Mr. September

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Mr. September Page 3

by Bailey Bradford

  It was Janet’s turn to laugh. “I wouldn’t call it chance. He was here the night before last, too, looking around like he was expecting someone. Now I know he was expecting you.”

  Enzo stopped mid-turn away from her and faced Janet again. “What?”

  “You heard me, calendar stud. I noticed him the other night, wondered if he’d been stood up or what since he kept sneaking peeks at people. Then it dawned on me he was watching the waitstaff that came out of the kitchen. I thought that was creepy, but Sue waited on him and she said he was really nice and he mentioned knowing you.” Janet shrugged. “I forgot about it and Sue hasn’t worked the last two nights or she might’ve told you.”

  “He was here…looking for me.” It wasn’t a question. Enzo’s pulse quickened and his cock twitched as his blood rushed south. “That’s…hm.”

  Janet arched both eyebrows. “Not creepy, is it? Did I read the guy wrong?”

  “No,” Enzo quickly replied. “Not at all. He’s not a stalker. We’ve just met a few times, like I mentioned, and I was afraid I was the only one who felt a spark of interest. I didn’t know how to find him, so I’m glad he showed up here. Annnnd, I gotta go.” Every minute wasted inside was one less minute he’d get to spend with Tony.

  Janet made a shooing gesture at him. “Go on, then. You work too hard. Go play just as fiercely.”

  Oh, I intend to. Although, taking things slow and kissing every inch of Tony’s body, finding out where his most sensitive spots were, sharing some tender moments—No. Nope. This is just sex. We’ll get off once or twice, then move on. He needed to keep his head out of the clouds about this. He’d had sex just to get off before. This was no different.

  Enzo repeated that to himself silently as he waved goodbye to Janet and the rest of the staff.

  Tony was waiting for him outside in the white sedan he’d gotten into at the gas station. Enzo stopped at the driver’s window.

  Tony lowered the glass, frowning, his eyebrows nearly touching in the middle of his forehead. “Is something wrong?”

  Enzo propped his right forearm on the top of the car and leaned down. “No, I just wanted to make sure you’re still cool with this.” He might cry if Tony changed his mind, but he’d deal with it.

  “Changed my…mind?” Tony’s shaky laugh did funny things to Enzo’s insides. “No, not at all. I—you’re—why would I—Jesus.”

  Tony’s face had darkened with a blush. He was adorable, not that Enzo would call him such. This was just a booty call, not a romance. “So that’s a no? We’re still on?” Nat was spending the night with her best friend—perhaps not a rare occurrence, but one which Enzo hadn’t taken advantage of in a very long time.

  “We’re still on.” Tony sighed and hung his head. “I’m a dork, I know it. And unless you have supplies, I’ll need to stop at a Walgreen’s or something.”

  “I didn’t come to work prepared for this.” Enzo stood and offered what he hoped was a winning smile. “We can go in together and see if we make the cashier blush.”

  “Forget the cashier-- I’ll blush,” Tony muttered.

  Enzo walked around to the passenger side of the car then got in. He buckled up while taking fleeting peeks at Tony. Lean, rangy muscles, a firm, square jawline, top lip a smidge bigger than the bottom and a nose that was slightly on the large size. Enzo approved. He had a thing for guys with big noses and he knew it. He’d mused over it more than once and decided it came down to his own perceptions of small noses making most guys look young. Too young. Despite being twenty-five, he found men in their thirties and older attractive and guys his age or around there did nothing for him.

  “I don’t live too far from here,” Tony was saying as he drove out of the parking lot. “There’s a Walgreen’s on the corner of the street before the one I live on. It’s a twenty-four-hour one, not that we’re out late, but I know because I had to get Ina’s meds there more than once and— Oh, God. I’m babbling. I’m sorry. I don’t do this. This being hooking up.”

  Yup, totally adorable. Enzo bit his tongue to keep from saying so while Tony resumed talking.

  “It’s been a while, I mean.” Tony’s hands tightened on the steering wheel. “Ina, you’ve seen my daughter, she was sick for a while, and I didn’t leave her side more than I had to. Before that, well, I was raising her on my own. Still am. I always knew I wanted kids but when I hadn’t found a partner by the time I was thirty, I had a surrogate lined up. Best choice I ever made.” He took a deep breath, then released it. “I’m nervous.”

  Enzo reached across the car and placed is left hand on Tony’s thigh, feeling him tense. “If it helps, I don’t do this sort of thing often, either. In fact, it’s been a few years since I’ve been with anyone.”

  Tony made a choked sound and glanced at him. “You? It’s been—why? You’re…you’re gorgeous. You could have anyone you wanted.”

  Flattered, Enzo gave Tony’s thigh a gentle squeeze. “That’s sweet of you, but I’ve always been picky, I guess.” And he’d worked since he’d turned fifteen, which hadn’t left him a lot of free time. There was also the fact that he didn’t like being used for his looks.

  “I’m glad I passed whatever litmus test you have for going home with a guy. Confused by it, but glad.” Tony winced as a truck in the right lane started to get over. He tapped the horn and the other driver gunned his engine but stayed in his own lane. “I swear there are days when it seems like everyone’s out to hit me. Do you ever have those days?”

  Enzo had told himself hundreds of times that it didn’t make him less of a man not to own a vehicle. It was still hard to admit. “I, um, take the bus. Don’t have a car. Never learned to drive.”

  “Oh. Well, that’s better for the environment, right?”

  Tony’s weak excuse for him shouldn’t have made Enzo feel any better, but it did.

  “I guess.” And Enzo found himself wanting to talk about things he didn’t share with anyone. It won’t hurt to tell him this. “My parents were both addicts. It happened later in their lives, when they both lost their jobs working for a construction company. Driver’s education wasn’t something they—or I—were concerned with once I was old enough to take it. There’s never been the time,”—Or money—“For me to learn, and we didn’t have a car. Anyway, that’s why I don’t drive.”

  “You’re probably safer on the bus, but…” Tony was frowning again as he signaled to exit the Interstate. “Uh, if you ever want to learn, I’d be happy to teach you.”

  Enzo’s heart pounded. His eyes itched, as did his throat. He cleared it and avoided looking in Tony’s direction. “That’s very kind, thank you, but I work a lot. It’s not often I have any free time.” Even tonight wasn’t really free time. He’d be exhausted for a couple of days afterwards, but he had a feeling spending part of the night with Tony would be well worth it.

  And it had been too long since he’d had sex with someone. He deserved this treat and was more than willing to lose sleep to have it.

  “Well, if you do ever have an hour here or there, the offer stands.” Then Tony chuckled. “I guess that’s not an appropriate offer considering we’re just, you know. Hooking up for tonight.”

  Enzo didn’t know why he said it, but the words tumbled out almost on their own. “If we both enjoy it as much as I think we will, we could meet up again. I’d rather get naked with you than learn to drive, if the opportunity arises, I mean.”

  His hand was still on Tony’s thigh, and Enzo moved it up a few inches, until his pinky was right beside the crease where Tony’s leg and groin met. Heat rolled off Tony there, and Enzo inhaled, taking in the scent of aroused man.

  “I…” Tony swallowed, his throat clicking. “I might embarrass myself at this rate.”

  “What do you—” Enzo stopped. There was no missing the erection tenting Tony’s slacks. “Can I?” His entire body burned with the need to touch.

  Tony parked the car. Enzo didn’t even check to see where they were.

��If you do, there’s a very real chance I’ll come,” Tony warned. “It’s been—”

  “Is that a no?” Enzo needed clarification. He didn’t so much as move his pinky any closer to the temptation beside it.

  Tony unbuckled his seat belt. He turned the car off. “I should say no, but I don’t want to. Please, touch me.”

  Enzo spared one look for the surrounding area. A dark corner of a parking lot somewhere. That was good enough for him. “Thank God.” He unbuckled with his right hand, then it was only a matter of scooting over a few inches, of twisting enough to align his mouth with Tony’s, taking in his gasp, sliding his tongue over that plump top lip while finally, finally using his left hand to cup Tony’s cock through his slacks.

  The moment Tony kissed him back, clutching at Enzo’s shoulders, thrusting his tongue in as if to lay claim to Enzo’s mouth, Enzo knew he was in trouble. One night wasn’t going to slake the lust he felt for Tony.

  Chapter Five

  It’d be worth it if he embarrassed himself and came in his pants. Enzo was caressing him just right, and the way he kissed him set Tony’s blood on fire with lust. He’d been silently chastising himself for prying into Enzo’s private life, knowing it’d been difficult for Enzo to tell him about his past. Then…then things escalated to this and oh my God! Tony moaned as he sucked on Enzo’s tongue and tightened his grip on Enzo’s broad shoulders.

  Enzo nipped at his top lip and Tony’s cock leaked pre-cum. He hadn’t known he’d like that bite of teeth.

  Enzo’s panted breaths matched his own, both of them breathing through their noses. Tony couldn’t break the kiss. He couldn’t do anything that would put distance between him and Enzo.

  But Enzo did. He dragged his mouth down Tony’s chin, kissing and nibbling, driving Tony out of his mind with need. He pushed on Enzo’s shoulders, desperately needing to feel Enzo’s lips on his dick. Some small part of Tony’s brain disengaged from the sex that was happening long enough for him to raise the steering wheel. It wasn’t ideal, but there was more room for Enzo to move.

  And move Enzo did, his mouth hot, his breath wafting over Tony’s covered erection.

  Tony held himself as still as he could manage while gasping and Enzo pressed his thumbs against Tony’s balls, pushing them up.

  “Oh…” Tony shuddered, more pre-cum escaping from his tip. “That feels so good. I’m…”

  He meant to say ‘close’, but Enzo worked Tony’s belt open then unbuttoned his slacks, slid the zipper down and freed Tony’s shaft from his briefs.

  Tony stopped breathing as his gaze met Enzo’s.

  Enzo held Tony’s cock at the base and lowered his head. He licked the tip, lapping at the pre-cum there, and Tony couldn’t keep his eyes open any longer. Pleasure surged through him, his balls drawing tight as his climax erupted.

  He cried out, arching, his cockhead sucked into the perfect warmth of Enzo’s mouth. Tony came and came until he shivered and tried to scoot back, his cock too sensitive for anything more just then.

  Enzo kissed the tip and let go. He sat up, bringing one hand to his face.

  Tony had enough strength left to cup Enzo’s nape, to pull him close and kiss him. He tasted himself on Enzo’s tongue and arousal flickered to life in his belly. He’d need a while to get hard again, but he wanted Enzo, wanted more than what he’d just gotten.

  So many images flashed through Tony’s mind. Things he wanted to do with Enzo, to him, have done by him. He moaned, still kissing Enzo, sliding his hands down Enzo’s back, curling his fingers against the flexing muscles there.

  He had a pressing urge to push Enzo’s seat back, to straddle him and ride him until they both screamed. He also wanted to take Enzo’s cock in his mouth, breaching his throat. He’d give anything to see Enzo lose control and fuck his face with abandon.

  Tony wanted him to take over, to do whatever hedesiredd, even if it meant Tony didn’t come again. That buried, kinky side of himself he had never explored was roaring inside of him, trying to get out.

  He was both scared and thrilled and incapable of dwelling on the secret need when Enzo was kissing him so masterfully.

  Then Enzo caught Tony’s bottom lip between his teeth and tugged. He pinched Tony’s nipples and Tony jolted, jerking his head back. “Oh, God! Yes!”

  Enzo twisted and pleasure shot through Tony like an electrical current, making his cock twitch.

  “Yeah, you’re so fuckin’ hot,” Enzo rasped. “The things I want to do to you. Will you let me, Tony? Will you let me have my way with you?”

  Tony gulped. He didn’t know what Enzo’s ‘way’ was, but he wanted it. “Yes.”

  Enzo licked Tony’s lips, nipped them and moved back to his seat. “Then I need to get supplies. I’ve got plans for you and me that will take most of the night. You coming in with me?”

  Tony could hardly think, much less walk. He pushed his glasses up, since they’d slid down at some point. “If…if you give me a few minutes.”

  “I can, or you can wait here, and I’ll be back by the time you’re ready to go again.” Enzo pinched Tony’s right nipple.

  “Yes, that. That option.” Tony pushed his chest out, silently asking for more.

  Enzo gave it to him, pulling, pinching, twisting until Tony moaned and bucked his hips.

  “I’ll be right back.” Enzo grinned, a pleased expression on his handsome face. “Put that gorgeous cock away or we won’t get out of this parking lot when I return.”

  He exited the car, and Tony, his hands shaking, started setting his clothes to rights. How long has it been since I’ve had sex with someone else? There’d been a hand or blow job not long before he’d become a father, but he’d been so focused on Ina, on making his home perfect for his little girl, that sex had been one of the furthest things from his mind.

  And being a single parent was exhausting. He had help from his parents and sisters, but he had reveled in every moment of being a dad, even when he’d been tired and lonely.

  Did I plan to suppress my libido for eighteen years?

  The passenger door swung open and Tony yelped even as he recognized Enzo, holding a white plastic bag as he slid into the car. “Jesus. Sorry, I was lost in thought.”

  “You’re cute when you’re startled,” Enzo said, setting the bag at his feet. “And you’re sexy as fuck the rest of the time. “

  “So I drop down to cute when I’m startled?” Tony started the car. “Should I be offended?”

  Enzo laughed, the sound rich, warm and genuine. “Nah. I’ve thought you were sexy ever since I first saw you. I also think you’re cute, but guys tend to get all butt-hurt if they’re called cute or adorable. It’s not manly, you know?”

  Tony thought that over for a few seconds. “Well, sure. Society teaches us that women are cute and adorable, or kids are, or pets. Men aren’t supposed to be anything that might be perceived as soft. I disagree, by the way. I happen to be a feminist, so I’m not going to be offended by being called cute—or adorable. I think people of any gender would lean toward thinking cute is not as desirable as sexy.”

  “Depends on who is cute, right?” Enzo placed his hand on Tony’s thigh again. “I think you’re all of those things. When you blush, you’re adorable, cute and I want to fuck you and see if that pink color spreads all the way down to your ass.”

  “Jesus.” Tony had to reach down and press the heel of his hand against his dick. “I was afraid I’d babbled too much, but I guess not.”

  “No, definitely not. I like listening to you talk.” Enzo stroked Tony’s thigh. “You’re smart, but you don’t ever talk to me like I’m not.”

  “Why would I?” Tony was confused by the very idea.

  Enzo shrugged. “Some guys do, especially when I’m working at the hospital. I’m just a janitor, so I can’t possibly be very smart.”

  “That’s a load of bullshit.” Tony startled himself with the curse word. He tried not to use foul language because he feared he’d slip up around Ina. “W
hy would they think that?”

  “Uh, because I’m a janitor?” Enzo asked. “If I was smart, to them, I’d be doing something else.”

  “Like burying yourself in hundreds of thousands of dollars in debts and student loans?” Tony was angry on Enzo’s behalf. “Not that people who do so are stupid, but making a judgment about someone because of their job, without even bothering to know them, that’s…that’s classist.”

  “It’s a lot of things, including the way it is.” Enzo left off touching him and picked up the bag. “We have more interesting things to talk about than my jobs. For instance, how soon can I get you naked once we’re at your place?”

  Tony’s chest went tight as arousal shot to his dick. “The second I get the door shut.”

  “Drive faster.” Enzo took a bottle of lube out of the bag and began removing the plastic seal. “The condoms—we don’t have to use them. I mean, anal sex isn’t mandatory. I didn’t know what you’re into.”

  Tony decided to be daring. “I want you to be into me.” He groaned. “That didn’t sound so corny in my head.”

  Enzo was staring at him, hands still on the bottle. “There wasn’t anything corny about that, period. I would love to fuck you, if you’re sure.”

  Tony clenched his ass. “I am. It’s been years since—I mean, I’ve used toys but not often and oh my God, why don’t I ever know when to shut up?”

  “I don’t want you to shut up. I like hearing what you have to say and maybe you need to say it.” Enzo squeezed Tony’s thigh. “Just like I need to remember I’m a sexual being—I think we must both forget.”

  Tony wanted to ask why that would be the case for Enzo. After all, Enzo was young, and as far as Tony knew, he didn’t have kids. But he had mentioned a sister. “How old are you?”

  Enzo chuckled. “That’s out of nowhere. I’m twenty-five, though. How about you?”

  “Thirty-four. I’ll be thirty-five next month.” Tony turned onto his street. “Is that too big of an age gap for you?”


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