Finish What You Started

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by Michael Anderle

  Finish What You Started

  The Kurtherian Endgame™ Book Five

  Michael Anderle

  This book is a work of fiction.

  All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Sometimes both.

  Copyright © 2019 Michael Anderle

  Cover by Andrew Dobell,

  Cover copyright © LMBPN Publishing

  Interior Images by Eric Quigley

  Interior Images © LMBPN Publishing

  This book is a Michael Anderle Production

  LMBPN Publishing supports the right to free expression and the value of copyright. The purpose of copyright is to encourage writers and artists to produce the creative works that enrich our culture.

  The distribution of this book without permission is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), please contact [email protected]. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

  LMBPN Publishing

  PMB 196, 2540 South Maryland Pkwy

  Las Vegas, NV 89109

  First US edition, May 2019

  eBook ISBN: 978-1-64202-284-1

  The Kurtherian Gambit (and what happens within / characters / situations / worlds) are copyright © 2015-2019 by Michael T. Anderle and LMBPN Publishing.


  Glossary of characters, locations, and ships


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25


  Author Notes - Michael Anderle

  Books By Michael Anderle

  Connect with Michael Anderle

  Finish What You Started Team

  Thanks to the JIT Readers

  Kelly O’Donnell

  Crystal Wren

  Diane L. Smith

  Jeff Eaton

  Dave Hicks

  James Caplan

  Jeff Goode

  Shari Regan

  Angel LaVey

  Daniel Weigert

  John Ashmore

  Jackey Hankard-Brodie

  Nicole Emens

  Dorothy Lloyd

  Micky Cocker

  Peter Manis

  Larry Omans

  If I’ve missed anyone, please let me know!


  Lynne Stiegler

  To Family, Friends and

  Those Who Love

  to Read.

  May We All Enjoy Grace

  to Live the Life We Are


  Glossary of characters, locations, and ships


  Bethany Anne Nacht (BA)

  Super-enhanced human, part of a triumvirate consisting of her, TOM, and ADAM. Can walk the Etheric (see locations). Has the ability to manipulate Etheric energy to her will. Will stamp out injustice without mercy wherever she finds it.

  Ex-Empress of the Etheric Empire, BA took voluntary exile to bring in the Federation and now fights to protect it from the Kurtherians. As her alter ego she controls a growing buffer around the Federation border.

  Currently based out of the QBS Izanami on Devon, fighting a war against the Ooken—who are connected to the Kurtherians.

  Wife to Michael, mother to Alexis and Gabriel.

  Baba Yaga

  Bethany Anne’s alter ego. Aka “The Witch.”

  Originally formed during a time of difficulty, Baba Yaga has become the face BA uses in public to sidestep her little exile issue. This way, BA has been able to extend a level of protection to the Federation without them knowing.

  TOM – “Thales of Miletus”

  Kurtherian, hosted within Bethany Anne’s body. Enhanced Michael in an attempt to warn humanity of the coming invasion and got it wrong, inadvertently creating the vampire myth on Earth. A thousand years later he got a second chance and got it SO right.


  AI, hosted within Bethany Anne’s body (see AI’s and EI’s)

  Michael Nacht

  Ancient, super-enhanced human.

  Formerly known as the Patriarch, Michael was the first “vampire.” He has ever-increasing skill with the Etheric and a short temper. Ruled the UnknownWorld on Earth for over a thousand years before choosing Bethany Anne to replace him.

  Currently based out of the QBS Izanami on Devon.

  Husband to Bethany Anne, father to Alexis and Gabriel.

  Alexis Nacht

  Super-enhanced human, Bethany Anne and Michael’s daughter. Twin of Gabriel. Highly trained from a young age in martial arts and close combat, weapons.

  Has an affinity for technology, and a habit of hacking to get answers. Has shown telepathic ability, and has growing control of the Etheric. Outgoing, loves fashion.

  Gabriel Nacht

  Super-enhanced human, Bethany Anne and Michael’s son. Twin of Alexis. Highly trained from a young age in martial arts and close combat, weapons.

  Has specialized in “spy skills,” as well as engineering, history, and languages. Appears introverted, collects blades.

  John Grimes

  Enhanced human. Queen’s Bitch—Bethany Anne’s Wherever Bethany Anne goes, so does John.

  Currently based on the QBBS Guardian (see ships and stations).

  Husband to Jean, father to Lillian, grandfather to Nickie.

  Scott English

  Enhanced human. Queen’s Bitch—Bethany Anne’s personal bodyguard, and close friend.

  Currently based on the QBBS Guardian (see ships and stations).

  Husband to Cheryl-Lynn (cousin of John Grimes).

  Darryl Jackson

  Enhanced human. Queen’s Bitch—Bethany Anne’s personal bodyguard, and close friend.

  Currently based on the QBBS Guardian (see ships and stations).

  Eric Escobar

  Enhanced human. Queen’s Bitch—Bethany Anne’s personal bodyguard, and close friend.

  Currently based on Devon with Gabrielle.

  Husband to Gabrielle.

  Gabrielle Escobar

  Super-enhanced human, daughter of Stephen. Head of the Queen’s Bitches—one of Bethany Anne’s closest friends.

  Currently based on Devon with Eric.

  Wife to Eric.

  Tabitha Nacht

  Super-enhanced human, hacker extraordinaire. A sister of the heart to BA. Held the rank of Ranger 2 during the Age of Empire, she chose exile with Bethany Anne when the Federation was formed.

  Currently located on Devon with her partner, Peter, and their son, Todd Michael.

  Peter Silvers

  Super-enhanced human, has Were form called ‘Pricolici.’

  The first Guardian. Held the rank of Guardian Commander during the Age of Empire, he had reason to remain in the Federation but chose to leave and settle down with Tabitha after the death of his best friend.

  Currently located on Devon with Tabitha, holds an advisory position in the Guardians while on paternity leave.

  Todd Michael Nacht-Silvers

  Super-enhanced human, abilities un
known as yet. Son of Tabitha and Peter. Tiny terror.


  Super enhanced human. Head of the former Elite guard. Queen’s Bitch. Remained behind to protect Earth, returned to BA after the Second Dark Age.

  Michael’s closest friend, mentor/father figure to Sabine.

  Currently located on High Tortuga.


  Super enhanced human, former Elite guard, Queen’s Bitch.

  Friend, mentor and guard to Tabitha.

  Currently located on Devon.


  Super enhanced human. Former Elite guard.

  Friend and guard to Tabitha.

  Currently located on Devon.

  Jean Grimes (née Dukes)

  Super-enhanced human. Inventor of the infamous Jean Dukes Special. Weapons R&D genius, legendary across galaxies for her weaponry.

  Currently located at QT2, working to expand the fleet.

  Wife of John, mother of Lillian, grandmother of Nickie.

  Bartholomew Thomas

  Admiral of Bethany Anne’s fleet. Based at QT2, travels aboard the QBS ArchAngel II. Permanently mildly annoyed.

  Husband of Giselle, father of three infants.

  Barnabas Nacht

  Super-enhanced human. One of seven firstborn “children” of Michael, former monk.

  Currently located on High Tortuga, where BA has made him Steward of the planet in her absence.

  Lance Reynolds

  Enhanced human, aka “the General.” Bethany Anne’s father.

  Remained to chair the Federation when Bethany Anne went into exile.

  Currently located on the QBBS Meredith Reynolds, stationed at Yoll.

  Husband to Patricia, father also to Kevin.


  Enhanced Yollin, captain of the QBS G’laxix Sphaea. Potentate of Yoll during the Age of Empire, he divorced his awful wife and rejoined Bethany Anne when she took exile.

  Currently stationed at Location Three (see locations)


  Enhanced Yollin.

  Former mercenary, Marine during the Age of Empire. Weapons officer aboard the QBS G’laxix Sphaea.

  Currently located at Location Three.


  Enhanced Yollin, four-legged. Former mine slave on Devon, rescued herself and met Bethany Anne and Michael who helped her free the other slaves. Followed BA to High Tortuga, was given the role of Alexis and Gabriel’s personal guard.

  Current location, Devon.


  (see AIs and EIs)


  Enhanced Ixtali, Bethany Anne’s Spymistress. Sometime guardian and governess to Alexis and Gabriel, has returned to spying now the twins are teenagers.

  Currently located around Devon.

  Nickie Grimes

  Naturally enhanced human. Birth name, Meredith Nicole, aka Merry. Daughter of Lillian, granddaughter of John and Jean. Sent on a sabbatical by BA in her late teens as a consequence of her poor choices—which can be read about in the Deuces Wild series. Is returning a (mostly) changed woman.

  Currently working out of High Tortuga, where she and her crew are acting as vigilantes under the guidance of Barnabas.


  Enhanced human, rescued on Earth by Michael, Jacqueline, and Akio during the Second Dark Age. Crack shot, excellent fighter. “Adopted daughter” of Akio.

  Currently located on Devon, co-owner of The Hexagon (see locations).

  In a relationship with Tim Kinley.


  Enhanced human, Were with Pricolici form. Daughter of North American pack leader, Gerry. Rescued by Michael during the Second Dark Ages.

  Currently located on Devon, co-owner of The Hexagon. Excellent fighter, skills with managing the media.

  In a long-term relationship with Mark.


  Enhanced human. Rescued by Michael and Jacqueline in NYC during the Second Dark Ages.

  Currently located on Devon, co-owner of The Hexagon. Skills in technology and invention.

  In a long-term relationship with Jacqueline.


  Enhanced Noel-ni, originally from High Tortuga. Would choose knowledge over profit, and a fight over all else.

  Currently located on Devon, co-owner of The Hexagon. Excellent fighter, even better at business. Runs a team of young adult apprentices who work around The Hexagon.


  Enhanced mountain lion. Rescued from an animal testing facility on Earth by Michael & co. during the Second Dark Age. Was treated in a Pod-doc to fix faulty nanocytes and have her claws regrown.

  Currently located on Devon, co-owner of The Hexagon. Especially attached to Sabine.

  Tim Kinley

  Enhanced human, Were. Aka “Rocky,” aka “Mr. Meaty.”

  One of the original Guardians, Tim joined BA as a young man looking for a better path. Spent time as a bouncer at All Guns Blazing (bar) during the Age of Empire.

  Currently located at Devon, where he is the Commander of the QBBS Guardian.

  In a relationship with Sabine.

  Giselle Foxton-Thomas

  Human. Civilian resources manager at QT2 (see locations).

  Originally from the colonies, daughter of Helena. Has a sunny disposition, is relentlessly efficient.

  Wife to Admiral Thomas, mother to their three children.

  Good friends with Jean and Qui’nan.

  Lady Helena Foxton

  Human, indeterminate age. Mother of Giselle, grandmother to Giselle and the Admiral’s children, generally harmless pain in the ass.


  Yollin, four-legged. Architect, engineer, grumbler.

  Currently based at QT2, responsible for ship design as part of Jean’s R&D team.

  Good friends with Jean and Giselle.


  Baka. Nominal leader of the Bakas on Devon.


  Baka. Son of Mahi’Takar.


  Baka, one of several younger brothers of Mahi’Takar.

  Ch’Irzt, Em’Eir, Em’Ain, Kn’Ille

  Bakas, niece and nephews of Mahi’Takar.


  Moen leader.

  Other Species

  The Collective

  Co-dependent, water-dwelling species enslaved by the Ooken. Peaceful, enormous telepathic ability. They get their name from their group consciousness, their true name is as yet unknown.

  Bethany Anne came across one of the Collective, known as “the Prisoner” in an Ooken outpost.

  Bethany Anne granted the being’s dying wish, but not before learning where the Ooken were hiding via the Collective’s shared memories.

  The Ooken

  Invasive species with connections to the Kurtherians.

  Attacked at QT2, then Devon.

  Not much is known about where they come from, or their connection to the Kurtherians. They share the same type of group telepathy as the Collective.

  Behave like mindless killers, have committed genocide on a nameless number of planets and stolen the technology.

  Have been pushing to get closer to the Federation, only Bethany Anne and her people stand in the way.


  Powerful alien species divided. Seven clans are bent on dominating others, five clans are peaceful and chose to eradicate the capability for violence from their genome. Both sides strive to reach a higher consciousness—known as Ascension.

  Bethany Anne has sworn to eradicate the Seven in order to protect Earth, and has been either hunting or fighting their puppets for over two centuries. Seven is no longer an accurate name, since BA wiped out all but a couple of the Phraim-‘Eh clan.

  AIs and EIs


  AI, resides in an organic computer within Bethany Anne’s body.

  Bethany Anne’s close friend and advisor. All BA’s AIs and EIs come from ADAM.

  ArchAngel, AI

  This is the second iteration of
ArchAngel as an AI. She serves aboard the QBS ArchAngel II and travels with the Admiral between locations.


  AI, date of ascension unknown. Resides in a short android body. Remained to protect Earth with Akio and Yuko when Bethany Anne left for space, and rejoined BA at the end of the Second Dark Age.

  Currently located at High Tortuga.

  ArchAngel, EI

  This is an EI copy of the original ArchAngel. She serves aboard the QBS G’laxix Sphaea.

  Currently located at Location Three.


  EI group/s, consisting of digital entities left without a purpose after the Empire became the Federation. Began as the EIs for the base at High Tortuga and have expanded into the battlestations at Devon, QT2, and Location Three.


  Building EI for The Hexagon.


  The Etheric

  Unknown location, possibly outside of our universe. Source of limitless energy for those who can access it.


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