Kissing Kringle (A Forever Safe Christmas Book 10)

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Kissing Kringle (A Forever Safe Christmas Book 10) Page 1

by K. L. Fast

  Kissing Kringle

  A Forever Safe Christmas Novella

  KL Fast

  M.K. Moore

  Flirty Filth Publishing

  Kissing Kringle (A Forever Safe Christmas Novella)

  By KL Fast & M.K. Moore

  © KL Fast & M.K. Moore 2019 Flirty Filth Publishing.

  All Rights Reserved

  By the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for brief quotations used in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  The use of actors, artists, movies, TV shows and song titles/lyrics throughout this book are done so for storytelling purposes and should in no way be seen as an advertisement. Trademark names are used editorially with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark.

  This book is intended for adults only. Contains sexual content and language that may offend some. The suggested reading audience is 18 years or older. I consider this book as Erotic Adult Romance.

  Cover created by KL Fast

  Created with Vellum



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10



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  About the Author

  Other Books By KL Fast


  Other books by MK Moore

  About the Author

  Dedicated to our Forever Safe readers. This one is for you.


  Nicolas Kringle has almost everything.

  Then he sees her and his life is turned upside down.

  He's all in from the first second, but Kissing Kristina proves they're meant to be.

  Kristina Bell has almost nothing.

  Then she sees him and her life is turned upside down.

  She resists at all costs, but Kissing Kringle breaks down her barriers.

  This is a super-steamy, over the top, Forever Safe Christmas Novella.

  KL Fast & M.K. Moore have teamed up again to set your Kindle ablaze. Good thing Christmas is just around the corner.

  Chapter 1

  Nicolas Kringle

  Friday, December 20th, 2019

  At thirty-five, I'm running an empire, I have great friends, a loving family, and money in the bank, yet something is still missing. As the holidays are upon us, I'm feeling it even more. I can't quite put my finger on it, but whatever it is, it's so close I can almost taste it. I've been amped up for at least a week now. For the third day in a row, I am wearing a Santa suit. As the CEO of Kringle Worldwide Health Subsidiaries, wearing a Santa suit isn’t really in my job description but I do it anyway. KWHS owns thirty-seven hospitals worldwide. Three of which are in New York, where we are headquartered. I have done two of the hospitals already and am currently walking into the third one. I wave to the security guard at the desk.

  "Have a good day, Mr. Kringle," he says as I breeze past him.

  "You too, Pauley," I say going about my business. I shuffle the huge red bag of presents from shoulder to shoulder as I walk. There’s a ton of things in here for the kids.

  This is the hospital I visit most. Once a day, at least. It means the most to me. San Tropez Hospital in Queens is a special hospital. It's the only hospital in our network that sees insurance-less patients free of charge. This includes surgeries, most cancer treatments, and giving birth. It's also a teaching hospital. I visit kids who are stuck here over Christmas and can’t take pictures with Santa. I started doing it when I took over for my father after he retired. He started this company many years before I was born and molded it into what it is today. Daily, I go to him for advice. He’s the best damn hospital administrator I’ve ever seen. Even if I am only half as good as he was, I’ll rest easy knowing that I gave it my all. I am coming up on my fifth year in charge and I love my job. Getting to do this is just a perk. I wish I could get around to all thirty-seven locations, especially for the holidays but that just isn’t feasible. Too often I am pulled in too many directions and my razor-sharp focus is split. Providing affordable, quality health care is this company’s number main goal. I've never had time for women because I only focus on work. That's not entirely true though. No woman has made me want to give her a second glance and I'm okay with that. From what my brother, Ian, says women are only after one thing and it's not your dick. I'm inclined to believe him. I've seen the kind of ladies he dates. Gold diggers, the lot of them.

  I step up to the elevator which opens as soon as I push the UP button. Inside, I push the button indicating 12. The twelfth floor begins the pediatric ward. It houses one hundred beds in fifty-five rooms, plus a quarantine area with twenty additional beds. There are also five operating theatres so classes can observe any surgeries taking place. All in all, the ward spans the top three floors of the building. Three hundred pediatricians have privileges at this hospital and see patients here daily.

  To say that I am proud of San Tropez would be an understatement. Once the doors close again, something's different. I'm the only one in the car, but a somehow overwhelmingly yet delicate floral scent fills my lungs. It boggles my mind. I can't help breathing it in, memorizing it. It calls to me in a way that nothing ever has before. I step out of the elevator, calmer than when I went in. Turning right, I head straight for the playroom. The kids who are able to, play here every day. I don't blame them. It’s state of the art, with every gaming system known to man, hooked up to the two huge TV's in the room.

  "Santa's here!" a kid shouts as best he can upon spotting me.

  "Ho, ho, ho," I say in my best Santa voice. I have perfected it over the last five years. The staff has set up a large chair, and I hired a photographer, who is already set up and waiting. Volunteers are dressed as elves and nurses mill about monitoring their patients.

  For the next several hours, I learn what they want for Christmas. I’d expect these kids to want toys, Xboxes, and bikes, but all they really want is to spend Christmas at home with their families and it breaks my heart. I wish I could help them more but being here during this time is really what’s best for them.

  Afterward, I make my way to the nursery. I've been providing skin to skin contact with a nameless baby girl who was abandoned at the safe haven the hospital provides. She was malnourished but full of fight. She’ll remain here until her doctor determines she can go into foster care. I may have used my influence to hold that part of the process up. I can’t explain the pull I have toward the tiny baby girl. We aren’t even one hundred percent sure how old she is. Our best guess is a little less than two months. She needs me and I need to be the one who raises her, who gives her what her birth parents could not. A nurse brings her out to me, after I open my Santa jacket and removed the white beard covering my own dark one. She cuddles on my chest and I nuzzle her head. She really needs a name.

  After about twenty minutes, she starts
to get fussy, so the nurse brings me a bottle. Giving her what she wants, she settles again.

  She’s asleep and the sound of her even breathing is soothing. I am almost asleep when I hear a gasp. The sexiest gasp I’ve ever heard, in fact. My head snaps up and the hottest girl I’ve ever seen is staring straight at me, her tiny hand clasped over her heart.

  Well, fuck. It’s the one woman in the whole world who could make me look twice…

  Chapter 2

  Kristina Bell

  “Ms. Bell, I’m sorry to have to tell you that you won’t be able to graduate this year if you don’t get some extra credit. Even though your grades are good, you simply missed too many hours of school,” Mr. Willer says looking at me with a look of pity that I fucking hate. I know that I have missed a fuck ton of school, but I couldn’t very well leave my sick baby sister at home with a drunk bitch of a mother. She doesn't even remember her own name half of the time, there’s no way I’d leave my sister there with her without me to defend her.

  I have made sure that I kept my grades up so when I turned eighteen, I could finally fucking get my sister and I out of the hellhole my mother calls a home. She likes to think she plays the doting mother but everyone knows that Frances Bell, aka my mom, is a drunk who likes to spread her legs for any man who will look her way in hopes that maybe one of them would actually love her.

  “Mr. Willer, I know that I have missed some days but isn't there something I can do to make up for the hours that I missed?” I ask him, almost in tears. I know there is no way in hell they will let me have Deanna if I can’t even finish high school. I have been working a part-time job since I turned fifteen. I’ve been saving up money so the minute I turned eighteen, I could get a place for her and I to stay, but let's face it I am basically an eighteen-year-old single mother whose money goes to get a roof over our heads and food on the table. I have to take off school and work whenever Deanna is sick, or mom is in one of her drunk fits and trying to break shit.

  I'm only three years older than Deanna but I feel like I have been more of a mother to her than our own. I have been taking care of myself since I was five. Mr. Willer sighs, drawing me out of my miserable thoughts.

  “You’ll need to get at least twenty-three hours of community service hours to be able to graduate on time, Ms. Bell. I know how hard you are working, and I know life at home isn't easy, but I can't make any exceptions.” I nod my head.

  “I can do community service. Do you know of any places I can sign up?”

  “My wife works at San Tropez Hospital in Queens. She says they are looking for some elves to help with Santa. They need some baby snugglers. I can pull some strings and have her sign you up. I know you’re not a bad kid and you try but this is your last chance, Kristina.” I nod my head again, at this point he probably thinks I am bobblehead.

  “Thank you so much, Mr. Willer. I’ll go there right after school.” He nods his head.

  “Go on back to class. I'll let her know to expect you.”

  Yeah, like I am really going to be able to concentrate. I make my way to math class. The day goes by in a blur and before I know it it's time for me to head to the hospital but first, I need to find D and tell her what's going on. I feel like I am letting her down in some way. Apart of me really feels like I have the entire fucking world on my shoulders however I’ll keep doing what I have to do because I am a fucking survivor. We don't have cell phones because I can’t afford one, so I walk over to her locker and wait for her to get out of class.

  “Hey, sis what’s up,” she asks. I hate that she sounds as defeated as I do.

  “I need to go to the hospital for some community service hours so I will be late coming home. I know I promised that I would help you study but if I don't do these hours, they aren't going to let me graduate.”

  “Shit. Okay. Can I come with you?” I know she doesn’t want to go back home without me, but I don’t know what the hospital is going to be like.

  “No, you need to study. I’ll only be gone for like two hours tops.”

  “Okay,” she says, nodding. I give her a quick hug then jog out of the school. I have only five minutes to catch the subway and it’s seven blocks away. I run all the way there and make it just as the doors are closing. After an hour and a half train ride, I walk the last ten blocks to the hospital. If I time this right, I might only have to do this God-awful trip for a few days.

  When I finally get there, I ask for Mrs. Willer.

  “ID please. You’ll need to sign in before I can take you up there,” One of the guards at the front desk says. After I sign in, he leads me through four hallways and two different elevators. “Here you go.”

  “Thank you so much.” He grunts then walks off. A young blond with big blue eyes comes up to me.

  “Hi, Ms. Bell. Willy said to expect you. I’m Ruthie. I hope you don't mind walking and talking as we have a busy next couple of hours.”

  “Uh, no that's fine. Willy?” I question. I can’t believe she calls him Willy.

  “Right. Sorry. William. I forgot you were a student.”

  “That’s me. A student,” I say laughing. She joins me for a second, but then she’s back to business.

  “So, we need an elf or Santa’s helper as the kids like to call them and I need a new warm body in the NICU for snuggle time. You can pick which one you'd like to do today.” I try my best not to wrinkle my nose. I fucking hate Christmas. It’s all commercialized and just makes me feel like crap. What the fuck did Santa ever do for me anyhow?

  “Um, I would love to be a snuggler.” She turns her head and grins at me.

  “Wonderful! I’ll show you on up then you come back to me at six and I will sign a punch card for you.”

  “Thank you.” She walks me down a few more halls then I see an area where they need a key card to get in. “What exactly do I do?” I ask nervously. I have never been around little babies before.

  “Oh, here we have someone in the nursery doing skin on skin. You won't have to do that. They just need a cuddle buddy. I walk into the room and gasp. Sweet Mother Mary! The sexiest man alive is holding a tiny baby just barely as big as his hand against his bare chest. I swear to God, my ovaries just exploded. He whips his head towards mine and the minute his eyes land on mine. I feel like I have known him my whole life and he hasn't even spoken a word to me.

  What the hell is that feeling in my chest? Why do I suddenly feel like my life is going to crumble if I don't get to know this man? Am I really that much like my mother? I shake my head in denial. The fuck if I ever will be.

  So, I do the only thing I can, I run.

  Chapter 3


  My girl ran away so fucking fast, I knew I wouldn’t be able to catch up with her and hold the baby. I noticed every little thing about her. She had a hospital volunteer badge on, so I know just where to start looking. After returning the baby to the nurse, I grab my beard but don't bother buttoning up my shirt and set off in search of the girl. Ruthie Willer is in charge of all of the volunteers on this campus. She'll point me in the right direction. As I round the corner, I see the girl leaning back against the wall. My girl, when I get my way and I always get my way. Her eyes are closed. She's taking deep breaths as though she is trying to calm down. Somehow, she manages to look serene despite her obvious discomfort.

  I shift my feet which causes my boots to squeak on the waxed tile. For the second time in less than ten minutes, our eyes meet. I can tell she's young, but her eyes give her away. She's bone-weary and her soul is tired. I want to take care of her. I want to figure out what her burdens are and take them off of shoulders. Before I can think better of it, I stalk toward her like a lion sizing up a gazelle. She watches my every move. When I'm standing in front of her, she shivers.

  "I didn't mean to interrupt you earlier, sir," she says. The first sound of her voice has my cock even harder than before. Then she licks her bottom lip and I forget everything except that I'm a man and she's a woman. I drop my head down a
nd take her lips. She moans before kissing me back. There is this primal need flowing through me right now, and it is unlike anything I have ever experienced before. Everything inside of me is driving me to claim her for own.

  “Fuck,” I say wrenching away from her.

  “What? Was that not good?” she asks.

  “What? No, it was amazing,” I assure her.

  “Then why the foul language?” I lean down closer to her ear.

  “Because I am two seconds from fucking you in this very public hallway and that won’t do,” I tell her.

  “Who said I wanted to fuck you?” she sasses back.

  “That sexy as sin fucking moan of yours,” I tell her all but dragging her into a room. Luckily, she was just outside one of the doctor’s sleep lounges that is, thankfully, empty.

  “Who are you? Should I just call you Santa?” she asks, giggling. I chuckle in return.

  “No, baby girl. My name is Nicolas Kringle. Tell me your name,” I demand.

  “I might as well call you Santa, Mr. Kringle. I’m Kristina Bell,” she says turning her face up to mine again. Reaching behind me, I lock the door. To the outside, it will say occupied like on an airplane.

  Kissing her again, I ease her jeans open and slide my fingers into her panties, finding her wet. Again, she moans. I walk her back to the bed, where she stops. Reluctantly, I pull my fingers from her sticky cunt and suck her juices off of them. My first taste of pussy and I'm hooked. God, she tastes like Heaven. Her mouth parts like she is going to say something, but she changes her mind. I pull her jeans down her long legs taking her tiny panties with them. Her pussy is soaked. I gently push her back on the bed. Spreading her thighs, I gaze at her for a minute before I snake my tongue out and lick her from clit to ass. I groan again, straight from the source is even better than licking her juices off my fingers. She moans above me but doesn’t try to stop me. I use my fingers to spread her lips apart and then dive back in. Slowly, I insert my index finger into her. She’s tight. There’s no way she’s taken a dick before. I get a rhythm going and before long she’s coming loudly. I reach up and clamp my free hand over her mouth.


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