Tattoos & Unicorns

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Tattoos & Unicorns Page 18

by Kayla Carson

  “Did you get a chance to talk to her about the marketing situation?” He asked, as I got comfortable by laying my head on his chest.

  “I did.”

  “From the looks of things, the two of you managed to make up.”

  “We've both agreed to do better. Not just for each other, but for ourselves.”

  “I'm glad.”

  “What about you?” I asked, on a yawn.

  “What about me?”

  “We'll be in New York tomorrow. Are you nervous?”

  “The last time that I saw my dad was at Abigail's funeral.”

  I stiffened in his arms, and he rubbed his hand over my shoulder before continuing.

  “He told me then that I was foolish, and that I'd never amount to anything. He said that the only good thing I had going for me was her. Without her, I was nothing to him.”

  “He must have loved her.” I said, softly.

  “He loved the idea of her. He always thought that once we had kids I'd want more to do with the business. He assumed Abigail would convince me because it was more reliable than song writing.”

  “And then she got sick.” I said knowingly.

  “And then she got sick.” He repeated on a sigh.

  “Is that why you left?”

  He nodded. “She wanted to do as much as she could, while she still could. So, we made a bucket list. Dad was furious. He told me that I was wasting my young life, and the little potential that I had left on a dying woman. It was then that I stopped speaking to him.”

  “I'm sorry.” I said, snuggling into him. “That must have been hard for you.”

  “It was. But if I had it to do all over again I would.”

  I yawned again, and he leaned down to kiss the top of my head.

  “Close your eyes, Unicorn. We've got a busy day ahead of us.”

  I nodded slightly, and did as he said. I smiled in his arms because I don't remember the last time that I felt this happy. I love that he's so open, and honest with me. That he felt comfortable enough to talk about Abigail, and his dad. I love that even though he's going through his own struggles, he's still there for me. I love how he makes me smile for absolutely no reason. How the sound of my laughter is enough to make his eyes sparkle. I love the way he looks at me, when he thinks I'm not looking. I love... him.

  I opened my eyes then. The weight of what I was thinking suddenly enough to knock the breath from my lungs. When I was with Derek, I always told myself that this kind of love didn't exist. That it took time to really know what love was. But laying here in the arms of a man that I barely knew. There was one thing that I was one hundred percent sure of. I was undeniably in love with Owen Foster.


  SINCE THE DRIVE TO Manhattan was less than three hours away, we decided to do a little sight seeing before leaving New Jersey. After a vote, we chose the Adventure Aquarium in Camden. I was pretty beached out from yesterday, and since I couldn't swim it didn't seem like revisiting. It was also hot as hell outside, and walking through an air conditioned building sounded pretty damn amazing.

  When we pulled into the aquarium the parking lot was already pretty full. It opened at nine, and it was only nine thirty. It must be a pretty popular tourist attraction to be this busy already. I grabbed my cross body bag, and draped it over my shoulder before climbing out of the truck. Morgan followed soon after, and then Owen.

  Together the three of us made our way to the entrance, and after a few minutes of waiting in line we were inside. I was immediately impressed by the shear size of the building. The website boasted fifteen thousand animals, but I didn't actually think there could be that many. Not that I knew how many species of fish there actually were.

  Of course we started with the sharks. There was even a exhibit where you could touch them! Owen was brave, I was not. I enjoyed watching them swim, and the way that they moved so gracefully through the water, but as far as I was concerned they could stay on the opposite side of the glass.

  We visited with the penguins next, and then the turtles. The hippos were by far my favorite though. I had only ever seen them in the zoo, and they were always so far away. Here, you were up close and personal with them. The water was crystal clear, and the size of them was almost unbelievable. I watched as they lifted there massive heads from the water and opened their mouths wide. I never thought of them as majestic animals, but they were almost graceful as they swam through the water.

  Morgan of course, enjoyed the gift shop the most. She wound up spending nearly three hundred dollars, and I couldn't even tell you on what. I saw tee shirts which I knew she'd never wear, as well as key chains, and jewelry. None of it was to her taste, but I'm pretty sure she just liked to spend money to spend it.

  After two fun filled hours, we finally seen every exhibit. That's when we found the H2O Photo. I had never paid so much money for photographs in my life, but it was honestly one of the funniest things I'd ever done. With the help of a green screen, the three of us created some pretty epic images.

  Owen lifted me up and tried feeding me to a shark, while Morgan posed next to a penguin. We all took a photo together with the jellyfish, and Owen and I shared a pose with the Hippos. The three of us used our best acting skills to look scared in a shark cage, and then laid on the rocks with the seals. All in all it was a great morning, and I felt like I was a kid again. Laughing with Morgan, and making silly faces for the camera. This is what I missed. The care free feeling I used to have around her.

  Not wanting to leave just yet, we decided to grab lunch at the aquarium as well. The prices were high, but the food was good so I wasn't complaining. Morgan ordered a salad, and I got some kind of chicken pita wrap with waffle fries. Owen opted for the burger, and after we finished our meals, and our stomachs were full we finally resigned to the fact that we had to leave.

  When we were all piled back into the truck again I couldn't help but feel a little sad. Our little adventure was coming to and end. In a few short hours, we'd be in New York. Morgan, and I would be unpacking in our apartment. And Owen, would be seeing his dad for the first time in three years. Even though we were together now, I was still worried about what was to come.

  There were so many different variables now. Derek would be there. Not that I wanted him back, but I knew that he would be an inevitable thorn in my side. Morgan, and I were doing alright but our friendship was still on the rocks. What would happen when we moved in together? When we got to Sew New? Would I be able to stand up for myself when I really needed to?

  “Unicorn?” Owen asked from the backseat. “You plan on starting the truck?”

  “Right.” I laughed shaking the negative thoughts away, and putting on an excited front. “Who's ready to go home?”

  “I can't wait to see the boutique!” Morgan answered. “The pictures I've been receiving just aren't doing it justice.”

  I turned the engine over then, and took a deep breath. This was it. This was the beginning of my new life. No looking back. I was a business owner, and a marketing major. I was an adult, and I could do this. I felt Owen's hand on my shoulder from behind me and I smiled. Yeah. I could do this.

  THE MINUTE I SEEN THE 'welcome to New York' sign, I felt my stomach sinking. We were a month ahead of schedule, moving into an apartment that we hadn't planned on moving into. Sew New wouldn't even open it's doors for another two, and Morgan and I were both essentially jobless. While our rent was taken care of by her father until we got back on our feet, I didn't like the idea of relying on someone else.

  As we drove through the busy city, and forged our way into Manhattan my nerves only seemed to increase. Owen leaned forward so that he could stick his head between Morgan and I in the front seat.

  “It's busier than I remember.” He said, squinting his eyes to avoid the sun.

  “A lot bigger too.” I said.

  “Hey. Why don't I stay with you tonight?” He offered. “I can help you get settled in, and then head to my dad's place first thing in the morni

  “I'm sure you're just using me as an excuse not to see your dad, but oddly I'm OK with it.”

  He laughed. “You're partly right.”

  “Not that anyone asked me.” Morgan chimed in. “But, I wouldn't mind the extra help.”

  “It's settled then.” Owen said, as he relaxed back into his seat.

  It was a huge relief to know that Owen would be with me tonight. I thought about asking him to stay earlier, but didn't want to seem to clingy. Our relationship was still so new, and even though I knew that my feelings were strong I didn't want to scare him off by pushing for too much too soon.

  With Morgan's directions, and google maps I was able to find our new apartment complex easy enough. When we pulled into the large parking lot I was in awe by what I seen. There were at least three stories, and I had to admit that the landscaping was gorgeous. The entire building was stone white, and the windows were encased in black. It was very sleek, and modern, and not at all my type.

  I found one of the allotted parking spaces assigned to our unit, and parked the old truck. Glancing around the lot, it was easy to see that the people who lived here could afford to do it. I don't think there was a car over five years old in the entire space.

  “Damn.” Owen said, as we all got out of the truck.

  “Yeah.” I said quietly.

  “It's great isn't it?” Morgan gushed, as she slung one of her bags over her shoulder.

  It was the first time this entire trip that I saw her willingly pick up one of her own bags. I shook my head. She was definitely in her element now, and I was most certainly out of mine. Owen helped me with the rest of the bags, and then we followed Morgan into the building. I stopped dead in my tracks when we were approached by a doorman. Our building had a freaking doorman? Why?

  “Miss Astor.” The man said, extending his hand in greeting. “We've been expecting you.”

  “It's so much better in person.” She smiled. “Please tell me our apartment is ready.”

  “Of course. Would you like me to escort you?”

  “Thank you!” Morgan smiled wide, ignoring Owen and I as she began to follow the doorman towards the elevator.

  With the bags in tow the two of us managed to catch up, and soon we were all shut inside the small space. I wasn't fond of elevators. That's not exactly true. It wasn't the elevators that bothered me, it was the people in them. It's hard enough keeping personal space personal on the outside, but when you're jammed into a tiny death box it's so much worse.

  Of course our apartment was on the third floor, and when we reached it the doorman stepped off first. We followed him down the hall, to the last apartment on the left. '3D' was hanging on the outside of the door in gold lettering, and when the doorman used his master key to let us in, I thought that Morgan was going to faint.

  She stepped inside and squealed obnoxiously, before tossing her bag down and spinning in a circle.

  “Get in here, Ronnie!” She called as the doorman took his leave, and left us to our own devices.

  When I walked into the apartment I couldn't believe my eyes. It was huge. The door led directly into a bright beautiful kitchen. The floors were a blonde hard wood, and the cabinets and back splash were white. There was an island sitting in the middle, and it's cabinetry was gray as a contrast. The dining room was just off to the side, and it was completely open into the living room.

  The entire place was completely furnished. I set my bags down in the kitchen and walked through the dining room, and then living room. There were two doors leading off of it. One to the left, and the other to the right.

  “This one's mine!” Morgan said, practically running to the room on the left.

  I could feel Owen behind me, as I made my way into my own bedroom. I was shocked when I stepped inside. All of my things had been delivered, and set up. My bed, dresser, even my records. Everything was organized just how I liked it, and I had no idea how it all happened so fast.

  “Wow.” Owen said, in awe.

  There were two doors in the bedroom, the smaller of the two led to my closet. My clothing was already hung inside of it, and I shook my head in disbelief. Owen opened the door beside it then revealing my very own bathroom. There was a large rectangular shower with glass walls, and a modern take on a claw foot tub. I had a vanity with a bowl top sink, and plenty of storage. My bath towels were even folded the way I liked them.

  “It doesn't look like you need much help settling in.” Owen teased.

  “I can't believe she did all this.” I said with wonder. “It's only been two weeks.”

  “Imagine what she can do in a month.” He teased.

  “Do you love it?” Morgan asked, as she came bounding into my room. “I know you're particular about your records, but I made sure that the movers were extra careful with them.”

  “It's amazing.” I said taking a few steps towards her, and pulling her into a hug. “Thank you.”

  “I love you Ronnie.” She said. “I know we're a long way from where we were, but I just wanted you to know that.”

  She pulled away before I could say anything, and then she gave me a warm smile before leaving my room. I appreciated that she was trying to give me space, but I also didn't want her to feel alienated either. She was right, we had some work to do but I was feeling more confused now than ever. I was still excited about the prospect of Sew New, but I couldn't help but feel completely out of place here.

  “What are you thinking, Unicorn?” Owen asked, as he rubbed his hand over my back.

  “Right now? I'm thinking about that bathtub! How long do I have to wait before I can have a nice long soak?”

  He laughed. “Looks like it's got room for two.”

  “Now you're just being mean.” I said turning towards him, and wrapping my arms around his neck.

  “Do you still want me to stay tonight?” He asked, before softly kissing my lips.

  “Yes. Why wouldn't I?”

  He shrugged. “You're already settled in. What do you need me for?”

  “I can think of a few things.” I said, raising my brows suggestively.

  He winked, before scooping me up into a princess hold. I squealed, and he peppered kisses all over my face as he carried me over to the bed. Without warning he dropped me down onto it, and I fell into a fit of laughter. With a smirk on his face, and mischief in his eyes, he climbed on top of me so that he was hovering just above me.

  My breath caught in my throat, and I reached up to touch his face. He closed his eyes, and leaned into my touch, before kissing the palm of my hand.

  “Ronnie!” Morgan called, as she walked into my room. “My phone's dead- shit! I'm sorry!”

  Owen and I laughed, as he rolled over me to lay down on the other side of the bed.

  “It's our fault. We should have shut the door.” I said, sitting so that I could talk to her. “What's up?”

  “My phone's dead, and I was going to see if you wanted to order pizza? The television service isn't hooked up yet, but the internet is. Maybe we could find something to watch on Netflix? Unless you, and Owen already had plans.”

  I glanced over at Owen then, and he gave me a slight nod.

  “Sounds good. I'll get something ordered.”

  “I'll figure out the Netflix situation.” She said, before turning on her heel to leave.

  I rolled to my side then, and gave Owen a sweet smile.

  “Thank you for that.” I said.

  “It's your first night as room mates. I kind of feel like I'm intruding.”

  “You're not. I'm actually really glad you're here with me.”

  “You are?” He asked in a flirty tone.

  “Yes.” I giggled. “I wasn't ready to sleep alone just yet.”

  “Me neither.” He admitted.

  I leaned over to give him a kiss then, before rolling to my other side so that I could go grab my phone. When it wasn't in my purse, I checked my bags, and when I couldn't find it there either, I realized that I must have le
ft it in the truck. I grabbed my keys from the kitchen counter, and let them both know that I'd be right back.

  Luckily, the elevator was empty so my ride down wasn't quite as bad as my ride up. The doorman smiled at me politely when I passed him, and I quickly jogged through the parking lot until I reached the truck. Just as I thought, my phone was sitting in the little cubby I'd left it in. The GPS was still set to the apartment complex, so I cleared it before shoving it into the back pocket of my shorts.

  I took my time on my way back to the building, admiring the foliage and scenery that surrounded it. As modern as it was, It still felt warm in a way. It was a surreal feeling to finally be here. I realized then that I hadn't called my parents yet. I made a mental note to do so as soon as I ordered dinner.

  The doorman greeted me with the same friendly smile he'd seen me off with, and I smiled back politely. I wasn't sure if I'd ever get used to this kind of thing. It all felt a little too high end for my taste, but I definitely wasn't complaining about having my own bathroom.

  The elevator door was just about to close, when I jogged towards it.

  “Hold the elevator please!” I called out, and a hand shot in between the doors stopping it just in time.

  “Thank you!” I laughed, as the doors dinged open revealing the one person that I never wanted to see again.

  “Hey baby girl.” Derek smiled weakly.

  I started to back up, but the doors had already closed behind me. I could feel my heart quickening in my chest, and suddenly I was finding it hard to breathe. He took a step towards me, and I thought I might hyperventilate. The elevator hit the second floor, and that's when Derek reached around me to pull the emergency stop button.

  “What- what are you doing?” I stammered, as I put some distance between us.

  “We need to talk.” He said. “When you gave me your new number I thought that you were ready, but then you just blocked me again.”

  “I have nothing to say to you.”

  “Then just listen.”

  I knew that if I fought him, he'd just keep trying. So I nodded my head, and I let him talk.


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