Irresistible Omegas Volume One

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Irresistible Omegas Volume One Page 32

by Nora Phoenix

  “Was Palani right?” Lidon asked, his voice soft. “Do you want to lean on me?”

  That was an easy one to answer. “Yes.”

  “I’m always so scared of getting it wrong with you, of inadvertently hurting you,” Lidon admitted.

  Enar met his eyes and saw the concern in them. “I know.”

  Lidon reached out his hand, and Enar took it, allowing himself to be pulled close. “Why are you reluctant to lean on me when I see you have no trouble doing it with Palani?”

  He wasn’t ready yet, not when he had to face him. Not when the chance of rejection felt so big.

  “Can we… Could you hold me when we’re in the tub? Like, not opposite each other, but—”

  “I’d love to,” Lidon interrupted him.

  He let go of Enar and got into the tub first, opening his legs so Enar could find a spot between them, leaning back against his chest. The angry voices inside his head screamed when he did so, shouting at him he was a betrayal to his kind. He ignored them, but it wasn’t easy. Then Lidon folded his strong arms around him and pulled his head back so it leaned against him, and the voices quieted.

  “Like this?” Lidon asked.

  “Yeah, exactly like this,” Enar whispered.

  They were quiet for a long time, but the silence felt peaceful this time.

  “I’m scared to lean on you because deep down, I fear you’ll judge me for it,” Enar finally said. He felt Lidon tense underneath him and reached for his hand, holding it to his chest. “My mind knows you won’t, but my heart, the voices inside my head, they’re telling me you’ll laugh at me, judge me, condemn me for being weak.”

  “I won’t,” Lidon said. “I… See, this is where I hesitate. Because I’m not good with words, and I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Tell me…be honest with me.”

  “I want you to lean on me. Hell, I want to force you to stop being so damn stubborn and let me and Palani and Vieno take care of you, but I’m holding it back because I don’t want to overstep. You came home, and it was so easy to see you were bone-tired and struggling, and I wanted to tell you to eat, relax, and take some painkillers… And to stop working so damn hard, because you’re not taking good care of yourself, and I miss you.”

  “You miss me?” Enar focused on the last part because the first part was too overwhelming to even let it sink in.

  “When you’re not here? Hell yes, I do. I haven’t figured it all out either, how you and I fit, but I want you here.”

  The words hit him like a hammer. They’d all said the same, that they wanted him here. Then why couldn’t he feel it? Why was his heart telling him that sooner or later, they’d discover they were better off without him? That they fit together, the three of them, a real alpha, a real true beta, and a real omega, without him fucking things up?

  He leaned against Lidon, his body surrendering, but his head pounding with the screaming voices all over again.

  Vieno woke up disoriented. The room was much lighter than usual when he woke up. Warm arms held him, cuddling him from the back, so he wasn’t alone. He didn’t need to turn around to know who held him. He’d recognize his smell anywhere.

  “Good morning, baby,” Palani said softly. “Did you sleep well?”

  Vieno blinked a few times, then looked at the clock. Nine? Why the hell had they let him sleep so long?

  “I need to make breakfast,” he said.

  He tried to move, but Palani tightened his arms to hold him back.

  “It’s all good. No worries. Lidon and Enar went for a workout, and they can take care of themselves, you know? We stayed up late two nights in a row, so we all agreed you should sleep in a little. Come cuddle with me a little longer.”

  Vieno breathed with relief. “Oh.”

  He pushed against Palani’s arms so he could turn around. His best friend’s brown eyes were full of love as their eyes met. “It’s been a while since it was just us,” Palani said.

  Vieno smiled. “Missed me?” he teased, then offered his lips so Palani could kiss him.

  It was the perfect of kisses, as only Palani kissed him, all soft and dreamy and slow.

  “Mmmm.” Vieno sighed into his mouth. “I love waking up like this.”

  Palani rolled over, taking Vieno with him so he ended stretched out on top of him, his head on Palani’s chest. Vieno was still naked after Lidon had fucked him last night, a quick fuck because he’d been hard and Vieno’s hole had ached with emptiness, and it had worked out well for both of them. Palani and Enar had sixty-nined, something they loved to do, and Vieno loved to watch ‘cause hello, super-fucking hot, Enar especially. The man rimmed like he got graded on it.

  It was amazing how his appetite for sex seemed to have adjusted to him having three mates. He’d never denied any of his men when they wanted him. On the contrary, as soon as they touched him, he got all slick and ready for them. Lidon took him almost every day, sometimes more than once. The alpha had unrivaled stamina because some days he fucked all three of them…and he would get hard again in an instant. Maybe the mating thing had triggered something in him as well?

  “How are you, baby?” Palani asked. “So much has changed. Are you happy?”

  “God, yes. I never thought I had the capacity to be this happy.” He realized something as he spoke. “I haven’t been depressed since we got together...”

  “You haven’t?” Palani asked with wonder in his voice. He rolled them over and leaned over Vieno on his elbow, watching him. “I’d noticed you seemed content but hadn’t realized that. That’s amazing.”

  “It is. I’m so happy with you all,” Vieno said. He bit his lip. Would Palani be hurt that he hadn’t been enough? They’d never really talked about it after it had all happened.

  Palani rubbed a wrinkle between his eyes. “That’s your worry-frown. What are you worrying about?” he asked, his tone kind as always.

  “Are…are you content?” Vieno asked. “Happy?”

  Palani sent him a soft smile. “God, yes. At first, I was happy because you were. It’s all I ever wanted, for you to be safe and loved and taken care of.”

  Vieno’s heart filled with love. “You’re incredible, and I love you so much.”

  Palani’s face broke open in a sweet smile. “I love you too, and seeing you happy is everything to me. But I’m happy for myself as well.”

  There was something in his eyes, on his face, that touched Vieno deep. “You’re in love with Enar,” he whispered.

  “I am. I don’t know how and when it happened, but I love him. I haven't told him yet, because he’s not ready to hear it.”

  “He loves you,” Vieno said, knowing with absolute certainty he was right.

  Palani’s eyes glowed. “I think he does, but I’ll give him time. It’s hardest for him, you know, navigating the four of us?”

  Vieno nodded. “I know. And Lidon?” he asked.

  “I love seeing how sweet and tender he is with you. I have to admit he surprised me with that. He’s such an alpha, but when he’s with you, he dares to show this softer side.”

  Vieno smiled, and Palani traced Vieno’s lips with his finger. “You’re in love with him,” Palani said, his voice filled with wonder. “No, don’t let that smile disappear. It’s a good thing, baby, a wonderful thing.”

  “Is it?” Vieno asked. “You’re not jealous or disappointed?”

  “Are you jealous that I’m in love with Enar as well?”

  Vieno considered it. How did he feel about that? Jealousy would in a way be normal, he guessed, since he and Palani had been together for so long. Sure, they’d never dared to develop their relationship beyond the fuck fest they had every three months with his heat, but that had been pure self-preservation. The love had always been there between them, for as long as Vieno could remember. There had never been a time when he hadn’t loved Palani, and yet the idea of Palani loving someone else as well didn’t scare him or make him sad.

  “No. It’s like it makes my love fo
r you bigger, if that makes sense? Like you and me are still together, but a part of something much bigger.” He tried to put it into words. “It’s hard to explain, but you and I didn’t truly work until we’d become four. We need all four of us to make it work.”

  Palani nodded. “I get what you mean. The three of you all provide something else I need…and allow me to give a different part of me as well.”

  “Exactly. Like, Lidon gives me something you couldn’t…” He stopped when he realized how hurtful his words could be interpreted, but Palani cupped his cheek.

  “I understand, baby. Don’t hold back. Nothing but truth between us, please. I could never satisfy you sexually. Is that what you mean?”

  Vieno breathed out in relief. “Yes, but it’s more. Because he’s such an alpha, I can be more of an omega. I’m weaker with him, needier, even more dependent, and it’s freeing, stupid as that may sound.”

  Palani smiled. “Lidon loves it when you go all needy on him.”

  “Oh god, he totally does. But I don’t do it for him. He brings that out in me, and I love it. I don’t have to be tough or strong with him.”

  “So, what does Enar bring you or what can you give him?” Palani asked.

  Vieno let out a sweet sigh. “He’s… God, he needs us. He’s so lonely and hurting, and I just wanna hug him all day long and make the pain stop. I guess he brings out the opposite of Lidon, in a way, like me caring for him.”

  Palani kissed his nose. “He does need us. He still hasn’t fully accepted he’s part of us. You can see the doubt every day, like when he’s kissing you and Lidon walks in. He always expects to be cast off, and it breaks my heart.”

  They were quiet for a bit. Then Vieno asked, “But you didn’t answer my question about you and Lidon. How do you feel about him?”

  Palani let out a soft sigh. “I really like him. I love how he treats you, and I love the sex with him…damn, he’s so fucking big. It always takes my breath away at first when he fills me, you know?”

  Vieno grinned. “Your poor beta hole a little too tight for his cock?” he teased.

  “Not too tight but close enough, yeah. Unlike your greedy little ass, huh?” Palani teased right back.

  Vieno's ass twitched at even the mention, and he laughed. “Greedy is the right word. I can’t get enough of you guys.” Then he sobered. “Do you think that’s weird?”

  “What? That you love having sex?”

  Vieno bit his lip. “That I have sex with three guys…that I have sex multiple times a day. I mean, you jokingly called my ass greedy, but it often feels so empty.” He swallowed, then lowered his eyes. “I really like it when you guys fuck me,” he whispered. “Isn’t that, like, slutty, even for an omega?”

  “Oh, baby, who cares? You’re ours, so the only opinions that matter are Lidon’s, Enar’s, and mine. And obviously your own. We don’t think you’re slutty. Hell, we love your greedy ass. You keep us all satisfied. One itty-bitty omega and three of us, and we can’t get enough of you. You’re gorgeous and sexy, and we’ll fill your emptiness as often as you want to.”

  Vieno didn’t know whether to laugh or cry from the giddiness inside him at that perfect answer. So he did the only thing he could think of. He’d felt Palani gradually harden against him during their conversation, and of course his own hole was slick and ready. So he rolled on top of him and positioned Palani’s cock at his entrance, then lowered himself with a happy long moan.

  “Oh fuck, baby, that's so good,” Palani grunted. “I love it when you take me in like that.”

  Vieno sat upright, his eyes closed, Palani’s cock completely swallowed up in his hole. He loved how perfectly it fit, how sweet and comfortable it felt, like…

  He opened his eyes. “You know what you offer me?” he said, his voice soft. “Home. You’re my home, Palani. You always have been. It may not sound sexy or—”

  Palani moved his hips, thrusting even deeper. “It sounds perfect. It’s everything I could hope for, baby. Now, let me fuck you. What are you in the mood for? You want sweet and soft, or hard and quick?”

  This was classic Palani, always focused on what Vieno needed. Vieno checked with himself. What was he in the mood for? “Sweet and soft sounds perfect,” he said.

  Palani’s smile made the butterflies in his stomach dance. “Sweet and soft it is, baby.”


  Palani sighed as he sat himself down behind his desk at the newspaper. There was so much happening in his life at the same time that he struggled with keeping track of it all. Adjusting to life with the four of them and to living on the ranch rather than in his apartment, the whole Excellon thing, the Melloni gene… It was like this massive juggling game where he feared he’d drop a ball any time now.

  His brothers had been a tad upset when he’d finally met up with them yesterday evening for drinks. Not because they hadn’t seen each other in a while, but because Palani hadn’t told them sooner about his men. Despite the initial shock he was with three men instead of just one, they took it well, and they were happy for him—though they’d warned him he’d better find a good way to tell his parents. Thank fuck they were taking the long cruise they’d talked about for ages to celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, so he still had a little time there.

  Franken hadn’t said anything yet, but Palani felt his work had suffered. He’d done his job, but it had been a B minus for effort, rather than the A plus he usually put in. He hadn’t made any progress on project X either since his last effort to dig deeper. It was all just a lot.

  He vowed to do better, and if anything should help him achieve that, it would be today’s interview with George York, the leader of the Conservative Wolf Party. If he wanted to ask the man even remotely intelligent questions, Palani had better get some fucking focus and research the shit out of this political party that had his boss so worried. He followed the news, obviously, so he understood what the CWP was about, but he needed more than the current headlines and talking points. Franken’s concern was that this party had come out of nowhere yet seemed to be doing well in the polls. Palani figured he’d start with how the party was founded and what their platform was.

  In the four hours he spent researching, he found a ton of information about York, his party, and their platform. It was…illuminating. Borderline crazy at times, though Palani couldn’t deny some of their proposals would improve life for omegas. They proposed a universal health care system for omegas, for instance—an idea so revolutionary it had dominated the news for days. Palani could see the appeal of their ideas for omegas and even for betas, but why would alphas ever support them? Something he intended to ask York.

  George York turned about to be a classic, imposing alpha with gray hairs sprinkled in his dark hair and a beard with equally mixed colors. He was handsome in that way older men could be, though his stance still showed his alpha dominance and virility. Palani betted he affected most non-alphas, present company included.

  “Palani Hightower,” he introduced himself. He didn’t extend his hand, leaving it to the alpha to initiate physical contact. He did with a strong handshake that left Palani impressed.

  “I’m a huge fan of your investigative reporting,” York said, surprising Palani. “Your pieces on the corruption within the police force were exceptional. I’m sure you must have caught serious flak for those.”

  Palani settled in the chair York indicated opposite him at a small conference table. He got his legal pad and pen from his messenger bag and put it on the table, right next to his little recording device he always used. It prevented people from claiming he’d misquoted them. “Thank you. Few alphas appreciate it…or at least, dare to voice their approval.”

  York smiled. “No small talk, huh? I like that. You’ll find that in many ways, I’m not a typical alpha.”

  Palani raised his eyebrows. “Can you give me some examples?”

  “The standard MO of most alphas is to cover for each other, correct? That’s not how I operate. I’ll supp
ort other alphas when I agree with their viewpoints or condone of their behavior. If not, I won’t hesitate to speak out.”

  “That’s a surprising strategy for a politician,” Palani commented.

  “Maybe, but I’ve discovered many people appreciate my honesty. I’m a straight talker, so they know exactly who I am and what they’re going to get with me.”

  “Which is what?”

  York leaned forward in his chair, his eyes intense as he looked at Palani. “A return to a better society. A fairer society. A society where we get rid of all the restrictive rules and restore alphas, betas, and omegas to their rightful, natural order.”

  “I’ve read your political manifesto and your party’s platform. For a conservative party, it’s quite radical.”

  “Maybe, but it’s not new. It’s how it was, many years ago, and how it should be again. If we want to flourish again as a society, as a species, we have to return to the order and dynamics that helped us thrive in the past.”

  “This natural order you refer to that’s at the core of your party’s ideology, it’s based on how you think our shifter ancestors lived, correct?”

  York’s eyes flashed before he got himself under control. He’d touched a nerve there, hadn’t he?

  “I wouldn’t use the word think. We have done extensive research on this.”

  “Who’s we?”

  “Myself, but also some members of our think tank who are specialized in wolf history. They’ve developed a clear view of how society functioned back then.”

  “Let’s assume their findings and interpretations are correct—”

  “They are,” York interrupted him. “We’re not talking about amateurs. These are highly qualified historians who know their facts.”

  “Are they all alphas?” Palani asked.

  York smiled. “No, because you and I are both aware that alphas tend to see history through the lens of their own alpha bias. That’s why we created a multidisciplinary team consisting of alphas, betas, and even omegas—men and women.”


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