Tempting Offer: A Reverse Harem Romance (The Code Book 6)

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Tempting Offer: A Reverse Harem Romance (The Code Book 6) Page 2

by Bethany Jadin

  The girls laugh, and Cora shakes her head. “You are not old, Zoey. And age has nothing to do with it, anyway.”

  Callie takes a long sip of her drink while eyeing me. “It just means you’re done with the casual hook-ups, honey. Happens to the best of us.”

  If it’s one thing girlfriends are good for, it’s stream of consciousness spewing, so I let mine just spill out. “I’ve always enjoyed short-term flings because, well, it seems like the best parts of dating, doesn’t it? All the wining, dining, and hot sex. Those first couple weeks when guys are on their best behavior, you know? But then they start farting and scratching their balls in front of you. And the dates stop being inventive and exciting like they are at the beginning. No more flowers and fun surprises.”

  “Ugh,” Cora sighs. “You know, I’ve never had a guy give me flowers, not once? I don’t think it happens as often as movies would have us believe.”

  “What?” Callie whips her head toward her sister with surprise. “You’ve gotten flowers before.”

  “Okay, technically, sure.” Cora rolls her eyes. “Once for prom and twice on Valentine’s day. But guys who only give you flowers because they have to is like claiming you’ve been to Disneyland when all you did was drive through the parking lot. Your GPS routed you there, and you just followed directions.”

  Callie snorts and squints at her. “I think I need a few more drinks in me before that analogy will make any sense.”

  “What I’m saying is, those don’t count,” Cora says, narrowing her eyes. “It was obligation, not romance. There wasn’t any meaning behind it.”

  Callie holds up a dismissive hand to her sister and turns to me. “You know, flowers aren’t everything. Don and I have been together for how long now? Ages. He’s brought me flowers maybe three times. And yeah, he scratches his nuts — and his ass and everything else — in front of me,” she says with a laugh. “But it doesn’t bother me. Really.”

  I wrinkle my nose. “You’re a better woman than I am, then.”

  “Nah, it’s just a perspective shift. It might not be sexy, but it’s real. And knowing he feels the same about me, even when I’m sick and look like shit, or I’m binge-watching my favorite tv shows in sweatpants while scarfing down a whole bag of potato chips. That’s not any dude’s fantasy, but it’s what we do, right? If you find the right person, it’s worth pushing through the disenchantment that happens after the infatuation phase wears off, because then it becomes really amazing.”

  I raise an eyebrow at her. “Yeah?”

  She nods. “Yeah. There’s this depth and stability that’s like nothing else. It’s hard to explain, but it feels like this delicious, warm hug wrapping you tight. I might not get butterflies every time I think of Don now, but my heart is so full, so content and satisfied.”

  My eyes move back to the edge of the bay, where the jet skis disappeared out of sight. “I think Emma found that.”

  Cora follows my gaze. “She did. In spades. And maybe that’s what you’re ready for, too.”


  THE THING JUST KEEPS getting bigger.

  I ease off the jet ski’s throttle and let my momentum drift me toward the temporary dock. The yacht’s crew has laid out plastic, wooden-textured platforms that float on top of the water, perfectly spaced for the six of us to be able to pull right up between them to the side of the ship like we’re an incoming motorcycle gang.

  I smirk at the thought, glancing over to Jax.

  He kinda looks like he’s on his hog. Legs wide. Strong, tattooed arms bowed out, feathering the gas as he draws closer. I like that he’s let his beard grow out, and that life jacket might pass for an MC vest from a distance, if it weren’t for the neon color.

  I can almost picture what he must have looked like before he cleaned up and settled in with his Pentabyte brothers.

  Pulling into place between two of the floating docks, I kill the engine and carefully step from the running board of the jet ski onto the makeshift platform.

  One of the crew members holds his hand out to steady me as I make the transition. He and the rest of the staff are wearing crisp, white linen uniforms as their attire and a hint of amusement in their expressions.

  It’s something I’m getting used to these days. Hell, I’m even finding it a little entertaining, myself. Because under that knowing smile he’s trying so hard to hide, there’s also respect and admiration. That’s right, all these gorgeous men are mine.

  Daniel pulls between the floating docks as well and steps onto the same platform I’m on. “You want to wash the saltwater off before we get settled?”

  “I do.” I nod. “But I want a tour first. This thing is huge.”

  I cast my eyes toward the large, open space in front of us, placed right in the center of the yacht, just above sea-level. It looks like a big garage more than anything. The wide bay doors are rolled up on both sides, allowing me to see straight through.

  The dock rocks violently without warning, and I squeal as I lose my balance. Daniel grabs ahold of me just as I tip backward, and he pulls me in close. We hunch together, lowering our centers of gravity to stay upright as the platform rolls and sways.

  Daniel glares playfully over my shoulder. “Really? You had to jump?”

  I turn to look, and of course it’s Gunner. My big man has his arms out, trying to steady himself like a surfer on a rogue wave, and he has a wide-eyed look of surprise.

  “Sorry,” he says. “Didn’t know it was going to do that.”

  Jude steps up from the floating dock and into the wide bay of the yacht, shaking his head. “Gunner, you could capsize a fucking submarine. Just get your big ass up here.”

  “You got it, Chief.” Gunner practically tiptoes across the platform. “Want me to stash the jet skis?”

  “Don’t worry about that, sir. That’s what the staff is here for.” A middle-aged man in crisply pressed slacks and a blazer appears at the edge of the bay beside Jude, glancing down at us with a welcoming smile. The captain or first mate, I’m guessing.

  Gunner cocks his head to the side, incredulity in his voice. “Did you just call me sir?”

  Trigg smacks him with a backhand to the chest. “Yeah, yeah, we know. You work for a living.”

  Jude turns to the man in uniform. “Thank you, Eugene. It would be very appreciated.”

  His kind tone is rewarded with a genuine smile from the man. “Of course,” Eugene says with a nod. “We will take care of everything... and then make ourselves scarce. Welcome aboard the Foxy Lady.”

  Gunner points at me with a grin. “Meet the inspiration behind the name.”

  I shoot Gunner a look as Eugene’s gaze turns to me.

  “Very nice choice on the name, sir,” he tells Gunner in a polite, professional tone, but that admiring smirk he’s trying to hide shines through a little, making a blush sweep across my face.

  Jude guides us through proper introductions one at a time, and I guessed correctly — Eugene will be our captain for this adventure.

  “The chef has laid out hors d’oeuvres,” the captain informs us once introductions are finished, “and there are bottles of champagne as well, chilled and ready for you.”

  “Sounds great, I’m starving,” Gunner says, rubbing a hand over his stomach.

  Trigg blinks at him. “We just finished dinner. Actually, it wasn’t even dinner, it was a feast fit for kings. And you ate enough to kill a horse.”

  Gunner shrugs. “Good thing I’m not a horse.”

  “I heard you mention a tour,” the captain says to me. “I’d recommend heading to the right, there. The crew quarters are beyond that door, but before you get to the staff area, you’ll find the central stairs, which extend through all four levels.”

  “Four levels?” I can’t hold back a scoff as I glance at the guys in surprise. “This thing’s nearly the size of our house.”

  Jax makes his way over to us from the furthest floating dock, and a pronounced smirk plays across his face as he stops next
to me. “It’s much bigger than Jackass’s. Made damn sure of that.”

  Oh, he knows how to put me in a good mood. I shift closer and lay my hand on Jax’s bare chest, tracing the dark lines of his tattoo.

  His lips touch mine, and I savor the delicious flavor of ocean salt as he kisses me. I can nearly taste the tropical sun on his tongue. His rough palm slides around my waist, his fingers pressing into my flesh possessively, lighting every inch of my skin on fire.

  Then Daniel’s hand is on my back, his voice low. “There’s plenty of time for that later, you two. Let’s not give the poor crew more of an eyeful than they bargained for.”

  Jax doesn’t release his grip. “They better get used to it, because this is just getting started. What do you think, Ms. Emma Collins?”

  “Aren’t I a Misses now?”

  Jax lifts my hand, spinning the wedding ring on my finger as he stares straight into my soul. “Yes, ma’am. That’s fucking right. You’re ours. Now and always.”

  I stare right back at him, letting his gaze consume me. “I am. Now and always.”

  It’s been an amazing day, one that has outshined even my wildest dreams. And now, this is going to be a night to remember.

  I’ve never wanted them all so badly as I do tonight — we’ve made the leap into the unknown together, pledged our love in front of our friends and family. And now it’s almost time to share the physical expression of that unity with all five of my men at once.

  Jax slowly relaxes his possessive grip on my waist as his brother extends a hand to me. Jude helps me from the floating dock up into the bay.

  “Please, let us know if there is anything you need, and we’ll see to it right away,” the captain tells me with a slight bow and a warm smile before turning and disappearing from sight.

  “Well, I damn near feel like royalty,” I say with a giddy grin. I glance around, impressed by the vastness of the space, which is nearly empty.

  “This is where the temporary dock and the jet skis are stowed,” Jude explains, answering my question before I even ask.

  “Ah, that makes sense.”

  “And the speed boats are in a different bay at the back of the ship,” Gunner adds.

  “Speed boats, as in plural?” I ask with raised eyebrows.

  “Sure, of course,” Gunner says with a big grin. “There’s room, so why not?”

  I shake my head with a laugh. “You do love your toys.”

  “And the faster, the better,” he agrees.

  We make our way through the bay to the door on the right the captain pointed us to. I expected the halls to be barely shoulder-width and the steps to be steep and narrow, but no.

  Of course, not. That’s not what millions of dollars buys.

  We wind our way up the wide, sweeping spiral staircase to the next floor — or deck — or whatever the hell levels on a ship are called. I’m going to have to get the lingo down.

  Jude points to the right. “Guests’ quarters are down there. Four big bedrooms with a bathroom each. There’s a small kitchen, too. But there’s also this...” He turns to the left and opens a door, inviting me to step through.

  Good God. My jaw drops open as I walk inside. In a mansion, the room might not seem huge. But on a boat? It’s enormous. “I think... I think this is bigger than the apartment I had in your building.”

  “It’s our building now, love,” Daniel reminds me. “And not quite as big, but it’s nice, yes?”

  “Yes. Very yes,” I say with an appreciative nod.

  Jax detours immediately, and I turn to see where he’s headed. There’s a bar. An actual bar. Not a wet bar, but the kind I’d expect to see in — well, a bar. There have to be at least two hundred liquor bottles on the mirrored wall behind the counter, all stored away in secure shelving. Across from it is an elegant dining space with a table set for at least ten.

  Turning my view back to the rest of the space, there are two beautifully upholstered sectionals facing each other with a large coffee table between them, and beyond that, leather reading chairs surrounding a gas-lit fireplace.

  I don’t know where I got the image that’s been stuck in my head of what a luxury yacht looks like, but it wasn’t this. This would put most five-star hotels to shame. I’m staring in stunned silence at the exquisite details and the opulence of it all when I hear the clinking of glass.

  My bearded bad boy has six tumblers laid out on the bar and a few bottles pulled from the shelves. He extends a bottle of Pendleton toward me with a lifted eyebrow. It’s cheap whiskey by the guys’ standards, but it’s one of the few I’ve grown to like. I’ve always been a wine and cosmopolitan lover, but they’re slowly working on me.

  I give him a nod. “Yes, please.”

  “That’s my girl,” he says with an approving wink.

  “This is our common area,” Daniel explains, his hand sweeping through the air. “If we have guests or get tired of talking to each other and want to hang out with the crew, this is where it would happen. The next deck up is our private space.”

  I accept my whiskey from Jax and let the powerful aroma rouse me from the sleepiness I’m beginning to feel now that the day’s events and the afterglow of hours in sunshine are finally catching up with me.

  The first sip goes down with a nice, smooth burn. “You guys, this is just amazing. I never could have imagined.”

  “Sure you could’ve,” Trigg says. “In fact, I’m sure you have. This might’ve been a dream at one time, but it isn’t anymore.”

  “I have to keep reminding myself of that.” I lay my hand on his strong shoulder then let it slide down his chest, savoring the warmth and firmness under my palm.

  He leans forward and kisses me, breathing me in deeply as he does. “You are so damn tempting. Maybe we should just start here, christen this place first.”

  Daniel slaps his palm down on the granite bar top. “No, let’s keep moving. We have plans, boys.”

  He sends a conspiratorial smile around the group, and I squint at the lot of them. “Plans, you say?”

  Gunner swipes his drink from the bar. “Yes, foxy lady. Let’s get that pretty ass in the shower. Up we go.”

  With that, I’m ushered back out the door and up the stairs.

  “I know Callie and Cora offered to keep her, but I’d love to bring Mabel with us. Think she would be okay out here?” I ask as we climb to the next deck.

  “Okay?” Jude laughs. “She’d love it. We wouldn’t be able to get her off the sundeck. Haven’t you seen her beach bumming it with Zoey all week?”

  My stomach twists a little at the mention of my best friend. “Speaking of, there’s something up with her. I can tell she has something on her mind, but she isn’t telling me.”

  Gunner places a reassuring hand on my back. “Zoey’s a big girl. She’s sure as shit proven that. Besides, it seems like her and Callie and Cora have become pretty tight. If she needs someone to talk to tonight, she knows they have her back.”

  “Exactly. Tonight we have you all to ourselves,” Jax says, and the salacious tone of his voice comes out as almost a growl, sending a shiver of anticipation up my spine.

  Jude points to the right as we reach the next landing. “Our private kitchen and living area are that way. To the left is our office away from home.”

  There’s glass — or acrylic glass of some kind, I’m guessing — everywhere up here, flooding the indoor spaces with light and gorgeous views of the ocean. Workout equipment and a massive sundeck are just ahead.

  Daniel disappears around a corner to the left. “Come on. Our bedroom’s over here,” his voice calls.

  Following him around the corner, we pass through another doorway, and the scene takes my breath away.

  We have to be nearly fifty feet up from sea level at this point, and the bedroom opens up onto a panoramic private deck, pointed directly at the setting sun. The room is decorated lavishly, with rich woods and pale linens, the whole space awash with warm tones of the sunset.

The bed is, of course, gigantic, just like the one we have at home. And it’s set against the opposite wall from the floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors, so that we can fall asleep and wake up to that beautiful view.

  My hands are at my mouth in awe, drinking in the room, the view, and then my men, looking at me with hope and desire and love as I turn to each of them.

  Jude’s arms wrap around me from behind. “Think you can handle roughing it here with us for a few weeks while we sail around the world?”

  “I’ll try my best,” I say when I’ve finally caught my breath.


  I’M IMPRESSED WITH the professionalism of the staff. I’m sure it was a surprise seeing us all together at first, but I haven’t spotted a single raised eyebrow over what I know would be a salivating piece of gossip for most. Five men on a yacht with one woman, and the crew asked to keep to their quarters tonight once we’re settled?

  Like they don’t know.

  Most employees wouldn’t be able to contain their curious stares or hide their giddy anticipation of talking about it with each other later.

  But these are not run-of-the-mill employees. They’re used to serving at the hands of notorious billionaires and eccentric celebrities, so no doubt they’ve seen more than their fair share of unusual circumstances. They’re also excellent at what they do, and each of them came with a list of referrals a mile long.

  I’ve been properly introduced to everyone this evening — from the chef to the stewards to the activities coordinator — and I thank them all in advance for their service before I leave the staff quarters.

  It’s time to shift my mind over to other things, because the ship is all ours now.

  I head upstairs and emerge onto the spacious rear deck, where Daniel is pouring champagne into six flutes. Trigg is tending to the large hot tub, checking the temperature and getting the jets going. Gunner is down in the storage bay, stowing his jet ski after one last late sunset ride with Emma.


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