The Chateau

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The Chateau Page 21

by Penelope Sky

  “Can you just steal—”

  “No.” He shook his head. “I can’t rescue her from that place the way I rescued you. Going behind his back and betraying him is not an option. A conversation, man-to-man, is the only chance we have.”

  “But what can you possibly say to convince him to let her go?”

  He dropped his gaze and was quiet for a while. “Right now…I’m not sure.”

  I looked down and started to breathe hard, terrified that I’d have to live the rest of my life without her, knowing she was out there and I couldn’t help her. “If you can’t do this, I’m just going to do it myself.”

  “You’ll be killed.”

  “Then I’ll be killed…”

  He studied me, his brown eyes the same color as his coffee. “Your sister would want you to live your life. She wouldn’t want you to die for her. I will do my best to give you what you want, but if it doesn’t work, you’re going to have to learn to let this go.”

  “Would you let it go?” I snapped. “What if this was your sister?”

  His eyes burned into mine, turning slightly hostile, like something I’d said struck a nerve. When he spoke, his voice was shaky, as if he used all his energy to control his rage. “I don’t have a sister…”

  I didn’t understand what happened, what I said to provoke this reaction from him, but I knew to steer clear…because I’d triggered something.

  “I said I would do my best, and you should appreciate that I’m willing to try at all. You have no idea what I’m putting on the line by going to his place and making a request like this. You have no idea how pathetic, how weak it will make me look. But I’m doing it anyway—for you.”

  He was in his black jeans, boots, and his black t-shirt.

  He looked good in black, especially with that dark hair and those brown eyes. He had a wallet in his pocket, and the outline of the front of his jeans showed his phone. He never took it out around me, and it was crazy to actually see one again.

  He moved to the front door.

  I followed him.

  He turned around and looked at me, his eyebrow raised.

  It was seven in the evening, so it was dark outside, and there were more raindrops on the window. “What?”

  “What are you doing?”

  “Coming with you.”

  He turned to face me head on. “I go alone.”


  His eyes darkened in anger.

  “That’s where my sister is, and I’m going.”

  “You have no idea what you’re doing.”

  “I need to come. Because if you get her out, I need to see her then and there. And if you can’t, then I want to make my own argument—”

  “You do not speak.”

  I couldn’t stay in that apartment and just wait. “Please…”

  “You have a lot of nerve—”

  “Please.” I moved into him and gripped his arm. “I can’t just sit on the couch and wait. I’m not a coward. I can look him in the eye and plead with my eyes. Maybe that will make him feel—”

  “It will make him feel nothing.”

  “Magnus, come on…”

  After staring at me for a while, he closed his eyes and sighed.

  I knew I’d gotten what I wanted. “Thank you—”

  “You do not speak. If he says no, you say nothing. You understand me?”

  I nodded. “Yes, absolutely—”

  “Your word. After everything I’ve done for you, breaking it would be a pretty shitty thing to do. I’m putting my trust in you. Don’t make me look like an idiot.”

  I intended to fight to get her out of there if I didn’t get the answer I wanted, but when he put me on the spot like that, I couldn’t betray him. If I gave him my word, I had to keep it…even though it killed me.

  “Your word.”

  I bowed my head and sighed. “Yes…I give you my word.”

  We drove in his Bugatti through the rain.

  His phone kept vibrating and lighting up in his pocket.

  There was no music on the journey.

  We left the city of Paris and ventured slightly into the countryside. The large estates were lit up from the roads, surrounded by cobblestone walls and iron gates. The Eiffel Tower was still visible in the rearview mirror.

  When the car slowed down, I knew we arrived.

  Far up the drive was a three-story villa, slightly visible through the iron gates. He turned and made the drive, moving past the large bushes that stood tall like trees. When we arrived at the gate, there were armed men outside, small buildings on either side of the gate, like tollbooths.

  My heart was racing.

  Magnus came to a stop and rolled down his window.

  One of the guys came closer to speak to him, making an exchange in French.

  The guy kneeled and looked at me in the passenger seat. “Qui est la fille?” Who is she?

  Magnus stared him down coldly.

  “Allons, tu sais bien que je dois le signaler.” You must tell me.

  Magnus responded, still irritated. “Mon invitée.” Friend.

  The guy seemed scared because he backed away and motioned to the guards.

  The gates opened.

  Magnus drove farther inside, and it was another long road to the three-story Parisian mansion, moving down the winding road through the fancy gardens and the brilliant up lighting.

  “What did he say?”

  “I told him you were my guest. End of story.” He made it to the roundabout, parking on the cobblestones next to a fountain surging with water. He unclicked his safety belt and turned off the car at the same time.

  I looked up at the historic landmark, knowing it’d been there since the Renaissance. It reminded me of the chateau, a piece of real estate that must be valued at over one hundred million euros. It was beautiful, but that didn’t make me less afraid to go inside.

  He turned to stare me down.

  I met his look, breathing harder than I wanted.

  “You gave me your word.”

  “I know…”

  He got out of the car.

  I joined him, standing in my heeled boots, the cold air immediately making my lungs tighten.

  He moved ahead and didn’t wait for me.

  I followed behind him, unsure what to do with myself. I wasn’t to speak, so all I could do was stand there and hope the desperation in my eyes would be enough for him to take pity on me…even though he didn’t seem like an empathetic person. He wouldn’t run a labor camp and conceptualize the Red Snow if he had a single ounce of kindness in his heart.

  He rang the doorbell then turned to look at me. “You want to wait in the car?”

  I shook my head.

  “You look like a ghost.”

  “Because I’ve never been so afraid in all my life.”

  He studied me, his eyes dropping in subtle softness. “Nothing will happen to you when you’re with me.”

  I was too anxious to cherish his words. “I’m not worried about that…I’m afraid to leave here without her.”

  The door opened and sabotaged our chance to speak.

  It was an older man in a tuxedo. “Bonsoir, monsieur. Comment allez-vous?” How are you?

  “Très bien.” Good.

  He opened the door wider and ushered us inside.

  I walked with Magnus, seeing the bright chandelier hanging from the ceiling at the third level, the French paintings on the walls, the grand piano in the corner…like this was a room to host grand parties. A high table was in the center, showing a sculpture of a ballerina.

  It wasn’t what I expected.

  The boss seemed like someone who lived in a cave or something.

  The butler walked ahead, conversing with Magnus in French like they were well acquainted. He escorted us into a large sitting room in the rear, the sophisticated artwork on the walls worth more than the value of Paris as a whole. There were couches, a large hearth, another chandelier, and sculptures and art pieces that
showed his incredible wealth.

  I didn’t know money like this existed in real life.

  It made me a little sick to know I’d paid for some of it with my labor, as did the others.

  And some paid for it with their lives.

  The butler said a few more words before he departed.

  Magnus stood there, looking out the windows to the incredible landscaped backyard, the large patio, enormous pool, and the gardens that stretched for acres, all lit up to be seen in the darkness.

  At least my sister was in a beautiful place.

  Footsteps sounded a moment later, heavy against the large pieces of tile on the floor. They weren’t light and careful the way the butler’s had been. They came from behind us. Magnus didn’t turn right away.

  I wasn’t sure if I could turn at all.

  The boss spoke. “Qu’est-ce que c’est?” He spoke in French, but his voice was slightly hostile, like he didn’t like the evening visit. What?

  Magnus turned to face him. “Le moment est mal choisi?” He said something back, matching his tone. Inconvenience?

  I finally found the strength to look at him. I stayed behind Magnus because I didn’t want to be closer than necessary. He was exactly as I remembered, with short brown hair, brown eyes that possessed a wildness that was fiercer than the woods I’d had to survive. His eyes were on me, drilling into my face, dissecting my features as if his eyes were two daggers. He stepped closer to me to get a better look.

  Magnus moved slightly in the way, stopping the boss from getting too close.

  Would the boss be furious when he recognized me? When he realized that one of his men had helped me escape? Magnus didn’t seem worried about it.

  The boss shifted his gaze to Magnus. “Ils m’ont dit qu’elle s’était échappée.” He spoke in quick French. Living in Paris had given me some vocabulary to understand his words, but by no means was I fluent. I could only pick up enough to deduce a couple things. Something about my escape. So, he did recognize me. He shook his head. “C’était toi.” You.

  “Les hommes n’en savent rien. C’est tout ce qui compte.” Men. Nothing else matters.

  He stood in sweatpants low on his waist, and he’d skipped the shirt, like he didn’t give a damn who saw him this way. He was bulky and strong, with lots of muscles in his chest and arms. He looked like a bull. “Tu m’as piégé. Tu es venu ici pour jubiler?” Trick. He raised his voice, growing angry.

  Magnus was as calm as ever. “Non.”

  His eyes shifted back and forth as he looked at me. “Si tu la voulais, pourquoi tu ne l’as pas dit?” He barked at Magnus, so hostile it was unclear if we would walk out of there. Why didn’t you tell me? He’d said something like that.

  “Parce qu’elle a énervé tous les hommes…et ça aurait été une trahison.” Betrayal to the men.

  I suspected the boss had asked Magnus why he went through the charade of helping me escape instead of claiming me the way he claimed Melanie. But it surprised me that it was even an option for Magnus. Then Magnus said I pissed off the guys too much, and they would riot if I got an easy way out. But I wasn’t entirely sure.

  The boss was quiet and stared him down, his eyes showing his ferocity. He was having a standoff with Magnus, as if waiting for a concrete explanation for his actions. “Comment ça?” What?

  “Pour demander une faveur.”

  His anger slowly faded as his eyes narrowed. “Quoi donc?” What?

  Magnus stared at him for a long time as he considered how to craft his words. “Melanie est sa sœur…et je veux que tu la relâches.” Sister.

  It took the boss a moment to react, as if he didn’t absorb the request right away. He shifted his weight, dropped one shoulder slightly, and regarded Magnus with skepticism. “Et pourquoi je ferais ça?” Why?

  Magnus turned quiet for a while. “Parce que je le demande.” I couldn’t make that one out.

  He shifted his gaze to me and stared me down.

  I stopped breathing.

  Then he looked at Magnus again. “Tu viens chez moi et tu me demandes ça? Elle m’appartient, t’as aucun droit de demander sa libération. Comment oses-tu venir ici pour demander une chose pareille?” He fired off in French, talking so quickly it was hard to make anything out. You ask for her release? How could you? “Cette salope devrait plutôt me remercier d’être encore en vie. Elle devrait être reconnaissante que j’ai des choses plus importantes à faire que la ramener là où elle devrait être.” She shouldn’t be alive right now.

  I started to breathe harder. I didn’t want to be scared, but it was hard not to, not when I was standing in the home of the man who had enslaved my sister and me.

  He spoke again. “T’es amoureux de cette fille?” He glanced at me and looked at Magus again. Woman you love?

  Magnus answered immediately. “Non.”

  “Alors c’est quoi ce bordel?” Fuck you.

  Magnus spoke again. “Je tiens à elle.” I feel affection for her.

  The boss shook his head, as if disgusted. “T’es faible. Pathétique. Comment tu peux te pointer devant moi et me demander une chose pareille? Elle t’a manipulé pour la faire libérer. Elle t’a manipulé pour que tu l’amènes jusqu’ici. Et maintenant, elle te fait négocier la libération d’une prisonnière. Où sont tes couilles, Magnus? Je ne t’ai jamais aussi peu respecté qu’en ce moment. C’est elle l’homme — et t’es la gonzesse.” Weak…not a man…no dick…you let her use you.

  Magnus was quiet.

  “Non.” No. “La réponse est non.” He turned to walk away. “Fous le camp de chez moi.” Leave.

  My eyes immediately watered, but I kept my mouth shut…because I promised.

  Magnus watched him go.

  I grabbed his hand and squeezed, silently asking him to do something…anything.

  He sighed before he pulled his hand away and walked after the boss. “Mon frère.” Brother.

  I sucked a big gulp of air into my lungs, making a quiet gasp.

  He stopped but didn’t turn around.

  Now I noticed the resemblance. The hair…the eyes…the handsome features. Now that I knew the truth, I couldn’t unsee it. And everything made sense…everything. Now I understood why Magnus had powers others didn’t. I understood how he could come here without announcement and ask something like this without getting shot. I understood how he spared me from the Red Snow when everyone wanted me dead.

  Magnus spoke again. “C’est ce que je veux… et je ne te demande jamais rien.” I never ask anything of you.

  The boss slowly turned around, his eyes wild in disbelief.

  “Je te le demande comme ton frère…pas ton associé.” Your brother, not your partner.

  He stared at Magnus longer, his eyes unblinking, possessing the same intense stare his brother did sometimes. After holding his silence for seconds, he walked back to his brother, his eyes glued to his face. “Je ne veux pas la relâcher. Demande-moi ça, et tu ne me demanderas plus jamais rien. Compris?” I do this…then I owe you nothing.

  Magnus gave a slight nod. “Oui.” Yes.

  The boss walked away and headed upstairs.

  Magnus remained still.


  He flashed me his stare, telling me to shut my mouth, even though I’d only whispered.

  I closed my mouth again.

  He stared at me for several seconds before he returned to the grand foyer, where there was a tall staircase on either side. He stood and waited, his eyes down.

  A moment later, a door opened and closed.

  Then Melanie appeared at the top of the stairs, her eyes visibly wet even from this distance. He gripped the edge of the stairs and looked down, right at me.


  It took all my strength not to speak. I started to heave with the breaths that wanted to escape my lungs. I went from stern seriousness to a sobbing wreck. Tears dripped down my cheeks like rivers, and I shut my lips as tightly so I wouldn’t make a sound.

sp; Melanie was in a black dress, wearing a piece of clothing worth more than anything we owned in our closets. She took the stairs, gripping the handle as she quickly moved down.

  The boss appeared behind her, looking at his brother.

  Melanie reached the bottom then darted toward me, crashing into my arms, bursting into tears just as I did.

  I held her tightly and cried into her shoulder, feeling my little sister once more, the only family I had in this cruel world. “Baby sister…” I ran my hands down the back of her hair and whimpered in pain at our reunion.

  The boss reached the bottom of the stairs and stared down his brother.

  I didn’t feel bad for the tension I’d caused between them, because I got what I needed.

  Magnus turned to me and spoke in English. “Let’s go. Now.”

  I pulled away from Melanie at his command, knowing I had to listen if I wanted to make it to the finish line and not trip. “Let’s go home.” I grabbed her hand and pulled her with me to the door where Magnus stood.

  But she pulled her hand free.

  I turned back to look.

  Melanie stared at her captor.

  He stared back, his expression cold.

  She lingered, continuing the stare.

  I had no idea what was happening.

  Then he walked up to her, towering over her when he was close. The backs of his fingers grazed against her cheek, just the way they did when we were bound at the camp. “Goodbye, sweetheart.” He pulled his fingers away…then walked off. As if he didn’t want to watch her go, he moved to the other side of the house and disappeared.

  For a second, I worried she wouldn’t leave.

  But then she turned to me, took my hand, and we left.


  Live Well. Be Happy.

  We entered the apartment.

  Melanie took a look around, examining every single surface, the laundry that had never been sorted on the couch, the open windows to reveal the brightness of the city lit up at night. “It’s the same…”


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