Hard Bargain: a Billionaire Suspense Romance (City Sinners Book 3)

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Hard Bargain: a Billionaire Suspense Romance (City Sinners Book 3) Page 3

by Kenna Shaw Reed

  “I’m sure if I need to know, you’ll tell me.”

  “Yeah? Well, I was hoping we’d worked together long enough that you’d be the one to tell me.” He paused but I kept my face bland. Shit, shit, double fuck. “Seems I can’t rely on you to tell me Jack. Instead, I’ve got the Sydney-fucking-rumor-mill to let me know my partner in crime, so to speak, is in deep fucking shit.”

  “You talkin’ about my nightclubs being a popular place with the Kingsmen and Redbacks?” I sighed, deciding to pour each of us a scotch. No way this was going to be a quick conversation and the best way to open Darius’ ears was usually by opening a bottle of his private collection. Lately, my nightclubs were in the press for all the wrong reasons. Business had taken a hit and the chances of pulling together the first cash payment for Garrison out of normal cash flow fell somewhere between remote and impossible.

  “Is it true?”

  “Is what true?”

  “Have you jumped into the wrong bed?”

  “I’ve been too busy working to jump into anyone’s bed.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  Fuck this. I’d been living on two, sometimes three hours of sleep a night. Patience was no longer a virtue I held in high regard. Actually, it wasn’t a virtue I’d ever claimed to have.

  “How about you tell me what the hell you’re talking about and I’ll tell you whether it’s true or not,” I returned Darius’ attitude in spades. “I gave up trying to read minds years ago and I don’t have the time or the patience to put up with soothing either your nerves or your fragile fucking ego.”

  “Boss?” Katie knocked on our office door, interrupting my rant and Darius’ line of questioning. “Are you boys okay here? Can I get either of you anything?”

  I wanted to think her glance started and ended with me. But Darius still had a way with women, not that his missus had any reason to be concerned.

  “Hey, Katie. How’s the new job?” I’d been too busy trying to keep my head above water with business and pretend my feelings for her were all business, that I’d gone out of my way to avoid the one person I wanted to talk to.

  “Fine, thank you.” Katie’s smile covered Darius and me, “Actually, I feel like I’m still what I was doing before but for more money.”

  “What I am hearing you say is the promotion was long overdue and we’re lucky you decided to stick around until we smarted up enough to appreciate you.” At least Darius chuckled along with me. “I can’t stay for long, catching up with Darius and then I’ve gotta go to CandyShop.”

  “Is that safe, I mean I’ve heard that your clubs are in the middle of some MC biker club war?” Katie looked concerned, “I mean, my friends have stopped going out in the city after that girl got stabbed. She was waiting for a cab and the brawl happened around her.”

  Yep, that would have been two weeks ago, the last night of good trading. Since then, most of my clubs had been a cash sucking graveyard.

  “Are these the rumors you wanted more information about?” Hopefully one conversation with Darius could get him off my back. After he nodded, I sighed and continued, “Katie come in, and close the door. If I’m going to tell Darius I might as well tell you as well.”

  The clubs, I could explain. The longer I kept them in the dark about Garrison and his extra security, the safer we’d all be, or at least, I’d be.

  “Look, the papers have got it half right. A turf war has started.”

  “Why?” Darius knew shit didn’t get real without a good reason.

  “Let’s just say that when members patch over, it rarely goes well. For some reason, possibly because of the security payments I’ve been making to one of the clubs—”

  “You mean protection money,” Darius suggested unhelpfully. “I warned you about getting involved in that shit. Thank goodness we never introduced it here.”

  “A bit too late for the whole I told you so routine. Both clubs want me to pay security and I suggested they sort things out like gentlemen. Unfortunately, they’ve decided to undertake their negotiations in my nightclubs. I can’t act like I’m favoring either one because quite frankly I don’t know which one is going to end up stronger.”

  “A bad time to get involved with Garrison and his crew.”

  Shit. Darius knew, but how much?

  “Darius, just spit it out. I’m sick of your sanctimonious bullshit. You and I both know how this town works. You’re just lucky that your other business ventures hold enough clout to keep The Club out of the crossfire.”

  “Is there anything I can do?” Katie asked and at first, I almost joined Darius’ chuckle. Oh, bless. Katie thought a sweet nineteen-year-old could save the world. Then I looked at her with fresh eyes. This nineteen-year-old had turned her new promotion into becoming a social media influencer.

  “Any chance that you and your friends could come to CandyShop? See and be seen?”

  “Tell the world we are going, turn up in our hottest outfits and get CandyShop trending in a good way?” Katie didn’t need me to draw her a picture. As smart as she was sexy, sassy, sweet, fuck I’d just run out of words.

  “If you could,” I agreed, hoping my black trousers hid my attraction. “I’ll make sure you and your friends have the full attention of my personal security. At the first sign of any trouble their priority will be to keep you and your friends safe.”

  “Don’t you think if the place is full, it will be easier to turn away potential customers who either don’t fit the dress standard?” Katie’s smirk belied her age. “Or if we get the place fully booked, you’d have to turn certain people away due to licensing restrictions.”

  “Smart, I like the way you think. But to be honest, we haven’t come close to being full in weeks.”

  “I finish up here at two am. How about I plan to meet my friends at CandyShop right after. Do you think you’ve got enough time to roll out the red carpet for us?”

  “Honey, if you can fill the place, I’ll roll out whatever color carpet you want.”

  Fuck, I had to stop turning a normal conversation into flirting. Especially in front of my supposed friends like Lachlan and Darius, guys who saw everything and weren’t afraid to remind me to keep my brain and balls separated.

  “I remember you giving me relationship advice not so long ago.” Darius hardly waited for Katie to close the door before giving me grief. “Something about don’t fuck with the staff—oh,” he paused to chuckle, “No, I remember now, it was more like don’t sleep with the staff.”

  “We haven’t and I won’t. Don’t you think I’ve got enough shit on my plate with the nightclubs? In any case, you know me. One woman, one night, with no repeats.”

  “Yeah, and when was the last time you had one woman? Or even two at a time? Seriously, you and Katie?”

  “Just because you didn’t want her.”

  “I didn’t like the way you employed a splitting image of my ex to try and get me out of my slump.”

  “Did you ever think that I recruited Katie because she is bloody smart and good with people? She’s proven herself to The Club time and time again. Since you stole away our top hostess, we needed someone to step up and Katie fuckin’ delivers.”

  “Now, now,” Darius fake soothed, “I was only pushing your buttons to see how fast you’d react.”

  Darius finished his drink before setting the glass aside. “You’re a bloody good businessman, but you’ve attracted a world of pain with this latest venture. Are you sure Garrison isn’t inviting the biker debate to your place to hurt your cashflow?”

  “I’d thought about it, but what’s he got to gain? I mean, if I can’t pay the money, then he’s the one out of pocket. Everything is on a handshake, there’s no paperwork or mortgage to go legal on me.”

  No point asking how Darius knew about my deal. The bastard knew everything, usually before it happened.

  “I’ve worked with Lachlan and Garrison before, in a commercial property deal. I don’t admit to many failures, but Garrison had one of
my partners thinking the same way. Thought that he had nothing to offer. Garrison found my partner had a mistress and decided to use her as a bargaining chip.”

  “He wouldn’t—women are off limits.” My heart jackhammered before jumping off the proverbial cliff. He wouldn’t, surely?

  “Your woman would be, but a mistress or girlfriend, not so much. Has he asked you for any additional security over his investment?”

  Now would be the time to tell Darius about Chelle and Katie. Damn it, how could I have been so blind. Garrison had played me well.

  The realization hit. Blood drained from my face and cock.


  The girls weren’t going to be let out of their employment contract just because they asked. If Garrison was using them to play a head game with me, it wouldn’t be over until someone paid.

  Fuck. I couldn’t let the girls to pay it on my behalf.

  “He did, but nothing I can’t handle.”

  “You need anything, let me know with enough warning to come up with the cash. Okay?”

  “Why’d you want to do that?”

  “Maybe I want to buy this place outright and give it to my wife as a gift.”

  “Not if I buy you out first,” I laughed, happy to be back on familiar ground. The Club had become a cash cow and a fun place to own. Making ridiculous offers to buy each other out had become our game.

  “Watch your back and make sure if Katie and her friends go to CandyShop, they come back in one piece—even if you need to pay close personal attention all night.”

  “Funny bastard.” My friend was getting too close to the truth; time to throw a decoy. “Maybe I’ll use the opportunity of knowing CandyShop is full to put my personal viewing room to good use.”

  “For what, sleep? Mate, just admit you have it bad for Ms. Katie Elias and you can save everyone the trouble of witnessing your embarrassing attempt at courtship.”

  Okay, so I didn’t stay at The Club after Katie’s shift ended.

  I headed straight to CandyShop to make sure everything was ready for their arrival. Double and then triple checking the staff rosters, to make sure the best were ready to be at their best. From bar staff to DJ to hostesses and security. Everyone had Katie’s picture and knew that she and her friends were my guests.

  By half after two, social media had done its job and the place was packed. The DJ was lit, and my bouncers were turning away anyone who didn’t fit the theme announced by Katie on social media. Garrison’s crew still had their booth, but none of the bikers were willing to jump the queue out the front and face the wrath of the youngsters ready to party.

  “Boss, your girl is here.” Dimitri, my head bouncer announced over the hand-held radio.

  “She’s not my—I’m coming down. Give her the VIP treatment.”

  “Ibby! I thought you were joking about the red carpet!” Katie’s red lips brushed against my cheek. The cool night air lingered against the wet kisses. “Oops, sorry, let me wipe those away.”

  My flirty princess licked her fingertips to clean my face, showing off for her friends and the crowd.

  Shit. I’d become rock hard. At the thought of her and her touch.

  “What good is a social media presence if you can’t take full advantage of it? I thought you could mingle with your fans here, they can take all the selfies they want and then when you’re ready to come inside, you can party with as much or as little privacy as you want.”

  “Great idea,” Katie nodded to her friends who were already inundated with fans. “I can’t see the same thing working at The Club.”

  “Yeah, well some places you go to be seen, and other places—”

  “You go to be satisfied,” Katie battered her eyelashes and twirled a long blonde curl around her fingers until it formed a rope. “When was the last time you were satisfied, or am I going to find out on the dancefloor?”

  “Katie, you still work at The Club.”

  “What if we changed my employment contract? I set up my own company and contract myself to The Club, or to here for promotions?”

  Could it be an answer to at least keeping her safe? Would Garrison fall for it, or even accept it had been her idea?

  “Sounds good,” I said cautiously. This had to be driven by others. “But put it through Janet or Chelle. Keep me out of it.”

  “Why?” I didn’t notice the blinding flash photography going off around us, only that Katie’s hips were pressed against mine and a blonde strand of hair floated onto my dark shirt. A souvenir or memento? Only if the heart beating beneath the shirt remained a secret.

  “Because I can’t fucking ask you to dance with me one minute and negotiate your contract the next.” Hiding my frustration underneath my boss-man persona, I pulled away. “Sweetheart, we can talk work at work. Right now, enjoy your fans, have a great night and make me some money.”

  “Come find me on the dancefloor,” she called after me before being absorbed into the crowd.


  A leap of faith.

  Taking a risk paid off, at least this time.

  When I’d thrown out the offer to Ibby to fill CandyShop by reaching out to my friends, I’d hoped it could work. Yes, my followers were growing daily, but I’d never put them to the test. All my friends and I did was chat about what to do after my shift ended. I knocked back other options as too boring or not enough vibe. Once we agreed on CandyShop success or otherwise was in the hands of Sydney party animals.

  All I’d promised was to turn up in the little fragments of my work uniform and the crowds loved it. Men of all ages wanted their photos with me. Thanks to the one-man human shield, Dimitri, no hands went lower or higher than my waist.

  “You don’t have to follow me,” I assured the hunky guy who stretched the seams in his shirt any time he crossed his arms.

  “Mr. Mercia insisted. If I want to keep my pretty face, you and your friends are to have my full attention.”

  I was the only one who laughed. No one would call any part of Dimitri pretty, but his body could put most men to shame and most women into a sexually induced coma.

  “Excuse me miss, your table is ready.” A brunette waitress interrupted to escort my group to a VIP table overlooking the dancefloor.

  “Thanks—” I waited for the girl to reply.

  “Greta. Is it true you started out as a waitress?”

  “More like a hostess, but the roles are a little the same. I made sure people are comfortable, spending money and having a good time.”

  “And now everyone wants to have their picture with you!”

  “I’m today’s flavor. Tomorrow, most of these people will have forgotten my name. But, while they care, they might as well come to CandyShop and enjoy the vibe.”

  “Excuse me, Greta, are you looking after my guest?” Ibby eased alongside me. The touch of his leg against mine sending tingles to where there shouldn’t be tingles. “Thank you for tonight.”

  “You still owe me a dance.” I decided to hide my emotions in plain sight, overt flirting to hide how much I wanted this man. Yes, my feet had been killing me in the high heel boots and my mouth muscles were screaming for mercy after smiling for almost twelve hours of working. But the man sitting next to me was the only person who could possibly convince me to spend the night in public instead of with my pillow.


  “No time like the present.”

  I’d been joking. Ibby had made it perfectly clear how he saw me, but to my shock, his hand grabbed mine and didn’t let go until we’d made our way down the staircase and onto the dancefloor. In the crowd, we had no choice but to be pressed together. With the full attention of the man I wanted, I let my body move with the music and with the sexual abandon of customers at The Club. Two years of watching the women work their men into a frenzy came in handy as Ibby stood still. Mesmerized. His eyes full of desire and hands never leaving my hips.

  “I think I need something to drink or a cold shower.” He bantered when the song ended. I d
idn’t need to peek down at his trousers. If I was soaked, I knew he’d be hard.

  “I know I need something, but it isn’t to drink.” For one night, I needed him to understand how much I wanted to be part of his life and as more than an employee. “But we can start with a drink and think about the shower, later.”

  “Ibrahim! Please introduce me to your girlfriend.” A smooth male voice cut over the top of the music. The crowd parted, and not because of the half a dozen heavy set goons the man had as accessories. I didn’t miss the look of fury across Ibby’s face when the male took my hand to kiss it. “You are simply stunning. When you tire of Ibby, you must let me know so I can treat you like the princess you are.”

  “Garrison, let it go.”

  The name and face came together. This man had been Ibby’s guest at The Club. The day of the failed business meeting. “Katie, come and I’ll get you that drink.”

  The man, Garrison, wouldn’t let us past, holding my fingertips. For anyone else, I could have shaken free, but something about the men around him left me frozen. “Ibby, Ibby, Ibrahim. You should have told me how special she was to you before I made a fool of myself.”

  Garrison, made to stroke my cheek with his spare hand, but didn’t touch me. For show. He was using me as a show of power. “Kings would give away their castles and titles for one night with you. Tell me that young Ibrahim here knows how to treat you.”

  “Mate,” Ibby hissed, “I hired Katie to fill CandyShop with paying customers. She’s doing her job and that doesn’t involve dating me or anyone else she meets here. Got it?”

  “My apologies, Miss Katie. You are breathtakingly beautiful, and I can’t imagine how Ibrahim can focus on business when you are so distracting. Have a pleasant evening.”

  At least I had the good sense to wait until Garrison left before wiping his second kiss from the back of my hand.

  It would take therapy I’d never be able to afford to decide what had been worse. The right words coming from the mouth of the wrong man, or how sincere Ibby had been in convincing Garrison and me that I’d only ever be an employee.


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