Ascension Vision- The Levels of Ascension Box Set

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Ascension Vision- The Levels of Ascension Box Set Page 77

by Amy Proebstel

  “I’ll arrange a transport to the landing field,” Rasa offered in apology for keeping them so long.

  “Thanks,” Amanda said as their large group headed out.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  TO SAY PETRE was surprised by the instant transfer to Menad would have been a gross understatement. At first, he had been terrified to find himself returned to the nothingness between the locations, until he materialized on the grounds of the Residence in Menad. The place had not changed in the fifteen anons since he had last set foot on the island of his birth.

  Several people had noticed his appearance. They skirted away from where he stood, wary of his entrance, and speaking excitedly with one another as they left. Petre wondered how long it would take for one of Elder Rylon’s people to come and investigate the aberration.

  It was a testament to the security of the Residence when Petre saw two officials converging upon him. He could hardly blame them for being suspicious. How many people translated into the Residence unless they were up to no good? Petre was both proud and dismayed to discover Elder Daven had put him in this strange situation. He had been eager to get to the island, but he wished he would have had more time to formulate a proper speech for his interview with the Elder.

  “State your business, Petre!” the guard challenged as soon as he came close enough to identify the intruder.

  “I was sent here by Elder Daven to meet with Elder Rylon,” Petre stated matter-of-factly.

  “So you don’t have an appointment?” the second guard sneered, not quite asking.

  “No, I can come back when it’s more convenient.” His statement obviously baffled the two officiants. He was certain they were expecting to goad him into anger by the rudeness of their challenges to his mission. He turned to leave when they remained still, simply staring at him in dismay.

  “Wait here! I’ll see when the Elder has any openings in his busy schedule,” the first guard spoke with authority. “Stay here with him, Tiun.”

  Petre did a double-take at Tiun and tilted his head as he tried to recall a memory. Suddenly it hit him. “We went to school together, didn’t we, Tiun? I knew you looked familiar. If I’m not mistaken, the other guard,” Petre gestured after the retreating man, “his name’s Kemeron, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, Petre, I had the unfortunate ability to claim you as my classmate. Kemeron was an anon ahead of us.”

  Used to being dismissed rudely, Petre tried not to let Tiun’s reaction to him cause him any pain. He found it was harder than it used to be, that is, before he was changed. Chosen really, Petre admitted to himself.

  “So how long have you been a guard for the Elder? How did it come about?” Petre attempted to make small talk while they had to wait.

  “I found out about it on assignment day, you know, the one you skipped out on. I’ve been working here for six anons.”

  “If you want to know…,” Petre began.

  “I don’t,” Tiun rudely cut him off.

  “I came here to discuss my assignment with the Elder. I’m ready to take whatever punishment I’ve got coming to make it right with Elder Rylon.”

  “Hmph,” Tiun replied. Inwardly, he wondered what had caused Petre’s personality change. He could tell there was an inner peace which had been severely lacking in him as a teenager.

  Petre gave up on trying to be conversational with his old adversary from school. He stood with his hands clasped behind his back and lowered his head until his chin was resting on his chest. His thoughts were racing about what this meeting would be like and when it might actually happen.

  Several minutes passed by until he heard footsteps approaching swiftly. He looked up and saw Kemeron returning with a puzzled expression. Petre made a swift decision and turned to Tiun and looked him in the eyes as he said, “I’m really sorry for all of the things which went wrong between us when we were kids. I’ve made some really dumb decisions in my life, but I’m working on turning it all around. I hope you can accept my apology.”

  Clearly not expecting such a speech from Petre, he stammered for a reply. His answer was cut off when Kemeron stepped close to them.

  He announced stiffly, “Elder Rylon is expecting you. Follow me.”

  Petre was just as puzzled with Kemeron’s announcement, but he no longer questioned the ways of the Elders. He stepped behind the large man and only looked straight ahead. His eyes did not take in any of the stunning beauty around him; his thoughts were too concerned with the upcoming reception with Elder Rylon and what sanctions might be imposed on him for missing the original appointment. Surely, there would have to be a price paid for not following the directives of society.

  The room Petre entered was just as grand as Elder Daven’s reception room in Pantano. Petre moved past the two guards, alone to discover his fate. The man who held his future in his hands sat in front of a large stained-glass window, backlighting him so Petre could not read his expression. He wondered if it were a planned position to allow the Elder to read his subject’s mood without giving away his own.

  “Better late than never, heh, Petre?” Elder Rylon spoke quietly when Petre stopped only a short distance away from him.

  “I’ve come here to be at your mercy, Elder. Thank you for seeing me without an appointment. I know your time is valuable and I’m unworthy of your audience.” Petre gave the Elder as formal of a bow as he knew how to make, hoping it would be interpreted as a sign of respect and not as a mockery.

  “Please sit down, Petre.” He gestured to the seat beside him and waited for compliance before he spoke again.

  Petre hurriedly took the seat, anxious to get this interview finished so he could begin his life with Tirsha. Whatever the Elder deemed would be proper punishment, he would willingly endure so long as the outcome would be his life being set back on course.

  “Just so you know, I received an urgent message from Elder Daven letting me know of his unorthodox method of transporting you to my Residence. Once again, I’ve been surprised by something you’ve done. Tell me, Petre, why have you decided to present yourself to me today? What has changed?” Rylon sat back in his chair and studied the various expressions on Petre’s face as he thought about his answer.

  “I experienced something so profound it has changed my entire perspective on what I want in life.” Petre immediately closed his mouth on the other ideas which wanted to be voiced, but which would probably make the Elder question the validity of his story.

  “What experience would that be, Petre?” Rylon was still skeptical of Petre’s sincerity, but he could see there was a calmness within the man across from him which he had never seen before. Maybe there was something changed within the man who had continually brought shame to his District. Because Elder Daven had chosen to send him home and arrange a private meeting let Elder Rylon know he should take this seriously and not brush it off as another deception perpetrated upon him and his District.

  “I almost died, and then I met the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. She has made me realize I need to get my affairs in order so I can be who she needs me to be. I am changed because she sees me for the man I can be and not the man I’ve been. I need to prove I’m worthy of her love.

  “For the past fifteen anons, I’ve been selfish, self-absorbed, and generally destructive. I don’t like who I’ve become, and I want a fresh start. I want to make amends for the mistakes I’ve made, and it begins with apologizing to everyone whom I have wronged. Whatever penance you want me to pay, I will do so willingly if I can have a second chance with my lottery assignment.” Petre looked down at his lap as his speech ended. Either the Elder would believe him or find fault, Petre had no one else to blame except himself if it were the latter.

  “A fair speech given the fact I know Elder Daven has shared with you the assignment you were given. Do you also realize I have the authority to issue whatever assignment I deem fitting, regardless of what is written on the paper you’ve read?”

  Petre swallowed hard and
nodded sharply. He did not trust his voice to remain neutral, so he opted silence instead.

  Thinking it was about time Petre learned consequences to his actions, Rylon raised his voice and declared, “The assignment I give you will be as you have seen.” Rylon’s hands immediately covered his mouth, and his eyes grew large in fear. “No, that’s not what I meant to say. Petre your new assignment will be…” his voice faltered slightly, “…permanent retirement.”

  Rylon jumped up from the chair, angry beyond belief. “What is this that you’ve done, Petre? How are you able to make me say things I don’t intend? What sort of deception are you practicing over me?”

  “Me? I don’t understand. I’ve done nothing except put myself at your mercy. Are you saying you don’t wish for my assignment to stand? Believe me; I will do whatever assignment you want me to do. I have earned punishment for my prior actions.”

  “Good! Your punishment will be …permanent retirement!” Elder Rylon stamped his foot in frustration. He turned and left the room without another word. The double doors slammed open with the force of Rylon’s departure and flew back closed.

  Petre stared after him in amazed confusion. He could see how the Elder had tried to say something different, and it was almost as if he were unable to get any other words out other than his original assignment. Unsure of what he should do next, Petre stood up, wiping the sweat from his palms onto his thighs as he did so. He retraced his steps across the room and calmly opened one leaf of the great doors.

  The guards looked at him curiously but offered no suggestions.

  Petre walked past them both and knew they followed at a distance behind him. He left the hallway and went out onto the patio overlooking the island city. The hustle of the people seemed out of place against the quietness of the Residence. He wondered how often Rylon stood just in this spot pleased to look out over the industrious people in his care.

  Unsure of how much time had passed, Petre was surprised when Elder Rylon’s voice sounded just behind him. He whirled around, his startled expression giving himself away. “I’m sorry, Elder Rylon. I should have left long ago. I’ll be leaving right now.”

  “Petre, wait. I should be the one apologizing to you. I’m ashamed to admit I was acting out of anger and revenge when I spoke with you privately. You came to me with humility, and I repaid you with spite. Please forgive me.”

  “I’ve earned it, Elder Rylon. Please don’t apologize; I don’t blame you one bit.” Petre held out his hands in entreaty.

  “Still, Jehoban has entrusted me to help His people, and I almost abused my position to satisfy my human desires rather than seeing the wisdom of Jehoban’s plan for you. You have taught me a valuable lesson about overcoming arrogance.

  “Please walk the grounds with me, Petre. I’m curious to find out about this woman who has made such a difference in you.”

  Petre smiled, more than happy to speak of Tirsha. As they wandered about the garden paths, Petre told of how he had tried to translate himself and ended up getting stuck inside the transfer. He also spoke of finding Tirsha in the same predicament and how Elder Daven had rescued them both. He withheld the parts of the story about coming from Earth and having the samara, feeling they held no relevance to the tale. He also felt deep within himself that the samara should not be mentioned.

  Elder Rylon did not seem to notice the two missing details. He whistled softly as he realized how close Petre had come to finding his demise. It was entirely possible the extraordinary experience had permanently changed Petre.

  When they reached the center of the gardens, Rylon indicated they should stop and rest for a bit and enjoy the serenity of the fountain in the shallow pond. He sighed deeply as he sat on the bench facing the view. After a short internal debate, Rylon reached into the pocket of his long, white tunic and handed Petre a folded paper.

  With a surprised expression, Petre automatically took the paper, but he left it closed. Instead of satisfying his curiosity, his hand still outstretched, Petre asked, “What is this?”

  “It is your assignment, plus an additional amendment I’ve included. Please read it and let me know if it is satisfactory for you.” Rylon pushed his hand toward him to get him to do as asked.

  Thumbing open the flap, Petre’s gaze fell onto the words of the page. His eyes filled with tears, spilling tears down onto the writing. “I don’t deserve this. It would be easier to accept punishment rather than this.”

  “What, would you prefer it if I banned you from the island of your birth?”

  “Yes! Is this what you wish of me? I’ll do it, you know.” Hope filled his eyes as he looked earnestly at the Elder.

  Rylon shook his head in wonder. He knew Petre still had family living in his District so it actually would be a hardship. As much as it would satisfy him to agree to the amended terms, he shook his head in denial. “No, I won’t do such to you, Petre. It would not be the right thing.” After a moment’s pause, Rylon snapped his fingers, and he declared, “Promise me, no matter what happens with this woman, you will remain changed for the good. Denounce all of your former ties and illegal activities. Treat everyone with respect and make amends with everyone you’ve wronged. If you will do all of those things, then I will consider this your punishment for delaying your assignment.”

  “Yes, I’ll do it. You’re wise to challenge me to this task. I’ll make you proud of me yet.”

  “Good, we have an agreement then?” he asked as he held out his hand for them to shake on it.

  “Gladly,” Petre replied with a relieved grin on his face. He grasped the Elder’s hand firmly and gave it a single pump to seal the deal.

  “Since we’ve gotten that out of the way, I want you to know your money has been held in an account for you, with interest. I’m certain you’ll find the sum to be satisfactory. You will also be receiving a mesanly stipend to be withdrawn on the first of each mesan. If anything should happen to you, there are rights of survivorship for your spouse and children, should you decide to make Tirsha your wife.” Elder Rylon grinned at Petre’s look of wonder as he handed Petre his own chit for accessing the account. Feeling charitable, he added, “As a bonus, I’ve included a house with the retirement so you can begin enjoying your new life on land.”

  “No, Elder Rylon, it’s too much!” Petre stood up; his mind muddled over being treated so well. The chit felt heavy with responsibility in his hand.

  “I insist! Besides, don’t you think your new partner would appreciate a place to live?”

  Petre’s eyes grew round as he took in the suggestion and began imagining how he would be able to get started right away. No longer was the prospect of being married to Tirsha a far-off dream; it was an immediate possibility. “You’re right. You are so wise, Elder Rylon. I can’t wait to tell Tirsha! Wait! Where is the house located? I’m going to have to live near the Port of Cresdon if this is going to work out.”

  “Well then, it’s truly your lucky day, Petre! The house is not only in the Port of Cresdon, but it’s also across the street from Captain Ahn’s house. Will it do well enough for you?”

  Petre fell into a heap onto the ground, unable to support himself under the weight of the news. Never could he have planned this any better for himself. All of his dreams were being realized even as he was discovering them for the first time right along with Elder Rylon.

  “Petre? Are you okay?” Elder Rylon asked in alarm. He knelt beside Petre and tied himself into the other man’s life-line to help determine his health and assist if necessary. As soon as he connected the link, Elder Rylon knew there was no deception in Petre’s joy. Noting there was no medical issue, Rylon pulled his power away from Petre.

  He had been terribly wrong in treating Petre badly. There was no deception anywhere within him, and he had not tried to guard his thoughts against him at all. A true change had been achieved during his incident in the nothingness between the dimensions. Maybe there was something to his experience to be learned for reforming other miscreants.

  Rylon returned to the bench and allowed Petre to pull himself back together. He wished to speak more with him, but he knew the time for talking would be at a later date. The ripples in the pond reminded him of the shifting ideas of man. How far would the effects reach? He hoped he had done enough on his own part, enough to make Jehoban proud of him.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  WILLIAN EXPERTLY LANDED the telepod in the Stel’s garage. The only unexpected thing to happen was when Riccan’s telepod popped into its place next to Amanda’s. After finishing the shut-down procedures, Willian turned to smile at Amanda sitting in the co-pilot’s seat.

  “Well, we beat Riccan home, at least,” he said with a huge grin on his face.

  Amanda chuckled at his expression and nodded. “Yes, we did.” She did not wait for Willian to leave the cockpit first, as she had before, she was too anxious to see Riccan and share all of her news with him. She palmed the side panel open and stepped out just in time to see Riccan walking around his own telepod to greet her.

  She rushed forward and threw her arms around his neck, squeezing him close to her. With Riccan’s arms surrounding her, she felt her feet being lifted off of the ground. “I’ve got some major news to share when we’re alone,” she whispered in his ear just before he set her down.

  Riccan’s eyebrows rose with interest, but he merely nodded to let her know he would wait as soon as he saw Willian and Valentina exit her telepod. “What’s been going on?” he asked Willian, keeping his arm across his wife’s shoulders when she turned away from him.

  “Valentina received an invitation from Rasa to visit with Gevena, so we just got back from Manzanit. If it’s still okay with Amanda, we’ll be returning tomorrow to give Gevena some crystal lessons.”

  “Sure, that’ll be just fine,” Amanda agreed readily, hoping it would expedite their departure to leave Amanda to speak freely with her husband.


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