Mighty Hammer Down

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Mighty Hammer Down Page 45

by David J Guyton

"People of Medora," Uritus said to the crowd below him, "I stand before you for the very first time as Emperor of this great land. I am sure that all of you have heard the rumors and stories, but I have called you all here to clarify what has happened and put your fears to rest. Three days ago, the Moon Legion Commander of our very own army assassinated my father. I do not know his motives, for I killed him before I thought to ask what they were. I was protecting myself, and I am sure that it was his intent to kill me as well from the beginning.

  "My father was a great man. His funeral will be held tomorrow, and I'm sure you will all come to pay your respects. I know you all loved him and respected him as a man and as an Emperor. I hope that in time I can earn that same love and respect, but understand that my views might not be the same as his were. My father was a kind man, but he ruled with an iron fist when it came to people who were not Medorans. His unwillingness to accept different people was probably what got him killed, although there is no way to know for sure.

  "These are different times. When my father was younger, things were different. War was common. Death was hiding in every corner. People of different cultures could not be trusted because they were out to do us harm. These days things are more complicated, and simply refusing to accept an entire group of people is just not proper. Although his intentions were good, my father's view of the world was simply too narrow.

  "It is true that we are now at war. My father and General Tirinius have committed us to this struggle, and I do not intend to reverse this current agenda. If our friends need help, we will help them, but in the coming years, after all the bloodshed, we will be working towards peace with the Bhoors. A person's heritage or culture does not make them good or evil. It is the heart of the individual that the gods must judge. The gods want us to be peacefully involved with people of all lands.

  "The Medoran people want change. The Medoran people want a new way to see the world. This change has been coming for a long time, and I want you all to know that while I am Emperor, I will do the things that are in the best interest of the people. I will not stand before you and preach hatred like the rulers before me. Instead I bring a message of peace. We are all equals in the eyes of the gods. No man stands taller than the rest. No man is more important than the man or woman standing next to him; not even your Emperor.

  "It is a major flaw in society that there are so many successful people and so many unfortunate suffering beneath them. Just because a man has hit hard times in the past does not mean that he does not deserve the same wealth and respect that his successful neighbor enjoys. It is my dream that all Medorans will become successful, and I will use my power to ensure that that dream will come true. This dream is shared by all decent Medorans, and all fair and clear-headed thinkers everywhere. Generosity and fairness is the only legitimate way. As my first order of business, I will take all of the tax money used to light the temples at night, and donate it to needy people.

  "Another fear my father has tried to instill in you is that the Mages that walk the streets cannot be trusted. He believed, as many of you do, that they are an evil order of men bent on destroying the Empire. He offered you no proof, but again attempted to enforce his hatred as law. You are all smarter than that. You know that the Mages are calm and peaceful. You know that behind the scenes they have helped to keep this Empire free and safe.

  "Although I look out among you and see no black cloaks, I know that hundreds of you are members of this noble order. I want you to know that your Emperor supports you, and you are safe walking the streets of this great Empire. Continue your important work carrying out tasks for the gods. Even if you are secretive, you are all still Medorans and I know you are good people.

  "Now I offer you some personal news. My recent brush with death has clarified my vision of life. I see things in a different light now, and I know that there are important things missing in my life. One of them is a wife. I have chosen a wife, and it brings me great joy that she has agreed to marry me. Many of you know the Odera family. I asked Mirra to marry me three days ago. I hope that I can bring her the same level of happiness that she brings me.

  "I must apologize for how short this speech is, but I must go now and rest. I hope that I have helped you all understand the current situation. We will have hard times ahead, but in the end we will be more prosperous than ever. Long live Medora!" he said as he raised his fists in the air.

  The crowd cheered for their Emperor, but it felt forced and dry. They would soon come to understand that his way was better than the ways of old, but he knew it would take time. A member of the Elite Guard came to his side and helped him off the balcony and back into the building.



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