Ascension Vision- The Levels of Ascension Box Set

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Ascension Vision- The Levels of Ascension Box Set Page 46

by Amy Proebstel

  The three got out of the car, and Behn knocked on the door while Willian and Valentina stood one step behind him. He got the distinct impression they were using him as a shield from Mr. Stel, and it made him grin at how ridiculous it was.

  Riccan opened the door and responded to Behn’s grin with one to match. “Hey, kids; come on in.” He held the door open and then his eyes fell on the last to enter, and he said, “Willian,” in a more formal greeting and a grim expression.

  He had yet to decide how he felt about Willian’s sudden change of heart where Jena was concerned. Riccan wanted to give him the chance to redeem himself for his daughter’s sake, but he would pound him into the ground if he so much as spoke wrong to Jena ever again. He watched the young man walk in front of him and thought there was something odd about him which he had not noticed before.

  “We can go straight to the garage if you want to lead the way, Behn,” Riccan called over to Juila’s boyfriend. He wished Jena could be as happy as Juila seemed to be. It was too bad things had ended so badly with Luke, he had really liked that boy as well.

  Riccan felt his usual sense of pride when he heard compliments on the styling of his custom telepod which was parked in the closest bay to the kitchen door. He knew there would be a small amount of disappointment for Willian to discover they would be flying Amanda’s older model hidden behind his. When they finally moved past his bright red telepod, even he had to admit the silver, nondescript telepod looked very plain in comparison.

  “How many flight hours have you logged, Willian?” Riccan decided to get right down to business.

  “Around sixty-eight. Will that be okay?” Suddenly Willian felt nervous as he realized all of their lives would be in his hands. He had a terrible premonition that he could be responsible for killing his soul-mate just at the point of getting to know her.

  “Good, yes, that’s more than enough for what I’ve got in here.” He palmed open the side door and gestured for Willian to precede him inside. “Go ahead and take the pilot’s seat. Come inside, you two, it never hurts to have more people understand how the system works.”

  Behn and Valentina rapidly entered the craft and sat down in the seats directly behind the pilot and copilot’s seats. Valentina’s apprehension grew as she recalled the ill-fated trip she had experienced in this vehicle with Juila not too long before. She desperately hoped she would not be called into action for flying the craft and she elbowed her brother and whispered, “Pay close attention!”

  Again, Riccan felt something strange around him; almost an electrical current. He rubbed his forearm with his other hand and swiftly forgot about everything except the explanation of the components of his favorite topic. It was nice to have an avid listener, and he went through the entire program and then asked if there were any questions.

  Willian raised his eyebrows in dismay and said, “I think you’ve already thought of every contingency when you put this system together. It’s very impressive, and you said your other telepod is even better? Amazing. I’m certain I won’t have any problem operating this craft tomorrow. Are you still willing to allow me to use it?”

  “As long as you’re willing, I don’t see why not.”

  “Cool!” Willian said, finally finding an appropriate time to use the new phrase he had learned at school on Earth.

  Riccan did a double-take and then burst out laughing. “How long have you been trying to find a time to use that term?”

  Willian laughed then, too, and asked, “You could tell?”

  “I remember the same thing when I was your age. They say some unusual things here on Earth.” He stood up and exited the vehicle. The kids were quick to follow him out, and he palmed the door shut. “I have to leave early for work tomorrow, so I won’t be home. I’ll leave the garage door unlocked out back here,” he gestured to his right so they would know exactly which door he meant. “Here’s the door remote,” he said as he held out the black box toward Willian. “You might as well keep it with you tonight.”

  “Thanks. I’m really excited to take that out for a spin. It’s much nicer than anything I’ve ever flown, as I’m sure you already knew. It must be pretty great to be a designer of telepods. You’d always have the latest and greatest devices in your craft.” He held the remote in both of his hands, rolling it over and over as his nerves starting getting the best of him, undermining his confidence.

  “I’ve always enjoyed the perks of it, I must admit. Now, I’m sure I don’t have to remind you not to time your trip, right? You’ve never had to fly between dimensions before so you shouldn’t try to mix the two steps before you learn them both on their own. Also, even though the ‘pod should do the navigation for you, don’t depend on it. Make sure you have the coordinates firmly in your mind as well as alternate coordinates. Think of this as a normal flight, and you’ll stay safe.”

  “Got it,” Willian said and swallowed hard with his suddenly dry throat. He was beginning to think it would be a simple matter with the advanced technology, but he could see Riccan’s wisdom in reminding him that software could always malfunction and he should be prepared for anything to happen. He would not lose his concentration and cause something disastrous to happen.

  “I can see that you do, now,” Riccan said as he clapped Willian on the shoulder. He could see on Willian’s expression that he understood the responsibility he had been given and his training as the heir to an Elder would keep them all safe.


  Their dinner went better than any of them could have expected. Shemalla had been the first one at the restaurant and eagerly awaited their arrival. She waited until all of them had ordered, and their small-talk had been exhausted before she announced her news.

  “I was able to find out where April and Emily are staying. I talked with their foster-mother on the phone, and she said they were doing as well as could be expected given the circumstances. I could hear them playing in the background, and they seemed pretty happy.” Shemalla stopped talking and smiled with delight.

  Diane picked up her napkin and dabbed at the moisture which sprang immediately to her eyes. After the terrible visit at the jail, and the lack of progress with the social workers, this was music to her ears. At least one thing had gone right that day, and she was able to breathe easier knowing the kids were not scared.

  “What’s next?” Chris asked Shemalla.

  “I’m really good friends with their caseworker, so I should be able to get the kids released to you in a couple of days. Of course, you’ll still have to fill out all of the paperwork and pay all of the assessments, but it should be pretty smooth sailing.”

  Diane’s whimpers turned to open sobs as her tightly strung emotions were finally able to find a release with her relief. “Oh, thank you, Shemalla!”

  “Yes,” Amanda seconded her mother’s gratitude, “Thank you!”

  Shemalla reached under the table and brought her satchel up onto the bench beside her. “I have the paperwork with me. Would you like me to show it to you?”

  “Absolutely!” Chris nodded enthusiastically.

  “I know this sounds absurd, but you and Diane will have to petition to become foster parents and be approved before the girls can be released to your custody. There’s also the matter of taking them back to Florida, so you’ll have to fill out this other form.” She held out each group of papers as she told them about the process. “Once all of this is signed by the judge, then you will be free to take the children with you.”

  “Will we be able to take them to the jail to say goodbye to their mother? I’m not sure they know she’s okay, and I don’t want them to be afraid for her.” Diane’s own concern for her daughter was clear to everyone at the table.

  “I’m sure that can be arranged,” Shemalla agreed. She picked up the thick stack of papers and tapped them back into order on the table before she shoved them into the oversized envelope and folded it closed. She handed it over to Chris and said, “Be sure to call me if you get stuck on any o
f the questions. Most of it is pretty straightforward, but I understand it can get confusing if you’re not used to the ways they ask things.”

  “Thanks,” Chris replied as he took the envelope and put it down on the table between himself and Diane. He patted it, feeling a sense of relief at being able to do something which would bring them closer to getting their grandchildren back.

  If it had not been considered rude, he would have left at that moment to get started. One look over at Diane told him she was thinking the same thing. He patted her hand to comfort her as much as himself. Just then, the waitress brought their food, and they ate with lighter hearts and better appetites than they had originally planned.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  DAVEN AWOKE EARLIER than normal and lay in bed wondering what had been the cause. He turned his head and saw Nena was still sound asleep on her side, facing him. He smiled and eased himself out of bed, trying to keep from moving the covers too much which would cause an unwelcome cold breeze. It was not very often that he rose before she did, so he was unused to trying to be quiet.

  He grabbed his robe off of the chair next to the door and silently let himself out of their room. Daven decided he would use another bathroom to allow Nena to continue to rest. Having the girls visit with them was more tiring than he would have believed, even though they pretty much entertained themselves.

  The halls were empty of any people at this hour and quieter than he was used to. There was an eerie sense of something coming which he could not place. He looked around him, not knowing what he expected to see, but had to laugh at himself when there was nothing out of place. He decided to go to his office and drink some hot tea to settle his nerves.

  Once he had a few sips inside him, he turned on his patil and decided to try to catch up on his work while there was still some quiet time to concentrate. He scanned the screen for any messages marked urgent and handled the two which were blinking red. Once those were handled, he began going through all of the other messages.

  He was surprised when he came across not only one but two, messages from Vinia. One message was marked from several days before, and he had no idea why he had not seen it sooner. When he opened it, he was shocked to read that Ozias had been found. It was nice to have that mystery solved since it was bad for an Elder to lose a foreigner.

  The next message left him scratching his head in wonder. He read it again to make sure he had it right and then sat back in his chair and chuckled. He could just imagine Vinia’s situation as a new leader for the community and then here comes this handsome stranger. If that were not bad enough, he asks her to marry him? It was almost too much. He sobered slightly as he realized this was actually not a laughing matter, but very serious indeed.

  Foreigners were not encouraged to stay in Tuala, but Ozias’ situation was unique. He would have to put some real thought into this problem and not be hasty with his answer. Maybe he should plan a trip out to the colony to meet with the couple. It might give him some clarity if he could see the two together.

  Noises from the hallway broke into his reverie, and he left his chair to investigate. Once he cracked open his office door, the sounds he had heard became laughter from his granddaughters as they made their way to the great room. “Hey!” he called out causing them both to jump in fright.

  Jena’s hand had risen to her throat, and they both turned in the same motion to see who had called out from behind them. Relief instantly registered on their expressions, and they both grinned as they began walking back toward his office. “I’m sorry, Grandpa. Did we bother you?”

  “No, no, not at all,” he said as he hugged them each good morning and stepped back into his office with a gesture for them to follow. “I was just going over some work, and I discovered a couple of interesting things. First, you’ll be happy to know Ozias has been found.”

  Juila blushed slightly at the thought of the older man who had been so infatuated with her when she had discovered him on her telepod after the close call on Viceroy Blair’s spaceship. She stammered slightly and said, “I didn’t know he was missing. Where has he been?”

  Now it was Daven’s turn to backtrack as he realized he had never told the girls that Ozias had gone missing during the return of the women to the Roanoke Colony. He wished he had not said anything, but it was too late to take back what he had said. He recovered swiftly and said, “Apparently he was wandering in the wilderness near the Roanoke Colony. He has asked to remain with the women and children there, and I think I might approve the request.

  “Would you girls like to take a trip out there with me today? Another matter has come to my attention which I think I should handle personally.” He tried to make the visit seem casual, but he had also seen how Ozias had been around Juila and wanted to see if Ozias were beyond feelings for his granddaughter, or if he just loved women in general and would show interest in both at the same time. He felt slightly guilty for using Juila in such a fashion, yet he could not think of another test which would be as insightful before he gave Vinia a final decision.

  From the calculating look on Jena’s face, Daven could only assume she suspected something was going on, but she was too polite to read his mind to find out. Also, he was too stubborn to say anything, so there was a slight standoff.

  Juila, only thinking about being able to fly the telepod, nodded her head enthusiastically and said, “I think it’d be a fun trip. What do you think Jena?”

  “Sure. When were you planning on leaving?”

  “Oh, probably pretty soon after breakfast. Do you have any other plans for today?”

  “I had planned on getting grandma to work with her samara, but it can wait.”

  Daven approved of Jena’s interest in the samaras. All of the prodding and pushing of his own had not resulted in getting Nena to touch her crystal, but Jena seemed to have a way with getting people to do as she wished. He was grateful since a bond had clearly been made between his wife and the object she had previously been afraid to touch, so that had turned out well in his mind.

  “I don’t think we’ll be gone too long. Maybe you could plan a session for her this afternoon or maybe this evening?”

  Jena shrugged indifferently. She just wanted to make sure Nena kept a regular schedule with her samara so a proper bond could be maintained. There was something about Nena and her samara which made her think it was more important than it had been with any of the others she had encountered. It was almost as if this new samara had a story to share which would somehow make a difference in their lives. She could not explain the difference, but she meant to find out what it could be before she had to return home.

  Daven began making plans for their departure. He turned to his patil and assigned several of his appointments for the morning to his aids. Luckily afternoon was already clear so he would not have any reason to be forced to return early. With a flourish of activity on his keyboard, he turned off his patil and looked over at the girls. “Shall we go to the kitchen to see what Melba has prepared for breakfast?”

  “What about Grandma?” Juila asked.

  “I think she’s going to be sleeping for a while yet.” Daven smiled at the thought of how peaceful she had looked when he had left her. The rest would do her good.


  The last thing Petre remembered was the burly attendant handing him some pills to take. At first, he had refused, but the attendant had told him that it was standard protocol for someone in his condition. The promise of food immediately after the pills was enough to convince Petre to toss them in his mouth and wash them down with the water from the paper cup, also supplied by the attendant.

  By the rumbling in his stomach, Petre was certain he had never gotten the food. He rolled over onto his side and watched in fascination as light streaks of elemy floated through the room. He wondered what kind of power the hospital had to be able to create such a unique display. The light show kept him mesmerized for an unknown amount of time.

  Another movement shifted
his focus, and he belatedly recognized the man who had brought him to the room in the first place. “Hey, you,” he slurred as he attempted to sit up in the bed. “I thought you said I was gonna get sumpin to eat.” Petre somehow got his feet up underneath him, and he swayed dangerously as he stood up to confront the man.

  “I’ll bring your lunch as soon as you take your pills,” he answered swiftly.

  “I’m not falling for that trick again! No, I want food first.” He crossed his arms defiantly and tried to maintain focus on the man who suddenly became two men, then just as swiftly one again. He was starting to get dizzy and shook his head to clear his vision. His balance gave out, and he stumbled to the side, luckily the wall kept him from toppling all of the way.

  “Easy now, Petre. Be good and take your pills and I’ll go and get your lunch.” He held out his hand to offer the medication, believing Petre would cooperate.

  “I said no!” Petre pushed himself away from the wall and attempted to punch the attendant’s face. His swing was wide of the target, and he found himself face-down on the floor with the man resting his knee in the middle of his back. “Get off of me! I want out of here! I want food! What are you doing?”

  “I’m giving you your medication,” he grunted as he pulled a syringe and bottle from his jacket pocket and prepared the injection.

  Petre continued to struggle ineffectually. He felt the waistband of his pants being pulled down and a sharp stab of pain in his buttock. “Ouch! Stop that! What are you doing? Get off of me!” Petre was surprised when he was suddenly left alone on the floor. He rolled onto his side and rubbed his bottom as he tried to see where the man had gone. From the edge of his vision, he could see the door closing and the bottom of a shoe as it took the last step from his room.


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