Mr. Savior: A Roommate Hero Romance

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Mr. Savior: A Roommate Hero Romance Page 12

by Sullivan, Piper

  Preston changed the tempo; sped up, his movements became short and jerky. His grip tightened in my hair and on my hip, his tongue plunged deeper into my mouth, and the hard ridge of his cock pressed into me, pulling out a long, anguished moan.

  Preston tasted better than chocolate. Better than pizza. Hell, he even tasted better than tequila. “Nina,” he moaned when my hand slipped under the hem of his SAR t-shirt, exploring the impressively hard muscles covered by soft skin.

  I wanted this man so much I could hardly breathe. I jumped into his arms, trusting him to catch me. My legs wrapped around his waist; we were fitted right where we belonged. I was hot and achy, he was hard and throbbing, and we both had on too many clothes.

  “Preston, yes,” I moaned in his ear as his hands slid down my back to squeeze and knead my ass. He gripped it tightly and pulled me closer against his erection until a whimper escaped my lips. “I want you, Preston.”

  He let out a strangled groan and spun us around until my butt landed on the cool kitchen counter. “I’m right here, Nina.” One finger traced up the inside of my leg, from my knee up, but the tease stopped before he reached anywhere good.

  “I need you. Now.” It was an admission I didn’t make easily, but with his hands making me feel so good and his sweet breath fanning over my overheated flesh, it was all too much.

  My hands shot to his waistband, groaning at the row of buttons covering his cock. Still, I made quick work of freeing his erection, stroking it gently at first but then rougher. With darker intent.

  “Nina,” he groaned, and grabbed my wrist.

  “Yes?” I could barely contain my smile. I didn’t mind being playful during sex. Or foreplay.

  “You’re trying to kill me.” I gave him my best innocent look and quickly lost myself in his eyes, barely noticing when he gripped my purple panties and tore them from my body. “But I won’t go easy,” he told me just before his two thick fingers sank into my body, stealing each of my senses along with my thoughts.

  But not my voice. “Oh, yeah.”

  They plunged deep, over and over again, his thumb rubbing teasing circles around my clit. Not enough to make me come, but just enough to drive me crazy. And the sensation of him fucking me while I stroked his cock was so sensual, I grew frantic. “Preston.”

  “You’re so wet, Nina. Is that for me?”

  I smiled. “Do you want it?”

  He nodded, his gaze heavy with desire. “I do.”

  “Show me.” Something about being with Preston made me feel carefree and fun, and I loved it.

  Slowly, he removed his fingers from my body, spreading them so I could just how wet and sticky I was. Then, he plunged both fingers into his mouth with a groan and smacked his lips.

  “Change of plans, sweetheart.” Before I could get any answers, Preston pushed me back and spread my legs wide so he could lick me, slowly and then faster, working hard to drive me out of my mind.

  “Preston. Oh, yes, Preston!” My body began to shake, trembling as the orgasm worked its way from the center of my body and shot out through my extremities.

  It was one of those out of body experiences, where I could feel myself looking down at both of us, leaving me stunned. The smile on my face was pure bliss and when Preston stood, kissing his way from my stomach to my mouth, the look in his eyes scared the hell out of me.

  “That was fast.” He laughed, but there was no mistaking the pride in his expression.

  “You’re that good with your sexy mouth. Now, let’s see what you can do with that monster between your legs.”

  He laughed, again pulling me close. “You have a dirty mouth, Nina.”

  “You like my dirty mouth.”

  “I do,” he groaned as the blunt head of his cock pushed into me slowly. He was long and thick, his rhythm slow and tantalizing. “But what I really love is the way you hug my cock.”

  The only thing I could feel was Preston. He was deep inside me, surrounding me. He was everywhere and it was overwhelming. My body was still sensitive from the first orgasm, but Preston was interested in my next one, sliding in and out of my body and pushing me that much closer.

  My body was too sensitive and it was playing with my emotions, so I squeezed my eyes shut as Preston slammed into me, hard and fast, singularly focused on nothing but our mutual pleasure.

  Although I’d been expecting it, the orgasm snuck up on me and shocked me with its intensity. Preston’s was right there, too, and I felt every twitch and every jerk as his body shook with his pleasure, sending long spurts of his orgasm deep into my body.

  It was magnificent. And I was terrified.

  “I should bring barbecue more often,” Preston said after we’d regained our voices, gifting me with a flirtatious smile.

  “I don’t think we’re burning enough calories to eat like this on a regular basis.”

  He frowned at the unintended slight and lifted me from the counter with my legs still wrapped around him. “You know I have to prove you wrong now, don’t you?” He smacked my ass for good measure, and I let out a laugh-squeal that might have embarrassed me, if I hadn’t been having such a good time.

  “I’m sure you do feel the need to prove me wrong,” I replied smoothly, “but I feel the need for a shower.”

  “Mmm, I look forward to showing you my shower technique.” His words were arrogant and hilarious, reminding me again of what a catch Preston really was.

  “You have a shower technique?”

  He nodded confidently as he followed me into the bathroom. “Yep. Wanna see?”

  I slipped out of my oversized t-shirt and pulled off my sock before stepping inside the cool shower and turning on the water. “I do.”

  Turns out, Preston’s shower game was just as impressive as his land game — but the addition of hot water, steam, and soap? Well, let’s just say I might have developed a fondness for water sex.

  “Goodness, woman, are you trying to starve me?” He patted his belly as we made our way back to the kitchen, where the food sat waiting for us.

  “Nope. Just trying to keep you a little weak so I can take advantage of you later.” My body tingled at the promise in his eyes. I wanted him again. Already. But this time, I wanted to ride him and watch as he came apart.

  “Food. I need food,” he insisted, holding up a container of barbecue ribs between us.

  “Come on. I’ll even re-watch the first episode all over again. Just for you.”

  The scene was so domestic, I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it for myself. Preston sat beside me on the sofa, just a little too close, and we ate too much and watched too much television. And we stopped way too many times in an attempt to satisfy our need for each other.

  Spoiler alert: the need hadn’t been satisfied.

  All day and night, that’s what we did. When we woke up the next morning still wrapped up in each other, I hoped we could repeat yesterday all over again.

  But we couldn’t. “I have to work tonight,” Preston said resignedly, pulling his arm out from underneath me and sliding out of bed. “Filling in for a SAR on maternity leave, effective immediately.”

  I nodded. “Alright,” I replied, unsure of what I was supposed to say.

  “Betty is having a barbecue this week, and we’re invited.”

  “Um, okay?”

  He smiled. “So, you want to go? Together?”

  Hell no. “Sure. Why not?”

  He grinned, kissing me one more time before rushing out the door. Seconds later, he popped back in the front door with a harried-looking smile. “After the barbecue, we’re having a real date. Another one.” His lips smashed against mine again and then he was gone. Again. For real this time.

  And all I could do was look toward the sky and wait for the other shoe to drop.


  “Holy hell, woman, are you trying to make us late for the barbecue?” Nina opened the door looking hot as hell in a short denim skirt and a black tee that cupped her tits beautiful
ly. And, because she was Nina, she sported one hot-pink Chuck Taylor sneaker — with her boot side-kick — to cap off the outfit. Proving once again she wasn’t who anyone thought she was.

  Her skin blushed prettily at the compliment and she swept her thick brown hair from her creamy shoulders. “I wasn’t trying, but if you have some ideas about how we can kill an hour, I’m all ears.”

  The little tease knew exactly what she was doing. This time, though, I wouldn’t be her accomplice. “We’re going, sweetheart. Don’t fight it.”

  She groaned and turned on her heel, shuffling across to the living room to pick up the beer and chips she’d insisted on bringing as her contribution. “This is new to me, Preston. I know I hide it well with my sunny personality, but I’m not exactly a meet-the-parents type of girl. They may not be your biological family,” she emphasized to cut me off, “but they are who you chose, which makes them more important. Even I know that.”

  There was so much to unpack in that one little statement, I didn’t even know where to begin. She had a head start on me going down the stairs, which forced me to wait as she struggled with the boot.

  “That’s just dumb,” I said — rather stupidly, I realized in hindsight. “Betty already loves you and if he could, Ry would steal you from me.”

  “Would he, now?” she asked teasingly, laughing when I glared at her.

  “Gina, Monica, and Lisbeth will love you, too, and so will Monica’s husband, Charlie.” They would like her because I did, at first, but once they got to know her, I knew they would appreciate Nina for who she was.

  “And it’s not dumb, it’s a valid concern. I’ve never done this before, and now, I’m doing it in a small town where everyone is watching.” Her tone revealed barely a trace of anger or nerves, which told me just how nervous she really was.

  “I’m sorry, Nina. It’s not stupid, I just don’t get it. You’re incredible. Smart and sassy, sexy, funny, and just a little bit scary. What’s not to love?”

  She sighed as the car came to a stop in front of the Kemp family home and turned to me. “I’ll be fine.” It sounded like she was trying to convince herself more than me.

  “See that tree right there? Well, that stump?” she nodded. “Mr. Kemp cut it down when we were twelve, after Ry fell one too many times.”

  She sucked in a breath. “How many times did he fall?”

  “Too many to count. At first, we were seeing if we could jump and land on our feet, and then we wanted to fly like Superman. Can we add stuff to our bodyweight to fall faster?”

  “You two were a terror!” Her laugh was husky and deep, sexy and contagious. “Impressive you both made it to adulthood and didn’t go into Hollywood stunt work.” We shared another laugh and she dropped a hand on my thigh. “Thanks for the distraction. I think I’m ready.”

  “You sure?” Her eyes didn’t look certain, but she nodded and when I leaned in, Nina wrapped her arms around me and accepted my kiss. “I’m sure enough for both of us. You won’t need it, but I’ll protect you.”

  “My hometown hero,” she snickered and when I shot a glare at her, she only laughed even more.

  “Keep that up and you’ll be walking home.” Still, the threat didn’t stop her laughter. The only thing that did was the sight of the entire Kemp family as we rounded the corner to the back yard.

  “This is just the immediate family?” she whispered to me.

  I went through introductions and Nina was a champ, enduring overly friendly hugs, cheek kisses, and compliments on her appearance. “Let her breathe, guys.”

  “She’s fine,” Betty insisted, wrapping an arm around Nina and pulling her into the house, with a wink for me.

  “Don’t worry man, your girl is fine.” Ry handed me a beer and flung an arm around my shoulder. “They’re just curious; you never bring women to family gatherings.”

  “She was nervous about this, worried you guys wouldn’t like her.”

  Ry frowned. “She’s great, what’s not to like?”

  I smiled and thanked the universe once again for putting Ry in my life. “That’s what I told her, but you know women. Even straightforward ones like Nina can be mysterious.”

  “That’s a good sign,” Charlie pointed out, accepting a beer from Ry. Charlie was married to my oldest sister, Monica. “When she’s nervous or worried or just plain acting crazy, that means its serious.”

  I listened intently. Any man who could make my bossy, oldest sister smile for more than a decade was worth paying attention to. “Really?’

  Charlie nodded with a wise smile as he sipped his beer. “Really.”

  It felt like forever before Betty and the Kemp sisters emerged from the house with Nina in the middle of the group, looking protected. “You okay,” I mouthed to her when our eyes locked.

  Nina nodded with a smile as she made her way over to me. “All good. I survived the interrogation and now I’ve been promised beer.”

  “With a shot of tequila,” Charlie offered with a conspiratorial grin.

  “Damn straight. I’m Nina.” She held out her hand confidently and Charlie accepted it with a friendly smile.

  “Charlie, Monica’s husband. From one non-Kemp to another, welcome. I don’t know about you, but I had two shots after my interrogation.”

  She nodded and nudged her glass toward the middle of the table, making Charlie and Ry smile.

  Nina took a long sip from the icy beer and sighed. “What a nice day for a barbecue.”

  “You’re incredible, you know that?”

  She grinned. “They’re nice. It was just… overwhelming, because I don’t have any family.” Another little nugget of information about the mysterious Nina.

  “I’ve known them my whole life and they overwhelm me all the time,” I assured her.

  “Somehow, I doubt that. They love you, and I respect that.”

  It was an odd choice of words, but I let it go, filing it away for a later date. For now, I put my arm around Nina and enjoyed being around the people who mattered most to me.

  Nina included.

  Maybe Nina especially.


  “We need to make some time to go shopping. Together.” Maxine’s hands were on her hips as she fixed me with a look, several dresses draped over her arm.

  “But I hate shopping,” I whined and stepped back from the door so she could enter my apartment. “Besides, when will I need clothes like this again? It would be pointless to spend money on clothes that I won’t wear.”

  “Women do it all over the world — you wear it again when your man has forgotten all about it.” She rolled her eyes, like my concerns were completely unreasonable. “I don’t mind loaning you an outfit again, but maybe you’d feel better if you had clothes that were more your style.”

  “Dresses aren’t my style. Period.”

  “Why the hell not? You’ve got great legs. You don’t have to wear heels if you don’t want to, but guys love legs. Show’ em off, honey!” Max was a force of nature. If I let her have her way, I’d be greeting Preston in pasties and a thong. “Do you have any idea where you’re going?”

  “Nope. Preston only said to dress nice.” I was tempted to wear a pair of nice jeans and a non-graphic tee, but I knew what kind of world Preston had come from and I knew what he meant when he said nice. “Do you have anything nice?”

  Max frowned, looking affronted. “All of my things are nice, I’ll have you know,” she informed me haughtily, unzipping her garment bag with a flourish. “Feast your eyes on this lovely rainbow of fabrics, cuts, and styles.”

  I took my time picking through the dresses. I wasn’t sure what to choose. They all looked nice to me, and if I were alone in my apartment, I would have chosen one of the simple black dresses. But Max was giving me that look that said, “Go on and live a little. Have a little adventure.”

  “How about this one?” Long, red, and velvet sounded like a tacky combination, but the dress was beautiful. Sexy. Classy. It was floor length with full
sleeves, but a split up the leg and a lowcut neckline gave it the sexy appeal that would drive Preston crazy.

  Max squealed, danced, and spun in a circle like an excited puppy. “I was hoping you’d choose that one. It’s gonna look crazy hot on you, Nina. Trust me.” I did trust her, so I didn’t pull back when she grabbed both me and the dress and pushed us into my room. “Try this on.”

  I almost didn’t catch the dress when she quickly tossed it at me before getting to work rifling through my things — first my closet and then my dresser. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  Max popped her head out of the closet, with mussed hair and one sparkly red strappy shoe in her hand. “Sweet baby jesus, I’m so glad you have red shoes! You only need one, the boot will add enough height, and he won’t even see it. Now, let’s figure out your lingerie situation.”

  “Your last situation ended pretty well for both of us, so that’s an option.” She glared sarcastically at me, and I laughed. “Just saying.”

  “This is velvet, Nina. It requires a delicate touch, not a tomahawk.” I don’t know how she was able to spend that much time in my underwear drawer, since it wasn’t like I had all that many. “Here we go,” she announced proudly, and I laughed again.

  “It took you five minutes to find a tiny, red velvet thong?”

  She shrugged. “I found the green one first, but I figured you’d want to match if you planned on gettin’ busy tonight.” Max gyrated her hips and hummed some sexy times music and all I could do was keep laughing.

  “Sexy is great, Max, but honestly, I’d settle for not making a fool of myself. I still don’t know where we’re going, and I’m terrified he’ll take me to a country club or some place where I am guaranteed to stick out like a sore thumb.” Max’s eyes went wide with shock. “What?”

  “I’ve never seen you scared before,” she admitted.

  “Yeah, well, maybe if I exercised a bit more brainpower, I wouldn’t be limping around town on a bum leg.” I wasn’t scared. I was nervous.


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