Leather and Chrome Boxed Set

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Leather and Chrome Boxed Set Page 10

by Sky McCoy

  “Something like that. I’m not comfortable letting you see me untidy place. I want everything to be perfect whenever you come over.”

  “Don’t get it too perfect because you want be there long. As soon as I can make arrangements for the wedding and send out announcements, then I’m taking you away on our honeymoon.” Lou has everything planned out. I haven’t had time to think since I met him and he’s not going to stop until we’re married.

  He just asked me to marry him and I said yes. But that’s not what’s worrying me. I have to say goodbye to my freedom and this apartment.

  I open the door after asking Lou not to get out. He hits a button and the window lowers. I look around at the park and the area. It’s beautiful, and if I could afford this house, I’d buy it.

  I leaned and kissed Lou, turned and hurried along the sidewalk, found myself standing in front of the door staring as I wondered how I’d tell the old couple that I would be leaving soon. Then there’s Hayden. Damn. I forgot about Hayden. I have to check on him.

  I brought Hayden over to Daniel’s club Leather Bound, like a lamb to slaughter. I’d better call him and make sure he’s alright. What was I thinking?

  I know he liked Daniel, but Daniel of all people? I blame myself for introducing him to that predator. I should have known better after what Hayden told me. He was from a small town in South Dakota, Brookings, I think he said, which wasn’t conducive to his gay lifestyle or his desire to become a rock star.

  He’d climbed on the Greyhound bus at sixteen and headed for San Francisco, with false ID and found a place to live with this couple. Then he played on the streets for change when someone from Diamonds in the Rough offered him a job.

  Hayden can’t be any more than eighteen, however, I found that out too late, otherwise, I’d never have given him advice.

  I think he’s a virgin too.

  Pulling out my key, I opened the door. When I turned to check on Lou, he’d started his car and drove off once he saw that I was safely inside. Did his mother advise him of that too I wondered? Protect the ones you love.

  I rushed upstairs because I didn’t want to face the old couple just yet. How can I tell them that I need to get out of my lease or agreement? We didn’t actually sign a lease, I gave him a deposit, and he gave me a receipt. That’s all and now I’m hiding like I’ve committed a crime. Well Lou will just have to wait until I feel comfortable with this.

  I opened my door and walked in my apartment. There are clothes all over the place. It wasn’t a lie. Sighing into the cluttered room, I began picking up my clothes and straightening up.

  “I have to get my suits ready for work on Monday. My shirts have been laundered, so I’m good,” I mumble as I sling my coat to the side and amble to a couch.

  I try sitting, but I feel Lou inside me, pumping me with that thick cock. I wince, and then I smile. That was the best fuck I’d had from him when I accepted his proposal to marry. I’ve had the best feelings in my life since I met Lou and he fucked me behind that bar in the dark. I don’t think anything could rival that, but then we’re just getting started.

  I can’t imagine anything equaling that fuck. Lou was a stranger then and there was nothing better than making a connection with a handsome tall man with a thick cock, and having him fuck you six ways from Sunday.

  My cock throbbed thinking about that time, but I need to concentrate on the problem that is now.

  Calling Hayden is the first concern because I need to know if he’s okay. I stand and reach for my jacket to retrieve my phone. I glance up and I see a bottle of wine. Maybe I should celebrate my impending marriage.

  I smile because I never pictured myself as a married man. I thought I’d be alone because I had so many chances to marry and I didn’t. That selfish part of me always reared its ugly head and I’d find myself walking out or not showing up for the marriage license.

  I knew the men I’d been living with, and the ones I ghosted wasn’t right for me, but Lou is so right. I wouldn’t have said yes if I didn’t know that deep down inside he was the one.

  I reached and poured a small glass of red wine and before I could catch my breath and settle down with my glass and entertain my thoughts, there came a soft knock at the door. “Who is it?” Who can that be? Only a few people know I’m here? I rationalized.

  I sauntered to the door and opened it.

  Chapter 2


  “Oh it’s you. Come in. I was just getting ready to call you. How did it go?” Hayden wore a pair of tattered jeans and that same old black tee I’d seen him wearing in Diamonds in the Rough. “What happened to that beautiful leather jacket and those expensive jeans you wore to Leather Bound?”

  “Can I have a drink?” He stood with his hands in his pockets then raised his left hand and bit his nails.

  “I have wine,” I stated, watching Hayden pace around my table.

  “I need something stronger than that,” Hayden admitted reaching for the glass before I could hand it to him.

  “I don’t have anything stronger, and I don’t relish contributing to a minor.” He raised his eyes as if to say, you too.

  “You’re not contributing to a minor. I can drink liquor at eighteen in California.”

  “Okay. Now what is it, Hayden? You left here all smiles and happy that you would see Daniel. Now you look as if someone killed your cat.”

  “I don’t like cats. I’m a dog person.”

  “Okay, now stop with the fucking small talk and tell me what happened.”

  “I saw Daniel alright. That man has a magnificent body. My cock drips thinking about it.”

  “Enough. I don’t want to hear about Daniel’s body or cock.” Hayden dropped on the sofa with a glass of wine in his hand.

  “He kicked me out when he discovered that I was a virgin and he would be my first experience. He said I was too young.” Hayden raised the glass to his mouth and swallowed the wine in one gulp.

  That was a shocker. Daniel wasn’t what I thought he was. I thought he would fuck anyone who had a hole, after he’d tied them up, and whipped them. From what Lou had said about Daniel, Daniel liked his boys young and two at a time.

  Hayden had been a willing participant willing to accept another boy, the perfect specimen for Daniel, but he refused Hayden. Go figure.

  “You told him how old you were?” I questioned. “You don’t do that until you know that he’s the right fit.”

  “I don’t think it had anything to do with my age. He didn’t want a virgin. He said they’re too hard to deal with and he didn’t have that kind of time to devote to a young virgin. And why don’t I let someone else break me in, and come back to him when that’s done.” Hayden rose and poured himself another glass.

  “He fucking said that?” Hayden shook his head yes, took a gulp of wine, tighten and pursed his small plump lips, and then lowered his head. I watched tears pooling in his eyes. I walked over to Hayden and sat beside him, touched his hand and exclaimed, “Daniel doesn’t deserve you, Hayden. Anyone can see that you’re crazy for him. Maybe that’s the problem. You’re too accessible.”

  Hayden turned to me, “Yes, I’m accessible. I have nothing going for me and he has everything. I want him, but so did half the guys sitting around waiting for him to take him into his room. When it was my turn to see him, I told him that I would do anything he asked of me.”

  “Men don’t want something easy. Even if they think they do. You shouldn’t have said that to him. I bet you poured your heart out to him, and told him your whole life story such as it is.”

  I glanced over to Hayden to get affirmation of what I’d just said, and he lowered his eyes and I had my answer.

  “I thought you said for me to tell him what I was willing to do with him. You said to come up with a kink that would have his cock twitching when you were around. And so I did. I told him that...”

  Hayden tried to continue, but I stopped him. Another bedroom sex fantasy, I didn’t want Hayden to share with
me. Too much information. You can’t very well look a friend in the face when he tells you his kinky secrets in bed, unless you’re the one he’s in bed with.

  “That was before I knew you were a virgin,” I had to admit.

  “Because when I was trying to tell you, you stopped me.”

  “Yes I remember. You didn’t tell me, but I guessed. Look at you all depressed again. A man who isn’t a virgin doesn’t sulk like you’re doing now. That’s one indication that you’re a virgin. A man goes out and discovers what it feels like to be fucked by other men.”

  “I don’t want other men. I want Daniel.” I shook my head because I knew he was drunk by all the wine he’d consumed, and he’d been new to drinking. He’d wake up in the morning with a hell of a headache.

  I remembered when he wanted to admit something, but the familiarity thing got in the way and I didn’t want to hear more. But looking at him the way he talked about finding a Daddy who didn’t have another boy had confused me.

  I thought Hayden had been through that situation before, and didn’t want that in his future or be a part of that. Although I heard that it can be very satisfying sexually if you’re into the MMM thing, which I’m not.

  It’s only Lou for me.

  “Look Hayden, my only advice to you is forget Daniel. He probably has too many men for you anyway, and with you being a virgin, I hope you understand where he’s coming from. Breaking a virgin in takes time, I know it took years for me. You’re less than half my age and Daniel’s, and I’m still not comfortable with some of the things Lou proposed that we should do, but I love him, and I’m willing to try.”

  A man like Daniel doesn’t have all that time. He’s a man of convenience and money. He’s a lawyer and he owns and runs Leather Bound. You’ve been to that place, it’s a hell of a business to control and make sure no one gets hurt, where he doesn’t lose his license. That doesn’t leave much time for anything else.”

  I turn to Hayden and he’s moping and again I try to comfort him. “Someone else will come along, and you’re fall in love with him and...”

  Where the fuck was I going with this story. This wasn’t a fairytale, it was real fucking life. My Prince didn’t come along until I’d kissed and fucked a pond of frogs. And Hayden better get over being rejected too.

  However, I did have empathy for him. I’d been his age and thought I was in love with the first man who looked at me, fucked me, had me suck his cock only to tell me he was straight and this would be his first and last time this would happen, and that he didn’t want to see me again.

  It had been at a Christmas party and everyone was drunk. I found myself bent over a patio chair near a flower garden, and all I could think about was how fucking hot this man was as he fucked me hard, then admitted that I was the best fuck he’d had in his life with a man, but I would be the last.

  I snapped out of my thoughts because this wasn’t about me and thank God I’d passed that part of my life, and I didn’t want to return to it fucking around with men who didn’t want me, or wanted something more that I couldn’t provide. I had Lou now and thinking about those times made me realize how lucky I am.

  There was no way I wanted to be eighteen and a virgin again if that meant anything to tell that to Hayden, but it meant something to Daniel—he wasn’t into virgins.

  Looking over at Hayden still nursing his hurt feelings, I felt for him and responded, “What a fucked up thing to get rejected for... because you’ve never had a dick inside you? In the straight world a woman is a prize for being a virgin, but in the gay universe of men, I say if you had sex the first time with a man you lost something. I don’t know if it was your virginity or what, but if you love a man be it a woman or another man, and he takes you for the first time, bottom or top, or you suck his cock you are no longer a virgin.”

  “Did you suck Daniel’s cock?”

  “No. He sucked mine, and then threw me out.” Hayden lowered and then raised his eyes, fiddled with his finger in his mouth and then admitted. “He did give me a light swift spanking with a crop and the palm of his hand. That was after he’d said that I deserved punishment for making him cum.

  “Then why didn’t you say that?” I wondered what else Hayden had held back.

  “If he didn’t like you when you told him you were a virgin, he wouldn’t have sucked your cock, don’t you know that? With Daniel that spanking was perhaps his way of showing his love.”

  “How would I know that? I thought he felt sorry for me.”

  “Men like Daniel don’t feel sorry for another man. They break them in and use them when they want, and have a need for what that man offers. I bet he’s intrigued by the fact that you’re a virgin. My advice is don’t lose your virginity to anyone but him.”

  “How do you know this?”

  “Just trust that I know. I’ve had my share of experiences with men like Daniel. I’m lucky that I found Lou when I did.”

  Chapter 3


  I’ve never been this happy in my life. Finally, I found a man that wants what I want. I think I’ll introduce him to my mother. Maybe bring him to our family gathering for Thanksgiving. Well, maybe that’s a little too much. I think I should warn him first about my family before exposing him to our holiday gatherings.

  Then I’ll inform the whole lot of them that I will be married soon and they will be invited to the wedding...if they behave themselves. I’m sure they want to see how I’m doing in San Francisco. My sisters don’t believe that I’ve made my money on my own and not depended on my inheritance from my father like them.

  Here I go again planning Ethan and my future without asking him if he’d want to meet my family. Oh shit. I haven’t given Ethan a ring yet. We have to pick out rings. I can’t have my beautiful boy walking around with men thinking he’s available. And I forgot about the bound collar that Daniel insisted on seeing him in. That could probably wait. I can have one made that’s fashionable. One that doesn’t scream it’s a dog collar.

  Austin gave me a card where I can have one made. I looked on line and saw the perfect one a BDSM O Ring platinum chain choker. Very stylish and expensive too. But nothing’s too good for my boy. I hope he doesn’t think I’m trying too hard to impress him, but I am.

  I want that ring on his finger and have him collard with or without a key before I take him to meet my crazy unhinged family.

  The sound of a loud knock on my office door interrupts my thoughts, and I straighten up in my chair. I’ve been daydreaming all morning about what my life will be like when Ethan and I are married. I’m feeling eager and heat flows through me at the thought of Ethan in my bed. He will be the first person I see in the mornings, because he makes me smile, and I’m happy when I see his gorgeous face. Those amazing green eyes. I’m blushing at the thought.

  I’m still hidden in my happy thoughts when the door opens and Daniel leans in.

  “Are you busy?” He doesn’t wait until I answer but saunters in nevertheless with one hand in his suit pocket. He slants his head to the side. “Someone is blissful this morning. Don’t tell me, you finally got Ethan to agree to a collar with a lock.”

  “Not exactly. I asked him to marry me and he agreed.”

  “I wouldn’t go celebrating too soon. There’s many a slip between the cup and the lip.”

  “Another one of your proverbs?” I asked Daniel.

  He just smiled and replied, “It’s an old saying. My mother would tell me that each time I brought a young man home to meet her. She could see through them far better than I could.” He raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms. “I was eighteen then a callow youth, what can I say.” I didn’t respond to Daniel because I never believed he was ever naïve or eighteen.

  “Has Ethan met that family of yours yet?”

  “I’m thinking about taking him home for the holidays,” I say to Daniel. That sounded like a song, a happy song, but maybe Daniel knew better than I did, after all, it was my family and I was too close to see just h
ow fucked up they were.

  As an outsider and a very observant outsider, Daniel picked up on things I did not. My sisters and their husbands never seemed to approve of the men when I’d explained to them that I’d found someone, especially if they thought I was fond of them. I’m not only fond of Ethan, I love him. Enough to ask him to marry me. That should be enough for them, I thought.

  “Do you really think that’s such a good idea? I’ve met your family and they...they leave a lot to be desired.” Daniel rolled his eyes and chuckled.

  “Sit. You make me nervous.” I had been ready to change the conversation fifteen minutes ago. I watched Daniel take a seat across from my desk. “I was wondering when you were going to visit and thank me for hiring another lawyer.”

  “Yeah. Yeah, thanks, but that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about. You know that boy Ethan brought to Leather Bound the other night?” I waited for him to finish his thought. “I think I’ve fallen for him.”

  I sat back and starred at Daniel before I said a word. “Well that will be a first. And no, I haven’t met him yet. Ethan did mention him and whether he would be safe with you. I assured him that he would be safe. I hope I wasn’t wrong. Was I wrong, Daniel?”

  “You know how I feel about virgins.”

  “He’s a virgin?” I asked alarmed at the thought of what Daniel had done. “Well, that’s poetic justice. A virgin, is that right?” I placed my hands behind my head and leaned back and gave out a loud chuckle.

  “You don’t have to be that delighted at my pain.”

  “Pain? I thought you liked giving and receiving pain. I’m just enjoying the moment, Daniel, my old friend, it might never come again.”

  “You damn right it won’t.”

  “Then what the fuck are you all upset about? He’s a virgin, get over it, and move on.”

  “I’d never met a virgin before,” he confessed. “I don’t know how to act with him especially since I’m attracted to this boy.” For the first time Daniel revealed how he felt about another man. “And he’s young. I don’t want to fall for a young boy. He’s only eighteen and I would have to teach him everything.”


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