Syren's Pride

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Syren's Pride Page 5

by Jennah Thornhill

  “Now what are you going to do? You can’t run and hide now, I’ve got you trapped.”

  “More to the point, what are you going to do now you’ve caught me?”

  She’s teasing me, but by her asking me that, it makes me dig my heels in and more convinced that what I’m about to do is good idea.

  “Well Queen Bea, I’m just about to show you what I’m going to do, but if at any point you're not comfortable with it you have to tell us to stop. Okay?”

  In an instant her eyes go wide when she realises, I said the word us and not me.

  “You mean as in you and him?” She asks, as she flicks her head in Vin's direction, who is now standing at the foot of the bed.

  “Yeah gorgeous, me and Vin.”

  Watching the perfect ‘O’ form on her lips when realisation hits her that I’m going to take what she said before to heart. It makes me jump for glee on the inside. She can’t expect to say something like that then think she can just walk away from me, from us. Especially when now she knows my secret, and the only reason I’ve kept them apart this long is because the fear of her leaving me. Or her telling someone that could ruin me was to overwhelming.

  “Is that okay with you?” I ask, but it’s only as a cautionary measure. Just in case she’s changed her mind, but something tells me deep in my gut she has no intentions of changing her mind. She’s in this now until the very end.

  Testing the waters even further, I don’t give her the chance to answer me. Instead I press my mouth against hers in a soft kiss. Running my tongue along the edge of her mouth, giving her time to relax into the situation. I lean onto one arm cupping her face with my free hand. Keeping my eyes open as I deepen the kiss to keep an eye on her reaction to all of this. With no force at all from me, she takes a hold of the back of my head and goes full force with the soft kiss I started. I can smell the desire coming from her, she wants this just as much as we do, if not more.

  They say you learn something new every day, well I’m just about to learn that after this, my life will never be the same again.

  Chapter Ten


  Holy, fucking moly.

  I’m actually going to do this.

  I’m going to have a threesome.

  It’s not like I haven’t done it before, because I have. It’s just that this will be my first one with two males. I’m used to it being me, another female and one male. So, this, I’m actually excited about, if not a little nervous, but fuck it. You only live once and it's the fact that it’s with two gorgeous men just adds to the appeal. Also, the beaming look Max has spread all over his face tells me he couldn’t be any happier about this if he tried. The way he started off slow with me, tells me that he’s also waiting for me to pull the plug on this whole thing.

  Not a chance is that happening.

  I can see Vin standing at the edge of the bed out the corner of my eye. So, breaking the kiss that me and Max have gotten ourselves lost in, I push Max off me so he’s now standing and I’m now propping myself up on my elbows.

  “Kiss him.” I order Vin when I turn to look at him.

  The look of pure shock on their faces would be funny if I was joking around, only I’m not. My order is plain and simple, yet straight to the point. If they both want me, then I have to see these two together. It’s only fair.

  Being the more dominant one, as I knew he would be. Vin leaves where he’s standing at the bottom of the bed and stalks towards Max. Who by the way still seems to be in a state of shock. Without any warning at all, Vin goes straight in for the kill.

  Fusing their mouths together and running his hand down Max’s flat stomach at the same time he holds his head in a firm grip, not allowing him to get away. Just like that the temperature in this room goes from zero to one hundred degrees in seconds. My body is on fire watching these two kiss. God help me when we get down to the nitty fucking gritty. I can already feel my thighs getting damp from seeing the erotic sight in front of me. Men think watching two women is hot. Well they don't get how god damn sexy it is watching two men is, because right now all I want do is strip my clothes off and beg them to take me, but I'm not going to. I may have ordered Vin to kiss Max, but I'm under no illusion that I'm in charge here. Max is the one who has to guide us, he’s the one who needs to take the next step.

  When Max finally manages to pull away from Vin’s mouth, he rests his forehead against his. Their breaths coming in quick short pants.

  I continue to just stay where I am on the bed and wait. I wait to see what happens next. When nothing happens or gets said for a few minutes, I sit up straight with the intention of getting up and leaving. The thoughts I'm having are that Max has changed his mind now, he no longer wants me here and wants Vin to himself. As I'm about to get to my feet I'm stopped short by Max’s booming voice.

  “Sit your arse back on that bed, Queen Bea. We haven't finished with you yet.”

  Well, that's me told.

  “Actually, on second thoughts stand sweetheart. We have to get you out of that pesky little dress of yours. We wouldn't want it to get ruined now, would we?” Vin says.

  The entire time they are still joined together at the head. It's like there was some silent communication going on between them before they both barked orders at me.

  “I think it’s time I finally get a little taste of this delectable woman. It’s not fair that you’ve been keeping her all to yourself Max.” Vin states, as he turns towards me where I’m half on and half off the bed, still a tad unsure if I’m supposed to be sitting or standing.

  Standing directly in front of me, Vin takes me by the shoulders and pulls me up so I’m now standing.

  “You have two seconds to back out of this, sweetheart. After that you’re ours.”

  Being the stubborn person, I am, I stand my ground and look him straight in the eye as I say, “Then take me, because I don’t want to belong to anyone else.”

  I hear Max inhale a sharp breath when the last few words leave my mouth. He knows I’m not going anywhere, and I’m not some scared little girl. Vin’s eyes widen in delight at my response. The look I see on his face has the excitement I have running through me multiplying in seconds.

  Without another word spoken, Vin steps closer to me if that’s even possible and cups both sides of my face. Running his nose along mine, he just stares at me as if he’s memorising the moment. Then before I know it, our lips are attached to each other’s and his tongue is mingling with mine. Hungry strokes back and forth has us both fighting for our breaths when we eventually break apart.

  “I now understand why Max has kept you to himself for so long, just after that one little taste of you has me wanting more already.”

  Lightly brushing his finger along my collarbone, he goes higher and pushes the strap of my dress from my shoulder. Leaving goose bump trails as he pulls it down my arm even lower. When I drag my eyes back up to his, I notice that Max is now standing behind Vin.

  “Do the other strap, that dress needs to go.”

  His direct, yet indirect order just makes me want to rip the goddamn thing off my body, but I’m not going to. If they want me, I’m going let them do the work. Once Vin’s followed Max’s instructions and the other strap of my dress has been slid down my arm, the rest of the material that clings to my body just slips away from me. I’m left standing there in nothing but red lace boy shorts. Looking down, I see my nipples have instantly hardened and I'd like to say it’s because it’s cold in the room, but I’d be lying. We all know that it’s because I’ve got the stares of two men on my naked flesh, taking me all in. Admiring the art work, I have splattered here and there on my body. Their eyes zones in on one particular tattoo I have. It runs along the outskirts of my left boob, ‘fight for yourself, only you matter.’ I don’t talk about it, never have and I probably never will. That tattoo is for me and me only. It’s there to serve as a reminder that in this big bad world I can only ever rely on myself. That in the
end everyone judges you and criticises your choices. Max has seen it all before, but when I look at him over Vin’s shoulder, he looks like he’s seeing me for the first time. It’s like he’s valuing me a lot more now. I actually think that now we’re at this stage in our so called ‘relationship’ those words I have etched on my body mean something to him as well.

  “Isn’t she something else?”

  Max’s question is aimed at Vin who just nods his head as his answer.

  My eyes go from Max back to Vin, that’s when I notice his eyes are glazed over and his breathing is deep and shallow. Me being me, think it’s something to do with me. That I’m not actually what he wants, but when I hear the distinct sound of a pant escape his mouth and look down to his crotch, I see that Max now has his hand in Vin’s Calvin’s.

  Oh lord, fuck me.

  Chapter Eleven


  Watching him kiss her like that should have had me in a fit of jealousy.

  Only it had the opposite effect. It had me going from a semi to a full-blown erection in a nanosecond. Why I thought keeping these two apart was a good idea I have no clue.

  Now I’m paying the price for it though. I’m beginning to worry for my health in the dick department. As in I think it might fall off any minute now if someone doesn’t suck it or let me fuck them soon.

  Pushing the situation along and Vin’s done what I’ve demanded by removing her dress, we both just stand there in awe of her beauty. I’ve always liked tattoos on women, but on her I love them. Then there’s the script she has under the left tit. I’ve never paid much attention to it before. Yet being here with the two people who are undoubtedly changing my life, I see what she’s trying to say without actually saying it out loud.

  Starting with a slow caress on Vin’s backside so Billie can’t see, I wait until his reaction to me touching him reaches her. When it does, I inch my hand inside his boxers taking the long, hard length of him in my hand, giving him small strokes as I go.

  I know the minute she notices; her eyes go wide and I can hear her heart start to beat wildly beneath her chest. She tries to hide it by pulling her facial features back into place, but she knows she can’t and can never hide from me.

  As usual my Queen never fails to shock me. Without any prompting from me or Vin, her small hand reaches out and joins mine inside his boxers.

  Holy shit, she is amazing.

  “Is that nice Vin, baby? Do you like it when both of us are touching you?” She coos at him.

  Her bare breasts are now pressed against his chest and are rising and falling with every ragged breath he takes. He maybe Mr Macho when it comes to his job, but when he's been handed a situation like this, he becomes a big pile of goo. All mushy and soft.

  The words ‘I do’ slip from his mouth on a quiet husk.

  With both mine and Billie’s hands encasing him, we both continue to stroke him. Gentle at first, then as we see his shoulders sag and he falls into our rhythm we speed up. Only when we think he’s about to explode in our hands, he abruptly shouts, “Stop,”

  Which we both do immediately. Neither one of us dares to move in case we’ve done something wrong. The pained expression I see on his face has me concerned. His eyes are squeezed shut and his breaths are coming in quick short pants. I know he’s wanted this for a long time, for him to say stop is a worry for me. I look at Billie again over his shoulder and she looks at me, both of us have concern on our faces. When a few moments have passed and he hasn’t said another word, I take the lead and start to pull away from his dick, with Billie following my lead. Yet we are stopped short when he places his own hand over both of ours.

  “I’m not telling you to stop because this isn’t what I want. I’m telling you to stop before I embarrass myself.”

  Me and Billie both start to chuckle at his little confession. For him to admit that he was ready to blow his load this early had to be painful for him. For as long as I’ve known him, he’s always been a proud and confident man. Our laughs come to an abrupt end when his eyes flash open and he gives me then Billie the glare. We both instantly have straight faces and lie in wait to see what he says next. Again, after that he says nothing, zilch. When out of nowhere his hips thrust forward causing our hands to smooth down the hardness of him again. Not wanting him to have to say stop again, I slide my hand out of his boxers, indicating that Bille should do the same. When we’ve freed him from our grasps, I side step him giving a nudge as I go so he moves slightly, giving me access once again to my Queen. Getting my hands on her is now my priority. With my aim in sight, I go in for the kill whilst giving Vin a minute to pull himself together.

  With my hazel eyes locked onto her deep chocolate brown ones and giving her a half a smile. I wrap my arms her tiny waist at the same time embracing her sexy as fuck curves, encouraging her to wrap her firm limbs around my hips. When she’s taken up the chimp like position around me, I push us forward so we both fall onto the bed with her lying on her back.

  Now she’s exactly where I want her.

  “I have the urge to laugh at the way you’ve just put us here, but I sense now is not the time for laughing.”

  She would be right in her assumption. Shit is about to get very real.

  “Shh, Queen Bea. You're about to learn what it’s like to have two men making you come.”

  A blush creeps across her face, but it soon disappears when I unwrap my arms from around her and untangle her legs from my hips, before I start to kiss and lick my way down her body. Just the way I know she likes, landing on my knees between her now spread legs.

  “Oh fuck.” I hear come from both Billie and Vin’s mouths.

  Reaching the apex of her thighs, I place kisses either side before tracing the outer lips of her weeping pussy.

  Just as I wrap my lips around her clit and start to suck, I feel Vin at my back where he’s now firmly planted himself between my open legs. He starts feeling his way around to the front of my jeans before he lowers the zip and pulls out my stiff and aching cock. I continue to suck her clit into my mouth, giving it little flicks of my tongue at the same time Vin strokes me. I find every time he picks up speed on me, I go that little bit faster on Billie. Before we all know it, she’s screaming for ‘God’ at the top of her lungs and I’m shooting my jizz all over Vin’s hand and my jeans.

  With all of us a tad out of breath from that, we all just stay where we are. Her still lying on the bed with her legs spread. Me with my head pressed against her pelvic bone and Vin with his chin resting on my shoulder looking over at Billie.

  “Get up off your knees and join her on the bed… now Max.”

  There’s no room to argue with him, he’s not messing about either anymore. Feeling him climb to his feet behind me, I follow his steps and stand myself. My back once again to his front. Both of us just standing there, me with my dick just flopping about through my jeans. Him doing some serious deep breathing as we both admire the sight that is Billie spread wide open on the bed.

  Pushing herself up on her elbows only moving the top half of her body leaving every other part where it is, she looks at us both with hooded eyes and flutters her eyelashes. In an instant, my spunk stained jeans are off and thrown across the room. The air from me moving so fast whips Vin in the face, but he’s soon behind me with his boxers also flying through the air.

  All three of us are now on the bed, with Billie between us.

  My heart starts to beat violently against my chest. I never thought for one minute I would ever get to do this. Have the two people I think I’m falling in love with in my bed.

  It’s like I’m in a dream and I’m waiting for someone to pinch me to tell me it’s not real. That this is all in my head. Hearing Billie give out a loud moan, I know I’m not dreaming, because in front of me Vin is kissing her and is sliding a hand between her legs. Not one to go back on my word when I told her she was going have two men making her come, I coax her to roll over onto her side so her back is
to me and her firm round ass is in my line of sight. Leaving Vin to kiss her pretty little mouth and finger fuck her pussy. I reach around and take her breast in my hand and start to tweak her already hard nipple between my fingers. This causes her to moan and groan even louder into Vin’s mouth. Being the man, he is, he captures every single one and soothes her right back down when we feel her body start to tremble. Keeping my hand firmly in place on her breast, I start kissing down her spine, nipping slightly at her soft creamy skin as I go. Finally landing at my destination. I abandon it, instead taking her right leg and placing it so her foot is flat on the mattress and she’s completely open to us both. Sinking my teeth harder this time into the round globes of her arse, I blow on the spot giving her some relief from the sting I’ve caused. Her back arches giving her spine the perfect curve as growl leaves her mouth.

  “Oh, sweet Jesus,” she pants.

  Me and Vin both chuckle at her response to us both.

  Spreading her arse cheeks, I lap at her pussy where Vin is still finger fucking her and run my tongue right up to her forbidden area. I know no-one has ever taken her here before. It was one of the first things she told me when we first started sleeping together. So, by doing this I know I’m going to be pushing her limits, but if she says stop I will… immediately. No questions asked. Giving her arse cheek a small slap, I continue reaming her arsehole with my tongue. Then when I think she’s ready and relaxed enough, I insert my pinkie finger a tiny bit at a time to add some extra pressure and hopefully the best pleasure she’s ever experienced. Once I’m all the way in to the base of my finger, I start pumping in and out of her. Slowly at first expecting her to pull the brakes on what I’m doing, only she doesn’t. Instead she pushes back on to me before the words I never thought I would here leave her mouth.


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