Fall: Montgomery Men #3

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Fall: Montgomery Men #3 Page 16

by Harms, C. A.

  With quick movements, I push down the front of my boxers and hurry to sheath myself before moving in closer behind her. A deep moan escapes her when I press the head of my cock to her opening. Almost immediately she pushes back against me, taking me just a little further inside. My knees feel weak as I grip her waist and pull her back at the same time I thrust forward.

  “Oh God,” Tinley growls, and I’ll admit it, hearing her pleasure makes me feel like a fucking king.

  This position gives me the perfect view, allowing me to watch her take me. It allows me to watch her thrust backward, begging for me, demanding it harder and faster. She was made for me, I believe that. Together we are more than I ever imagined, more than I ever saw for myself.

  Tinley is my everything.

  Collapsing onto the bed minutes later, we are both breathing hard, covered in a light layer of sweat. My head was spinning my heart racing and my legs felt numb.

  “That was…” Her voice is muffled from the space where it is buried in the pillow she landed on. “I’m broken.”

  Reaching out I grab for her and pull her back, tucking her in close to me. Silence settles over us, and I am sure she is asleep until she mumbles something. “Thank you for the rose.”

  I want to ask her what in the hell she is talking about, but I figure it was a ramble triggered by exhaustion and the alcohol she’d consumed, so I let it go. But the longer I lay there, the more curious I became.

  What rose?

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  I love Knoxville’s kitchen, with all the top of the line appliances and countertop space. I actually love everything about his place and I’ll admit I’ve allowed myself on more than one occasion to imagine what it would be like to share his apartment with him. I have become the girl I said I’d never be—the dreamer. But come on, his master bath is bigger than my entire apartment and the plush carpets are like walking on a cloud.

  I climb out of bed, leaving him there sleeping and slip on his dress shirt that was thrown over the back of the chair, a chair I know I will have fond memories of.

  Closing my eyes as I stand near the coffee pot, I allow my mind to wander back to last night. I swear I can feel his hands on me, feel him behind me, holding me close as he moves inside me.

  “Seeing you standing in my kitchen wearing my shirt is like Christmas morning, only I’m the dirty Santa and all I can manage to do is think of all the ways I want to corrupt you.”

  I bite my lip to hide my smile and don’t turn around to face the man who stands behind. He doesn’t touch me, but my body is so in tune with his that I already feel as though the temperature has gone up around us.

  “I think you should move in here.” It’s then I shift on my feet and spin around, almost knocking my empty coffee cup off the counter. He wears a knowing smirk, already fully aware of my impending freak out. “I want you here.” I still haven’t said anything, just stare at him waiting for him to say he is joking…only he doesn’t.

  “I have never met a woman I wanted to wake up with every day, or that I wanted to fall asleep holding each night. Not until I saw you at the wedding and you tossed back your dismissal at me. It’s almost like it lit a fire inside of me.

  “So, me being a bitch is what snagged you?” I am going for sarcastic, but even I noticed the way my voice shakes with nervousness. Am I ready for this? Are we ready for this?

  “I like to refer to it as you playing hard to get.” I roll my eyes and he laughs, taking a step closer to me. “I think you knew in the beginning that we’d be here one day together.”

  “In your kitchen?”

  Knoxville understands me, he knows my coping mechanisms and my need to be snarky and even tacky to get myself out of a situation I’m not quite sure how to handle. This is one of those situations. Only moments ago I was imagining being here all the time, and now here he is offering that. I am terrified we aren’t ready for that step and what it could do to us.

  “I won’t push,” he states as he cages me in with one hand on each of my sides, holding the countertop securely. “I just want you to know that this is what I want. You here sharing this place with me. We’ll make it ours, but I’ll wait until you’re ready to admit that you want that too.”

  “What if—” He presses his lips to mine to stop my words.

  “No what ifs, babe.” Knoxville trails the tip of his nose over the side of mine. “Now, about that rose.”

  Leaning back, he looks at me and I am confused, but for only a few seconds before it registers what he is referring to. “It was sweet.” The nervous energy is replaced with a sense of happiness. A happiness that I haven’t allowed myself to feel prior to Knoxville.

  “I would agree if it was me that had left it for you, but I don’t know anything about a rose.” I think he is joking, but the longer he stares at me the more I realize he is being completely serious. “Do you have another admirer besides myself that you wanna tell me about?”

  Shaking my head, I feel my stomach begin to tighten. When our eyes meet once more, I can see concern matching my own. “It’s not him.”


  “It’s not him,” Knoxville repeats, and he seems so sure. Too sure.

  “How do you know?”

  We stand in silence for a while, him hesitant, me unwilling to give in. “Beckett has been keeping tabs on him. I’ll know if he’s moved or if he gets granted release. As I said, it’s not him.”

  I want to be mad because I told him that part of my life is one I didn’t want tainting what he and I are building, but I can’t find it in me to get angry. I am thankful. So I offer a simple nod, but Knoxville continues to cage me in, not willing to step back just yet.

  “Have you ever noticed anything else? Any notes, other flowers, anything at all?”

  “No.” My pulse quickens. “Just creepy guys insisting I meet them for coffee and not allowing me to say no.”

  “It’s not a joke.” Knox looks genuinely worried. I’m not sure if he is jealous of some unknown person or if he is actually pissed. Before I could say much of anything more, he stands tall and disappears down the hallway that leads toward his home office.

  I’ll have to say he is pissed.

  * * *

  “You’re shacked up with Mr. Delicious and he’s adamant about you not being alone, anywhere. Can’t say I see anything wrong with that. It’s cute actually, he’s all protective and possessive.” The word “possessive” makes my heart race. I’ve lived that life once before, only with Knoxville it is nowhere near the same. “I think it’s great that you found a guy that loves you the way he loves you. I want to be someone’s everything.”

  “He is pretty great.” I reach out and pull open the door to my favorite café, Nora following closely behind.

  The line is long, and Nora and I continue with our conversation about Knoxville and his ways. She, of course, got more graphic than necessary and at times I have to remind her that we are in the presence of others. Somehow her talking about my guy’s ass and his hands is a little much. Though completely true, because again he is all the things she went on about and more.

  The line moves ever so slowly and a few times throughout our wait I catch the eye of an older man standing a few feet behind us. He is attractive for an older gentleman, with salt and pepper hair and stubble over his jaw. His eyes glimmer with a gorgeous shade of blue, and when he smiles, it gives me a fluttering in my stomach. His teeth are absolutely perfect. I am involved with an amazing man, but I’m not dead and can appreciate a handsome man.

  I try to ignore the way our gazes continue to meet as I pretend to look around. It makes my cheeks feel a little flush, I won’t lie.

  “Why are you blushing?” Apparently, Nora has noticed too. Only I don’t have to reply because she starts to look around on her own. Then she pauses, looks back at me and back to him once more. “Never mind, I’ve figured it out.” I laugh and quickly cover my mouth, feeling like a little schoolgirl with a wei
rd crush. Then guilt hits me and I look away, vowing I won’t look again.

  Me: Takeout at your place with a movie on the couch, sound good?

  I focus on my phone, with my back now to the handsome stranger.

  Knox: Only if we can make out like teenagers, too.

  “Lucky, lucky girl,” Nora says as she looks over my shoulder at my exchange with Knoxville. “While I sit at my place eating a bag of microwaved popcorn, you’ll be felt up by the Yummy God.”

  Rolling my eyes, I look back at her and regret it instantly. The man is now closer and the quick movements allow me to inhale the scent of his aftershave and see those eyes. Then he turns and walks toward a table near the windows, the same table Knoxville and I shared on our first mini-date.

  “What can I make for you ladies today?” Looking to the left, I blink a few times to clear the haze and realize it is our turn to order.

  “Girl, you need a napkin.” Nora grabs one from the counter. “Wipe your chin.” She turns back to the barista. “We’ll have two vanilla lattes, light cream, and two blueberry muffins.”

  What in the hell is wrong with me?

  As I wait for the order to come up, I again flirt with the man I adore and ignore the way the older guy is watching us from his position near the front of the cafe.

  Me: You’ve got fifteen minutes to convince me you’re worth it.

  I attach an image of the inside of the café, knowing he’ll need no further explanation.

  Knox: You knew in the first two, which is why you were so sassy and withdrawn. You had no hope of walking out of that cafe without thinking of me.

  Me: So sure of yourself, nothing has changed.

  Knox: And that’s where you are wrong, everything has changed.

  I swallowed hard. He is right, everything has changed.

  “Here you go.” Our barista places the items on the counter before us. “And it’s been taken care of.” Confused, I look at Nora to find her appearing just as perplexed. “Paid for by the handsome man over there.”

  I don’t want to turn around; this feels wrong. I never should have admired him, because now I am in a difficult situation.

  My phone vibrates in my hands once more and I feel my chest tighten.

  Knox: Turn around beautiful, I want to see your gorgeous smile.

  “Like I said,” Nora adds, “lucky girl.”

  Slowly spinning around, I scan over the area and find Knoxville leaning back in a chair, his dress shirt opened slightly at the collar, and the sleeves cuffed and rolled, showing off his strong forearms. Instantly I’m flushed from head to toe, because no matter how many good-looking men there are in this world, none of them make me feel the way he does.

  I grab my coffee and muffin, then move through the dining area toward Knoxville. Ignoring the fact that I am in public, I lean in and press a kiss to his lips, lingering a little longer than I should. “Thank you,” I whisper, pressing one last chaste kiss before sitting in the chair beside him. “How long have you been sitting here?”

  “You two came in just as I placed my order.” He lays his hand on my thigh as he continues to lounge back. “It’s Tuesday, and you always come here after your morning class. Thought I’d surprise you.”

  “Do you have any brothers?” Nora said, interrupting us. “Cousins? Anyone, really, that may possibly resemble you and have the same,” Nora leans over and looks beneath the edge of the table before casually looking him over from head to toe, “well, everything. I would like him to be just like you.”

  Knoxville arches his brow, I bite my lip to hide my smile, and Nora continues to watch him without once breaking her act. She is completely serious.

  “I’m afraid I can’t help you.” Knoxville squeezes my thigh. “My brothers are taken, and I only have a few female cousins.”

  Nora sighs while picking at her muffin. “Maybe I should just go over there and hit on the older hottie.” I feel like my heart slams against my breast bone. “He could be my sugar daddy, even though he was eyeing your girl. Who knows? I could possibly get him to notice me now that he realizes Tinley is taken.”

  I want to kick her, really hard.

  “What guy?” Knoxville asks, looking at me then at Nora.

  “Him.” Nora shifts in her seat toward where the man sat, and I also looked over. Only the space he had occupied is now empty. “Hm, it would seem that he no longer feels he had a reason to stick around.”

  “He didn’t have a reason to stick around before now.” Again I want to smack her and ask her what in the hell she is thinking. I can practically feel Knoxville staring a hole in me from the side. His grip on my thigh has tightened just a bit and I know I have to look at him, but I feel like the biggest asshole for admiring the man earlier.

  “He was a harmless older man that got his thrills by watching us in line.” I do my very best to control my breathing as I turn my head to look at Knoxville. “He didn’t say anything, just smiled a few times, then moved on. She’s just feeling sorry for herself because the bartender she was after has now moved on to his next conquest.”

  “Older man, huh?”

  “Yes.” Leaning in, I kiss his jaw. “Nowhere near as handsome as you.” I want to laugh because I always playfully refer to him as “old man” but now is definitely not the time. A jealous Knoxville is hot, but again, there is no reason to poke the bear.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  I sit on the edge of my bed, careful not to move. Tinley is asleep on her stomach, the sheet gathered at her waist and exposing her entire back. I do that after, just watch her sleep. I know she doesn’t like to talk about it, but it infuriates me almost to a point I can’t control knowing that someone hurt her.

  I want to kill the man and even the fear of spending my life away from her doesn’t make me think twice about it. I want to hurt him, make him suffer. I know without a doubt in my mind if he ever shows his face anywhere near her, I won’t be able to stop myself. No one will ever hurt her again.

  The sun is just beginning to rise and the rays peeking over the buildings around us give her body a soft yellow glow. Her blonde hair reflects the light, and the dark sheets below highlight her even more.

  Her beauty hits me like a wave every time I look at her.

  Shifting closer, I trace over her lower back with the tip of my finger and smile when her muscles twitch beneath me. I replace my finger with my lips and move over the center of her back as I crawl over her body. When she arches her back, lifting her ass upward, I know she is waking up.

  “You are so beautiful.” Moving her hair to the side, I kiss over her shoulder and toward her ear. “I love every little thing about you.”

  “Mm.” A coo falls from her lips.

  “You’re here every night already.” I shouldn’t push but I can’t stop myself. I am ready to take the next step with her. I want it all, and I want it with Tinley. “Will you just stop being so stubborn and move in with me?”

  “Knox.” She wiggles her ass and I’ll admit, it is making it a little more difficult to concentrate on my thoughts. Well, those thoughts that didn’t involve my dick that is now fully hard and ready, and pressing against her ass.

  “I adore you, and I want you. I want us.” I want it so fucking bad it was all I could think about.

  “Me too.” My heart races with her confession. “I’m just worried you’ll regret it and that it’ll change us.”

  I pause, lifting the weight of my body up to support myself on one hand and turn her over with the other, then lower myself over her once more. “There is no way I could regret making this type of commitment to you. I love you, Tinley, and this is just a small step in my eyes because I have such big plans for us.”

  Somehow telling her I want to one day be planning our own wedding and picking out names for our future kids seems like something I shouldn’t throw at her right now. I have to remember that she is younger and that she is still finishing school. But those are my dreams for us, I want ev

  “Promise me that it won’t change us.” She parts her legs and hooks one over my hip holding me to her. “Tell me that we’ll always be who we are now.”

  “We’ll only ever be better.” She looks up at me through sleep-filled eyes and blinks a few times. A warm rush of emotions races through me when she nods her head.

  “You’ll move in?”

  Again she nods and I crush my lips to hers.

  “I think we should celebrate.” Tinley shifts her hips beneath mine and I don’t have to ask her what she means; I already know.

  “Do I need to—”

  “No.” Gripping the sides of my face in her hands, she pulls me toward her. “We’re okay.”

  Sliding inside her without a barrier is an unexplainable feeling. This is all a new step and just the first in a long line of what is to come.

  * * *

  I stand off to the side watching Tinley as she watches Shanelle dance with Beckett. Another of my brothers married his best friend today and again I find myself envious. I also know that I’ll be there one day, holding Tinley in my arms as everyone around us watches as we share our first dance together as husband and wife.

  The entire ceremony, while standing at my brother’s side, I should have been watching them share their vows. Only I couldn’t take my eyes off Tinley. She stared on with such admiration and maybe longing. The entire day only allowed me to see just a little more of the dreamer inside my lady. She is a romantic at heart and each day that passes I am able to see that more and more.

  “Should I expect another wedding in the future?” My mother and her prodding into the life of her boys, only this time it makes me smile. I reach out and place my arm around her, pulling her closer to my side. “She’s such a sweet girl, Knoxville, and the way you look at her…”


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