The Rover Boys In The Mountains; Or, A Hunt for Fun and Fortune

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The Rover Boys In The Mountains; Or, A Hunt for Fun and Fortune Page 32

by Edward Stratemeyer

  * * * * *

  The Famous Rover Boys Series


  Each volume is hailed with delight by boys and girls everywhere12mo. Cloth. Handsomely printed and illustrated.

  Price, 60 Cents per Volume. Postpaid.

  THE ROVER BOYS DOWN EASTOr, The Struggle for the Stanhope Fortune.Old enemies try again to injure our friends.

  THE ROVER BOYS AT COLLEGEOr, The Right Road and the WrongBrimming over with good nature and excitement.

  THE ROVER BOYS ON TREASURE ISLEOr, The Strange Cruise of the Steam YachtA search for treasure; a particularly fascinating volume.

  THE ROVER BOYS ON THE FARMOr, The Last Days at Putnam HallThe boys find a mysterious cave used by freight thieves.

  THE ROVER BOYS IN SOUTHERN WATERSOr, The Deserted Steam YachtA trip to the coast of Florida.

  THE ROVER BOYS ON THE PLAINSOr, The Mystery of Red Rock RanchRelates adventures on the mighty Mississippi River.

  THE ROVER BOYS ON THE RIVEROr, The Search for the Missing HouseboatThe Ohio River is the theme of this spirited story.

  THE ROVER BOYS IN CAMPOr, The Rivals of Pine IslandAt the annual school encampment.

  THE ROVER BOYS ON LAND AND SEAOr, The Crusoes of Seven IslandsFull of strange and surprising adventures.

  THE ROVER BOYS IN THE MOUNTAINSOr, A Hunt for Fame and FortuneThe boys in the Adirondacks at a Winter camp.

  THE ROVER BOYS ON THE GREAT LAKESOr, The Secret of the Island CaveA story of a remarkable Summer outing; full of fun.

  THE ROVER BOYS OUT WESTOr, The Search for a Lost MineA graphic description of the mines of the great Rockies.

  THE ROVER BOYS IN THE JUNGLEOr, Stirring Adventures in AfricaThe boys journey to the Dark Continent in search of their father.

  THE ROVER BOYS ON THE OCEANOr, A Chase for a FortuneFrom school to the Atlantic Ocean.

  THE ROVER BOYS AT SCHOOLOr, The Cadets of Putnam HallThe doings of Dick, Tom, and Sam Rover.


  * * * * *

  The Putnam Hall Series

  Companion Stories to the Famous Rover Boys Series


  Open-air pastimes have always been popular with boys, and shouldalways be encouraged, as they provide healthy recreation both for thebody and the mind. These books mingle adventure and fact, and willappeal to every manly boy.

  12mo. Handsomely printed and illustrated.

  Price, 60 Cents Per Volume, Postpaid.

  THE PUTNAM HALL ENCAMPMENTOr, The Secret of the Old Mill

  A story full of vim and vigor, telling what the cadets did during thesummer encampment. *** and among other things their visit to amysterious old mill, said to be haunted. The book has a wealth ofhealthy fun in it.


  The boys had good reasons for running away during Captain Putnam'sabsence. They had plenty of fun, and several queer adventures.


  In this new tale the Putnam Hall Cadets show what they can do invarious keen rivalries on the athletic field and elsewhere. There isone victory which leads to a most unlooked-for discovery.

  THE PUTNAM HALL CADETSOr, Good Times in School and Out

  The cadets are lively, flesh-and-blood fellows, bound to make friendsfrom the start. There are some keen rivalries, in school and out, andsomething is told of a remarkable midnight feast and a hazing that hadan unlocked for ending.

  THE PUTNAM HALL RIVALSOr, Fun and Sport Afloat and Ashore

  It is a lively, rattling, breezy story of school life in this country,written by one who knows all about its ways, its snowball fights,its baseball matches, its pleasures and its perplexities, its gloriousexcitements its rivalries, and its chilling disappointments.

  Other Volumes in Preparation.


  * * * * *


  By Horatio Alger, Jr.

  These are Copyrighted Stories which cannot be obtained else where.They are the stories last written by this famous author.

  12mo. Handsomely printed and illustrated. Bound in cloth, stamped incolored inks.

  Price, 60 Cents per Volume. Postpaid,

  THE YOUNG BOOK AGENTOr, Frank Hardy's Road to SuccessA plain but uncommonly interesting tale of everyday life, describingthe ups and downs of a boy book-agent.

  FROM FARM TO FORTUNE: Or, Nat Nason's Strange ExperienceNat was a poor country lad. Work on the farm was hard, and after aquarrel with his uncle, with whom he resided, he struck out for himself.

  OUT FOR BUSINESS: Or, Robert Frost's Strange CareerRelates the adventures of a country boy who is compelled to leave homeand seek his fortune in the great world at large. How he wins successWe must leave to the reader to discover.

  FALLING IN WITH FORTUNEOr, The Experiences of a Young SecretaryThis is a companion tale to "Out for Business," but complete in itself,and tells of the further doings of Robert Frost as private secretary.

  YOUNG CAPTAIN JACK: Or, The Son of a SoldierThe scene is laid in the South during the Civil War, and the hero is awaif who was cast up by the sea and adopted by a rich Southern planter.

  NELSON THE NEWSBOY: Or, Afloat in New YorkMr. Alger is always at his best in the portrayal of life in New York City,and this story is among the best he has given our young readers.

  LOST AT SEA: Or, Robert Roscoe's Strange CruiseA sea story of uncommon interest. The hero falls in with a strangederelict--a ship given over to the wild animals of a menagerie.

  JERRY, THE BACKWOODS BOYOr, The Parkhurst TreasureDepicts life on a farm of New York State. The mystery of the treasurewill fascinate every boy. Jerry is a character well worth knowing.

  RANDY OF THE RIVEROr, The Adventures of a Young DeckhandLife on a river steamboat is not so romantic as some young people mayimagine. There is hard work, and plenty of it, and the remuneration isnot of the best. But Randy Thompson wanted work and took what wasoffered. His success in the end was well deserved, and perhaps the lessonhis doings teach will not be lost upon those who peruse these pages.


  * * * * *

  The Flag of Freedom Series

  By CAPTAIN RALPH BONEHILL.A favorite Line of American Stories for American Boys.Every volume complete in itself, and handsomely illustrated.12mo. Bound in cloth. Stamped in Colors.

  Price, 60 Cents per Volume. Postpaid

  WITH CUSTER IN THE BLACK HILLSOr, A Young Scout among the Indians.Tells of the remarkable experiences of a youth who, with his parents,goes to the Black Hills in search of gold. Custer's last battle is welldescribed. A volume every lad fond of Indian stories should possess.

  BOYS OF THE FORTOr, A Young Captain's Pluck.This story of stirring doings at one of our well-known forts in theWild West is of more than ordinary interest. The young captain had adifficult task to accomplish, but he had been drilled to do his duty, anddoes it thoroughly. Gives a good insight into army life of to-day.

  THE YOUNG BANDMASTEROr, Concert, Stage, and Battlefield.The hero is a youth with a passion for music, who becomes a cornetistin an orchestra, and works his way up to the leadership of a brass band.He is carried off to sea and falls in with a secret service cutter boundfor Cuba, and while there joins a military band which accompanies oursoldiers in the never-to-be-forgotten attack on Santiago.

  OFF FOR HAWAIIOr, The Mystery of a Great Volcano.Here we have fact and romance cleverly interwoven. Several boysstart on a tour of the Hawaiian Islands. They have heard that there is atreasure located in the vicinity of Kilauea, the largest active volcano inthe world, and go in search of it. Their numerous adventures will befollowed with much interest.

  A SAILOR BOY WITH DEWEYOr, Afloat in the Philippines.The story of Dewey's victory in Manila Bay will never grow old, butI here we have it told in a new form--as it appeared
to a real, liveAmerican youth who was in the navy at the time. Many adventures inManila and in the interior follow, give true-to-life scenes from thisportion of the globe.

  WHEN SANTIAGO FELLOr, the War Adventures of Two Chums.Two boys, an American and his Cuban chum, leave New York tojoin their parents in the interior of Cuba. The war between Spain andthe Cubans is on, and the boys are detained at Santiago, but escape bycrossing the bay at night. Many adventures between the lines follow, anda good pen-picture of General Garcia is given.


  * * * * *

  The Frontier Series

  Stories of Early American Explorationand Adventure for Boys.

  By CAPTAIN RALPH BONEHILLThe Historical Background Is Absolutely Correct.

  12 mo. Well printed and well illustrated. Handsomelybound in cloth, stamped in Colors.

  Price, 60 Cents per Volume. Postpaid.

  PIONEER BOYS OF THE GOLD FIELDSOr, The Nugget Hunters of '49A tale complete in itself, giving the particulars of the great rush ofthe gold seekers to California in 1849. In the party making its wayacross the continent are three boys, one from the country, anotherfrom the city, and a third just home from a long voyage on a whalingship. They become chums, and share in no end of adventures.

  PIONEER BOYS OF THE GREAT NORTHWESTOr, With Lewis and Clark Across the RockiesA splendid story describing in detail the great expedition formedunder the leadership of Lewis and Clark, and telling what was done bythe pioneer boys who were first to penetrate the wilderness of thenorthwest and push over the Rocky Mountains. The book possesses apermanent historical value and the story should be known by everybright American boy.

  WITH BOONE ON THE FRONTIEROr, The Pioneer Boys of Old KentuckyRelates the true-to-life adventures of two boys who, in company withtheir folks, move westward with Daniel Boone. Contains many thrillingscenes among the Indians and encounters with wild animals. It isexcellently told.


  * * * * *

  The Great Newspaper Series


  The author is a practiced journalist, and these stories convey a truepicture of the workings of a great newspaper.

  12mo. Well printed and finely illustrated.

  Price, 60 Cents per Volume. Postpaid,

  FROM OFFICE BOY TO REPORTEROr, The First Step in Journalism

  LARRY DEXTER, REPORTEROr, Strange Adventures in a Great City

  LARRY DEXTER'S GREAT SEARCHOr, The Hunt for a Missing Millionaire

  * * * * *

  The Deep Sea Series BY ROY ROCKWOOD

  No manly boy ever grew tired of sea stories--there is a fascinationabout them, and they area recreation to the mind.

  12mo. Handsomely printed and illustrated.

  Price, 60 Cents per Volume. Postpaid.

  ADRIFT ON THE PACIFICOr, The Secret of the Island Cave

  THE CRUISE OF THE TREASURE SHIPOr, The Castaways of Floating Island

  THE RIVAL OCEAN DIVERSOr, The Search for a Sunken Treasure

  * * * * *

  The Railroad Series BY ALLEN CHAPMAN

  Ralph is determined to be a "railroad man." He starts in at the footof the ladder; but is full of manly pluck and "wins out." Boys will begreatly interested in his career.

  12mo. Handsomely printed and illustrated.

  Price, 60 Cents per Volume. Postpaid.

  RALPH ON THE OVERLAND EXPRESSOr, the Trials and Triumphs of a Young EngineerA clean cut picture of railroading of to-day.

  RALPH OF THE ROUND HOUSEOr, Bound to Become a Railroad Man

  RALPH IN THE SWITCH TOWEROr, Clearing the Track



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