Fate & Fire: Mystic Harem Trilogy Book Two

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Fate & Fire: Mystic Harem Trilogy Book Two Page 6

by Anna LaVerne

  I have noticed that most mystics have a reverence for nodes that is so deep it is akin to fear. It is not like that for me. I feel as if the node is home. I could live within the energy exploring the world through its channels and ley lines.

  “Dina, Rhett, Trey, and Manu only. I will take you four to the Queen. The rest of you wait here. I will have drinks sent.” With that Vex walks out of the room, and the four of us scramble to follow him.

  Chapter Eight

  We go through a maze of hallways meant to confuse anyone who enters. We gradually make our way upstairs until we reach a plain door. When Vex opens it, I see a haggard version of my mother sitting in a chair sipping on tea. Her hair is beginning to gray. It is pulled back from her face in a loose bun upon the top of her head. I am struck with how she vulnerable she is here alone.

  If I go to Lumbai, I need to take her with me. It is only a matter of time before a basket of bad fruit makes it into her chamber, and she wouldn’t be able to see through the disguise in her weakened state. Her husbands are either dead or left her ages ago. All that is left is Vex, and now me. Even my sisters deserted her, as I haven’t seen a single one and haven’t had the heart to ask Queen Maris about them.

  “Come on in, child, and sit down. Vex has already updated me on all of his findings.” My mother waves for me to sit in the chair across from her. Her hair was raven black just the day before, and now there are streaks of gray in it reflecting light from a window.

  “Did Vex fill you in on my vision?” I ask. I don’t want to bother her, but what other choice is there?

  “Yes, I remember it. I am guessing you want to go to Lumbai to meet Celeste head on?”

  I don’t even bother replying because, let's be honest, I don’t need to. My mother knows me better than I know me.

  “You decided that if Gabal hasn’t arrived yet, then he most likely won’t, and you need to warn Lumbai before Celeste arrives at their doorstep?”

  I stare at the faraway look in my mother's eyes as she takes another sip of her tea. One of the few times in my life I have the sense to be quiet. She knows my mind, and so, there is nothing for me to say.

  Queen Maris takes a deep breath before continuing once again, “Lumbai knows, you shouldn’t worry about that.”

  This last bit causes me to lean forward and rest my elbow on the table. “How do you know?”

  “They contacted me through the only mirror Celeste didn’t steal. I am not sure how they had the number, but I imagine it is because it has been hanging in this room for centuries. Attached to the wall and never able to be removed. Celeste probably isn't even aware of it's purpose.” She raises a long thin finger and points to a large silver mirror that hangs above her fireplace.

  “Who contacted you?” I ask even though I know the message came from Lumbai, I want to know who sent the message.

  “King Gabal and his ancient mentor, the alchemist Tivian.”

  “King Gabal?” I ask not sure if I heard her correctly.

  “Don't act so surprised, the Magi have royalty, too. And once you think about it, it makes sense. A mystic princess and a mage king destined to be together from birth. It is the thing that stories are made of. Now here we all stand ensnared by fate in a story that will last lifetimes. Who will rise and who will fall? What will the world look like when it is all done?” Queen Maris takes another sip of her tea. Her fingers are aging, and the cup shakes ever so slightly.

  “I don’t have time to think about fate, Mother,” I reply as I take the shaking cup and saucer from her hands.

  “You don’t understand, you don’t have a choice in the matter. As neither do I. The threads have been pulled tight, and everything is in motion. I only wonder how much Celeste knows and what her part is in it all. The world is changing . . .”

  Not knowing how to respond, I bring her attention back to my request to leave for Lumbai. “Can I go to Lumbai to stop her?”

  “Yes, I have instructions on how to use the portal. We will leave first thing in the morning. Pack light, just you and your three men. No clothing, no weapons, no food stuffed into your pockets.” She chuckles at herself.

  “Do you think it's wise you leave Lorcan?”

  “I think it does not matter whether I am here or there. There are only a few Celeste sympathizers. Lorcan has its plan in place. They know I am recovering and will be out unless something huge happens, and nothing will happen because Celeste is heading for Lumbai at the moment, not Lorcan.”

  Something seems off, but I can’t place my finger on it. An uneasiness creeps over my bones, and I know I will not get any rest tonight. The only question I have left before I leave her to rest is a simple one. “Are we taking warriors with us?”

  “Yes, five hundred.” My mouth drops open. I didn’t even know there were five hundred warriors in Lorcan.

  I go to ask how many will be left to Lorcan but Vex sees me and answers first. “Don’t worry, Dina. There are over fifteen hundred warriors in Lorcan right now.”

  Vex helps me from my chair as I shake my head in disbelief. I hadn’t seen near that many here. Where are they all?

  “See you in the morning, daughter. I am having an outfit for you to wear tomorrow delivered to your rooms. Please don’t argue with me on this.”

  “Goodnight, Mother,” I say, and Vex ushers me out of the room with his hand on my back. My three men already wait in the hall.

  “Where are all the warriors?” I ask still unbelieving of the numbers I was given.

  “Ramparts, and the bunks within them. To be fair, Princess, you are isolated within Lorcan. You barely see anyone," Manu speaks up, and both Rhett and Trey shoot him an annoyed glance. This will be an interesting pairing.

  “Are you going with us?” I ask Manu while Trey opens the door to the sitting room we left the others in.

  “Where else would I be? Here stuck in this giant mountain with a bunch of land dwellers? No thanks, I’d rather be where the action is.”

  “Like you have a choice island man.” Trey gives him a little shove into the room. The small interaction gives me hope that my men might learn to get along. I take my seat next to Bee and Tim as Vex breaks everything down for everyone.

  “We are leaving for Lumbai tomorrow morning with five hundred warriors. Tig, you will stay in Lorcan and will pair with Thalia to keep Lorcan on lockdown. You answer to only the Queen. Tonight, I will show how to stay in contact with us while we are gone. The rest of you are traveling with us.”

  “Even me?” Tim asks unbelieving.

  “Yes, even you,” I respond, hoping he doesn’t jump back into Celeste’s lap the moment he sees her. “Just promise you won’t go running back to Celeste.”

  Tim shakes his head, “I never thought I would get to travel outside Lorcan.” He looks at Bee and smiles. I am not sure what Bee sees in the awkward boys, but here she is batting her eyes at Tim like a lovesick girl. She moves quick, too, and I can’t complain because their new relationship benefits us.

  “Okay, everyone, go get rest. Tig, come with me.” With that, Vex leaves the room. I guess I don’t get to be privy to any battle planning. I don’t even know how Lorcan is run, and I am the heir. The life of being a protected princess, I guess.

  “I am not sure I can sleep. I slept all night and most of today.” The only one that got half as much sleep as me is Manu.

  “Our beds are in a hallway off from your sitting room. We will walk you back.” Trey places his hand on my back to guide me again.

  “Mine is in the barracks. I will go get my things and meet you back in Princess Dina’s living quarters.” I give Manu a slight nod to acknowledge that is what I want him to do.

  “Where has Bee been staying?” I ask.

  “In the maid’s quarters beneath your room,” she answers. I shake my head.

  “That is unacceptable!” I say.

  “It is my station,” Bee counters.

  “No you’re a scholar and should be treated as one. I demand you move into
one of the husband suites tonight and from here on out. I know I will never have a harem of more than five, so I know there will be spare rooms.”

  “Never say never. Your harem seems to be growing,” Rhett teases me.

  “Stop it, you.” I reach up and pinch his red cheek before I walk out of the room ahead of everyone per normal. Hopefully, someone will catch up because, as usual, I would get lost trying to find my room again.

  “By the way,” I yell back at them all, “No one touch the basket of fruit. It is cursed, or poisoned, or something like that.”

  Chapter Nine

  When we reach my rooms, Trey and Rhett go to a hidden panel in the white wall. Trey triggers the door, and it slides open revealing a hall. I say nothing, instead I am in awe they get a hidden hall, but the door to my room is right out in the open. How does that keep me safe?

  “I want a hidden hall, too!” I whine as I hurry to follow them to the husbands’ rooms.

  “No, you don’t, these rooms are not that impressive,” Trey says as he opens his door. I look past him and see a room that is almost identical to Trey’s old room in Cargil. Not too small but also not enormous.

  “Are they all like this?” I ask.

  “Yep, all identical,” Rhett answers from behind me.

  “We need to remedy that when all of this war business is over. You deserve better rooms.” Trey grunts in response.

  “I will go take a bath. Do you guys want to join me before you lay down for the night?” I ask, hopeful they both say yes. I am already excited by the thought of having them both naked in a bath with me. The bathing area in my rooms is giant. I can fit an entire harem of men in it if I want to.

  I blush as I trail my finger along Trey’s chest before turning around and adding, “I will give you two some time to think about it. You know where to find me.”

  I try to walk sexily out of the hall. As soon as I am out of view, I try to scurry into my room, but I am interrupted by a deep voice, “Where are you headed so fast?”

  I turn to see Manu casually leaning up against the wall near my fireplace. “To bathe,” I answer.

  He pushes off the wall and stalks towards me like a predator looking at his prey, “Do you mind if I join you? I haven’t had a decent bath in weeks. My muscles are sore from training and sleeping on the cots in the bunks.” He stretches a bronzed muscled arm over his head.

  The energy calling me has me salivating at the mouth. I want Manu . . . badly. It is more than a want, it is a need. Whatever the markings mean, it is obvious now I can’t deny them even if I want to. I nod to him and feel the heat rise through my neck and into my face, “Just give me a second to get in the bath first.”

  I'm not sure what kind of modesty I am trying to preserve as I rush through my door. I am quick to shed my clothing and grab a towel before heading into the bathing room. Lowering myself into the warm water on the far side of the bath, all my thoughts are on Manu. In the back of my mind, I remember inviting Trey and Rhett, but in this moment, I can’t get the image of Manu out of my head.

  The door opens, and Manu walks in wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. His hair is free from the braid and it is longer than mine. My eyes wander down his chest where I see his tattoos for the first time. They swirl around his muscles in a tribal pattern. I can’t help but wonder if they flow down his back in the same manner.

  Manu is built so differently from Trey or Rhett. His hips are wide, and the towel stretches to its max trying to keep him covered. A wide grin appears on Manu’s face as he sends me a mischievous wink and rips the towel from his hips.

  My jaw drops as I see him in all his erect glory. I divert my eyes to the water. Part of me wants to be angry that he is assuming what will happen between us based on me being a mystic. The other part of me is hot with need and is tamping the anger from his presumptions.

  Manu lowers himself into the water and sighs as he relaxes his strong sore muscles. “You are so innocent looking. I never thought of a mystic as innocent,” he says, inching his way toward my side of the bathing pool.

  “I never wanted a harem or to be a mystic. I wanted to be a warrior.” My voice is husky with the desire pooling in my core. I am aware of what will happen, whether I am ready for it or not. The magic connecting us is too strong to deny.

  “You are a warrior and a mystic,” he says.

  “I am not a warrior, I have never trained. I am a poor mystic as well. I neglected my duty to learn and am now over my ears in trouble with no idea how to get out. I have little understanding of my magic. I don’t even know what this is between us."

  “Fate, I keep telling you this be fate. You are bringing together a world. I trust in the stars that guide me. It is the first thing we learn as children in the islands.”

  Manu reaches up a hand and brushes my hair from the side of my face, “I would very much like to kiss you now.”

  My heart rate picks up, and my mouth opens, waiting. I want this. When his lips touch mine, I experience the same feeling I felt with Trey and Rhett. The energy explodes into me, and my need becomes more urgent.

  I slam my lips back into his, sucking the energy down. He groans in response and wraps his arms around either side of me pinning me against the edge of the pool. I can feel his sex near, so I spread my legs and try to meet it halfway.

  Manu breaks from our kiss, “Not so quick, Princess. I want to taste you first.”

  In one rapid movement, he lifts me from the water and places me on the edge of the bath. My nipples harden when the cool air envelopes my body. Manu stays in the water and rubs his large calloused hands down my long, long legs spreading them wide, so he can view the core of me.

  I try to wiggle away from the onslaught of kisses on my core I am certain are sure to come, but Manu stops me. He moves his hands to my hips and pulls me closer to the edge and holds me there.

  When his mouth touches my core, I lose it and throw my head backwards, arching my breasts into the air. The tingles of energy pass through my body with each thrust and pass of his tongue. I moan in pure delight.

  I want to see his head between my legs, so I brace myself and open my eyes to peer down at him. His long hair calls to me as I bring a hand forward and entwine his hair between my fingers. I arch my hips begging for more as another moan escapes from my lips.

  My head falls backwards as I am nearing the explosion of energy my body is desperately seeking. It is then I notice both Trey and Rhett standing at the door watching Manu and I. Their faces awash with lust finally sends me over the edge. I scream out my orgasm, and it echoes around the stone room.

  My body relaxes as I lay back on the cold stone floor. Manu licks a few more times sending tiny convulsions through me. I am not sure I have anymore left to give or take, and I have three men waiting.

  Manu’s hands are on my hips pulling me back into the water. I wrap my legs around him as he turns and rests his back against the wall of the bathing pool. While resting my head on his shoulder, I breathe in his scent of salty sea.

  I am not even bothered by Rhett and Trey seeing it all. All three men are mine, and I will bask in the comfort of each of them. Although, I know they all want more, I drift off to sleep in the pool in Manu’s arms.

  I only wake when I feel myself being dried by multiple hands and then laid in my big bed. I fall back asleep with the hands of two men holding on from either side. My body is too tired and sated from Manu, and my eyes are too heavy to open and check who is in bed with me. This is exactly what I need before leaving for Lumbai in the morning.

  Chapter Ten

  I wake up with a big heavy leg draped over my leg and a hand resting on the back of my head as I lay on my side. I maneuver out from under the heavy leg and roll over to find Manu snoring. Pushing back the covers, I quietly climb from the bed. After putting on one of my robes, I head to the sitting room.

  When I enter, I go straight for the table full of food with Bee, Tim, and Rhett sitting around it. "Where is Trey?"
/>   "He is with Vex, prepping the army. We were letting you sleep for a while longer with that giant snoring oaf. I swear Manu sleeps as much as you do, Dina," Rhett answers, gesturing to the door to my room.

  "I guess since I am up, it wouldn't hurt to eat and get ready."

  "Eat first, Queen Maris had me bring an over the outfit for you to wear today," Bee answers as she stuffs a small pastry into her little mouth.

  I roll my eyes picturing an over the top queen-like gown. "Let me guess, it's an old-style gaudy as all get out mystic dress?"

  "No, it is quite the opposite." Bee winks at me.

  Okay, so my interest is piqued, but I'm not in a rush to put anything on. Last thing I want is to be stuck in something uncomfortable until I absolutely need to.

  I take a seat at the table. Before I take a bite of the food, I am careful to inspect it while trying to not let my concern for the safety of the food become obvious. Nothing seems out of the ordinary, but I am still nervous to take a bite. To be safe, I choose to pick up food I notice someone else eat first, like the small pastries that Bee has been devouring since I walked in.

  "So, what's the plan?" I ask.

  "Trey will be back within the hour. We were planning on waking you up and getting you dressed at that time, but you might as well start sooner. As soon as Trey gets back we can head down to the portal room," Rhett answers, but mention of the portal room reminds me it is well protected.

  "How will we get an army in there when we put a barrier around it?" My question is to no one in particular. None of them will know the answer. Instead, I will need to trust my mother has already worked out the answer to that problem.

  As I expect, everyone shrugs, but then Tim speaks. "I-I-I," he stutters. I gesture for him to get it out. "I th-think it might have something to do with you. People can go in and out and use the portal, but most likely only as long as you are with them granting passage. If Gabal could've gotten through, he would have. He was blocked, so he called the only mirror he had the symbols for since it has been here centuries." Tim fidgets and pushes his glasses back up his long nose.


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