Unsanctioned Reprisal

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Unsanctioned Reprisal Page 30

by Eddie R. Hicks

Sarah shifted her aim to the leader of the group. “Mine’s bigger.” He surrendered, dropping to his trembling knees, holding his hands up. “Got a place we could chat, buddy?”

  High rise apartment

  Gravity City, Morutrin Prime, Morutrin system

  October 15, 2118, 16:11 SST (Sol Standard Time)

  The leader of the group followed Sarah’s request and took the two to his small and unkempt apartment located six blocks away. Sarah’s gun gave his unmoving feet the willpower to make it happen. Once inside, she encouraged him to take a seat, he refused. She waved the gun, and his reluctance vanished once again.

  “What the fuck do you want with me?” he said, pointing at his place of residence. “Look around, I ain’t got anything, just like all the humans on this fucking planet.”

  “Oh, but you do have something,” she said, tapping the side of his head with her pistol. “You’re part of the Terran Legion, aren’t you?”

  “So what if I am?” he spat. “They’re the only people that look after humans stuck out here.”

  “They aren’t allowed in the UNE military or EISS for that matter.”

  “That’s because the president is too much of a pussy, always wanting to play nice to fucking aliens.”

  “So, with that said, why is a member of my unit, well, former unit I should say, affiliated with them?”

  The man didn’t know what she was talking about, and neither did Peiun as he stood watching with his arms crossed. Sarah created a holo window that hovered in between her and the leader of the group. The window replayed video her eyes and HNI recorded of Durendal and the man talking and giving each other the mysterious salute.

  His face remained as still as his lips.

  Sarah pushed the holo screen away and pushed the tip of her pistol’s barrel to the man’s jaw. “Tell me why, right now, or I’ll blow a fucking hole through your head, and mail the bullet to your family.”

  32 Foster

  XSV Johannes Kepler

  Paryo orbit, Uemaesce system

  October 15, 2118, 21:00 SST (Sol Standard Time)

  Captain Rebecca Foster and the crew of the Johannes Kepler were once again gathered around the large table sitting in the center of the ship’s briefing room. She took the time to bring the crew up to date in regard to their current status, what she learned from the meet up with the emperor and empress of the Empire.

  A three-dimensional hologram floated six inches above the surface of the table, shining blue and white light upon the number of faces that sat in their chairs, watching, and reading its contents. The hologram projected a number of classified files Kroshka slipped her prior to her leaving the palace: a map of the system that neared Omega Centauri, translated instructions on what the crew needed to do to request permission to use the space bridge, new research notes about the vortex key the Empire had, as well as what they’d discovered about the protective substance.

  The rotating projection of the Hashmedai colony near Omega Centauri left Saressea slapping her hands against the table forcefully. “This is outrageous,” Saressea bellowed. “I’m sorry, but when the ceasefire between the Empire and Union was agreed upon, the Empire agreed to only build colonies within the quadrant.”

  Foster looked at the feisty Rabuabin woman and her uniform smeared with grease stains. “What’s the big deal?”

  “Colonies over sixteen thousand light-years away? What’s stopping the Empire from turning them into secret weapon-development facilities and shipyards? Nobody has the power to monitor things like that from here.”

  “According to the empress, they never got a stable foothold in that region,” Foster said. “Just the one colony on the far outskirts of Omega Centauri.”

  “You understand I must report this to the council,” Saressea said.

  Foster shrugged looking away from her. “Do what you gotta do, but we’s going to that remote colony when ready.” Foster waved her hand across the projection, changing its slides until the desired one appeared. “But first we gotta make a stop off at this Hashmedai world here, one that’s part of the local galaxy, Taxah.”

  “So, we’re going to be using the space bridge twice then?” Chang asked.

  “That’s right,” Foster said. “The first jump will take us to Taxah, there we’s gonna pick up the replacement vortex key, and whatever advancements they made on the protective goo. From there, we do some tests, then take the space bridge to the Ueijelico system, that’s the system that’s near Omega Centauri.” She swiped across the projection, and it changed into a rotating picture of a Hashmedai space bridge, everyone watched and took mental notes. “From what I was told, the power to make large space bridge jumps requires Hashmedai psionics within the space bridge to have the best implants. The ones stationed at the space bridge in the Ueijelico system are of those types since that system was used as a staging point to launch the now lost colonization ships into Omega Centauri.”

  “So, if the game plan is to use the space bridge to jump into Omega Centauri, why bother with the device?” Chang asked Foster.

  “One, so we can get back home, there ain’t gonna be any space bridges or wormholes to get us back.”

  “Ah, yeah, that would be kinda important.”

  Foster continued. “Two, I’m still not sure if taking the space bridge directly into Omega Centauri is the best choice, after all the Hashmedai lost ships doing that. Entering the maelstrom from the system near Omega Centauri might be the safer option.”

  “Then why head to the Ueijelico system after getting the new device?” Saressea asked. “If you end up using it, wouldn’t it make sense just to use it right then and there?”

  “Remember, traveling through the maelstrom, while quicker than FTL, still takes time, depending on your distance to your target,” Williams said. “We’d spend a lot less time within the maelstrom on a trip to Omega Centauri if we entered a vortex from the Ueijelico system.”

  “If we could enter a vortex,” Saressea said. “That device has only proven we could open previously created and closed vortexes, not open a brand-new one.”

  “All the more reason for us to get this show on the road,” Foster said. “We get the device and substance, do some tests, and move on from there, hopefully to the Ueijelico system to use the space bridge there.”

  “Honestly, it’s the best lead we got,” Williams said. “I know you guys from Radiance are cringing at the idea of accepting help from the Hashmedai, but what else can we do? This is it, this is our chance to end this and save lives across the galaxy.”

  Saressea reclined in her chair, folding her hands together. “Or be better prepared for a great war . . .”

  “That’s all I got for now folks, any questions?”

  Williams snickered softly. “Did you mention the other reason we’re going to Taxah?”

  Foster grimaced. “Oh, right.”

  Williams addressed everyone. “We’ve been invited to attend the celebration of an Imperial holiday, Conquest Day.”

  “I’ll pass,” Saressea snorted.

  “Indeed,” Tolukei said.

  “I shall as well,” Odelea said. “Respectfully.”

  Conquest Day was celebrated in the Empire to commemorate a great victory the Empire achieved over Radiance hundreds of years ago. Watching the three Radiance members in attendance of the meeting turn down the invite, was no surprise to anyone.

  “It’s all good, don’t think anyone from Radiance would leave that planet alive if you stepped foot on it,” Foster said. “And for the record, I’m only doin’ this so that a poor Imperial chef don’t lose his head over my actions. Anything else?” Foster added. The crew remained silent. “Dismissed and get ready for our next destination.”

  Those in attendance dispersed, leaving Foster the sole person standing in the briefing room, watching Paryo turn from one of its windows, and wondering if Earth had looked like that during the last ice age. The space bridges in high orbit appeared, one of them will be taking them to a system no h
uman or member of Radiance, had ever ventured to. She felt like an explorer again, she liked that feeling. Getting that feeling was the reason she joined IESA in the first place, apart from continuing her father’s dream on his behalf.

  The beeping sound of the intercom pulled her away from the window, reminding her she had a job to. “Incoming transmission for you, Captain,” EVE said.

  She moved to the briefing room’s central table. “Put it through to the briefing room.”

  The projection of a decorated UNE general appeared, hovering over the table. He gave Foster a hardy salute, she gave one back, not that she was military, but it felt like the proper thing to do. “Captain Foster, I’m General Derek Irons of the EDF.”

  “Comin’ to collect your displaced EDF-1 team?”

  “Amongst other things, though I’d like to talk about your new mission,” Irons said.

  “UNE command should have the specifics of our game plan,” Foster said.

  “Oh, I’m aware of it; I’d just like to ask of a favor of you when you travel to Taxah.”


  “I’m transmitting to you now a data package. I’d like you to give to it a Hashmedai man that goes by the name, Yominv. He’s the contact Blackmar spoke of that made all this possible.”

  “Seems easy enough, but couldn’t you do it?”

  “The QEC network doesn’t extend to systems like Uelcovis where Taxah is located. If you need to send data, it has to be loaded onto a ship to be used as a courier when they arrive in system or transmitted directly. Taxah is over three hundred light-years away from your location. We may be living longer lives, but I don’t have the patience to wait that long for my thank you package to be received.”

  “I take it, this is more than a thank you then, since psionic telepathy would have worked as well.”

  Irons smiled at her. “You catch on fast, Captain. Let’s hope you’re fast enough to react to any sudden and unexpected changes going forward.”

  “We will, General, you gots my word. Just kick the navy’s ass to fortify the defense of the station. If we can’t get to the Draconians in time, and they attack . . .”

  “I’ll speak with the admirals, but keep in mind, they got bigger fish to fry,” Irons said. “A missing fleet is no joke and fortifying the defense of Earth and our colonies takes priority over a station that might not get attacked.”

  “Did you not see our report?” There’s an armada gathering in the maelstrom preparing to strike!

  “I did, I also know that vortex was in existence when this conflict began, the Draconians had the power to attack the station then and didn’t. They have the power to do it now and haven’t. Hell, from what we know of this maelstrom network, they could attack anywhere they want, and haven’t. All we know is they took a lot of interest in the Kapteyn’s Star system, using the planet Jacobus as a breeding ground, and our fleet that was there with you guys is gone.”

  She sighed. “I see . . .”

  “Losing the station is bad, I get that,” Irons said. “Losing another colony or Earth, is unacceptable, the navy is just too busy. But, like I said, I’ll see what I can do my end. Until then, Blackmar will have to use what naval forces he has currently at the station.”

  A notification window appeared, informing Foster that the data, encrypted data at that, Iron had transmitted had been successfully sent to the Kepler. “I’ll get this to your Hashmedai contact,” she said.

  “Thank you, Captain. Irons out.”

  The bridge crew attended to their duties and performed the last system checks to ensure the Kepler was good to go, and that the MRF was operating correctly. If it wasn’t then the space bridge jump would take a number of months, maybe even years, for them to rematerialize. The galaxy could be overrun by dragons by then.

  But, hey, at least we’ll still be around and kicking. Foster stood with Odelea at the communication station. “Any word from Rivera?”

  “Nothing new,” Odelea said. “The last message I received stated she was still busy with the Carl Sagan’s salvage operation on Earth and planning to study its EVE AI.”

  “Hmm, I’d rather not leave her behind . . .” Williams said.

  “We still have Saressea and her team,” Foster said. “So, it ain’t like we’s gonna be rollin’ without a chief engineer.”

  “Still, she was part of the team.”

  Foster sat at the captain’s chair. “I know, Dom, believe me, I don’t wanna leave her behind because of circumstances. Any word from Pierce?”

  “The station is still searching for him,” Odelea said.

  “Another team member to be left behind,” Foster said grimly. “Damn it! It ain’t right to leave any of them, but if we sit around and wait, the Draconians might launch their attack. If we head to Omega Centauri now, we could end this conflict, or at least do something out there to force that fleet to pull back.”

  It was a tough call, since going ahead with their plans could mean they might run into problems, problems only Rivera and or Pierce could solve. The Carl Sagan wouldn’t have survived the Sirius expedition the first time around without their contributions.

  Foster made her decision. “Mister Chang, do you understand the directions on how to approach the space bridge?”

  “EVE’s been going through the translations with me,” Chang said. “Seems pretty straightforward. Activate the MRF, transmit the location we want to go, and hope they remember how to rebuild us atom by atom.”

  “That is when the space bridge is ready, Flight Lieutenant,” EVE said. “The act of teleporting a ship takes a significant toll on the brains of its psionic crew. If the space bridge was used recently, then you have to wait until they are ready and awake.”

  “Let me guess,” Foster said. “All these space bridges were used not long ago?”

  “That is correct, Captain,” EVE said. “We will have to wait until they signal to us they are ready.”

  “Well then, everyone,” Foster said, rising from her chair, having realized it was pointless to sit. “Let’s take this chance to rest up and be energized for the unexpected when we arrive.”

  “Expecting trouble, Captain?” Chang said, looking back at her.

  “We’s gonna be hundreds of light-years away from UNE controlled space and wormholes,” Foster said. “If trouble finds us, we’ll be on our own. If trouble finds the UNE, they’ll be on their own.”

  33 Pierce

  High rise construction site, UNE Arm

  Amicitia Station 14, Arietis system

  October 15, 2118, 21:54 SST (Sol Standard Time)

  Being at a higher elevation didn’t convince Travis Pierce’s senses. The winds, the temperature of the air, moonlight, and evening skies, it all felt and looked real. The city within the station was truly a technological marvel.

  He sat with Penelope on top of an office tower, still undergoing construction, watching the skyline of the city, unable to see any of the walls or ceilings within the enormous arm of the station. Idle construction elevators, cranes, and drones were below the two, it was their means of climbing up to the top. Penelope used her hacking abilities to power them on and off, forcing them to move by simple thoughts in her head.

  Penelope finished a bottle of water, shamelessly stolen from a vending machine. A quick wave of her hand next to the credit chit scanner, forced the machine to dispense free products. Watching her finish drinking the water caused him to see Nereid back on the Johannes Kepler’s lab, drenching her body to stay hydrated. He missed that ship, the crew, and how Nereid’s appearance triggered memories of the past, such as his first encounter with her.

  Nereid’s blue hair was almost reminiscent of Pernoy’s long, blue hair. When Nereid’s breasts slipped out of the robe she had worn, it sent his mind back to an encounter with Pernoy he’d never forget. Pierce and Pernoy were always good friends, back in the day after the Imperial invasion. Pernoy used to serve aboard an Imperial warship, one of many that were ordered to attack Earth. She, like many
of the Hashmedai on Earth, was left stranded when the war had ended and opted to live the life of a human.

  Pierce, being a tolerant man, had no problem with Hashmedai living in the greater Vancouver area. The war was over, and it was time to bury the hatchet. Pernoy frequently invited him over to her house to spend time with her family. She was the only friend he had, and Pierce was the only friend she had outside of the household.

  One night, her mate was away and the two shared one too many cups of vodka, while they sat on the couch watching TV. She was wearing a robe, and just like Nereid, her breasts had slipped out when she went grab the remote. Drunken laughs and jokes followed, including her playfully holding his hands and moving them to her chest to help fix her wardrobe malfunction.

  Their lips ended up touching, soon after her robe fell off her body, on to the couch. His clothes came next, and then an hour of ecstasy, moans, thrusts, and quivering shakes. It was his first time feeling the natural wetness and passionate embrace of a woman, one he didn’t have to pay for. Eupiar and her brother were asleep upstairs, both Pierce and Pernoy periodically looked back to ensure they didn’t sneak down and watch.

  They tried to forget about it the next morning, he couldn’t however. He never had been with a woman that reacted to his body like that, let alone a Hashmedai one. But in the end, Pernoy had a partner and was loyal to him, it couldn’t work out. He kept thinking about her every day, regardless.

  One day, Pernoy was lynched at the market by humans that hated Hashmedai. Most people that lived on the west coast of North America had fled from the east coast having witnessed the worst the Empire delivered to humanity. It angered him, even more when he tried to intervene and was attacked. Pierce was an aging scientist, not a fighter. He couldn’t protect Pernoy, her mate, maybe, as he was a psionic, but he was away. The feelings of helplessness grew out of control. It was confirmation to him that Pernoy’s partner was a better match for her. He had to do something. He couldn’t just walk away from it.


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