her hurting herself, I can help.”

  Eggshells. We were always walking on fucking eggshells around Nathan. The sad part: until I went away to college I’d never realized how exhausting it was. I’d been constantly trying to counterbalance him when we were in school together. He’d get in a fight? I’d run for class office. He’d get suspended? I’d make all state. One of us needed to be well liked and “normal.” All that fell on me.

  Savy didn’t wait for Nathan’s reaction to my offer as I would have. “That’s really nice of you. Thanks.” She kicked some water at Nathan. “Happy now? I have a babysitter.”

  My brother looked anything but happy. I stayed in the pool, watching the two of them talk. Savy worked hard to get him to laugh, breaking the underlying tension.

  When he smiled, he looked like a freaking GQ model. He was dark inside and out. Dark hair, dark eyes, perpetually tanned skin. His hair was always purposefully mussed, and his smooth skin shaved clean. He looked good, and he did it only for her.

  I’d always been told that Nathan and I looked so much alike we could’ve been twins.

  I didn’t see it, not really. Our personalities were too different. We were polar opposites. I always felt like our differences were stark and glaring, overshadowing any chance we had of looking like brothers.

  Chapter Two



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