War of the Realms Box Set

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War of the Realms Box Set Page 31

by Sarah J. Stone

  Ebin stood at the end of the pier, holding a flaming arrow to his bow. The wind whipped the flame around wildly, and everyone held their breath as he pulled the arrow back, aimed high, and let it fly. The flame shot through the impending night and landed atop the goods stacked high on the platform. The fumes ignited, sending a large cheer through the crowd. Ebin turned toward Osharus.

  “How about that?” he asked, laughing.

  Before Ebin could turn back around, the flames erupted and an explosion burst unexpectedly from the platform. Everyone ducked and watched as the bright fire rose high into the sky. Screams echoed through the port, and Georges and Pike pushed the women behind them. The black, crackling flames waved through the wind as a figure appeared rising through the heat.

  Ghede stretched his arms high above his head as his body levitated through the fire and out over the water. Osharus grasped onto his staff and Ebin to his trident as the King of the Dead lifted his head, revealing his shining red eyes. The crowd gasped and ducked down beyond the pier in fear. A menacing laughter echoed from Ghede’s throat across the waves and through every alley of the port.

  “Peasants, I come before you in warning,” Ghede bellowed out, his mouth never moving, his body still transparent. “I have returned to claim my rightful place as your leader and King. Those of you who wish to live would be smart to join me in my quest. Those of you who do not, understand that you will pay with your life.”

  Fearful cries erupted across the crowd as the flames shot higher into the sky. Ghede floated momentarily, waiting for a response from any that would join him. Pike stepped forward, brushing his father’s hand from his shoulder.

  “We will never submit to you. Just as we did centuries ago, we will drive you back to hell where you belong,” Pike shouted toward the dead King.

  Ghede began to float closer to the pier, stopping just far enough away where he could not be touched. He waved his hand over the mask on his face, revealing a burnt and charred face of a human man. He smiled, his teeth sharp and menacing, and laughter coming from his throat. He reached his hand up and revealed a fiery ball. Before Pike could move, Ghede threw the ball, knocking the royal members to their knees and capturing Shayla. The fire swirled around her like a bubble as she screamed out in fear. Pike reached up, but could not reach Shayla as she floated upward and toward the dead King.

  “Let her go,” Pike screamed out.

  Ebin lifted his trident in the air, but Ghede pushed his magic forward, knocking the King to the ground.

  “Death will find you all,” Ghede’s voice whispered through the air.

  Pike looked out at the dead King and Shayla, who was now floating next to him, fear covering her face. Ghede reached outward and clapped his hands over his head, sending a burst of energy in all directions. Pike screamed out, reaching for Shayla, but she disappeared into flames with the dead King. Instantly, the flames turned back to their normal hue, and the seas sat quietly. As anger filled Pike’s heart, the rolling of the ocean increased, and the floating totem to the gods sank to the bottom of the ocean.

  Chapter Nine: The Seed of the Dead

  The Wild Dragon beneath Leonetta sped forward away from the Solstice celebrations and the clanging ceremonious music just as the Kings were set to light the floating platform afire. She could feel the cold fall air creeping in as the wind blew over her. To her left, far in the distance, she could see the churning anger of the dead King. To her right, the seas began to pick up strength, and a strange feeling floated through her chest. As the wild swooped past the docks and out over open seas, an explosion rocked Leonetta’s senses and she looked back in shock as the dead King emerged from the fiery blaze. She grabbed onto the Wild’s scales as her sight began to waver and a vision flooded her mind.

  Through her mind’s eye, Leonetta sat, helpless to control her visions and watched as the dead King snatched the mer-Prince’s bride, transporting her to his mountain lair. As Leonetta’s mind jumped from scene to scene of this terrifying premonition, Shayla was kept as a prisoner in the lonely caves beneath the mountain. Each day, she is released from the cold, damp surroundings of her cell and is forced into servitude to the King and his mate, Malaya. Though Leonetta could feel the fear surging through Shayla, the young human developed strength over time, understanding the inner workings of the dead army, and learning how to survive from day to day. As the vision progressed, Leonetta’s attention was drawn to a man searching the mountain caves, looking for Shayla. It was Pike.

  As Leonetta’s strength began to wane from the ever-encompassing magnitude of such a vision, she watched as Pike began to fight the dead King. Blow by blow, the young prince held his own until his attention was drawn to Shayla, hanging over the bubbling red sea of lava beneath the mountain. A flash of fire blinded Leonetta’s view of the events to follow, and as she came back to the present, the sounds of Shayla’s screams echoed through her head. She collapsed forward onto the scaly back of the beast as her eyes changed back from white to green. Her breath slowed, and she laid there, attempting to regain her sight. The Wild below her talked to her telepathically, attempting to gauge whether to turn back or keep going.

  Princess, are you okay? Shall I land?

  No. Keep going. We must reach Osiris.

  The dragon picked his speed back up as Leonetta pulled herself upright and whispered an enchantment of healing. Her strength began to build as they shifted course back over land, growing closer to Osiris’ camp. Below them, all along the shore were small renditions of the Autumn Solstice celebration. The ocean was peppered with burning pallets, and music could be heard even as high as Leonetta flew. The smell of smoke burned at her nostrils, bringing visions of her burnt and tattered realm of Avalon. The Wild began to slow as the flags of Osiris’ Kingdom began to appear on the horizon. Leonetta whispered an enchantment, sending a bright white light above their heads as they flew. It was a symbol of peace that would alert the guards to their pending approach.

  As the Wild descended to the ground, several of the Avalon shifters took position in front of them. The black dragon touched down a distance from the camp and Leonetta dismounted, feeling better than she had moments before. She put her hands in the air, the white light following her as she walked. From between the shifters, a large man wearing the robes of Commander stepped forward, grasping the butt of his sword at his side. He stood tall, no expression on his large, square face. Leonetta continued forward until she was within speaking distance of the Commander.

  “I wish to see Osiris. I come in peace,” Leonetta stated.

  “Follow me,” the man grunted, obviously spotting them before they arrived and ready for the intrusion. “Your beast stays there.”

  Leonetta turned and nodded to the Wild who knelt in understanding. She followed closely behind the Commander, keeping her hands pressed together in front of her. Osiris’ army had shrunk since his war with the fae, and the remaining members stared at her with anger as she made her way through the camp. To the front of the camp was the largest of the tents, surrounded by a small army of guards. Leonetta swallowed hard, nerves rushing through her chest. This would be the first time she saw Osiris since the war, and the first time they would speak since before she left Avalon.

  As they approached the tent, the guards stepped to the side, allowing the Commander to plow through the opening. They stared down at Leonetta as she passed, one hand on the handles of their swords. The army was understood that the fae may appear young and harmless, but they harnessed a magic that could destroy cities when provoked.

  Leonetta stepped through the threshold of the tent and looked around, realizing Osiris hadn’t changed a bit. The tent was adorned with carpets, trinkets, and furniture, all reminiscent of the fae, and she had no doubt he had stolen then from the Vale port. The Commander reached out his hand and stopped her at the front of the tent before disappearing around a thin veil of fabric. She waited patiently, knowing Osiris loved drama and only wished to fuel her nerves. As the Commande
r reappeared, he motioned for her entrance into the secluded area. Leonetta stepped forward cautiously, though she felt no threat surrounding her.

  The thin, silky fabric waved with the breeze from the door as she turned the corner to face Osiris and Malaya. Osiris lounged back on piles of pillows while Malaya, dressed in tight, black leather and holding a sword, stood by his side. Leonetta followed tradition and bowed to the Avalon King, keeping her eyes fixed on Malaya.

  “Your Grace, thank you for seeing me,” Leonetta stated.

  “It must be something big if my failure of a daughter comes crawling into the Avalon camp,” Osiris said as he chewed on a grape.

  “I was hoping we could speak in private,” Leonetta replied, staring at Malaya.

  “No need. Malaya is my most trusted advisor,” Osiris stated, brushing off the request. “Now, speak your mind and get out.”

  “I am sure Your Grace is aware of the danger both realms are currently in,” Leonetta said, ignoring Malaya’s snide smirk. “The dead King is visible even from here.”

  “The dead King has been gone for centuries. Surely, you didn’t think a little magic would fool me?” Osiris said laughing.

  “Perhaps your most trusted can enlighten you since she is the dead King’s bride to be,” Leonetta stated, lifting her eyebrows. “Malaya is not your ally, Your Grace.”

  “She lies,” Malaya hisses.

  “She made a pact with King Osharus just a moon’s cycle ago,” Leonetta said, bringing her hands back together. “She was to be our ally and spy on you, but it seems we have both been fooled.”

  “Where is your proof, you foolish imp?” Malaya said, stepping forward and grasping her sword.

  “Now, now, Malaya. The fae Princess only wishes to cast doubt in my mind, hoping it will impede the coming war against the Cascading Seas,” Osiris replied.

  “Your Grace, that is not my intention. Malaya or not, Osharus is prepared,” Leonetta stated calmly. “But the dead King poses a threat greater than our quarrel. He will destroy you and everyone else if we do not bind together.”

  “Fight alongside you? That is preposterous,” the King bellowed. “Why don’t you ask your boyfriend, Holland, what he thinks since he came running back to you?”

  “Running back to me? I would never have seen his face if it weren’t for his body arriving in Osharus,” Leonetta snapped.

  “His body? Well, he must have had more enemies than I thought,” the King said unapologetically.

  “Malaya, why don’t you tell the King how you plunged a dagger into your lover’s stomach and left him to die? Why don’t you tell him how you ran off to make love on the beach just to turn around and murder his Commander?” Leonetta said, stepping toward Malaya.

  “It is true, Your Grace,” Malaya responded, putting her hands up to explain, seeing the change of expression on the King. “He was going to run to her and tell our secrets. He was going to get us all killed. I tried to talk some sense into him, but it was like she bewitched him. I did what I did for this kingdom.”

  “You see,” the King stated after a long pause, “she is my most trusted for a reason. Do what needs to be done. Now if there isn’t anything else, then my Commander will see you back out.”

  “Yes, Your Grace,” Leonetta stated through gritted teeth before turning toward the Commander.

  “Oh, and Leonetta, next time you come here, you won’t leave with your head,” the King said calmly.

  Osiris watched as Leonetta clenched her fists and was escorted out by his Commander. He sat silent for a moment before standing to his feet and adjusting his sword. Malaya stepped toward the King and opened her mouth to speak. Osiris leaned back and slapped Malaya hard across the face. She grabbed her cheek and looked at him with shock.

  “If you ever lie to me again, I’ll have your head,” he stated before walking forward and out of the tent.

  Malaya stood among the pillows for a moment, wrapping her head around what just happened. Her shock quickly began to change, and what was irritation grew quickly into rage. She burst from the tent and made her way through the camp, angrily tossing soldiers to the side to clear her path. She stomped out of the site and into the field beyond the camp, energy building inside of her. Malaya replayed the slap over and over in her head, her rage reaching a boiling point. She slammed her fists against her legs and her vision went black.

  Moments later, her vision returned, and she grabbed around her in confusion. She felt a steady shoulder and focused in on Alfontus standing next to her. Malaya looked around her at her surroundings, realizing she was no longer in the field, but instead, she was standing on the mountain next to her brother. The heat washed over her quickly, and she stuttered for her words.

  “Well, that’s a new talent,” Alfontus said, stabilizing his sister. “It seems – and I noticed this last time we met – you are acquiring some new magic.”

  “But how?” Malaya stated, looking at her hands and body.

  “Ghede. You are his mate, and as he grows stronger, so do you,” Alfontus replied. “You are connected now more than ever, my dear.”

  Malaya watched as Alfontus moved his arm across her and placed his hand on her belly. At that moment, she could feel the energy surging through her body and realized that the dead King’s baby lived inside of her. Both power and fear ran quickly through her as she grasped her belly, curious of what beast sat growing inside of her. She realized all the pain, sadness, and confusion all made sense; she was growing a future King as they spoke.

  “Don’t be fearful, my dear,” Alfontus said, responding to the look on Malaya’s face. “That child is as much you as it is him.”

  “But we never…” Malaya whispered.

  “Made love? Of course not, silly. The dead King is too powerful for such human rituals,” Alfontus laughed, looking out over the dead army. “He chose you, sister, to carry on the legacy of our power. And rightfully so, I think.”

  “Will I be able to fight?” Malaya asked.

  “Of course, this child is no normal child. You are channeling his and your King’s great powers,” Alfontus explained. “If anything, you will be more vicious in battle.”

  “This war is of grave importance, and now, more than ever, do I wish to see the Avalon King burning in the fires of Pero Peaks,” Malaya spoke with assertion and anger. “The fae may think they can protect this world from our King, but they will shortly find that no mermaid, wizard, or magic can defeat what has risen from the ashes of the gods themselves.”

  Malaya stepped forward toward the edge of the cliff and levitated into the air. The wind swirled around her with might, and lightning began to strike the rocks above. With the dead King watching from the peaks, Malaya embraced her new fate and began to pull the power she could feel inside of her. The Queen of the Dead was born, the seed of the dead growing in her belly, and bloodlust surging through her heart.

  Chapter Ten: Visions and Death

  Holland’s breathing had slowed to a normal rate, and the heat of his dragon had returned. His skin was hot and clammy, but that was normal for a shifter. Leonetta watched each breath as Holland’s chest rose and then fell, his enchanted state of sleep helping him to heal. Leonetta reached over and pulled the blanket down and peeled back the bandage over his wound. She looked at his skin curiously as it had been completely healed, and she could not figure out why he would still be asleep, as the enchantment was cast to wear off when the healing was done. Worried that there were unknown wounds, she looked over his torso and legs, carefully moving him so as to not cause any further injury. When she found nothing, she sat back down and pressed the bandage back over where the dagger was once placed.

  As Leonetta began to pull her hand back, fright hit her chest, and she looked down at Holland, who had reached up and grabbed her wrist, his arms no longer restrained. He slowly turned his head toward her and opened his eyes, a small smirk developing on his mouth. She looked at him and waited for an explanation. />
  “It is healed,” he whispered. “However, you can continue to play doctor if you’d like.”

  Leonetta pulled her hand back and clutched them together in her lap. She looked at him angrily, wanting to laugh but knowing she couldn’t give in to his charm. Holland chuckled at Leonetta’s response, seeing the look in her eye he once saw when they were young. She scoffed and stood up, turning to walk away.

  “Wait, don’t go,” Holland said, grabbing her wrist. “I’m sorry. I was just trying to lighten the mood.”

  Leonetta turned and pried her wrist from his hand, pushing the chair away from the table and sitting down carefully. Holland took a deep breath and lifted himself into a sitting position, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed to face Leonetta. Her eyes sparkled at him, though her face showed no expression. She had become a master of avoidance, blocking out any feelings other than duty and realm.

  “I remember everything,” Holland stated. “The beach, Malaya, the knife, Alfontus – everything. My mind is so very clear. Every conceived notion of anger and pain feels like it has been washed away. I can see the truth.”

  “When I started healing you, I didn’t just feel your physical pain, I felt all of your pain,” Leonetta spoke quietly, bringing her hands together in her lap. “I knew if you woke with such intense emotion it would be hard for you to see the truth, so I healed that pain with the rest.”

  “Leonetta,” Holland said, leaning forward and taking her hand in his, “I realized something, something I’ve known all along. I love you. I still love you, and I will, here and now, pledge my eternal devotion to you.”

  “It’s not that simple,” Leonetta snapped, pulling her hand back and standing. “Things are different now. Not only has so much been done and said between us, I now have an obligation to the fae, and that obligation goes beyond policy.”

  Tears started to form in Leonetta’s eyes, and she took in a deep breath as she heard someone approaching. She kept her back to the door as Ardontis turned the corner, stopping suddenly when seeing the look on Holland’s face. Leonetta wiped the tears from her face and turned toward the Faith.


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