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Soaring with Fallon

Page 3

by Kristen Proby

“Are you a vegetarian?” I ask casually.

  “No.” She shakes her head, takes a bite, and sighs in happiness.

  And…cue my dick. If she makes noises like that when her food tastes good, I can only imagine what’ll come out of her mouth when I’m inside her.

  “I do try to stay away from red meat and pork,” she says with a shrug. “Mostly because they’re just not good for heart health. I mainly stick to fish and chicken. Why do you ask?”

  “Because, although I may not love huckleberry ice cream, I am from Montana, and I love beef. And let’s face it, breakfast isn’t the same without bacon.”

  “They do make turkey bacon,” she reminds me, and I feel my face crumple into a scowl.

  “That just seems un-American.”

  “Or healthier,” she says with a laugh. “Is this going to be a deal-breaker for us?”

  “It’s not good,” I concede and let out a long, dramatic sigh. “But I guess I can overlook it.”

  “I’m so relieved.” Her voice is bone-dry, and it makes me laugh.

  “You and I are going to get along just fine.”

  * * * *

  “I enjoyed myself,” Fallon says as I escort her to her door. “And I can’t believe we spent three hours at dinner.”

  “Time flies when you’re having fun.”

  Or when you’re talking to a beautiful woman and enjoying yourself more than you have in years.

  Fallon stops at her door, and I can see by the look on her gorgeous face that she’s trying to decide if she should invite me in or say goodnight.

  So, I make the decision for her.

  “I’d like to see you again,” I begin and take her hand in mine, linking our fingers.

  “I’d like that, too,” she says.

  I step closer with the intent of kissing the breath out of her against the door, but when I move my feet, a sloshing noise catches my attention.


  “It’s okay,” she says, backing away. “You don’t have to kiss me—”

  “What? No. There’s water coming out from under the door.”

  She steps back, looks down, and reaches for the knob.

  “Don’t open it,” I say. “If it’s seeping out, there’s a lot of water behind this door. Is there a back way in?”

  “This way.” She hurries, despite her heels, around the house to the back. The sliding glass door is unlocked and opens easily. We both stop short when we reach the living room.

  “Shit,” I repeat, staring up at the hole in the ceiling. “Where’s the water shut off?”

  “I have no idea,” she says in shock. “I rent this place from Jenna Hull.”

  “I’ll find it.” I hurry outside and, sure enough, find the valve on the side of the house. I turn it off.

  “That was it!” she yells from inside, and I join her as we both stare in shock at the damage done in just three hours.

  “Okay,” I say, taking a deep breath. I watch in surprise as Fallon does the same, matching her breath to mine. “Check your valuables.”

  “I don’t have any,” she says. “At least, nothing that can’t be replaced.”

  “I hope you have renter’s insurance,” I reply. “Most of this furniture is a loss.”

  “It’s not mine. This place came furnished. But, man, this sucks.”

  “Big time,” I agree. “Do you have family you can stay with?”

  “No.” She doesn’t elaborate.

  “Well, I have a guest suite. You’re welcome to it.”

  “You don’t think I can stay here?”

  I stare at her, then look back at the gaping hole in the ceiling, the one still dripping water. The floor is soaked with at least three inches of standing water. “No. It’s not safe.”

  She sighs. “You’re right. I can get a hotel.”

  “I swear, you can use the guest suite,” I repeat firmly. “I’m not using it, and it’s relatively private. You’ll even have your own bathroom.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  “Because that’s what we do here. We help each other.”

  She shakes her head. “You wouldn’t last a week where I come from.”

  “And where’s that?”

  “Chicago.” I watch her thoughtfully as she sloshes over to gather her computer. “At least this didn’t get wet.”

  “Does that mean you’ll come to my place?”

  “For tonight,” she confirms with a nod. “Thanks for the offer. I’ll gather some things and follow you out there.”

  “Let me help.”

  “It’s just some clothes and toiletries,” she says. “It won’t take long. I’ll call Jenna from the car. You can go ahead and go. I’ll be right behind you.”

  “You’re sure you’re okay?”

  She smiles and nods bravely. “This is a piece of cake.”

  “Then you’ve been eating the wrong cake,” I reply. “I’m going to swing by the store, and then I’ll be home.”

  “Is yours the house by the sanctuary?” she asks.

  “That’s the one.”

  “I’ll meet you there,” she says.

  I leave the way we came, through the back door, and rush to my truck. I swing into the grocery store to buy some staples, including pistachio ice cream. When I’m home, and the groceries are put away, I quickly survey the guest suite. The sheets are fresh and clean. I set out towels in the bathroom and make sure everything is sparkling.

  It won’t do if Fallon shows up to anything less than comfortable.

  While I’m waiting for her to arrive, I make a call to my assistant at the sanctuary, letting her know that I may be late in the morning and asking her to find someone to cover the feeding, and then I call my brother, Gray.

  “You’re not usually up this late,” he says.

  “It’s not even ten yet,” I reply.

  “I’m just saying, you’re not a night owl. What’s up?”

  “Fallon’s going to be staying with me for a few days.”

  Gray’s silent for a moment, and I think the call dropped. “Hello?”

  “Is this my brother, Noah, who doesn’t invite women to his house?”

  “You’re funny,” I reply and quickly tell him about my date with Fallon and finding the ceiling caved in at her place. “So she’s going to stay here tonight or until it gets figured out.”

  “Look at you, mister knight in shining armor.”

  “It’s the right thing to do,” I insist.

  “Sure.” He clears his throat. “So, the date must have gone well if you’re asking her to sleep over.”

  “Why did I call you?” I ask aloud.

  “I don’t know, why did you?”

  I sigh. “Because I like her. I don’t know her well yet, but I really like her.”

  “Then be a gentleman,” he says soberly.

  “I’m not going to insist she share my bed.”

  Even though I’d like to. Something tells me we’d be hot in bed together.

  But he’s right. That’s not the way to start something with a woman, and I intend to start something.

  “I’m also giving you the heads-up because Jenna will most likely call you to patch the ceiling.”

  “Sounds good,” he says. “Let me know if you need anything.”

  “Will do. Thanks, Gray.”

  Chapter Three


  “The ceiling caved in?” Jenna asks in my ear. I’m driving to Noah’s place, most of my clothes, toiletries, and electronics in the backseat.

  I always travel lightly.

  “It did,” I confirm. “I’m sorry, Jenna. I have no idea what happened, but I’m assuming it was a leak.”

  “No, I’m sorry. Where are you going tonight?”

  I bite my lip. “To Noah’s.”

  Jenna’s quiet for a second. “Noah King?”

  “Yes. We were on a date when we discovered the mess, and he offered me his guest suite.”

  “Reeeeeally,” she says, her voice fu
ll of smiles. “Tell me more. How many dates have you been on?”

  “Only one,” I say with a laugh. “But he seems nice. At least, I hope he doesn’t plan to murder death kill me in my sleep.”

  “He’s the best,” she says with confidence. “He’s one of my brother’s best friends. You can trust him not to hurt you. But, honestly, I feel horrible, and I’d be happy to pay for a hotel if that would make you feel more comfortable.”

  I take a deep breath as I turn down Noah’s drive.

  “Thanks, Jenna. Why don’t you have someone assess the situation at the house, and then we’ll go from there? I’m safe for tonight.”

  “We can totally do that. Have a good night. I’ll be in touch tomorrow when I have information. In the meantime, you said the water is turned off?”

  “Yeah. I don’t think there’s anything else that can be done this late.”

  The sun sets late during the summer, but it’s already dark.

  “I’ll go over first thing in the morning. Thanks, Fallon.”

  “No problem.”

  I hang up and put the Jeep in park, staring at Noah’s farmhouse. The lights are on inside. He even turned the porch light on for me. Aside from the house lights, the area is pitch-black. There aren’t street lights this far out of town. Across the pasture at the sanctuary, there are some lights over the sidewalks.

  It’s damn dark out here.

  Claire would tell me that I’m asking for the murder scene I told Jenna about. That to accept this invitation from a stranger is dangerous.

  If I still lived in Chicago, I would agree with her.

  But I don’t. I’m in Montana. Not that it’s crime-free, but Noah knows my friends, and I know that Jenna wouldn’t have his back if he were a bad guy.

  At least, I hope.

  Just as I hop out of the Jeep to gather my things, the front door opens, and Noah joins me.

  “Let me grab that,” he offers, taking the biggest bag. “This should tide you over.”

  “This is all my stuff,” I say before I can keep the words in my head.

  “All of it?”

  I nod and follow him into the house, taking a long, deep breath once I’m over the threshold.

  His home is full of positive energy. It’s calm. Happy.

  “Did you grow up in this house?” I ask, surprising him.

  “Yeah. I bought the place from my parents a few years ago. I’ve been fixing up a few things, but it’s pretty much the same.”

  I smile. “You have a nice family.”

  He frowns. “Have you met them?”

  “No.” I shake my head, feeling stupid for saying anything in the first place. “Your home just feels peaceful.”

  He cocks his head to the side, and a smile spreads over his handsome face. “Thanks. You’re back here. Follow me.”

  He leads me down a hallway, to the back of the house, and into a large bedroom with a four-poster, queen-sized bed.

  “The drawers in the dresser are empty,” he continues as he sets my bags on the bed. “And all of the linens are fresh. The bathroom is through here.”

  He turns on the light, and I follow him, getting a look at a simple tub and shower combo, a single sink and toilet. It’s small, but it’s been recently updated with pretty, dark fixtures, extending the farmhouse feel all the way back here.

  “I’m on the other side of the house if you need anything,” he says, leaning against the vanity in the bathroom.

  I nod, looking around. “This is great. Thank you. I spoke to Jenna, and she said she’ll let me know what we’re in for tomorrow after she has someone come out to look at the mess.”

  “No hurry,” he says with a shrug. His arms are crossed over his chest, showing off his biceps.

  I have a thing for men’s arms. Some women like butts or abs.

  I’m an arm girl.

  And Noah has amazing arms.


  I blink and look up at his face. He’s grinning. He knows exactly what I was just thinking.

  And I don’t care that he knows. I’m attracted to him, and for once in my life, I’m not going to shy away from someone I like.

  “You can touch them,” he offers, and it’s my turn to be surprised.

  “I will,” I say before clearing my throat. “Eventually.”

  He pushes away from the vanity and walks to me, slowly, like a lion stalking its prey. Something tells me he’s just as powerful as the king of the jungle.

  He stops just a few inches in front of me and drags the pad of his thumb down my cheek and over my lips. My breath catches in my throat.

  Jesus, Mary, and Joseph he’s potent. Sexy and strong. He smells like cedar and whatever kind of soap he uses.

  And he’s so fucking tall. I’m still in my heels, and he dwarfs me.

  “Why am I so drawn to you?” he asks quietly, leaning closer.

  “Good question,” I whisper. Noah’s lips twitch before he leans in to cover my mouth with his, softly at first. Barely touching me. But then he buries his fingers in my hair and sinks into the kiss, sighing in delight as he presses my back against the doorjamb. I grip his sides, fisting his shirt in my hands, and moan.

  The next thing I know, he boosts me up, and I wrap my legs around his waist, his jeans-clad dick pressed to my core. I want him.

  I want Noah King with everything in me.

  Right now.

  But rather than carry me to the bed, he sets me on my feet, steadies me, and then steps away. He’s breathing hard. His chocolate-brown eyes are hot and pinned to me as he props his hands on his hips and shakes his head as if coming out of a fog.

  A sexy, lust-filled fog.

  “If you need anything—” He clears his throat. “If you need anything, just let me know.”

  I can’t reply. I don’t think I can form words yet. So, I just nod and watch as he walks to the door of the bedroom.

  With his hand on the knob, he turns and smiles at me. “You’d better lock this door, sweetheart.”

  He winks, and then he’s gone, closing the door behind him.

  I touch my fingertips to my still-tingling lips. On unsteady feet, I walk to the door and flip the lock.

  I don’t know if I’m keeping Noah out, or myself in.

  Because I want to follow him, strip both of us bare, and beg him to take me.

  But I’m not a beggar, and I know he wants me, too. I could feel it, in more ways than one.

  I lick my lips, still tasting him, and grin as I turn and begin unpacking my bags.

  * * * *

  The sun is just starting to peek through the windows as I lazily stretch my arms over my head. It’s six in the morning, as it is every morning when I wake up. I don’t even need an alarm clock.

  My eyes pop open every morning at the same time.

  I don’t know if Noah’s up yet, but I don’t need to worry about waking him if he’s not since I’m on the other side of the house. So, I get up and immediately sit on the floor and enjoy fifteen minutes of meditation and stretches before I get dressed for the day.

  After putting my things away late last night, I took a shower and washed my face. I thought of Noah and that melt-your-panties-off kiss for a long while before finally falling asleep sometime after midnight.

  Despite getting less sleep than I’m used to, I’m surprisingly bright-eyed this morning as I pad out of the bedroom and down the hall.

  Noah’s up, and if the smells coming from the kitchen are to be believed, he’s been cooking breakfast.

  I come up short when I turn the corner and see Noah stirring something on the stove, dressed in only sweatpants that hang loosely from his hips.

  In fact, rather than announce my arrival, I lean my shoulder on the wall and just watch his back and arms flex as he moves. His skin is tanned, as I’m sure he spends a lot of time outside, especially in the summer.

  And, much to my delight, he has two dimples just above his ass.

  I swallow hard and feel my core tigh
ten at the sight of him.

  “Do you mind getting some plates out of that cupboard?” he asks, making me jump a bit. He gestures with his spatula. “I can see you in the glass, Fallon.”

  “I didn’t want to startle you,” I lie as I breeze across the kitchen and fetch the plates, setting them on the counter next to him. “Where is the silverware?”

  “Over there,” he says but stops me before I can walk past him. “And good morning.”

  He kisses my forehead.

  Christ Jesus, is this guy for real?

  “Good morning.”

  “Did you sleep well?”

  “Like the dead,” I reply with a grin. “And you cooked me breakfast.”

  “It’s just some scrambled eggs and toast,” he says, then turns his attention back to the stove. “I wasn’t sure what you usually eat. There’s coffee in the pot.”

  “I’m actually a tea drinker,” I reply as I set the forks on the small table in the breakfast nook next to the kitchen.

  “Pistachio ice cream, green, pinot gris, and tea.”

  “Are you making a list?”

  “Damn right.” He plates the eggs, turns off the burner, then butters the toast and joins me at the table. “I have earl grey in the pantry, but I don’t know how old it is. I think it’s left over from my mom.”

  “It’s okay,” I reply with a smile and take a bite of the toast. “I’ll grab some from Sips later.”

  “If you tell me what kind you like, I’ll pick some up this afternoon.”

  I stop chewing and stare at him in surprise. “You’re so nice.”

  “I keep coffee for me, might as well have tea around for you.”

  “I might be able to move home later today.”

  He just snorts and shakes his head. “It’s going to take a few days, easy. So you might as well get comfortable. Unless you don’t like it here.”

  I frown and shake my head. “No, the room is perfect. Thanks for loaning it to me. I’ll hear from Jenna later this morning, and then I’ll let you know.”

  He nods once. “What are your plans for the day?”

  “I have class pretty much all day.” I check the time but don’t hurry. “My first class is at eight, and I’ll be done around three.”

  “That’s a long day of yoga,” he says.


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