Stolen Flame

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Stolen Flame Page 15

by D W Marshall

  I sink down on his Thunderdick. My sex squeezes and throbs around him. Dominic’s hands palm my ass and he pulls me down onto him deeper. It is a-fucking-mazing.

  We don’t move. Both of us are in a perfect spot. He holds me down onto his length and I can’t think of a place I would want to be more. I stay still, pulsating around him. I could die right here and be at peace. We are in a deadlock, my steel gray eyes never leaving his.

  In this moment, with his eyes adoring me, and his cock buried deep inside of me, I can be still no longer. My heart is swelling with a new feeling for him, one I can’t describe or understand. I start a slow grind, around and around on his cock. There’s not one spot in my sex that is not filled by him.

  He swells more inside of me, and I know he is building toward an explosion. My eyes are trained on him, peering through my heavy lids—drunk on him. His breaths increase, his moans and pleasure sounds are killing me. Fuck.

  I grind forward and backward on him, as he creeps deeper inside of me…his home. I shatter into a million pieces around him, my screams loud and desperate, and I lose control of my body as it clenches, jolts, and quakes. I throb and contract aggressively around him, sending him over the edge as he fills me with his essence. The whole time, our eyes locked.

  When I come down from the orgasm I lose it, sobs break through, and tears rain down my cheeks. He wipes them tenderly with his thumbs. He brings my face toward his and kisses me.

  “I love you,” he says. His voice is so low, that if I wasn’t looking at him, I might have missed it.

  It’s a declaration that makes the tears flow harder because I believe him. More than that, I’m beginning to feel the same way.

  Somehow we manage to roll to our sides, with him behind me and still inside of me. He pulls me as close to him as physically possible. I can’t speak. I can’t think. His words blow me away, and I can’t deny the way my heart is singing.

  “I didn’t tell you I loved you to hear those words back,” he says. “I said them because I mean them, Vivian. I am in love with you. I want you to know how I feel, always.”

  I nudge my body closer to him. My sex tingles at the sensation of him shifting deeper inside of me.

  “I missed you, too,” I bring his arm up and kiss it. “I’m kind of an addict, looking for your letters every single day. I’m so happy when I see the lavender envelope. I don’t know what to say. Something is happening between us.”

  “You are destroying them after you read them, right?” He sounds almost fatherly when he asks me.

  “Yes, but I don’t want to. I want to read them over and over until the paper falls apart.”

  “You understand that it would be too risky. If anyone knew. If it got back to Mason, he could remove me from the guard.”

  “No. I’d die.” My heartbeat picks up at the thought and I squeeze him closer to me. If Dominic wasn’t here, I would not survive.

  “Yes. I want to take you away from here,” he whispers into my ear.

  My head turns in a snap. “You can’t! I have to finish! I can’t risk my family!” I whisper. “Besides, as long as you’re with me, I know I’ll be safe. Right?”

  He sighs. “Right…you are so fucking strong.” I can tell that he is not happy about my desire to stay. I probably seem like an insane person.

  I shake my head. “No, I’m not. I have you, and you give me strength.”

  He pulls himself out of me. For a moment the emptiness is almost depressing. He rolls me over to face him. “That is not true.” He takes my hands into his and kisses them. “Your strength is one of the things I fell in love with, Vivian. I know it sounds crazy after a few months to say that I love you. You must think I’m nuts.”

  I don’t understand. “Fell,” past tense? He sees my expression and begins to explain.

  “I’ve known you for two years,” he reveals.

  I stare at him with wide eyes. “That’s impossible, Dominic. How? I would have remembered you.” I think about all the people who have come in and out of my life. I don’t remember running into anyone like him, ever. I study his face. His deep, olive skin, straight nose, pouty full lips, hazel eyes, perfectly sinewed body... I would definitely remember meeting him.

  “Not in person. I’ve been Mason’s head guard for the past four years, but I never get involved in the selection process or the surveillance. I’m not here for that, I was hired to keep this place safe, off the radar, and to supervise the guards and lottery winners. I have never slept with a Chambermaid or a staffer.” He is quiet for a beat and the words he spoke sink in. I remember Zion telling me that I am the first woman he asked to guard.

  I continue to listen as if what he is telling me is the secret to the universe.

  “I was in the surveillance room checking on things when you came onto the screen. Your face appeared, and I couldn’t move. My heart lit from within. You must wonder how someone like me finds his way into a place like this.”

  Yes. “The thought has crossed my mind.”

  “My world was so dark, Vivian, when I left Hawaii.”

  Oh, he’s Hawaiian.

  “I was in the dark, and heading down an even darker road,” he continues. “Mason offered me a lifeline. He brought me into his family and gave me a purpose. My previous training was the perfect skill set for this protection detail. It was never about the girls for me. Some of the guys treat this place like a candy store. Not me. This is my job. I’m good at it, and I thought I would never leave Mason’s side. Everything changed when your picture came up on that screen two years ago.”

  He turns me around so I am looking at him. His eyes are pinned to mine. “I stared at your image, your steel-gray eyes, your innocence and beauty, and something ignited within me. I became interested in all things Vivian Travis. I watched the surveillance video with Mason and his trackers. I watched them in my room in the middle of the night. Over those two years, I watched you, and I fell in love with you.”

  “Wow. I don’t know what to say.”

  “That I’m a complete stalker psycho?”

  “I was thinking more along the lines of that is the sweetest thing I have ever heard.”

  Dominic leans over and kisses me.

  “I begged Mason not to pick you. This was the last place I wanted you to be, but he was fascinated with you. For days, I walked around brooding about it. When I realized you were coming, I made sure I was there when you were taken. If I couldn’t keep you from coming, at least I could make sure you were treated well. I also told Mason to assign me as your guard. He didn’t want to at first, but he said he had never seen me so full of life. He also cautioned me, though. I know I’m babbling on and on, but when a man you barely know professes his love for you, you deserve to know the depths of that love.”

  “Are you babbling? I hadn’t noticed. I’m too captivated by this amazing love story.”

  He kisses me again. My heart swells.

  “I’m just saying, from the first moment I saw you, I wanted things. I wanted to live life, not just exist. For the first time in years, I want to leave The Chamber. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”

  “I have a revelation of sorts, too,” I say, in an attempt to lighten the conversation.

  “Oh, do you?” he says in a teasing voice.

  I nod. “I named your…” I gesture toward his private parts, suppressing an embarrassed giggle.

  “And what might his name be?”

  “Well, at first it was just Thunderdick. But now I call him Captain Thunderdick, and sometimes I refer to him as The Captain.”

  He smothers me with kisses, causing giggles to escape me. “Well, The Captain adores you.”

  “I’m pretty fond of him myself.”

  “We have to find a name for yours,” he teases.

  “I was toying with Petunia, but somehow it isn’t sticking.” I say.

  “That will never do. It’s not special enough. I’m sure if we put our heads together, we can come up with something more fit

  We burst out laughing. When we stop, we lie together, enjoying the quiet.

  I come up onto my elbow. “Dominic, why was your life so full of darkness?”

  “I will tell you that story the next time you fall asleep in your Chamber,” he promises.

  “Promises, promises,” I tease. “I can’t wait to hear how your love story ends.”

  “Well, Vivian. I was kind of hoping we could write the rest of the story together.”

  In a swift movement, he pulls me close. Conversation over.

  I spend the rest of the night with Dominic buried deep inside of me, showing me how much he loves me with every thrust, every adoring kiss, and every passionate caress as he loves me into sweet surrender.

  Chapter Twenty

  Girl Talk

  Last night was the best night of my life. I never thought something like that would come out of my mouth in a place like this. Dominic—I mean, Tyson—loves me. I have got to call him Tyson. Calling him by his real name could change the game for me, and I’m just getting used to playing. Without him, I will forfeit for sure.

  He loves me so much, he even tried to prevent me from coming here. Then there was his revelation about the dark road. What kind of darkness could he find when I only see light behind his eyes?

  I hope no one was watching us because what transpired was not a Chambermaid who fell asleep in her Chamber, only to be awoken by a horny guard. Last night we were lovers. We adored one another. I realized that I might not have gotten the head start on love that Tyson got, but if things continue to progress the way they are, I just might start gaining on him.

  When I first latched on to him, it was out of fear. He presented himself to me like a lifeline in the pit of hell—in a lion’s den—and no one would blame me for holding on. To say that is how I feel about him now would be lying. The truth of the matter is, I’m falling in love with him, too.

  I really don’t know why all of these emotions are at war inside of me. I love Liam, Liam loves me. I’m falling in love with Tyson. Tyson loves me.

  This could be just the distraction that I need. A bunch of mental chatter might help me cope with the events unfolding in my life.

  I head to the spa for my daily massage. When I arrive, Sapphire and Sky are getting massages from their groomers. I slide my broken and weary body onto the massage table while Zion prepares.

  “Damn, girl,” Sapphire says. “Tyson must have worked the shit out of you ’cause you were screaming like a banshee last night.”

  I snap my head to the right and glare at her, embarrassed. “You could hear me?”

  “I think the whole castle could hear you,” she teases.

  “That’s an uncomfortable thought,” I reply.

  “Don’t be embarrassed,” Sapphire says. “We’ve all seen his cock. It’s massive. I’d be screaming, too.”

  Zion begins the task of rubbing my shoulders. I sigh at how heavenly the contact feels.

  “Did you fall asleep on purpose?” Sky asks the magic question.

  To my surprise, everyone seems to be eager for her answer. Their groomers stop massaging, and Sky and Sapphire perk up in wait.

  “Of course not,” I say. “Why would you ask me that, Sky?”

  “I don’t know. You guys are different. I mean, I see the way you react when he’s around. The way he watches you. When we were at the pool party, you guys were in your own little world—like a real couple. We have a saying back home for the two of you. Ware liefde.”

  “What does that mean?” Sapphire asks.

  I don’t want to ask, because it sounds romantic and beautiful in her tongue and I just don’t know how long I can maintain my poker face.

  “It means ‘true love,’” Sky says.

  Crap. If she noticed, then others did as well. She’s more accurate than she knows. “You’re very observant, but the answer is no,” I say, trying to cover. “I gawk at him because he’s fucking hot, and he probably watches me because he’s good at his job.”

  I can never admit what Sky seems to already know. I don’t know about the “true love” part. I’m barely able to wrap my head around any feelings that I have for him at all because they are new and shocking to me. It’s not like I can be in a relationship with him beyond this place, and the clock is ticking.

  “Whatever, girl,” Sapphire says. “If my guard looked like him and was into me the way he is into you, I’d move into my fucking Chamber.”

  We roar with laughter. Even though, secretly, I wish I could do just that.

  We fall into silence and I enjoy my massage. I wish I didn’t have to go back into my Chamber tonight. After last night, I don’t want to spend any time with anyone else. I really need to think about what is happening to me and my future, not that Tyson made any mention of leaving this place to be with me. His place, I’m sure, is here in The Chamber, not pining after me while I decide whether I want him or Liam. Either way, Liam may not want to have much to do with me when he learns what my job has been for the last year.

  What happens if Tyson realizes that his feelings for me are actually just an infatuation or a crush, when the novelty wears off, and he realizes I’m not all that he’s built me up to be?

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Liam, Angry Boy

  This is absolute bullshit.

  Vivian has been missing for over three months. There is no way she’s alive. If she is, then that’s even worse. Because she’s probably being tortured in some sick fucker’s basement.

  How did this happen? No one knows shit. The police are tired of seeing my ass, but I refuse to let my girl become some cold case, some never-solved stack of evidence stuffed into a vault. Not gonna happen. I will never stop. As long as she isn’t confirmed dead, then she is alive to me.

  This means she needs me more than ever to fight to bring her back. My love and vigilance will bring my girl home to me. When we find her—and we will—I will do everything in my power to keep her safe, and I’ll make up for lost time.

  All I can see is her—gray eyes, skin that’s too soft to be real, a full-lipped smile. She’s mine, and I want her back. My ringing phone interrupts my reverie. I never answer it anymore. My heart needs to screen the calls in case it is the police or Vivian’s parents.

  Frankly, the phone ringing scares the shit out of me these days.

  “Hey, Liam, it’s me, Maddie. Open your fucking door, dude. I know you’re screening my calls, ’cause I do the same shit. Liam. Open. Your. Front. Door.” She lets each word drag.

  When I open the door, Maddie and Stevyn are standing on my front steps.

  “Move your ass, I gotta pee.” She pushes past me. “And we are not leaving without you!” she calls behind her. “So put some clothes on, assnuts!”

  I move out of the way so Stevyn can come inside. We sit on the couch and wait for Maddie to return. Neither of us say a word. The fact that he is still civil and hasn’t tried to kick the shit out of me means that Maddie hasn’t said anything to him. Thank goodness. Not that I’m worried. Stevyn is more of a preppy boy—small framed, barely five-nine—and I think he gets manicures. Not that I care. He’s a cool dude, but I think he’s more of a lover than a fighter. Since he and Maddie hooked up, he and I have become boys, and I’m not ready to lose that right now.

  Even with the guilt I’m carrying, I’m so glad that Stevyn is here so that Maddie and I can avoid the ever- present elephant in the room—the fact that we fucked each other senseless only a week after Vivian’s disappearance. It never happened again, and it never will. When Vivian returns to me, I will be worthy of her. When the time is right, I will tell her what happened. I won’t say that it didn’t mean anything, either. I will man up and tell her that we were both in so much pain that we thought we could help each other erase it temporarily. Surely, she will understand.

  “What the fuck? I said get dressed!” Maddie yells as she returns to the room.

  “Madeline, I’m not going anywhere. So just go.” I poin
t toward the front door.

  “Like it’s that easy. You have to get out of the house—somewhere besides the police station or Viv’s. You’re not gonna fall apart on my watch. Viv needs you strong and healthy when we get her back, and we will. Now put some clean clothes on, or so help me I will dress you myself!” She crosses her arms in front of her body and digs her heels in. She’s not leaving.

  Fifteen minutes later I’m in the backseat of Stevyn’s F150. When we pull up to a local pub I hop out of the truck before it has time to stop. I’m pissed at Maddie for making me leave the house.

  This is bullshit. I should not be out kicking it, having drinks, when my girl is suffering somewhere.

  “Stop sulking, Liam,” Maddie growls at me. “You need this numbing of the brain. Trust me, my brain has been numb since some fucking psycho stole my best friend. If this doesn’t help, you can hate me for it. Please, at least try.”

  “Fine, Maddie. Bring on the liquor!” I shout as we walk through the door. I instantly recognize a couple of my buddies from my MMA gym, Xavier and Blake, waiting for us in a corner booth.

  “What’s up?” I walk over and greet them. They both stand.

  “Sorry about your girl, bro,” Xavier grabs me in a tight hug. “Anytime you need to talk, I’m here.” He pats my shoulder hard.

  “Thanks, man.”

  Blake hugs me next. “You know I got your back, man. Anything you need.”

  “I know, Blake, thanks.”

  Before I’m in my seat, a round of tequila shots appear. The good stuff. I can tell as it slides smoothly down my throat. The music is not too loud for conversation, but the songs are upbeat. It’s just what I need. There’s no sound from the televisions, just images.

  By the third shot, my mind is numb. My heart is still broken, only I can’t feel it now. The only thing I feel is heat in my chest and belly.

  By the fifth shot, I can barely stand. We’re all stumbling drunks. Hopefully, I will remember how cool it was for Maddie to arrange for my boys to meet us, and thank her for it.


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