Guardian Angel

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Guardian Angel Page 13

by Becky Harmon

  “If we left by seven and you spent less than an hour there we could be back by dark.”

  “I can make that work,” Ellie said agreeably. “I wouldn’t want to be out after dark anyway.”

  “I’d like to be back in Nouakchott as close to five as possible. You won’t have much time to play with.” She typed a few notes to help her remember later when she drew out the plan with Miller.

  “I really appreciate this.”

  She looked up from her tablet and gave Ellie a reluctant smile. “I can see how important it is to you.”

  “Do we need to talk about what happened earlier?” Ellie asked quietly, leaning forward to place her cup on the coffee table.

  Angel was in no way ready to talk about the disconcerting kiss. Even now she could feel the invisible tether pulling her closer to Ellie. She needed time to process what she felt, but most of all she needed time to figure out how she could keep it from happening again. She couldn’t allow any distractions especially now with this upcoming trip. Her heart sank as she realized the distance she needed to put between them.

  “I won’t call it a mistake because that would be wrong, but I will say it can’t happen again.”

  Ellie nodded, but her disappointment was obvious.

  “I’d like to have marine drivers and maybe a few for security if Miller can spare them. Three cars with you in the middle.” She was already planning a call to Vince to see if she could pull members from Sarah’s team. Reducing the security at the embassy wasn’t a good idea, and neither was traveling through the countryside without enough protection.

  “It’s best to use local drivers especially when leaving the city.”

  “Normally that would make sense, but with the current situation I want all the extra protection we can get for you.”

  “If we use local drivers, then the marines can focus on security.”

  She sighed. Everything was a negotiation with Ellie. She stood. “We can go over more specifics tomorrow after I have a chance to talk with Miller.”

  “Okay.” Ellie said, pausing for a second as she studied Angel. A flirtatious grin spread across her face that made Angel’s blood rush through her veins.

  She glanced away, bracing for Ellie’s words.

  “And there’s no wiggle room to negotiate for that next kiss?” Ellie teased.

  It would be easier to give in to Ellie’s request than to fight it, but she pushed back anyway. Fighting against what would inevitably bring a conflict of conscience. “You’re living in a country that would sentence you to death for that type of action.”

  “Not a Western diplomat. Besides, change is why I’m here. The LGBT group we started is recognized by the government and has already met with them several times. This is one of those issues that I can help make a difference with.”

  “I certainly give you credit for your desire to make things better here, but it’s a long way from being a reality,” she said.

  “Are we back to everything’s black and white again? I don’t see things the way you do. I see the possibility of a better future.”

  “The task seems daunting, but your ambition is admirable.” She couldn’t stop the words of honesty, but she hoped she softened the blow with her praise.

  Ellie smiled and she returned it before quickly leaving the room. They were back on good terms again, and she didn’t want another debate to force them apart again. Her words might be unwavering, but it was getting easier to believe in Ellie’s ability to make change.

  * * *

  Ellie took a sip of her tea and rested her head against the back of the couch. Angel was a tempting distraction. The kiss between them had not only been demanding, but held a promise of something more. She wanted that something more, even though Angel was partially correct in her assessment of Ellie’s current situation. Being a diplomat wouldn’t protect her from a public scandal if the truth of her feelings were revealed. But the lure of Angel’s kiss, she realized, was not something she could resist­, or even wanted to.

  She was surprised that Angel had agreed to her trip as well as allowing Gina to go to the fish market. Though her words were still the same, she was seeing a change in Angel. She hoped Angel was starting to see a country filled with potential like she did. She found it appealing to see that Angel had a much deeper, softer side. She did wonder, though, if their kiss had any influence on Angel’s change of decision.

  * * *

  Angel answered her cell phone and listened as Eric relayed the details of what they were facing. She was pleased to hear that only the family and other fishermen were there. The missing fisherman had been found and rescued from the water. Eric felt that they would be able to return shortly. She told him to call on his way back so she could meet him at the gate.

  She considered hitting the gym, but she didn’t want to be in the middle of a workout when Eric called. She had texted Miller about the site visit, and he suggested they meet tomorrow. He would be stuck in teleconferences with his superiors for the rest of the day. She climbed the stairs to the roof and lay down on her stomach beside Rodriquez.

  “Afternoon, Tag,” he mumbled without moving his eye from the scope of his rifle.

  She pulled a pair of compact binoculars from her side cargo pocket and zoomed in on the man across the street. He was looking up at her with an icy stare, and she felt the cold reach all the way to her toes. “This is a new guy. How long has he been there?”

  “Arden said he came in about eight this morning. Didn’t he send you a pic?”

  She rolled on her side and slid her phone from her front pocket. Two messages. Both had arrived while she was distracted with Ellie. As she remembered Ellie’s touch warmth flushed through her, thawing the ice from seconds before. Giving in to the thoughts for only an instant before pushing them aside, she brought her attention back to the issue in front of her.

  She tapped on the e-mail icon. The first was from Arden. She stared at the photo he’d taken of the man who was sitting on the wall across the street. The second was background details from Sarah, and she read out loud for Rodriquez to hear.

  “New guy is identified as an American. Craig Shepherd. He’s lived in Nouakchott for the last three years on a temporary work visa. Last year, he married a Mauritanian woman. No, a child. Thirteen years old. No record of where he works.” Angel frowned at the disconnection.

  Rodriquez voiced her concern. “How can he be here on a work visa with no record of where he works?”

  “Imad Abadi has been on the dayshift since we arrived almost two weeks ago. Why a new guy now?”

  “Maybe he was busy today.”

  Why today? Why were they switching things up on the day she had given in to Ellie and was distracted by their kiss? Her phone vibrated with a text.

  “Eric’s on his way back. Let me know if Shepherd leaves or does anything different than Abadi.”

  Rodriquez grunted, and she took that as acknowledgment. She detoured past her room and strapped on her pistol before making her way to the entrance gate. Things were changing. She could feel it. She didn’t expect any problems at the gate, but it eased her anxiety to be prepared. She was glad to know Rodriquez would be watching too.

  She watched the crowd part as Eric’s Toyota maneuvered up to the gate held open by one of the marine guards. She breathed a sigh of relief when it was closed without any problems.

  “It was all smooth,” Eric said as he climbed out to meet her.

  The vehicle continued into the garage. They followed it as Eric continued his summary.

  “She greeted people and wrote down their information to file a formal complaint with the government. She said none of it has helped yet, but they’ll keep doing it. She has a couple of grants that she hopes to pull from to help the fisherman replace his boat. We were all relieved when they spotted him in the water. I’m gonna catch a few hours of sleep before my shift. Need anything?”

  Angel shook her head. “Thanks for making the trip.”

noticed an email from Sarah. Was she able to identify the new man on the wall?”

  “Yes, I’m on it. We have more to talk about too. I’ll be escorting the ambassador outside the embassy on Monday.”

  Eric frowned, and she held up her hand to stop his questions.

  “Get some sleep and I’ll fill you in tomorrow.”

  Eric headed for his room in the barracks, and Angel climbed the stairs to her room. She removed her weapon and cleaned it before storing it again. Changing into workout clothes, she headed for the gym. Running helped her clear her head and today that was exactly what she needed.

  With her tablet propped up beside her, she occasionally glanced at Ellie’s blinking light. It gave her comfort to know Ellie was two floors below and safe in her office. She forced her mind to focus on their upcoming trip instead of the silkiness of Ellie’s skin or the demanding way her tongue had teased the edges of her mouth. After an hour on the treadmill, she worked her way through a few of the weightlifting machines. Her muscles were sore and aching, but her mind still raced with sketchy details on a risky trip and a whole lot of questions.

  What would happen when the ambassador left the embassy? Would the embassy be more or less at risk? Would the crowd follow them? She knew the security team would do their best to keep the departure of the ambassador quiet, but word would spread. She returned to the treadmill, setting it on a slow pace as she dialed Vince.

  “Any changes?” Vince asked without a greeting.

  “We have an American in the mix now. Craig Shepherd. Did Sarah copy you on the email?”

  “She did. What’s your take?”

  “I think they’re preparing for something.” She hesitated before continuing. Vince would never question her decisions, but she felt guilty for giving in to Ellie. “I’ve approved the ambassador to take a trip outside the embassy on Monday.”

  Vince was silent, and she wasn’t sure if he was upset or only concerned. She quickly continued.

  “She has a visit to the solar panel plant that’s under construction that she feels is extremely important. It’s only a day trip, but I’d like to pull in Sarah’s team to assist. Either to accompany me or to cover for the marines I’ll be taking.”

  “And Ellie agrees?”

  “We haven’t discussed it.”

  “Get her approval and then do it.”

  “And if she won’t approve?”

  The silence seemed to stretch forever before Vince finally spoke. “Do whatever you feel is necessary.”

  “Got it.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Angel bit into the greasy cheeseburger as she waited for Sarah to answer.

  “What’s up, boss?” Sarah asked.

  “It’s time. Begin preparations to come in.”

  “The ambassador agrees?”

  Angel dropped the burger back on her plate. The short-order burger had been the only option in the café. On a good day this would be a hard meal for her to consume, but today her stomach churned with uncertainty. She wasn’t looking forward to another debate with Ellie.


  “Vince says do what needs to be done.”

  “I’m on it. Oh, and we couldn’t find anything on Farook. He’s been working at the embassy for almost ten years.”

  “Okay, thanks. Focus on packing up.”

  She tossed her phone on the table and glanced around the dining room. The area was empty except for a few of the younger crowd that had already drifted in for their Friday night gathering. She knew she had taken liberties with the translation of what Vince had said, but her mind was made up. She would discuss it with Ellie in a few minutes at their evening briefing, but her response didn’t really matter. It was a safety concern for everyone inside the embassy.

  She and her team had been in Nouakchott for almost two weeks. It was hard to believe she had only known Ellie for that long. Even with their disagreements, she felt closer to her than anyone she had ever met. Ellie was stubborn and opinionated, exactly the kind of woman she would normally avoid. And she had tried. Though maybe not as hard as she should have.

  For so many reasons, Ellie was irresistible, but she was going to have to do everything in her power to admire her from a distance. It would be hard after the heart-stopping kiss they had shared. Especially since Ellie had made it clear she wanted more. It would take mental and physical ability to be the strong one from now on. More than her integrity was on the line. Ellie’s life and those of many others were in her hands.

  She dumped the remainder of her burger into the trash and made her way to Ellie’s office. Stressful assignments were normal for her, but fighting a desire that threatened to consume her was uncharted territory. She didn’t allow herself to have feelings for women and certainly not women involved in an assignment. She mentally strengthened her resolve as she walked, ticking through the possibilities of what could happen if she wasn’t at the top of her game.

  She groaned internally as she stepped to the open doorway of Ellie’s office. The overhead lights were off and the lamp behind the couch barely lit the seating area. She paused for a second as her eyes adjusted to the dim lighting.

  “Join me?” Ellie’s voice was soft, slicing through Angel’s barely formed willpower.

  Ellie reclined against the back of the couch with both legs curled under her, her shoes discarded on the floor in front of her. Angel could feel Ellie’s eyes on her as she crossed the room and took a seat opposite her. One glance told her all she needed to know. The green eyes were still filled with desire. Keeping physical distance was the only chance she had to resist the unspoken invitation.

  She quickly filled Ellie in on the American who had joined the men outside. She stood when she finished, simultaneously relieved and disappointed that Ellie had remained in her seat, not even asking her to stay. The tea tray on the coffee table was untouched and she wondered if she was misreading the signs. Maybe Ellie was expecting someone else. Giving herself no time to waver, she turned and left. She preferred to think that Ellie was making an effort to honor her earlier request.

  As she made her final rounds for the night, she glanced up at Ellie’s window. Was Ellie watching? She couldn’t tell. There didn’t appear to be any light inside, but according to her tablet Ellie was still in her office. She made her way to the communications room and pulled up the live feed that focused on the street. Shepherd still sat on the wall. His head occasionally dipped in a random pattern as he dozed. It was almost midnight and he had now pulled the longest shift of any of the supervisors.

  Although her bed was calling, she knew sleep wouldn’t come. Between haunting thoughts of her lips on Ellie’s and the change of events outside, there was no need to even try. Telling herself it was only for security purposes, she opened the embassy map on the next monitor. Ellie was safe in her office. She watched the blinking light pace the length of the office and then back again. In her mind, she could see the determined look on Ellie’s face.

  Knowing she should be focusing on Shepherd, she let visions of Ellie take over her subconscious. She ran scenarios in her head on what it would take to clear Ellie from her mind. The option she liked the best was to give in to the desire and let it fill her. Then she could move past it. She allowed herself to explore that idea for a few minutes and the thrill of it made her pulse race. She could feel Ellie’s body beneath her fingertips and the weight of her breasts in her cupped palms.

  Even as she envisioned the fantasy of pleasing Ellie, she was surprised to realize she longed for more than a sexual romp. She wanted it all. Waking up with her, holding her at night, and sharing conversation. She had never considered sharing her life with anyone. Moving on to the next mission was the only thing she had really cared about.

  She stood. If she continued allowing these thoughts, she would find herself at Ellie’s door. Focus.

  “Can I get a printed copy of this photo?” she asked the marine on duty, pointing to the feed of Shepherd on the monitor.

a few keystrokes the whir of the printer across the room sounded. She grabbed the photo, thanked the marine, and left the room. She was happy to allow something else to occupy her thoughts, but it required a conscious effort to keep visions of Ellie away.

  At the guardhouse, she gave the picture to the marines on duty with Eric and asked that they notify her immediately if Shepherd should approach the gate. She filled Eric in on the orders she had issued to Sarah earlier. Thankfully, Sarah had been focused on the mission at hand and not delved into her relationship with the ambassador. Being pressured to put her feelings into words wouldn’t help right now.

  She didn’t normally discuss stuff like that with her team anyway. Sure, she talked with them about emotions they might have related to missions, but never about feelings unrelated to their work. She processed such things internally and that was how she would process her interest in Ellie. She would keep pretending Ellie had no effect on her and concentrate on her job.

  As she returned to the building, she couldn’t stop herself from glancing at Ellie’s window again. The dark glass pane still protected whatever it held behind it, but she could feel Ellie’s eyes on her. She wondered what Ellie would say if she showed up on her doorstep at midnight. She stepped into the shadow of the building and pulled out her tablet. Ellie’s light continued to make the trek back and forth across her office. Would Ellie believe she was only coming to find out what was making her pace?

  * * *

  Ellie stopped at the window after she walked the length of her office one more time. She had seen Angel’s GPS light in the communications room earlier and knew she wasn’t sleeping either. The change in behavior of the men outside had her worried. It worried Ellie too. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the only thing on her mind.

  In two days, she would travel to the solar panel farm. That would be interesting, but what she was looking forward to the most was the drive there. Angel would be confined in the vehicle with her. She wouldn’t be able to leave whenever the conversation wasn’t one she wanted to have. Ellie couldn’t wait for the opportunity to be alone with her. Well, except they would have a driver, of course.


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