Sapphire (Galaxy Playmates 1)

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by Pillow Michelle M.

  Sapphire (Galaxy Playmates)


  Michelle M. Pillow

  Sapphire (Galaxy Playmates) © copyright October 2004 - 2013, Michelle M. Pillow

  Cover art by Natalie Winters, © Copyright 2009

  ISBN 9781452491684


  Published by The Raven Books at Smashwords

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  All books copyrighted to the author and may not be resold or given away without written permission from the author, Michelle M. Pillow.

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  Published by Raven Books

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  Sapphire (Galaxy Playmates)


  Michelle M. Pillow


  Galaxy Playmates 1

  Paranormal Futuristic Romance

  Part of the Dragon Lords’ Universe of Books

  Sapphire loves what she does for a living—being a stripper, a dancer, a star, and she’s Galaxy Playmate of the Year. She can make men beg. But, when a telepath starts coming to her shows, teasing and tormenting her mind, it’s soon she who is doing the begging.

  Roark, a humanoid telepath, knows the first time he sees Sapphire that she’s the one for him. He’s a little surprised about what she does for a living, but has no problem with her continuing her career. Spending six months following her, joining their minds so they can get to know each other on a subconscious level before they meet, Roark is finally ready to make his presence known

  Rating: Contains graphic sexual content, adult language, and violence.

  Galaxy Playmates Series





  Futuristic Romances by Michelle M. Pillow

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  Dragon Lords Series

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  His Highness the Duke

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  The Reluctant Lord

  The Impatient Lord

  Lords of the Var Series

  The Savage King

  The Playful Prince

  The Bound Prince

  The Rogue Prince

  The Pirate Prince

  Be sure to check out the other books in this futuristic world: Space Lords series, and the Zhang Dynasty series, Galaxy Playmates series --with many more books to come!

  Chapter One

  Sapphire knew what her family thought of her. She knew they called her a bimbo behind her back. She knew they didn’t understand why she hadn’t become a scientist like her older sister, Tori, or why she didn’t marry a rich doctor and settle down to be a shipwife. Truth was, things like that had never interested her.

  Looking out over the crowd of heads, she smiled brightly from the stage. Men whooped and hollered just for a glimpse of her. She could make them beg, make them buy her whatever her heart desired, make them lay down on a puddle of mud just so she could step on them with a stiletto heel. Why? Because she was Galaxy Playmate of the Year, that’s why. Because men were men and always would be, and she was a woman who knew how to get what she wanted from them. So what if other women called her a whore for what she did? They were all just secretly jealous of her anyway.

  Tori had spent her whole life in books, always studying, living in disgustingly remote corners of the world--and for what? Respect? Prestige? Money? Sapphire looked around the crowd of yelping humanoid males. She stayed in the nicest hotels, had the nicest clothes, and rode in the best spacecrafts. As for respect, she had as much as she could demand from them.

  Prestige? She was one of the most popular women in all the humanoid cultures. Men had her holographic image posted on bed frames and stuffed into work lockers. They traded her on cards, dreamt about her at night, fantasized about her during the day. They wrote her love letters, sent her jewels, begged for her hand in marriage. Many would give their life just to touch her. She bet anything that more people knew her name than the most famous scientist in history.

  And money? Oh, did she have money!

  Men paid just to get a closer look at her body. Like now. All these men had paid just to watch her stand on stage and take her clothes off. What did she care if they saw her breasts, her ass, her pussy? Everything was genetically enhanced these days anyway and it wasn’t like they could touch her unless she asked for it. Lord Maximus, owner of the Galaxy Playmates Empire, would never allow it.

  The crowd was the usual mix of humans and other creatures. Some looked like human males with only minor differences, like strange protrusions or ripples of flesh on their faces and bodies. Others were hairy, with long arms and massive chests. There were those with reptile skin, large black horns, flesh so crimson they looked like Ancient Earth demons. Some had wings. Some webbed fingers. She was used to the mix, and it didn’t bother her as much as the first time she had come on stage before a similar group. Besides, some of the alien creatures had unique bedroom talents all their own, and people weren’t as queasy about interspecies relations as they’d once been.

  "I love you, Sapphire!" someone yelled from the crowd, sounding drunk. A roar of similar proclamations followed the first.

  Sapphire shot the crowd a naughty smile and wiggled into a sexy pose, thrusting her ass towards them. The cheering got louder. She forgot which starbase she was on, exactly. After a hundred of these shows, she just stopped paying attention.

  Her long gown of translucent blue shimmered in the stage light, giving away peeks of her nipples and the stripe of her dark nether hair. When a spotlight passed behind her, it showed her feminine curves to perfection. Her dark hair was coiled up on top of her head, streaked with blue and silver, studded with sapphires and diamonds. A small sapphire beauty mark sparkled from just under her right eye. Her eyes had been permanently colored to a dark blue, no longer the plain brown of her birth.

  Music started soft in the background. Smoke began to curl over the metal platform of the stage, slinking seductively through the air around her. Sapphire moved her body, mimicking the smoke as she worked her arms above her head. She knew the routine well, had performed it many times. Keeping time to the music, she pulled a long silver glove from her arm, revealing the bronze of her glistening skin.

  Sapphire closed her eyes, as the music felt its way into her movements. She danced, letting her fingers glide over her body. A light moan left her lips as her hand glanced over an erect nipple. She found it erotically stimulating to be watched by so many eyes, to be wanted. Often, after a show, when she didn’t have a boyfriend to tend to her, she’d had to bring out her arsenal of toys and pleasure herself.

  Lord Maximus had a thing about his treasure trove of women selling their bodies like common space trash. To openly sleep with many men took away the illusion of untouchability. They were allowed t
o have sex, but always had to keep it within a relationship, or limit it to the high paying clientele. It was always ladies’ choice and no one had sex for money if they didn’t want to. Being an all-out whore was one of the only ways to be stripped of Lord Maximus’ prized circle of protection.

  Sapphire gyrated her hips in the air, flicking a strap from her shoulder. The dress slid off her arms to bare her large, perfect breasts. The cool air hit her skin, making her shiver. Hot cream gathered to moisten her slit. The fabric slid off her body in a feathery caress until she was standing beautifully naked on stage, wearing only her high heels.

  The men’s cheers echoed in and out of her mind. She began to pant in anticipation. Something strange had been happening at her shows for about the last six months. Her body would get fired up and she’d nearly come on stage, as if someone outside herself willed it. A few times she’d been so worked up she had nearly run back to her dressing room to masturbate.

  The music continued a low, lulling beat. Sapphire became mindless to everything as a familiar tension built inside her stomach. The spotlight faded from her eyes. Her mouth opened and she forgot everything but the need to find a fulfillment she knew wouldn’t come. Time suspended into a hazy cloud of pleasure and before she knew it the song was over. She slowly came back to awareness.

  The men were going crazy. Her shoulders were thrown boldly back. Her legs were spread wide on the floor. The air smelled of sex and she knew every man before her had a hard on just for her. Stickiness dampened her thighs until she wanted nothing more than to grab one of the many willing cocks from the crowd and ride it until sunrise. She knew she could take her pick of any or several.

  She held perfectly still. Her skin was glistening with sweat. The lights faded off of her. She was the grand finale of the night and the men moaned in disappointment that the evening was over.

  Sapphire walked naked from the stage, in nothing but her high heels. As she appeared behind the curtain Jonathan, part of the stage crew, threw her a robe. His round, green eyes were on her breasts, though he tried his best to act like he was working. She turned fully to the young man and pinched a nipple, causing him to drop his electronic clipboard. He gulped, his eyes darting up to meet hers. She winked at him, causing him to blush profusely all the way to the roots of his hair.

  "You … you were great Miss Sapphire!" the boy called to her back as she walked away.

  Sapphire lifted her arm to signal she’d heard him and slipped the robe over her shoulders. Knowing there would be a long line of men wishing to meet her in person, she continued back to her dressing room to make ready to greet them.

  Chapter Two

  "I think the telepath is back," Sapphire told her bodyguard, Thor. Thor was a big, muscled, handsome piece of sweet man-chocolate--one she didn’t mind nibbling on now and again. However, he only had eyes for Quartz, another of Lord Maximus’ other performers. Though, Quartz didn’t seem to realize the man’s interest.

  Lord Maximus had nicknamed all his women after precious metals and gemstones, and all the bouncers were named after mythological Earth Gods. The names just stuck and it got to the point no one even cared to use their real name anymore. It was all show business after all.

  Sapphire disappeared behind her dressing screen and tried to decide between the black bustier and the silver studded bra and panty set. She frowned to herself and added, "I felt him in the crowd watching me, trying to invade my thoughts. I think he succeeded because I blacked out for a moment. I didn’t do anything odd while on stage, did it?"

  "No, honey, you were great as always," Thor answered in a booming voice that always managed to send chills down a woman’s spine. "You want me to alert security?"

  "And tell them what?" Sapphire laughed. She poked her head from behind the screen. Giving an impish smile, she said in her best imitation of his voice, "The Miss Sapphire has a stalker who likes to give her orgasms on stage with his mind. Quick, to the crowd. Arrest the man with a hard on who likes to look at pretty women!"

  Thor chuckled.

  "Honestly," Sapphire admitted, "the first time it happened tripped me out a little, but now I just want to meet him."

  Sapphire decided on a dark blue bustier and garters with a thong. Her body was still heated from her performance and she paused to run her hands over her naked flesh. Her body trembled, still sensitive, still needing release. She wasn’t lying. She really did want to meet the man who could make her feel like this with just his mind. She had fantasized about him, what he’d look like, late at night when it was just her and her toys. She stifled a moan as her finger tweaked her clit, sending a shockwave of agony over her. Now, however, was not the time to finish. She had to get dressed.

  "This is going to sound very strange, Thor, but I feel as if I know him on this really weird level. I don’t know what I’d do if I met him. Probably depends on what he looks like." She stopped and gave a light laugh. "I might just have to deck him for making me so damned frustrated. I tell you, when vibrators stop working you know you’re in trouble."

  "You looking for some live action tonight?" Thor asked.

  "You know better than that," Sapphire answered with a heavy sigh. "Maximus would throw a fit if I slept with a customer."

  Sapphire came around the screen. Her dressing room aboard the ship was a lavish affair of blue and silver gauze, silk and fringe. The room was cozy, soft, seductive. There was a large bed with many hidden attachments, more toys than a girl could ever want, and she’d tried them all.

  "Want me to start?"

  "No, give me a second. I don’t want to do too many tonight." Sapphire smiled. "I’m a little worn and I’ve met my quota for Maximus. I don’t really have to sit around doing any extra meet n’ greets. Though, it’s hard to give up all those space credits men are willing to give up just to sit in my presence for a full minute."

  Sitting in a chair before a round mirror, she took a pin from her locks and let her hair spill over her shoulders. Leaning forward, she ran a fingertip over the edge of the mirror. Her reflection shimmered and a menu of different hairstyles came up.

  "Um," Sapphire began. "How about fifteen?"

  Mechanical arms came down from the ceiling and quickly arranged her hair into the chosen style--long with big dark curls down her back. The locks were streaked with thin strands of her trademark blue and silver. The menu changed to show makeup options.

  "Mmm, definitely ten," Sapphire murmured, looking at the bee-stung, red lips, the cat-eye black liner, and the glittering dark blue and white eye shadow. The arms came back down and applied her makeup, giving her what was popularly called a ‘wicked sci-fi maiden’ look, though in the world they lived in nothing was really considered sci-fi anymore. It was one of her favorites.

  "Beautiful!" Thor exclaimed.

  "Thanks, doll." Sapphire batted her eyelashes at him before grabbing a slinky silk robe and tossing it over her shoulders. "Now, go thin out that line that must be growing outside the door. Make up something, but keep about ten to fifteen of the cutest to choose from. I feel like looking at something to inspire me for later."

  Sapphire giggled and moved to sit on the edge of the bed. She looked down to adjust her cleavage before arranging her limbs on the bed. Meet n’ greets were simple. All she had to do was lie on the bed and let the man come and sit for a minute. Sometimes they wanted to talk, asking her silly questions. Other times they simply stared at her. Once, a man paid five hundred credits just so he could sketch her picture for five minutes. But, mostly, they’d gulp and ask her to touch herself--sometimes she did, sometimes she didn’t.

  If they’d been out in space for years without sight of a woman, she was a real treat for their eyes. It was an image they could keep with them as they sought out the prostitutes that were always just a few days behind them. Knowing Maximus, he probably got a cut from the prostitutes too.

  The door opened. Sapphire pasted on a smile, waiting for the first man. Her smile fell as Thor came in. He looked confused.
  "Well?" Sapphire sat up on the bed. "Where are they?"

  "I don’t know what’s going on," Thor shrugged. "But no one’s there."

  "What?" Sapphire sat up, more surprised than anything. "What do you mean no one’s there? How … what do you mean no one’s there?"

  "Hey, now, don’t get worked up," Thor answered, crossing over to the bed. "This is a mining colony. They probably had an emergency in one of the shafts. Or, maybe, they’ve had a dry run of it and can’t spare the extra credits. Don’t take it personal. Besides, you said you wanted a break."

  "Yeah, a break," she repeated, a little dazed. This had never happened before. For a moment, she worried her career might be coming to an end. Swallowing, she breathed a little easier, "Yeah, a break, thanks Thor. I think I’m just going to jump into the decontaminator and go to bed."

  Once alone, Sapphire undressed, jumped into a decontaminator unit, and pressed the button to turn it on. The decontaminator was an upright stall large enough to fit two people snuggly. She gave the order so the machine wouldn’t ruin her makeup. Bright light shot all around her body, cleaning her skin and hair. The heat from the lights made her skin tingle, so every nerve sparked as if on fire. A light moan left her.

  "Mmmm, give me pleasure," she whispered to the unit. The lights dimmed and began to flash concentrations of electrified heat to her pussy and breasts. Her nipples peaked into stiff buds and her slit became drenched. It felt as if mouths latched onto her, sucking eagerly at her breasts, her clit. Her hands lifted, grasping a bar overhead for support. Tension built between her thighs, making them sticky with the natural juices of her desire.


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