A Rising Tide

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A Rising Tide Page 3

by Ross Buzzell

  “It doesn’t matter; I have to get to political policies.”

  With a ‘humph’ she pushes past her little brother. As she exits into the long corridor lined with Halls of Study, she leaves Konner panting alone in their mother’s Council Chambers. Konner looks around the chambers in silence for a moment, taking in the imagery of the dark walnut wood. It seems to seamlessly transfer to crystalline metal to form shelves filled with books that varied from the history of Boron to lists of different species. Everything in the room had a distinct place which was meticulously chosen specifically for the inhabitants of that space. The room seemed to flow as if to tell the story of a great queen, scholar and mother. Konner slowly approaches his mom’s desk. He picks up a pen from a cup he had made his mother four years earlier and ever so gently places the tip of the metallic pen against a sheet of paper. Writing in Boronese, he signs the bottom with his name followed by the family crest. He puts the pen down and exits the well-lit room. The corridors of the Sco’lar Academy are silent; being a part of the soldier program meant Konner had a drastically different schedule than most others. He quietly meanders through the hallways until the distinct sounds of clicking from military boots catches his ear. Konner turns to face the noise that echoes up behind him and keeps a close eye in anticipation to see which military trainer bore down upon him.

  Konner feels his heartrate begin to gradually rise. While most in the Sol’lor Academy would pay no mind to one of the soldiers wandering the halls of the Sco’lor the Zellor brothers, who were legends in the Boronian military, would be far less than pleased and their punishment would be swift and severe, even for the son of the High King. The clicks get louder and Konner takes a few steps back. The idea of flight greatly enticing him. ‘No, Soldiers do not run.’ Konner shakes his head as he renews his resolve. He would subject himself to whatever rigorous training Do’Zellor or Ti’Zellor had in plan for him. As the source of the footsteps round the corner Konner breathes a sigh of relief. A tall muscular woman clad in form fitting armor comes to a halt. Once her lavender eyes fall on the young prince, she begins to smile.

  “Konner, I see you have been HERE busy with your studies.”

  Konner breathes a sigh of relief as he sees Ja’Sanfur, one of the four great generals of the Boronian military. Her voice is commanding and harsh, not to be intimidating, but from years of commanding the hardened troops of her people. Her white hair stands starkly contrast against her black armor as it is pulled back yet allowed to flow freely. Her family crest glows in a soft white light in her breastplate visible for the world to see. As a general and one of Konner’s teachers, the bond between the two is that of a master and apprentice. Ja’Sanfur approaches Konner and places a firm hand on his back; she begins to lead him out of the Sco’lar Academy.

  “It is important that you educate yourself. I am of the belief of your father, that in order to be a good soldier, a good leader one needs more than military history and tactical training. A good military leader must also retain the knowledge known by the ones they protect.”

  Konner looks up at his mentor with curiosity.

  “Then why are the schools separate?”

  Ja pauses for a moment as they enter into the main lobby of the Academy; it is an open section of the building comprised of white marble, the stone of the educated. Konner peers around the vast empty room to the spiral staircase as he continues to follow the general’s lead. Ja’s voice breaks the silence and brings Konner’s concentration back to her.

  “For the same reason your sister is learning politics and you are a soldier and one day, if you have a little brother he will be a scholar. Because that is how it has been since the founding of our society. Your father is working on changing that so that soldiers are scholars too.”

  They come to a stop on the precipice of two massive oak doors engraved with the history of the Academy on them. The bottom quarter of the right door is uncarved showing that the Academy still had many stories to tell. Konner looks up at Ja’Sanfur, curious as to why the High King, of all people, would want to change tradition.

  “Why does he want to change the traditions?”

  Ja’Sanfur pauses for a moment; she turns to Konner and crouches so her lavender hues meet with his azure pools. A moment of agonizing silence fills the air; her pain is so permeable that Konner could feel it as if it were his own. The general regains her composure knowing that if he asked his father he would not get a response.

  “Because, not long before you were born there was a soldier, a good man, who just wanted to help his people, to protect them like a soldier is supposed to. He didn’t have the proper information provided for him which resulted in the great plague that almost destroyed our planet.”

  Even for being so young Konner’s intuitions were far more attune than those around him. From the tone of her voice and the fighting of tears in the hardened warrior’s eyes Konner could tell that she was wounded deeper than any blade could replicate. Konner tilts his head to the right slightly before softly whispering:

  “He was your husband?”

  Ja’Sanfur nods slightly as she stands back at attention recollecting her cool calm demeanor.

  “Something like that. Come…”

  she places a strong hand on the massive doors and with a single shove the pair huge wooden doors swing open with a loud echoing creek. As his eyes readjust to the light of the blue sun Konner lays his vision on Caelum. The glorious capital city of Boron sits ahead of them nestled in the bosom of a valley surrounded on three sides by huge crystalline mountains. The palace sits half way up the far mountain on the right overlooking the city, which is where the High King and his family dwelt.

  “… today is close combat weapons training, something I feel you will excel at.”

  Ja’Sanfur tucks her lower lip into her teeth and lets out a whistle which is so loud that Konner covers his ears for a brief period. After the echo of the whistle dissipates, Konner slowly lowers his hands. The sound of wings flapping through the air soon fills the silence. Konner begins to look around in excitement, that sound was the harold of a single, fascinating creature, something only the best of the best had the opportunity to train, Konner whispers in awe:


  A massive scaled creature the size of a car bursts from behind the building and into the skies above Konner and Ja’Sanfur. It begins to gradually descend in front of them. Konner’s eyes study the creature in astonishment. Its massive muscular body supported near effortlessly in the air by wings just as large. There were many different kinds of dragons on Boron of different shapes and sizes but this was a rare white dragon with strong square jaws which were home to two rows of razor sharp teeth. The dragon lands on the ground with hardly a sound. Its massive claws’ digging into the ground as it tucks its wings against its sides. Ja’Sanfur approaches the dragon; she touches its snout and gently pets behind its scaled ear. The creature lets out a deep huff of contentment. She takes a few steps back and climbs up behind the beast’s wings and mounts the flying lizard before offering a hand to her pupil.

  “You do not wish to be late do you?”

  Konner looks in excitement at the offered hand and runs to his teacher. Taking her hand she hoists him up on the dragon in front of her. Fear and excitement grip the young prince at the prospect of flying on this wondrous beast. He looks over his shoulder and calls out to Ja:

  “I’ve never ridden one of these before!”

  Ja’Sanfur smiles down at him as the dragon’s wings slowly begin to spread on either side of them.

  “Just hang on tight.”

  Konner looks around. There was no saddle, no reigns and nothing to hold on to. A feeling of terror quickly takes the place of his excitement as he calls back.

  “To what?”

  The words barely leave his lips before the feeling of being forced downwards nearly overtakes him. There is a massive gust of air as the dragon takes off into the skies leaving the ground far behind, along with Konner’s st
omach. Konner leans forward and grips the dragon’s neck as tightly as he can as the dragon climbs higher into the sky. As the beast gradually evens out, Konner slowly sits up. The flight turns into a glide, looking around he sees the city far below. The Sco’Lor Academy far behind and the Sol’lor Academy far ahead nestled in a crevasse in the mountain tops.

  Konner sits up and closes his eyes as the sensation of the wind flowing through his dark brown hair consumes him. The sensation was the most liberating thing the young prince had ever felt and it is something he would not soon forget. Konner’s euphoria was short lived as he feels his stomach leave him once more; his eyes shoot open and look down only to see the beast had begun to descend upon the school. Ja’Sanfur gives the dragon a kick to get him to slow his descent but the highly intelligent, unique, creature decides to dive faster. Konner grips the neck of the dragon once more as his bliss gives way to terror once again. He begins to scream as the courtyard of the military Academy grows closer and closer with no sign of slowing. At the very last minute the beast unfurls its massive wings bringing him and both his riders to a near halt. Konner’s stomach returns to him with a ridged ‘thud’ as the dragon lands, almost before the creature gets all four feet on the ground. Konner slides off the side and stumbles backward as his heartrate gradually slows. He looks at the dragon that appears to have a smirk on his mouth. As Ja’Sanfur dismounts, she gives her mount a pat on the hind leg. It turns and leaps off the courtyards cliff face, its massive tail whipping in the air before disappearing over the edge.

  “I am sorry about that Konner; he has a strong personality and finds amusement in things that can be considered cruel.”

  As Konner’s heart rate drops to a normal pace and his fear yields to his euphoria once again, he jumps into the air giving off a cheer of bliss:

  “That was amazing! Do you think I will ever have one?”

  Ja’Sanfur places her hands behind her back and walks past Konner and past the dark grey crystalline stone pillars. Then she continues toward the Sol’lor Academy which, unlike the Sco’lor Academy is made of mute, dark stone, crystal and metal in an effort to reinforce, strength, intimidation and resolve. Without looking back Ja’Sanfur calls back to Konner:

  “Only the best of the best have the honor of training a dragon mount, which means coming in at the top of your class and not being late to anything… including your weapons training.”

  Konner’s nods and walks behind his teacher for a short time in silence; the two pass the hand-held weapon training room. Konner stops and looks inside. There were weapons of all kinds from swords to spears, to bows, even a hammer or two mounted meticulously on the walls. Konner looks up at Ja’Sanfur as she comes to a halt as well and rotates to see her pupil.

  “Ti’Zellor will be your instructor today. You will have my son, as well as a new initiate in the class with you. You are highly adept and although you are younger that does not mean you cannot help those older than you to become better as well. Remember, you could be their High King one day...”

  Konner nods, having heard this from her and his parents hundreds of times before. He interrupts and finishes the statement:

  “…and a High King puts others above himself, I know. I will do my best today.”

  A warm smile forms on Ja’Sanfur’s face, something that one does not often see.

  “That is all that one can be asked to do.”

  The general turns and continues to walk down the stark hallways of the Sol’lor Academy. Konner walks into the training room and lights gradually begin to glow to life bringing the dark room into light. Konner looks at the weapons and begins to inspect them, the shimmering metal glistening in the light, each weapon having a story of its own to tell and yearning to tell it. One sword in particular catches his eye, a thin straight sword a meter long with a blade of silver and gold matted throughout. Konner slowly approaches the enticing weapon and examines it. It is flawless and the blade dissolves seamlessly into a simple yet elegant hilt with light leather wrapped around the handle for grip purposes.

  Konner reaches up and touches the blade. As his flesh comes in contact with the metallic weapon he is taken by surprise. The weapon was warm, not the cold unfeeling sensation that the other weapons had but warm as if harboring some great energy. The urge to lift the blade is unyielding; Konner coils his fingers around the weapon’s grip. A surge of energy fills the boy as hellish visions of battle and bloodshed fill his mind, dating back to as far as time could remember. The weapon had been wielded by the greatest soldiers in Boronian history. Each one of their conquests lurch through his head, branding his mind with visions of battle and war, all of which give way to a peaceful vision; a man stands on a ship eons ago wearing ancient Boronian armor and the sword in hand. A large gas planet with layers of cloud moving horizontally from top to bottom stands behind him, a massive red storm on the planet’s surface stands parallel to him. The soldier looks down below him to one of the large planet’s moons; the soldier removes his cloak revealing the Lorian family crest aglow on his chest. He reaches behind his head and draws the sword from his back. He whispers softly to the weapon as if it could hear him:

  “Starfall, use me to liberate my people.”

  Leaning forward the soldier falls toward the small moon, sword extended. On the surface a race of giants, well-armed and advanced, was warring against the Boronian military, and winning handily. But when the soldier comes in contact with the planet, the blade digs into the dirt and the soldier turns into a ball of light before exploding into a massive wave of energy that sweeps over the planet killing everyone and everything unfortunate enough to be caught in its path. The flash causes Konner to release the blade and stagger back before falling down in the center of the room.

  Konner stares in awe and shock at the weapon, confounded by the vision it showed him. Adrenalin surges through his body causing his heart to pound and his mind to race with his military teachings. Never had he been taught of such a battle. His mind races to piece together what he had seen a singular crisp strong voice echoes throughout the room re-centering Konner’s attention.

  “The students are told never to touch that weapon!”

  Konner spins to see Ti’Zellor, a tall man of great stature covered head to toe in black Boronian armor. His family crest glows a sickly green on his chest. Konner scrambles to his feet, holding himself at attention. He slams a fist against his chest in salute to his general. Konner avoids contact with his sickly green eyes but the raven hair peppered with the white of wisdom caught the young prince’s attention.

  “I’m sorry General Zellor. I was just curious what it was; it’s never been on display before!”

  Ti’Zellor walks past his pupil; his blackened cloak flowing behind him with each step. Ti runs his fingers over Starfall’s blade before gripping the handle. A power surges through the general from the blade causing his crest to glow brighter. Ti closes his eyes as the power overwhelms him briefly. Taking a deep breath and re-centering himself, Ti opens his eyes which flair brightly for a moment.

  “That is because this day is the day you and your fellow classmates will choose your weapons of specialty, but before you can, you must learn of the ancient blade.”

  Ti spins the silvery gold sword which cuts through the air with a high pitched whistle before sheathing it on his back; Ti tilts his head as if listening for something before looking back at Konner.

  “They come now. Take your place soldier.”

  Konner nods in compliance and takes a few paces to his right standing just off center from the room. He stands at attention as a few young students, no more than a year difference in age than he, enter the room. As the room begins to fill with the next generation of soldiers, Konner scans each and every face looking for his two best friends, Man’Sanfur and Disa’ani. As the last of the class pours in, the last two students catch Konner’s eye. A young boy with blond hair and blue eyes enters followed closely by the second youngest, yet largest in the class. Man’Sanfur stands
a head taller than all the other boys and girls with raven hair and lavender eyes, like his general mother. Both the boys take their places at attention next to Konner.

  Standing in silence for a moment Konner allows his eyes to scan the room taking in his fellow soldiers. True he was the shortest in the class by three inches, which did not help his case while standing next to the largest, Man’Sanfur, but he did not let that bother him. Konner looks back forward, staring at the soft yellow hair of the cadet in front of him and whispers as to not draw attention.


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