Hide and Seek - part 4 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems

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Hide and Seek - part 4 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems Page 3

by Nikhil Parekh


  the day she sobbed with unsubsiding hysteria,

  i would try and assassinate the reason for her agony from its very existent roots.

  the day she slept barefoot; bearing the tumultuous onslaught of winter winds,

  i would cover her trembling body with furry skin of mountain bear.

  the day she bruised her skin; with prolific streams of blood oozing out,

  i would kiss it with passionate warmth; leaving it for it to heal with bonds of our omnipresent love.

  the day she sequestered herself in realms of isolation,

  i would make her violently laugh to exit from vigils of solitary boredom.

  the day she sneezed incessantly; with heat soaring to Herculean proportions in her body,

  i would prepare sizzling hot cupfuls of incense tea; for her to get some respite.

  the day she complained of her temples throbbing,

  i would massage her scalp with deft strokes of my palm.

  the day she giggled freely with a pack of lecherous strangers,

  i would scold her for betraying me; with my anger rising to unprecedented limits.

  the day she seemed exhausted to raise her feet,

  i would hoist her on my shoulders to make her witness the outside world.

  the day she screamed at me for arriving late,

  i would try and pacify her anger by tickling her vociferously.

  the day she seemed hapless while knitting me a sweater,

  i would try and execute fervent attempts to solve her dilemma.

  the day she was struck viciously by deathly fangs of the garden snake,

  i would extract the venom with my teeth; bringing her back to consciousness.

  and the day she said she wanted to terminate our relationship; leaving me forever,

  i would simply have no other option but to die.


  When I lay languidly sprawled on a king poster bed; emollient with a scent of mesmerizing rose,

  There was an insatiable craving in the body to sleep.

  When I came in proximity with an appetizing meal of cold salad; blended with

  sea petrel,

  There were irresistible cravings in the starved bowels to eat.

  When there hung an immaculate bandanna at right angles to my vision,

  There developed an inevitable craving to expurgate my nostrils; and sneeze.

  When I saw white water tumbling down the undulating mountain,

  There arose unfathomable cravings in my persona to stand beneath it; and bathe.

  When I came in lethal confrontation with a cluster of venomous snake,

  There was an indispensable craving in my legs; to gallop at rollicking pace and flee.

  When I alighted the majestically strong demeanour of a race stallion,

  There was a ubiquitous craving in my mind; to traverse the race course at swashbuckling speed.

  When I jumped aboard the ship; into sapphire waters of the fathomless ocean,

  There were desperate cravings that proliferated in my body; to swim.

  When my fellow counterparts tyrannized me; victimizing me as the subject of ludicrous laughter,

  There arose sporadic cravings in my tongue to stringently retaliate.

  When I was on the verge of freezing in chilly winds of arctic winter,

  There arose profound cravings to burn a grandiloquent fire; and warm my numb feet.

  When I was chased by a striped leopard in dense camouflage of the jungle,

  There was an overwhelming craving to clamber up the tree; and hide in the myriad of branches.

  When I walked bedraggled; through silver soil of the scorched desert,

  There was an ingratiating craving for sipping cool water; thereby sustaining precious life.

  When there were stacks of resplendent gold lying unguarded on the solitary street,

  There were intractable cravings to permeate through the heap; and pilfer.

  When one of my siblings left prematurely for his heavenly abode,

  There were nostalgic cravings in the eyes to sob hysterically and emit water.

  And when the ethereal shadow of my beloved unveiled in entirety; before my silhouette,

  There was an intransigent craving in my lips to kiss her; and love.


  Crisp cotton shirt had developed stains of spilled coffee,

  parallel velvet tie was coated with grease,

  white spun vests resembled coal tar dustcloth,

  flower embossed handkerchief smelt like rotten fish,

  massive piles of square bedsheet showed blotches of saffron oil,

  a heap of bandages contained liquefied yellow pus,

  wrinkle free trousers had fresh traces of sea mud,

  infinite pair of woolen socks lay like decayed brown,

  triangular head caps were submerged in streaks of violet sweat,

  plush upholstery covers showed smudges of wet muddy feet,

  the colossal mansion was in a complete mess,

  with dirt converging in animosity on every visible piece of clean cloth.

  i took bulky amounts of carbolic powder,

  several tablets of rough textured soap,

  compact biscuits of chemically charged detergent,

  blended the concoction of soap and powder granule,

  in a deep tank containing crystal ground water,

  stirred elastic walls of the solvent with a wooden bat,

  creating gargantuan amount of pungent soapy froth,

  dissolved the tonnes of soiled dirt cloth,

  way down in the dark slimy interiors of my ever reliable hexagonal washing tank


  White specks of dust were visible floating in the air,

  as acrimonious beams of sunshine filtered through the dark room.

  golden splinters of sawdust flew in bountiful amounts,

  as the serrated periphery of carpenter file, sank deep in the body of rich slabs of mahogany wood.

  granules of silver sand blew gustily in the air,

  colliding with the eyeball at turbulent velocities,

  as volatile bursts of wind hoisted them high in the air,

  blessing them magnanimous degrees of elevation.

  morbid chunks of graveyard soil stuck to my boots,

  as i trespassed the solitary mass of humid land,

  weaving my way through a network of coffins,

  bearing crucified souls of those buried alive during war.

  i lost ergonomic proportions of poise and balance,

  hurtling face down towards rock iron sheets of ground concrete,

  as my feet caressed disdainful cakes of cow dung plaster,

  the slimy sheath of natural manure prompting me to fall like a pack of cards.

  my skin glittered like pure gold,

  infinite arenas of my flesh exhibited looks of freshly painted silver,

  there was a mystical radiance overflowing from my eyes,

  as i soaped myself vigorously with handfuls of richly scented fertile mud.


  if gigantic silhouette of the peepal tree was rotated upside down,

  countless fibers of moistened roots would shiver in the wind,

  leafy bunches of lush green foliage would be buried deep beneath the ground,

  with a host of animals living in proximity with the earth.

  if the dexterously sculptured flower vase was kept upside down,

  soiled extracts of plant water would leak out in ecstatic frenzy.

  if conically tapered blocks of the mountain were inverted upside down,

  the slender nosed tip would refrain to bear the onerous load of hillock,

  and the formidable structure would collapse like a soft packs of playing cards.

  if the glass facaded bungalow was revolved upside down,

  heaps of furniture would tumble down with a sigh,

oozing from infinite cavities of the shower would try and kiss the sky.

  if princely cars traverse rough carpets of roads upside down,

  occupants would solely relinquish ideas of inhabiting hem,

  chrome topped assembly of roof would screech in high pitched tunes of discordance.

  if the colossal brick structure of the clock tower was placed upside down,

  there would be inevitable confusions of time,

  with people having to perspire all night and sleep with a perpetual bliss all Sunlit day.

  if humans trespassed upside down on the surface of obdurate ground,

  they would be in intimate contacts with slithering snake and ant,

  growing bald every minute with glistening scalps,

  with their legs oblivious to the art of walking ,

  baking like unconsumed cakes in harsh rays of the Sun.

  12. TAILS

  When the rustic horned cow swished its slender tail,

  hordes of buzzing flies absconded at fast pace for saving their lives.

  when the fur coated sheep dog wagged its angular tail,

  there were waves of euphoric ecstasy that hovered around his persona.

  when the radiant eyed tawny cat fluttered her bulky tail,

  it was an evident signal that she could ferociously attack any moment.

  when the acrobatic monkey swayed its nimble tail,

  several of its progeny hung to it; making merry in sedative currents of autumn breeze.

  when the rubicund complexioned chameleon caressed her tail with ground,

  it was a symbol of optimism; highlighting her perennial urge to hunt.

  when the serrated skin alligator flashed its menacing tail,

  the beast conveyed exorbitant amounts of pleasure; while basking in the midday Sun.

  when the fast track stallion batted its aspirant tail,

  there was an accentuated indication of his charged emtoions;at the commencement of race.

  when a battalion of red ants flickered their tails,

  they danced with blissful harmony in a godown stashed full with salubrious

  food grain.

  when the colossal sized dinosaur moved its Herculean tail,

  virgin expanses of solid earth; diffused into inarticulate crevices of gaping hole.

  and when the omnipotent demeanour of Godhead lifted his tail,

  he hoisted the entire universe with overwhelming spurts of ease,

  on which lived the affluent, the poor, the animate and intangible; and a host of animals which had previously swished their tails.


  Washing tonnes of daily dirt,

  a hexagon shaped carbolic bar,

  producing gargantuan amount of froth when rubbed vigorously,

  obnoxious odour when mixed with fruit juice,

  waves of scented euphoria for bulk of the day,

  scraping blanket of germs from skin,

  whitewashing body with germicidal paint brush,

  gently caressing flesh with rich lather,

  culminating into elastic bubble spray,

  blending superbly with tepid tap water,

  fumigating scalp hair, slaining chains of dandruff,

  reinvigorating natural electric balance of body,

  extremely bitter in taste with a mesmerizing smell,

  a thorough essential inhabiting wash rooms,

  available in plain, multicolored bars, wrapped in gaudy paper,

  transforming breathing idols of dirt, to immaculate Gods,

  also used for washing,smudged clothes,

  long silky curls of animal skin,

  initiating allergic reaction while entering the eye,

  is my beautiful red luxury tablet of soap


  The crystal water looked marvelously blue,

  shining like a glowworm in the infectious moonlight,

  filled in a hexagon tank lined with pure sandstone,


  stainless metal slides converging down from amazing


  long strips of diving board for a headlong plunge,

  crisscrossed threads of netlon bifurcating it into equal halves,

  large injections of disinfectant added at fixed intervals of time,

  cozy changing rooms stacked with luxury towel,

  mega perfume canisters for swimming in ecstasy,

  inflated circular rings of rubber for wading through the deep,

  an ambience of pine tree and sprawling lawn proved more than conducive,

  the swimming pool was a treat to the eye in blistering heat of the summer month.

  i couldn't resist any further,

  waves of exhilaration dismantled sensible imagery,

  as i clambered short rungs of the steep ladder,

  gave a shrill scream, relishing thoroughly the icy waters,

  after plummeting 50 feet down from,

  the ergonomically sculptured diving board.

  15. SWEAT

  Slender slices of steel acquired the complexion of molten curry,

  when amber flames of the fire licked their persona with savage heat.

  infinite blades of lush green grass were camouflaged in dew drops,

  after blissful long spells of winter night sleep.

  brutally scorched skin of desert camel oozed droplets of water,

  when struck by incessant heat reigning with immense fervour in all quarters.

  ornate petals of the red daisy produced nectar in abundance,

  after hosting a cluster of humming bees having fertile sacs of golden honey.

  concrete walls embodied with red brick displayed slimy coats of moisture,

  after brand new strokes of ravishing wall paint.

  the ergonomically sculptured car seat felt amazingly humid,

  after i inhabited it, sank on it relishing my posture, for unsurpassable lengths of time.

  the surface of earth vomited Herculean amounts of sizzling lava,

  imprisoned within its innermost core for decades in strangulation.

  colossal masses of rich black clouds excreted gallons of water,

  when hovering in close proximity with the green periphery of earth.

  wild branches of the raspberry tree expurgated fat globules of bitter milk,

  as i adroitly ripped their skins with my fingernails.

  my body perspired like hell when thoroughly exposed to currents of warm Sunshine,

  as blistering waves of heat sapped reserve quota's of energy,

  sweating like an untamed pig all along the sultry ambience of pitch dark night.


  Moist lotus flower coated with dewdrop paint,

  floating in dark green jungle waters,

  faded pink in color, thorny stalk buried in slimy river bottom,

  with swarms of honey bees clawing wildly for nectar,

  is a perfect example of uninhibited ravishing beauty.

  white water springs descending down the mountain slope,

  washing tonnes of dirt in its flow,

  gurgling mystically while meandering through ground stone,

  bacteria free liquid when bottled at source,

  is a perfect example of spotless crystalline purity.

  dazzling rays emanating from golden sun ball,

  imparting heat to all planets in the solar system,

  feeding a plethora of green shrub throughout the day,

  fumigating disease on earth with stringent pools of Sunshine,

  is a perfect example of priceless and abundant light.

  hot streams of liquid bubbling beneath parched core of earth,

  trapped for years by bulky mass of mud and rock,

  gushing velocity causing irregular cracks,

  annihilating all life existing, submerging it in oceans of boiler heat,

  is a perfect example of unfathomable power of dormant lava.

  17. SUN TEMPLEr />
  The atmosphere was enveloped with raspberry essence,

  octagon pillars held the vast expanse of egg shaped roof,

  mystical scriptures were engraved on stone,

  the floor was strewn with century old clay,

  the exquisite elevation was an architectural treat,

  a trio of saffron flags blew on towering roof,

  tubular well was 1000 feet deep in belly of earth,

  the dungeons contained armoury of knife, and gleaming sword,

  the idol of sun god hissed fire,

  the sacrificial altar, was smeared with holy ash,

  metal boards showcased clippings of war,

  melodious sounds, a ramification of ,

  brass tongues striking golden bodied bell,

  blistering sunshine baked the structure in day,

  effeminate light of the moon embraced it all night,

  ivory tusks projected from stuffed elephants in crimson grey,

  ornamental doors were embroidered with brass,

  a grisly haired guide, held bulky manuscripts,

  entertained hordes of visitors, fleet of school children,

  with nostalgic memories of the golden era,

  in which were built the fiery walls of the SUN TEMPLE.


  As i loosened taut strings of my dotted lemon purse,

  there oozed out incredible amounts of corrugated currency coins; falling with sedate thuds on spongy cushions of carpet green grass,

  luring cupid individuals in mammoth numbers towards their salacious demeanour,

  pacifying raging fires; in order to sustain mystical vagaries of life.

  as dense foliage of trees released venom strings from the devil grey clouds,

  pudgy globules of water pelted down with monstrous fury,

  wiping traces of obdurate dirt from mud painted leaves,

  sweeping fragile tufts of clay; effusive clusters untamed fauna,

  inundating every centimeter of barren land with gallons of; pure rain water.

  when i dexterously snapped entwined chords of my inflated parachute,

  soaring like a princely eagle at invincible altitudes of the sky,

  the contraption nose dived towards the chain of chafed rocks,

  colliding with obstreperous bangs against stiletto outlines of pointed stone,

  and i relinquished breath without; animated struggle with the Creator.

  as i opened my mouth to bark a string of incoherent words,

  woven with threads of intransigent abuse,

  the babble seemed feckless and disillusioning,

  prompting masses of people to vindictively spew spit behind my back.

  and when she decoded tension ridden strings of my nictitating heart,

  i erupted opulently into raptures of ebullient emotion,

  rebuking forever the insecurity that besieged my persona,

  making me oblivious to the most heinous of pain,

  drowning me under furry quilt covers of celestial sleep.


  The tree leaves swayed with injected stimulation from breezy draughts of air,

  shedding its foliage at sporadic intervals of time.

  stagnant patches of river water formed silken ripples,

  with buoyant stimulation offered by cruising boat,

  was lined with white froth in abundance when the boat exceeded barriers of speed.

  hungry particles of mud transformed into wet slurry,

  when fed with stimulation from the pelting drops of rain,

  forming soft cushions of water for the birds to take their morning baths.

  feeble men started working with newly discovered exhilaration,

  when poked with stimulation of mouthwatering food and spring water,

  dreary bones now functioned with fresh supply of newly formed blood.

  dilapidated engine of car shot ahead with bursts of speed,

  when reinforced with stimulation blend of petrol and oil,

  the life bestowing concoction flooding scorched testubes in its engine.

  bodies heavily soaked in sleep got boisterously active,

  when submerged in volatile stimulations of steaming coffee,

  wee hours of the night suddenly came alive,

  as black currants of coffee barged open doors of blissful sleep.

  we will exit out of nefarious deeds and malpractice,

  relinquish the crown of prejudice forever,

  breathe air, reminiscent of the era in which we were born,

  provided we get conducive stimulations that tickle unexplored avenues of our heart,

  give us the omnipresent love we as a community of humans have ever perceived.


  Waiting majestically on grey tarmac,

  100 feet of solid steel mass,

  eloquent window panes visible in elevation,

  consisting of resistant shatter proof fiber glass,

  stubby nose coated with black caps of steel,

  the entire body sleeping on a framework of elongated steel,

  stuck to an assembly of high quality radial Dunlop,

  aerodynamic flaps of protruding wings,

  enabling necessary leverage in thin air,

  ergonomically soft cabin interior,

  seat belts dangling from oval plastic,

  bulb arrows leading to emergency exits,

  inflated life vests camouflaged in cabin roof,

  television monitors displaying altitude and speed,

  revolving trolleys serving continental food,

  circulating dailies stored in cloth racks,

  overhead lockers containing hand baggage,

  with tonnes of cargo in its hollow belly,

  nestling in hangars for refueling,

  ready to fly a million kilometers of air journey,

  towering above snow alps, violent seas,

  concrete cities, dense forests,

  bearing signatures of Air India, British airways, Royal Nepal.etc,

  flying at unbelievable heights of half a lac feet,

  the highest flying tapered bird,

  made up of light aluminum foil and steel,

  a carrier of unparalleled privilege,

  the fastest mode of transport available,

  is the air bus 320.


  Thickened bulges of curved black tarmac,

  painted with stripes of brilliant silver white,

  right angled patches of dull yellow,

  riveted firmly to loose base of mud ground,

  bulging handsomely a few inches above the rock bottom base,

  blended with coats of sand and dust in the summer day,

  smeared partially with slimy drops of car oil,

  kissed hard by bulky tyre tread trespassing,

  found virtually on every open street of the city,

  and mammoth empty patches of the national highway,

  an obnoxious hazard prompting reduction of electric speed,

  repetitive squealing of brakes in close vicinity of its periphery,

  few meters of air-borne journeys after a head-on confrontation,

  existing in variable sizes of ultra large, medium and baby stretch of wax mould,

  getting a few hours of disturbed sleep after the clock hour strikes midnight,

  i the speed breaker warn you of the following,

  never drive at nerve wrecking speed,

  compress lever bars of the dipper while overtaking at night,

  transform all groans into smiles while on the driving wheel,

  don’t gallop at fast speed when the alcohol meter overflows in your body,

  give the underprivileged pedestrians on foot faint chances to cross the road,

  and last of all bear this in top shelves of your mind forever,

  slacken wheel speed to zero as and when you approach a speed breaker.

  22. SOUND

  High pitched blaring
sound of rock music,

  silent gurgling rhyme of partially frozen water.

  agonizing screams of deceased for help,

  sardonic laughter of affluent sipping grape vine.

  rubbing flint stone, produces fiery sound of malevolence,

  evacuated gas from earth core, diffusing into clouds of noxious smoke.

  crisp noises emanate as shoe soles crush dry leaf,

  excreted spit falls with soft thud,kissing the ground.

  blooming flowers sway,whistle with the air,

  throat chords flex ,on savage consumption of bone meal.

  pungent voices echo,when lead match brushes sandpaper corrugations,

  scorched earth erupts in raptures on intimate contact with drizzling water.

  mega gas balloons burst with a bang, on mere caress by pin,

  traffic comes to a standstill at instants of security barking stop.

  teeth chatter wildly when hit by chilly draughts of breeze,

  exuberant voices greet the onset of tropical monsoon.

  white flamingo's sing in rustic breeze of autumn,

  sedate sounds float, from dying embers of crackling firewood.

  i cry with tenacity, wail in hysteria towards the sky,

  pray fervently, to bestow all existing with the sound of omnipresent


  23. SORRY

  I inadvertently broke sparkling glass panes; while playing cricket,

  blurted a pathetic sorry to the outrageous occupants,

  before they could take evasive action of slapping me on my face.

  i tickled my little brother with curled strokes of pigeon feather,

  said an innocent sorry when he was on the verge of erupting into a volley of abuse.

  i woke my mother from tranquil realms of midnight sleep,

  demanding ravishing items to devour as a feast,

  uttered a condoling sorry; when she was on the pinnacle of gaining complete consciousness.

  i gulped nightmarish amounts of scotch whisky,

  swung my body like a person strangulated by uninhibited emotion,

  whispered a down to earth sorry when the cops caught me red-handed.

  i brusquely collided head on with the milkman carrying pails of fresh cream,

  toppling them on the ground; with rivulets of milk radiating all over,

  said iterative numbers of sorry; thoroughly condemning my irate act.

  i sketched egg shaped cartoons of my balding math’s teacher,

  pasting the graffiti on the walls for all to relish,

  blurted a timidly echoing sorry; when he raised the cane to whip my satiny flesh.


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